Yours Book 3: Life Mastered (11 page)

BOOK: Yours Book 3: Life Mastered
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chapter Nineteen



“What are you talking about, Mother,” Lucian turns to my mom.

“Greed is a powerful thing. So is selfishness. Dean Lincoln had both in spades. Forgive me for speaking ill of the dead. Shelly just went along with whatever he wanted. As a mother, I will never understand how she agreed to what Dean wanted.

“Liam and Dean were best friends at one point. They had grown up together. They did everything together. Liam had even dated Shelly first. Things weren’t right for them and eventually they broke things off, and Dean made his move.

“Liam never had any hard feelings about it, but I’m not so sure it was the same for Dean. When Dean took over FLI and Liam started his own company, they made a lot of the same moves. Liam never thought any better of it.

“If his friend recommended a business venture he thought was solid, Liam was in for it. He didn’t know that Dean was knowingly involving him in mob ties,” My mother pauses and gives a side glance towards Brooklyn. She nervously licks her lips and slides her hands down the front of her pants.

“When he did find out, he was livid, but it was too late by then. He was in too deep. Dean promised him that as long as they remained silent and successful they wouldn’t have any problems.

“And for years it remained just as Dean promised. That is until Shelly and Dean had trouble conceiving an heir. Dean wanted a son to take over everything someday.

“However, Dean’s pride had gotten in the way as well. He wouldn’t go to the specialist. He didn’t want to be told he was the cause of he and Shelly not conceiving. Shelly was depressed, and Dean had changed. He accused Liam and Shelly of having an affair. They weren’t.

“That is when Liam and I met. It wasn’t long before Liam asked me to marry him and then we were expecting you Lukie. We were so happy and excited. I guess Dean didn’t want to be bested so he finally agreed to IVF treatments.

“Shelly conceived on the first round. She was so happy. Well, she was happy until they found out that she was pregnant with triplets. Dean was pissed. He was adamant that he only wanted one child. One son to pass his empire to.

“I personally thought it was crazy. I mean what if all three babies were girls? Liam tried to keep us out of it. He said that Dean had become someone else, someone he didn’t know.

“And we
going to stay out of it. That is until Shelly came to us begging for us to help. Dean wanted to just get rid of two of the babies. At first, she just wanted Liam to talk to Dean. After Dean wouldn’t listen she wanted Liam to find the two other babies a home.

“When you were born, Nick. You were the last born, but the first baby Shelly got to hold. She fell in love with you right away. You were the smallest, but you were the healthiest. Gavin and Rick had issues with their lungs.

“At first, they didn’t think the others would make it. It made it easy for Liam to step in without Dean knowing. Rodney Hilton was a good friend of Liam’s. Liam had introduced him to Dean, and they had gotten into business together.

“We knew that Rodney and his wife took in foster children from time to time. Cary was pregnant with Craig at the time, but they still wanted Gavin and Rick. Harvey Carver took care of the paperwork. He made it all look as legit as possible without Dean’s knowledge.

“George Ligal, Sr. had become like an uncle to them. Those boys were spoiled with love. Rodney and Cary had the boys for two years before Dean found out, but when he found out he was livid, embarrassed, and he felt betrayed.

“Things went down from there. Dean ripped those sweet little boys from that warm, loving home, and we never knew what happened from there. Dean became vengeful, and things became strained.

“Dean became resentful. Harvey Carver, Rodney Hilton, and George Ligal, Sr. were loyal to Liam. They were also some of Dean’s largest supporters and investor. He couldn’t rock the boat without tipping it over.

“His mob connections would not have been happy. So over time he tried to mend fences. He played the children card and brought Lucian, Wyatt, and Kevin in your life, Nick.

“I think his plan was to get you as close as he could to the crime families. I don’t know why or what he was thinking because his next move was foolish. Dean was out of money. He needed everyone else to save his company.

