Yours Book 3: Life Mastered (3 page)

BOOK: Yours Book 3: Life Mastered
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chapter three

The Gang is Here

After spending the better part of the afternoon, into the evening on the beach, we make our way back to the main area of the resort. Nick wants to have a quick drink with me before my presence is required at the villa for the bachelorette party I have been trying not to think about.

As we walk into the bar, loud laughter hits my ears. My eyes fall on our wedding party causing a ruckus. I shake my head in disbelief that there can really be so many good looking men in one room. All friends and all are confident in themselves. You can just feel the alpha aura oozing from them filling the air and taking over the mid-sized bar.

I beam and rush over when I see that Nellie and Wyatt have arrived. I didn’t realize how disappointed I had been with the possibility that they wouldn’t be making it. I wrap Nellie in a hug, and she squeezes me back.

“So Nellie is the only one you see,” Noah rumbles with a wide smile. I turn out of Nellie’s arms to see Noah, Bean, Braxton, and Ryan have come along as well.

“Oh my God,” I squeal. “What are you guys doing here. I thought you were on assignment, Noah.”

I am happy to see them all, but I hadn’t thought they would all come. Nick had said that Felix and Johnathan were the only ones that were coming for sure, but they would be here in the morning for the ceremony along with their parents.

Bean pulls me into a hug before the guys can get me into bear hugs. Noah and Braxton are the first to hug me, Ryan holds back at first looking between Nick and me. Finally, he flips Nick the bird and pulls me in for a hug. I am laughing hysterically when Nick pries me from Ry’s arms.

“I swear I’m going to let him kick your ass,” Wyatt laughs and slaps Ry in the back of the head.

Ryan shrugs, “He can try, but when Sephora watches me kick his ass, I’ll have my window to steal his girl. So bring it on Lincoln,” Ry scoffs.

I fold my arms across my chest. “Now Ryan, you have become one of my best friends. So I will forgive you not answering my calls, but if you touch my man I am jumping in, and you can blame your own brother for you getting your ass kicked by a girl,” I say with a sly smirk.

,” everyone jeers.

“She’s a keeper, Lincoln,” Noah howls with laughter.

“Don’t I know it,” Nick replies and pulls me into his arms against his chest.

Everyone starts to toss around jeers and easy banter. Nick just holds onto me swaying me in his arms. I am content in his hold as we enjoy the antics of our friends. Craig and Ryan start riling each other up and soon there is laughter filling the bar none stop.

Nick pulls a chair and takes a seat, pulling me into his lap. While the guys tease each other, us girls try to have little conversations in between laughing at this looney group of men.

Everyone looks so relaxed; you would never know we have other things going on in the background of our lives. I wish I could bottle this moment to have and hold forever. Especially when I look at Nick’s face and see how much his friends mean to him.

He looks so much younger and carefree right now. I could just imagine him in his twenties hanging out with his friends. I silently make a mental note to plan a few get togethers at our house once things died down.

“What are you thinking about,” Nick asks into the crook of my neck.

“We’re happy. I like it,” I turn to look at him to say.

“I like it, too,” Nick smiles. “You want that drink?”

“No, not really. I’m sure they are going to try to get me drunk later. My food from lunch hasn’t settled,” I say with a bit of a frown.

My stomach has been a little queasy since we made our way from the beach. Nick looks into my face, searching. He wrinkles his brows and brushes a piece of hair from my face.

“Maybe we should go back to the room. You haven’t gotten much sleep have you,” he runs his knuckles down my cheek.

“No, but I don’t want to go. We are having such a good time. Order your beer. We will stay just a bit longer. We still have a little while longer,” I say waving off his concern.

I do feel tired, which is to be expected since I didn’t sleep last night and only had a short nap after Nick let me up for air. I’m fine, I plaster on a smile to prove it to Nick. He eyes me suspiciously before relenting and ordering a beer for himself and some water and lemon for me.

