Yours Book 3: Life Mastered (2 page)

BOOK: Yours Book 3: Life Mastered
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Chapter One

Take Control


I can’t sleep. I hadn’t been able to fall asleep before Ryan’s text because I was so excited about Nick’s arrival. Now I can’t sleep because I am dreading it. I know in the back of my mind without a doubt that Nick knows. I am just praying that I am wrong.

A shiver of dread runs through me for the millionth time. My stomach is in knots. I reach to rub my queasy stomach as I stare up at the ceiling. Ugh, I hate spending time away from Nick. It seems something goes wrong every time.

I know I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. I reach for my phone and lift it to check the time. I groan and roll my eyes when I see that it is only five minutes from the last time I checked. It is a little after eight in the morning, and I haven’t gotten a wink of sleep. Nick will be here this afternoon. I think I may die from anticipation before Nick makes it here to kill me himself.

I think again about just calling Nick to ask if he knows, but he sounded so tired when we hung up. I don’t want to wake him. If I just wait a little longer, I can call him and make it seem as if I am calling to wish him a safe flight. Maybe then I can gauge his mood.

I sigh and slap the bed. I am more than frustrated right now. Last night I couldn’t sleep because I have been horny as hell and Nick demanded I not touch myself for relief.

I would so much rather the feeling I had last night than this sinking feeling; I have right now. I flip onto my stomach and bury my face into the pillow. What is the worse that could happen if he does know? I mean I can finally get this all off my chest, right.
He could spank you really good.
Now that… I may not mind.

Nick is crazy if he thinks I can really wait two more days for him to be inside me. His plan is to wait until after the wedding. I haven’t agreed to that, and before Ry’s text, I had plans to try and seduce Nick when he gets here.

Now I don’t think I want to be here at all when Nick arrives. He is going to lose his shit on me. I am screaming into my pillow on the verge of tears when the atmosphere changes in the room.

On instinct, I flip over and crotch in the center of the bed to protect myself. My fight instinct has been second nature since Noah has been kicking my ass. I have been taking a little mixed martial arts class on the island since I have been here. They have an instructor here at the luxury resort for the guests.

I know I must look like a crazy woman ready to attack, but I am sure I must look even more insane when I take in the form before me.
Shit, shit, shit, you are in so much trouble Sephora, way to go.

Standing before me is a very pissed off looking Nick. Sexy as hell but pissed none the less. I sigh and allow my body to relax, falling onto my backside. I lift my fingers to my forehead and rub at the tension that is building. I feel light headed all of a sudden.

The large master bedroom of the villa I have been staying in feels like it is spinning around. I pull my bottom lip into my mouth and close my eyes to still the room around me.
He knows he is here because he knows. Shit, shit, shit.

I open my eyes, and his intense green gaze locks on me. His head is tilted to the side as if he is studying everything about me. He is probably wondering who the heck I am. I have never kept anything from Nick. Honestly, I have never been able to. Nick always sees right through me. It is just that this time, he didn’t know to look.

I was able to hide this because there was no way in a million years, Nick would think that I would decide to become Jane Bond. I feel so sick and guilty. Suddenly, everything I have uncovered, everything I know means shit because I can see I have hurt him in the depths of his eyes. I screwed up big time.

Nick reaches for his tie and loosens it as he licks his bottom lip, still not saying a word. Usually, the sight would be a major turn on. I won’t lie, my body knows Nick is in the room. It is clearly reacting to him on its own. My brain, however, sees the raw emotion in his eyes that he is chosen not to shield from me.

“What the hell were you thinking,” Nick speaks his first words as he tilts his head to the other side.

“I–,” I start to explain, but Nick silences me by cutting a sharp hand across his neck.

“I don’t even want to hear it. I had six hours on a plane to reflect on what you have done. To think about how you looked me in the eyes and promised me that you would do as I say. You promised me you would let me keep you safe,” Nick says with a quiet calm that chills my bones. I wrap my arms around my middle and look away from him.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper.

“Sorry,” Nick claps and scoffs causing me to turn to look at him once again. “I get a call in the middle of the night, threatening your life and all you can say is, you’re sorry. What about me not being able to breathe without you, don’t you understand?”

Nick’s voice rises with each word as he pounds at his chest. I feel so small all of a sudden. I meant well. My intentions were right. I know in my heart I was doing the right thing to help the man I love, but right now I just feel like shit.

“Nick, I just wanted to help. I thought I was helping,” I stop talking as my brain catches up to his words. I can feel the blood drain from my face.
Someone threatened my life.