“That deal the one that allowed an opening for all of this, it was a mistake. Somehow Dean was bested by two young boys. Gavin and Dean were just becoming men when they tricked your father into that deal. It was meant to destroy him, and the others.

“Somehow they knew where they come from, and they have been after anyone that knew of their existence,” Mom shakes her head.

“Liam thought he could stop them. He got involved with the FBI. Bianca was his connection. Those two boys turned that into a circus. They ruined Bianca’s credibility. That sex tape and those pictures were all fabricated. They were excellent fabrications, but fabrications just the same.

“Things only got worse from there. So much was going on. The boys threatened to bring the O’Brien and Locatelli families down on our heads next.

“That is when Liam had no choice, but to fake his death. We couldn’t pretend anymore. Harvey advised him to wait for things to cool down before we tried to strike back again. Liam had to just disappear,” mom looks at Brooklyn with tears in her eyes. “My husband is not a snitch. He never said a word against either family. He was only ever a part of trying to stop the boys.”

Brooklyn gives my mother a stern look. “I am a different man from the one’s you fear. I run my clan differently. I have no interest in your husband’s life,” Brooklyn reassures her.

I watch my mother visibly relax. Mom’s words sink in, and I stumble to a seat. My father is alive. I had this nagging feeling all this time, but now to hear that I was right.

“That’s why Bianca disappeared after dad died,” I say just above a whisper.

“Motherfucker,” Luke growls scaring Lilla awake. “Shit.”

“He is so proud of you all,” Mom says with tears in her eyes. “He did what he thought was best for the family. Gavin and Rick are dangerous beyond what you can imagine. They spent years plotting their revenge.”

“Wait,” I gasp. “G.L. That was what I found when I traced the email from A&T. The emails were going back and forth between Jillian Carver, a G.L. and that slimeball VP of theirs.

“Why would Jillian Carver be involved,” my mother asks in confusion. “Harvey has been as much of a target as the rest of us. He has done everything he can to help me and Liam keep you all safe.”

“Because his daughter is a trifling idiot,” Nick states simply.

“I think it’s time Carver knows just how big of an idiot he has raised. That way he will stop hiding her, and we can get some real answers,” I say.

“I agree,” Nick nods.



chapter twenty



“Baby… talk to me,” I croon in Bailey’s ear as she sits naked in between my legs, while I wrap my arms around her from behind. “Come on, Bailey.”

As I plead with her, I know I fucked up. We were just about to make love. Well, she was going down on me, and I was about to return the favor when she climbed on top of me and looked in my eyes to tell me she loves me.

I froze. It is not that I don’t care about Bailey. I am fucking crazy about her. It’s just my head is so fucked up after having that stupid one-sided crush on Sephora. It is hard being rejected by someone you have a crushed on for years.

Sephora doesn’t even know I watched her our entire freshman year before I made a move to become her study partner. I was just always too nervous to ask her out. I have never been that way with girls before, but Sephora was different. I think that is why her rejection cut so deep she didn’t even know she was doing it.

For three years, she really was oblivious to the fact that I saw her as more than a cool study partner that I had gaming in common with. To Soph, I have always just been one of the cool guys she happened to hang out with. She has always seen herself as one of the guys never the gorgeous girl we are all secretly drooling over.

Starting this new company with Sephora has been an adjustment for me, but I have been dealing with it. Actually, it has all been working out because I have been so wrapped up in work and Bailey. Nick released me from my FLI contract, but I am still freelancing for him while we get the new company up and running. My dad fronted me the money to buy in and be partners with Sephora.

It is a lot more work than I thought it would be, but between that and Bailey I have to say that I have really been happy. So to be sitting here now with a painful hard-on, with my girl in my arms just sucks because I didn’t mean to hurt her. Bailey has held out on sex for a while. This is only our second time.

She is fucking amazing. Her cocoa complexion is so inviting. I love her big brown eyes and that lip ring through her full lip drives me insane. I just want to bite her lip all the damn time. Don’t even get me started on her smoking hot body, but it is more than looks.