We spend at least another hour with our friends, laughing and trading stories. I envy how much everyone around me has lived. It makes me realize I haven’t done much in my twenty-two years. Telling myself I will not let that become a new insecurity for me, I promise myself that when we get back home, I will start to do more things women my age do.

My head starts to throb a little, and I rub my temple. I curse my stomach because it has yet to settle either. I try my best not to let my discomfort show but really should know better by now.

“Hey, we’re going to head out. I want to have a little time with Sephora before I am banned from her presence,” Nick calls out to the group.

“Is that code for you are trying for one last quickie before the wedding,” Craig teases.

“Still not sure why I invited you,” Nick grumbles in Craig’s direction.

I lift to my feet grateful for Nick’s excuse. I really am having fun despite not feeling so great, but I think I have pushed myself a little too much as it is. The small throb in my head is starting to grow.

However, when I go to step forward, I feel my whole world tilt on its axis. It happens so quickly. I hear Nick call out my name behind me, but that is the last thing I register.



chapter Four

Let’s Wait

I blink my eyes open slowly. I know something is off right away. The last thing that comes to mind is being at the bar with all our friends having a good time. As my mind clears, I remember feeling faint and hearing a panic Nick calling out for me.

It is then that my eyes become focused, and Nick’s green eyes come into view. His face is a mask of concern as he reaches to wipe my forehead with a damp cloth. It is soothing and causes a sigh to slip from my lips.

Nick kisses my forehead gently, before reaching for a glass of water from the bedside table. That is when I realize that early morning light is peeking into the room from under the curtains. I shoot up in bed and look at the clock.

“Oh no, what happened,” I say through my dry lips.

“You fainted in the bar,” Nick says with a bit of a scowl on his face. “I shouldn’t have pushed your body the way I did yesterday. I knew you hadn’t slept. It was selfish of me.”

“Nick, don’t you dare. I probably shouldn’t have eaten that seafood or something. My stomach was bothering me,” I pout.

Nick cups my face and runs his finger over my lip. He looks to be in deep concentration. So many emotions cross his face. I can see his thoughts racing. His frown deepens, and he presses his lips. I know I am not going to like the next words that come out of his mouth.

“I think we should postpone the wedding,” he says firmly.

“Are you out of your mind,” I fold my arms across my chest. “No, Nick.”

“Sephora you fainted in my arms. Baby, you have been in and out of it for hours. I have nearly lost my shit a million times. We can get married another time. I want to get you home so you can see a proper physician,” Nick says in frustration.

“Nick, I’m fine. I just need a shower. We can still stick to the schedule. Babe, we have so many people here and on the way. We can’t cancel,” I plead.

“I don’t care who is coming. Your health is my main concern right now. I think we should wait,” Nick says firmly.

I get up from the bed and start for the bathroom without a word. If he thinks I am postponing this wedding, he is out of his mind. I feel fine. I hadn’t slept much yesterday and pushed myself to my limits. I should have come back to the villa for a nap when I started to feel off, but I will not cancel my wedding because of a stupid headache and a little stomach ache.

“Sephora what are you doing? Come back to bed. You need to drink this,” I turn to see Nick holding up a glass of water toward me.

I am thirsty. I turn and walk over to his side of the bed, reaching for the glass. I take it and start to chug it down realizing how thirsty I really am. Nick wraps his arms around my waist and rubs his hands up and down my back. However, when I finish the water I gently tug free and start for the bathroom again.

“Sephora,” Nick calls.

“Nick,” I say holding up my hand, but not turning to face him. “I will see you at the altar.”

I surprise myself with the authority and firmness in my voice. I hear Nick snort behind me, but I don’t turn around. I head right into the bathroom for my shower, but like the punk I am, I do close and lock the door.

After my shower, I step out and stand before the mirror. I feel better than yesterday. I was probably dehydrated.
I’ll be fine
There is nothing that will stop this day from happening.