Nick tilts his head to the other side once again. “Oh, I see it is starting to sink in. You finally understand how serious this is,” he moves to the foot of the bed, removing his suit jacket and tossing it to the side. “Come here, Sephora,” Nick bites out.

My body obeys his command, but my brain is still reeling. I crawl to the foot of the bed and stop before him. This is not how I thought our reunion would be. My heart hurts and for the first time since I started prying I am really scared. Not the light fear I had that Nick would find out and be upset. I am afraid for my safety. I am afraid for Kimmie.
What have I done?

Nick cups my face between both of his hands. He stares into my eyes for a long moment as they fill with tears. When the first tear spills over, Nick wipes it away and presses his forehead to mine. He closes his eyes and inhales deeply.

Without opening his eyes, he starts to speak. “You haven’t a clue how much you really mean to me. I would cease to exist without you. I haven’t slept since you’ve been gone. I called Winston a million times a day to check on you. I’ve been out of my mind for the last twelve and a half days, and that was just with you in another country, not missing from this earth.

“Whatever, you have done, Sephora, has drawn too much attention to you, which means this genius mind of yours is probably closer to the truth than any of us have been in the last eight years. I know your heart, baby. I know you thought you were helping me, but you would be killing me if anything happened to you,” with that Nick opens his eyes and his lips are on mine.

On instinct, I wrap my arms around his neck and hold on tight. Nick’s tongue dives into my mouth when I gasp in surprise. He looks so pissed at me; I wasn’t expecting the kiss at all.

I feel and hear the rumble in his chest as he groans and growls into my mouth. He deepens the kiss, desperation, need, and passion meld together as he devours my mouth. My fingers slide up his neck and into his hair.

“I’m so sorry,” I whimper into his mouth when he pulls away slightly.

Nick runs his hands over my messy hair. “I’ve missed you so much,” he breathes.

“I missed you, too. Nick, I–,” I start.

“Don’t, Baby. I have had time to calm down on the flight. I’m still pissed as fuck at you, but now that I’m here none of that shit matters. I just need to hold you, and in another day I need to make you my wife,” he places a soft kiss to my lips. “I’ll take care of the bullshit later.”

“Do I get a spanking for misbehaving, Sir,” I tease, trying to lighten the mood.

Nick growls. “I should spank your ass, but you would like that too much. I have something else in mind,” Nick says with a wicked smile on his lips as he pulls the tie from around his neck. “Turn around, Butterfly. Face down hands behind your back.”




Chapter two


I am royally pissed, and I think I hate Nick right now. I would have much rather have taken a spanking over what he has done to me. I won’t even look at him right now. Not because I am so pissed off, but because I am so horny, I may black out and attack him.

Nick has the best mouth in the world. I don’t care if I have never had sex with anyone else. It doesn’t matter that I have nothing to compare him to. I know deep down in my soul that there isn’t a man in the world that could eat me the way Nicholas Lincoln can.

The things he has done to me since he has arrived are just…I have no words. The man is that talented, but to be so cruel as to punish me by way of torture. Yes, torture, that is what this is. Damn… fucking… torture.

Nick tied my wrists with his tie and then rip my thin tank top and panties from my body. He then used his mouth to reacquaint himself with every inch of me. Nick ate it all; I am shivering now just thinking about it.

It didn’t stop there. He had his fill of me while I was tied and at his mercy. When he was done, he carried my body into the shower with him where he untied me and dropped to his knees to start his oral assault all over again.

Yeah, that all sounds like the perfect morning and a great way to reunite with your man, but it was total bullshit because Nick didn’t let me come not once. Each time he would bring me right next to the edge like only he can do. Then he would just stop.

I feel like a caged mad woman. Just think, there are women out there that this happens to on a regular and not on purpose. I think I would snap at some point. I am on the verge of snapping now.

Nick’s laughter fills the air, and I turn to look across the room and glare. His boys arrived in time for the wedding rehearsal lunch. All except for Wyatt. Nick said he might be able to fly in, but things have changed, and he is needed back home.

Nick looks just as relaxed as ever, not a care in the world, while I stand here ready to explode. Want to know why? My sick fiancé couldn’t be happy enough with torturing me in our villa. No, the man is out for blood.

I am wearing this blue sundress that is perfect for this occasion. However, I am not wearing any panties. That’s right; my panties have been confiscated. In their place, Nick has conveniently placed a clamp to my clit that is attached to the chain of a toy that he has placed inside me.

Before I can think better of it, Nick catches me glaring at him from across the room. I bite my lip because I know what is coming. Sure enough, I look down to see his hand in his pants pocket at the same time I feel the pulsing inside my pussy. My eyes roll back, and I try to breathe.