Bailey works at the club to pay for school. She is extremely smart. I guess I have a thing for smart chocolate women. She doesn’t have the money to go to school full time, but she is working hard just to take the classes she is in. I admire her for it.

“I’m so sorry, Baby,” I whisper and kiss her shoulder.

“Are you still in love with her,” Bailey sighs. “Wait, don’t answer that.”

Bailey pushes at my arms and tries to move away from me. I leap to my knees and catch her around the waist. She stiffens in my arms, but I stroke my hand up her silky smooth side.

“Please Bailey, wait. Let me answer you. No, I’m not in love with her. I love her as a friend. That will never change, but I’m not in love with her,” I reach for her face and turn her to face me. “Bailey, I froze. Not because I don’t feel the same way, but because I do. I love you too. I have loved you since before I even realized it and for me, that is a little scary. I didn’t want to say it and risk you not feeling the same way.”

I capture her lips and kiss her deeply. I am able to relax finally, when her whole body sinks into me. I groan into her mouth as her warm, lush ass wiggles into my erection.

Bailey pulls away gasping for air, her dark eyes are even darker with lust. “Tell me again,” she whispers.

I wrap my arms around her and cup her breasts. “I love you, Bailey. I want you to move in with me. You can save more money and take more classes next semester,” I pinch her nipples and slide my hands down her front. “Move in with me so I can wake up to your beautiful face every morning and I can tell you and show you how much I love you every night.”

Bailey whimpers as my fingers creep between her legs and slip right inside her wet opening. I don’t give her time to answer or reject my request. Nice guys finish last. That is the one thing I learned from Nicholas Lincoln.

If you want something, you go after it with everything you have. I want Bailey. I am in love with her. As the realization hits me hard, my need for her intensifies. I need to be inside her.

I pump my fingers in and out of her, knowing I am drawing her climax near. I have never had a girlfriend respond to me the way Bailey does. I think it is the trust she has in me. I was her first.

That fact still blows my mind. I hadn’t known until I pushed inside her for the first time. It was incredible having her fist around me so tightly. I thought I was going to embarrass myself.

It was the look of total and complete trust she had in her eyes that made me free fall deeper in love with her. It was the best sex I have ever had. I shudder just thinking about it. Thinking about how she came apart beneath me.

“Shit, Bail,” I growl, “I need to fuck you so bad.”

“Mark,” she whimpers. “I don’t know. Maybe I should leave. Give you space to -.”

I cut her words off by pushing her forward onto all fours and thrusting into her. It happens so fast I shock myself. We both cry out as Bailey comes around me right on impact.

I wrap my fingers around her throat and lean in next to her ear. I start to grind into her slowly, and she whimpers some more as her pussy quivers around my cock. I groan in her ear.

“Does that feel like I need space, Bail,” I grunt and increase the pace. “It feels to me like I love you. Like I love being inside my girl, inside you. You are mine, Bailey. I love you. Don’t make this something that it’s not. I don’t need space from you. I need you.”

“Mark, oh God,” Bailey cries out as she claws at the sheets.

“Oh hell yeah, Baby,” I groan as Bailey starts to rock her hips back into me.

She is so tight, but she fits me perfectly. I love the way I am stretching her out to fit me. The way my body hovers over hers makes me feel possessive and protective. I want to be the only man that ever holds her this way.

Bailey hasn’t gotten the hang of oral sex yet, but she fucks like a champion. I can handle that. Not that her oral sex is terrible, she is still just shy about it. That should have been my clue to her virginity, but I had been drunk off of eating her pussy for months.

I hardly ever allowed her to suck me off. I knew she wasn’t ready for sex in our relationship. I wasn’t sure I could handle one without the other.

But this... I grit my teeth as I slam into her repeatedly. I squeeze her throat and tip her head towards mine to devour her lips. I suck her pierced lip into my mouth and pull.