I half expect to see Nick sitting on the bed when I reenter the bedroom, but who I do find is ten times worse. I have to say my mother has been trying, but she is the one that has turned into Bridezilla during the planning of this wedding. It is official, my mother is nuts.

I step into the room to find her sitting at the foot of the bed. Her eyes roam over me in a way only Faraz can pull off. I know she is taking in every inch of me, assessing, and for once it doesn’t make me twitchy. I stand proudly with my head up and my shoulders back. I don’t even reach to fidget with the towel I have wrapped around me.

This is my wedding day and no one, and I mean no one is going to ruin it for me. I go to tell my mother just that, but she lifts her hand to halt me. I cross my arms over my chest.

“I have not come to fight with you. Nick doesn’t like it, but he has gone to get ready for the wedding,” my mother says with a soft smile. Her eyes roam over me again. She opens her mouth to speak once more, but then she closes it.

“What is it? What do you want to say,” I huff.

“It is nothing that can’t wait. We’ll have that talk soon enough I am sure,” she tilts her head at me. “Did Nick agree to the cliff jump?”

“Yeah, he did,” I reply.

“Are you sure you still want to go through with it. I mean, it may not be wise. You did faint,” my mother says cautiously.

My hackles go up right away. Faraz does not do cautiously. I narrow my eyes at my mother. She knows how bad I wanted to get Nick to jump the cliff with me. It isn’t a huge jump really. I think that is what is making me so brave in the first place. It is enough of a cliff to have me a little apprehensive, but not high enough to totally freak me out.

“I’ll be fine. I think I was just a little dehydrated no big deal,” I shrug.

“Yes, this is probably true. That is what the doctor Nick brought in last night said, but as a precaution–,” this time, I hold my hand up to stop her.

“I am not changing a thing, Mom. Is the glam squad here? Can we start to get me ready,” I ask signaling the end of this discussion.

Mom gives me the side-eye for a full minute and looks as if she is going to go all the way in on me, but she restrains herself and with a sigh she stands. She walks over to me and cups my cheek. I look up into her eyes. I didn’t get mom and dad’s height like Luke and Ettie did. I feel like a small child for a moment as I look up at her.

“You are just as stubborn as always. Just promise me, if you are not feeling well, Lilla du, you with call off the jump,” mom says will sincere worry in her eyes. I am almost tempted to call it off now.

“Okay,” I say softly, not wanting to start crying already.

“I love you, Sephora. I may not show it as often as I should, but I do. I am very proud of you,” Mom kisses my cheek and pats it. She steps back and claps her hands. “Let’s get you ready.”

The doors to the master suite fly open on cue, and the room fills with activity. It all instantly becomes real that I am about to get married. I suck in a deep breath and shake out my hands.
Oh My God, I am going to marry Nicholas Lincoln. This is really happening.





chapter Five

I Do

I couldn’t have asked for a better day to get married. The sky is so clear and blue. The light island breeze is enough to cool our skin to bring a level of comfort under the warm sun. Beautiful birds fly by in the sky, making this day feel magical.

I don’t think I have ever smiled this hard in my life. I look at Luke and beam up at my big brother. I am so glad he agreed to walk me down the aisle. I may rant about Luke and his controlling ways, but he has been the best brother a girl could ask for. I love him with all my heart.

Just think, if Nick wasn’t Luke’s best friend I may have never met him. I am grateful to my brother for so much. My eyes fill with tears as I think of all that he has done for me.

Luke’s grey eyes search my face as he smiles back down at me. “Oh come on, Lilla du. No more crying. You are so gorgeous, I didn’t think my little sister could become any prettier, but you are just breathtaking today, Sophi,” Luke says through a voice suspiciously thick with emotion.

“I’m just so happy Luke, and I have you to thank for that. I know you didn’t want me with Nick, but I am so happy that you allowed me to make my own decisions and find love. I owe so much to you, Lukie,” I choke out.