“Shit,” I mutter under my breath.

I look up through my lashes and see Nick smirking at me across the room. He sends me a wink, and I have to bite back a scowl before he sends me another zap. Yup, I am pissed.

“Why in the world do you keep glaring at Nick like that,” Kimmie whispers in my ear. “I thought you two would be all over each other. You were so excited last night.”

“Well, that was before my asshole fiancé decided to torture me,” I snarl. I know I am snapping at the wrong person. This is not Kimmie’s fault.

Kimmie giggles and I change my mind about being remorseful for snapping at her. I look at her and glare. She covers her smile, but I can still see the mirth dancing in her eyes.

“What did you do this time,” Kimmie giggles.

“He knows,” I say simply.

All of the blood drains from Kimmie’s face, and her laughter dies in her throat. I know she knows exactly what I am talking about. I pinch my lips and look away. I don’t want to see the I told you so look on her face.

“He must be pissed,” Kimmie utters.

“Not a strong enough word for it, but yeah,” I sigh.

“But why are you so pissed,” Kimmie asks. I turn to her and see the confusion on her face.

I give her a pointed look as I shift on my feet. It takes a few moments, but I see when the light bulb goes off. Kimmie’s face lights up with recognition, and she throws her head back in a throaty laugh.

I snort and turn away from her crossing my arms over my chest. So much for her being a friend. I’m annoyed with her and Luke anyway. They have been driving me crazy since his arrival.

“Oh,” Kimmie gasps and I turn to her in concern. When I see her rubbing her belly, it is my turn to laugh.

“That’s right, Lilla. Get her for your auntie,” I coo.

“Hey, it’s not my fault Nick is onto you,” Kimmie grumbles.

“Whatever,” I huff.

I feel strong arms wrap around my waist, and I curse at myself for melting into him so easily. My body knows his so well and refuses to deny him in any way. Once Nick’s lips meet the sensitive skin of my neck, I nearly convulse. Nick chuckles darkly and nuzzles into my flesh.

“I’m letting everyone go to do their own thing for the rest of the night. I missed you, will you stop being so mad at me so we can spend time together? I want to hear all about our wedding tomorrow. You promised me you would tell me,” Nick murmurs against my skin.

“If you promise to stop touching me, I’ll think about it,” I pout.

“I will make no such promise, if you are a good girl I may let you come before I go to my room tonight,” Nick laughs.

I turn in his arms and look at him with confusion. “What do you mean go to your room,” I ask.

“Faraz says I have to disappear to my own room by nine p.m.,” Nick shrugs. “Something about the girls being in the villa for your bachelorette party and me not seeing the bride before the wedding,” Nick rolls his eyes.

I am really pouting now as I look up into his jade orbs. “But I just got you back. I don’t want to sleep another night without you,” I say as I poke my lip out.

“Not my rules, Baby. Faraz look like she meant business. So let’s not waste any more time. I want to hear all about what you haven’t told me already. You said you had a surprise for me,” Nick smiles at me.

“Okay, fine,” I relent.

Nick’s smile grows, and he cups my face. He doesn’t say a word at first. He just stares, and I stare back. His fingers brush my cheek, and I sigh into his touch. I can see in his eyes all the love he holds for me and again I feel guilty for not going to him, but I brush it aside. We can worry about all that when we get home. I try my best to push to the back of my mind that someone wants to take my life.

“Don’t think about any of that. I’ll take care of everything,” Nick whispers and again I am so happy to have someone that knows me inside and out. Nick is my true soulmate. He knows me better than I know myself. I love this man beyond words.

I lift on my toes and press my lips to his. “I love you,” I say softly.

“Let’s go,” Nick laces his fingers with mine and starts for the exit of the outdoor restaurant. Nick had it shut down for our rehearsal lunch.

All of my anger melts away as he wraps his arm around me and tugs me into his side. I can feel how relaxed and content Nick is right now, and it is enough to make me content. I sigh and rest my head on his chest.

We reach the beach, off the resort Nick kneels before me. He slips his hand under my sundress and cups my thighs right underneath my ass. His hand squeezes gently before he slides it down to my calf. I bite my lip as I stare into his eyes. Wordlessly, he taps my calf, and I lift my leg. Nick pulls off my shoe and repeats the same sensual move on the other leg.

He slips off his shoes and tosses both to the side. Nick has shut down most of the resort for the next two days, so I am sure we don’t have to worry about our things. Just thinking of all the preparation for tomorrow makes me giddy all over again.

Nick entwines our fingers again and leads us down the beach. “So what is this surprise you said you have for me,” Nick asks with a smirk.

I bounce on my toes and wrap my free arm around his. “First, you have to promise you will keep an open mind,” I say as I give him a pleading look.

Nick laughs, but gives me the side-eye. “Why do I have a feeling I may regret this,” he says cautiously.

“Humor me, babe,” I sigh.

“Fine, I promise to keep an open mind,” he relents with a smirk on the corner of his lips.

“Okay, so one of the girls that helped out with the wedding planning was telling us about this tradition they have here on the island. You’ve seen the cliff we are getting married on. There is a smaller cliff below it,” I turn to Nick and sway side to side as I look up at him through my lashes with puppy eyes.

“They say the couples that jump the cliff on their wedding day are bound together for life and have an everlasting love. That they continue to find each other lifetime after lifetime,” I take a deep breath and go for it. “I want to jump the cliff with you.”

Nick looks at me like I have just lost my mind. He presses his lips and searches my eyes as if he is trying to see if I am shitting him. I give him a small smirk.

“Sephora, you can’t be serious. You, yourself told me you are afraid of heights. I still can’t believe you planned our wedding on a cliff,” Nick shakes his head.

“I know, I know, I am scared of heights, but I am also scared of being a wife. I planned the wedding on the cliff because it is symbolic. That is why this jump is so important to me. It symbolizes that I am ready to jump into this with you, despite my fears. Please Nick,” I plead.

Nick runs the back of his knuckles down my cheek. “If this is what you want, this is what we will do. You don’t need to fear being a wife. I know you will be an amazing wife. You will be an amazing wife and mother to our children.

“And Sephora, we don’t need to jump from a cliff for me to know that I will follow you through time, realm, and spirit. I will follow you to the ends of the earth and into every life. There is no question about that. I will love you until the end of time and beyond,” Nick says with so much passion, tears well in my eyes.

I fling my arms around his neck and jump into them, peppering kisses all over his face. “Thank you,” I whisper against his lips.

Nick presses his lips to mine. It doesn’t take long before the kiss deepens and we are clinging to one and other. Nick breaks the kiss and looks in my eyes.

“Now for my first gift to you,” he says as he drops to his knees.

Nick pulls my dress up my waist, baring my flesh. He places a kiss to my bare mound. My lips part and I silently pray he is not playing with me again.

“Spread your legs for me,” he commands as his fingers slip over my clamped clit.

“Nick,” I cry out as a sharp burst of heat fills my belly and warms my entire body. My core feels so tight, and he has barely touched me.

I spread my legs, and his fingers find my folds. I am already slick with need. Nick hooks one of my legs over his shoulder. His fingers slip inside me, probing for the toy he placed inside me. I convulse against his hand, already wind so tight. The right touch and I will fall right over the edge.

I moan loudly when Nick slips the toy from inside me. He dips his head and laps at me, but pulls away too soon. I growl in frustration and Nick chuckles. Still, holding the toy, Nick locks eyes with me.

The intensity of the look in his eyes and the quick release of the clamp is all she wrote. The one leg I am still standing on nearly buckles. Nick places the toy in his pants pocket, then circles an arm around my waist to hold me up as he dives in and licks and sucks at my soaked lips.

I’m seeing stars from the orgasm I am finally allowed. My mouth is open on a silent scream as the one clamp induced orgasm turns into another and another. Nick doesn’t stop, however. He keeps sucking and slips two fingers inside me.

“Yes,” I hiss out as my hips ride his face.

Nick groans and tightens his hold on me as he inhales deeply and pushes his face further into my sex. I thread my fingers through his hair and hold on tight, as my body coils for a monster of a release.

It hits me so hard I literally howl and wonder who is making the sound until my brain reconnects and I realize it is me.
Holy fuck.

Nick lifts his head and looks at me with a smug smile. “You taste so good. Better than ever,” his brows wrinkle as if he is in awe. “I don’t know if it is because I missed you so much or because I know you are about to be my wife.”

I run my fingers through his hair as he places my leg back in the sand. I move in closer to him, and he presses his lips to my belly. He turns his head and rests his cheek there. I am still too stunned from that explosive release to say a word.

Just being held by him is enough. No words are needed and as if understanding just that, Nick shifts to sit in the sand and tugs me into his lap. We stare out at the ocean and after a while, Nick asks me to tell him more about the wedding, and I gush over all the things I have yet to tell him.

It is the perfect time, the perfect place, with my perfect man. I feel safe, loved, and cherished. It dawns on me that I am the happiest I have been in a long, long time. I don’t want it to end.


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