Luke pulls me into his arms for a tight hug. “I will always be here for you. No questions asked, no hesitation, you just say the word, and I will come running. You, Sephora mean the world to me. I’m so proud of the beautiful woman you have become. It takes a special woman to turn the head of a man like Lincoln, and an even more special one to change a man like him into a better version of himself,” Luke pulls away and kisses my forehead. “I don’t know two people who deserve to be happy more than you two.”

“Thanks, Lucian,” I sniffle and blink back tears.

Luke turns to look out towards the scene unfolding in front of us. Kimmie and Ettie have finally reached the altar. I take a deep breath as the music changes, and I lock eyes on the one person that I would turn this world inside out for. It looks like he is standing in the clouds, like the god he is and was always meant to be.

Nick looks so handsome in the grey linen shirt and pants we chose together while on facetime. His golden brown hair is blowing in the light breeze making him look like a model that has just stepped out of an add.

I take a ragged breath and finger the sheer lace of the skirt of my dress. My ridiculously expensive dress. It is stunning and took my breath away from the moment I saw it. It is simple but elegant.

The dress is everything I have never thought myself to be, with its beaded cap sleeves that delicately drape my shoulders. The sheer lace of the dress clings to me as it flows over my body into a floor length sheer sheath. The gown is backless with a tasteful V-neck. It hints at my curves and brown skin in all the right ways. Not over the top but settle and elegant in every way.

When I see the intensity in Nick’s eyes even from this distance, my tummy drops. I know I have done well with the gown. I love that the stylist while pinning my hair away from my face and neck left the large curls in a soft style. Soft wisps of hair frame my temple and nape.

I feel beautiful in a way I never have before. Suddenly, unable to wait another minute, I wrap my arm around Luke’s and give him a gentle squeeze to let him know I am ready. My heart is pounding as we start forward. Nick’s gaze never leaves me, and only becomes more intense as I grow closer and closer to him.

His right fist is balled tight at his side. I know that to be a sign that he is restraining himself from moving forward. I totally understand. I can feel the pull that is drawing us together. If Lucian weren’t holding on so tight to me, I would lift this dress and run right into Nick’s arms.
Yup, there was no way I was waiting any longer to marry this man.

After what seems like forever I make it to the alter. I barely register Luke actually declaring that he indeed is giving me away to this gorgeous man, standing before me. What I do notice, however, is the sparkle in Nick’s green eyes as he searches my face.

He reaches to thumb away the one disobedient tear that spills over onto my cheek. I turn my face into his palm. Nick shakes his head as if to clear it.

“You are so stunning,” he breathes. “If I had to relive a moment over and over again it would be this one. Getting to see the love of my life come to me looking like an angel. I can barely breathe; I love you so much.”

“I love you, too,” I whisper.

“How are you feeling? Are you ready,” Nick asks nervously searching my eyes once again.

“Yes, I’m fine, Nick, now marry me,” I beam up at him.

Nick throws his head back and laughs. “So impatient my little butterfly,” he chuckles. He lifts his hand to finger the butterfly on my collar. “Forever mine.”

“Forever and always yours,” I whisper back.

I giggle inwardly as I think of the disdain on my mother’s face as she tried to talk me into taking my necklace off for today. Little does she know the necklace only makes today that much more special to both Nick and I.

Nick places his hand on the small of my back and turns me toward the altar. My smile widens when I see Kimmie’s dad standing before us. I didn’t think Kimmie would be okay with her dad doing the wedding. Pastor Clove hasn’t always been at the top of Kimmie’s happy moments. Her father is known to be stern and from what Kimmie says controlling.

I have seen how Kimmie’s mom softens him up when it comes to Kimmie. Honestly, I think he is taking the pregnancy really well. He was all smiles for Kimmie and Luke yesterday during rehearsal. I shrugged it off because Kimmie’s dad has always liked Lucian. I guess he has hopes for him and Kimmie.

I watch the light brown man before me smile at me, with the pride I used to dream I would see on my father’s face, the day I got married. Kimmie’s dad has always been supportive towards me. He was there for me when Kimmie told him my dad died. He had started to call and check on me weekly just like he did with Kimmie.

I look around at the people who have come to support us today and then I look back at Nick. For so long I have felt like an outsider. I’ve felt alone and unwanted at times. Now, as I look around me, I see that I never really noticed the love and support that I have always had. It has only grown in the last few years of my life.

I take a shaky breath as my eyes start to fill again. I am overwhelmed by the love I feel surrounding me. Everyone here is special to either Nick or me and some to both. Invites were not wasted on people that would only want to come to be nosey. I feel a little ping in my chest as I think of the one person that I wanted here but didn’t know how to ask.

Nick wrinkles his brows as he watches every nuance of my face. He reaches for my hand and squeezes it, then he nods towards the guests seated behind me. I turn my head slightly and sitting in the back is the person I had just been thinking of.
Oh my God, and is that Bailey?

I smirk as Mark wiggles his brows at me. It is the first time that I have seen that carefree smile of his in months. And to see the waitress from Smoke and Sheets, sitting beside him. I turn to Nick and mouth,
“Thank you.”
I know he had a hand in this. I just couldn’t bring myself to invite Mark after our last fight. I wanted to, I just didn’t know how.

I also know Nick had to remember me mentioning that I wanted to set Mark up with Bailey. This man is so amazing. It was a brief conversation after a brief encounter, but Nick pays attention to details. I know there was a selfish part of him that probably hooked Mark up, to keep his interest off of me.

I’d shared with him a few weeks ago how I missed Mark and all about our little blow up at the hotel. At that moment, despite feeling the love of our family and friends surrounding us, I only tap into Nick. For the rest of the ceremony, he is my sole focus.

I can’t believe this is my husband. The man who had believed in me before I knew how to do so myself. I was so messed up, but he didn’t let me get in the way of our love. He came for me each time I tried to get in our way.

At times, I think he knows me so well that I don’t have to talk for him to get me or understand what I am thinking. Most times when he does ask he is asking for me to hear my words out loud so that I can hear the answers to my own questions. I love that Nick allows me to be me and to make mistakes, but he also helps me to learn from them.

I think that is what love should be. We should be able to grow from and through each other. Support each other in any way we can. I regret putting myself and Nick in danger, but I don’t regret trying to help him. I will always be there for him.

I blink out of my trance as Nick’s voice rumbles two words as he slips the wedding band on my finger. “I do,” Nick’s voice rasps.

“Sephora, will you cherish Nick as your lawful wedded husband, protect his interests, and tending to his needs through all aspects of his life, through both joy and disappointments,” Pastor Clove’s voice rings out in question to me.

We changed the words up a little, but Nick and I both agreed we wanted to keep things as simple as possible. All the words we really need to say we have said or will say in private.

“I do,” I push out through my tight throat, and there have never been truer words. I slip the simple band on to Nick’s finger, and it all seems to fall into place. Nick doesn’t even give Pastor Clove a chance to finish the ceremony.

He cups my face and kisses me hard. One of his palms moves to the center of my back, holding me to his chest sealing me to him. He slants his mouth over mine and groans into my mouth as he deepens the kiss.

All of our guests burst into piles of laughter. I can do nothing but cling to Nick’s soft linen shirt. I am breathless when he pulls away. In his own time, I might add. Nick presses his forehead to mine, closing his eyes and I feel the shudder that runs through him.

“I have waited for this day for so long. I’m afraid I am going to wake up, and it won’t be real,” Nick whispers for my ears only.

I cup his jaw and kiss his cheek. “Open your eyes, Honey. This is real, and I am yours. I’m finally your wife,” I whisper back.

Nick’s green eyes open slowly. They are glossy and fill with so much love, and I realize that this is another moment to bottle and hold on to. The moment Nicholas Lincoln showed me his heart and his entire world in his eyes for truly the first time.




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