Bailey whimpers and flicks her tongue out against my lip. God, I love this girl. I’d do anything for her. In the few short months, we have been dating she has wiggled her way into my heart and taken up all the space.

“Fuck, Bailey,” I bellow when I feel her small hand reach between her legs and she cups my balls. I reach for her clit because this … is about to be over.

I rub at her nub and suck on her cheek. She is going to have a huge hickey on her face. I just don’t care. She drives me insane. I really mean it. I love her, and I want her to move in with me. I’m not taking no for an answer.

“Mark,” She cries as we both come together. I can feel my hot seed jetting into her.

It is then that my senses come back to me.
Fuck, you idiot.
I forgot to wear a condom.
. I pull out quickly.

“Bail, Baby,” I choke out.

I groan when my words are interrupted by the doorbell. I live in a simple one-bedroom apartment. Nothing as nice as Kimmie and Sephora’s old place, but nice enough.

I bite my lip deciding what to address first. The decision is made for me when Bailey climbs from the bed on shaky legs and heads for the bathroom. I curse inwardly, getting up. I find a pair of sweats and tug them on as I make my way towards the door.

I am surprised to look out the peephole to see that guy, Rick. I met him last week. The day Nick was acting all weird. I had so many deadlines and so much going on that I hadn’t really given it much thought.

Well, at least not until Nick asked me to hand over some sensitive files to this Rick guy. There is just something about this guy that leaves a funny taste in my mouth. I wanted to talk to Nick only before I actually collected the information they asked for.

I have just been too busy to get a chance to. Nick hasn’t really been accessible in the last week, so that had a lot to do with it too. I just don’t have a good feeling about this guy.

I open the door, and he is leaning into the doorjamb like he owns the place. I feel annoyed instantly. That’s a really pretty girl you are dating. I just saw her leave. I don’t think I would let one like that leave my bed,” he says with a smug grin.

I wrinkle my brows and open my mouth to correct him, but I quickly shut it. I don’t trust this guy, and I won’t put Bailey in danger. I just want to get rid of him before Bailey comes out here.

“Do you have what I need, kid,” Rick asks with a dark look on his face.

“Not here,” I say thinking quickly. I need to get him away from here. “If you give me a minute to throw something on I’ll get it to you.”

“Hurry up kid, I don’t have all day,” he grunts with a scowl.

I nod and go to shut the door, but he sticks his foot in it. I narrow my eyes at him and look down at his foot. I may be a computer geek, but I am no pushover. My body coils ready for a fight, but that is short lived as he flips his jacket back revealing a gun.

I think of Bailey instantly and the fact that we may have just made a baby. Shit, I’m not ready for a kid, but if there is a chance that Bailey is pregnant, I wouldn’t want her or our baby hurt.

I nod my head and back away from the door quickly. I have to get to Bailey before he sees her. The way my apartment is configured if he steps at just the right angle, he will see her exiting the only bathroom I have up the hall.

I turn and hustle towards Bailey. When I get to the bathroom, I open the door and push in. Bailey looks up at me from the toilet, wide-eyed and surprised. I shake my head and put my finger to my lips.

She moves to get up and flush, but I grab her and pull her into my arms and cover her mouth. I press my lips down to her ear and whisper for only her to hear. I don’t want to scare her, but I need her safe.

“There is a man here with a gun. He thinks that I am here alone. I need you to stay in here and stay as quiet as you can. I am going to get him out of here,” I say and kiss her temple. “I love you.”

“Mark,” she mouths silently, with worry in her eyes and unshed tears. “Don’t go out there.”

“I have to,” I whisper back. I peck her lips. “Stay here. Wait fifteen minutes then get the hell out of here.”

“Okay,” she relents with a trembling bottom lip. “I love you, too.”

I kiss her forehead and turn to find an old shirt hanging on the back of the door. I pull it on and leave the bathroom. I return to the front door where I shove my feet into a pair of boots and toss on a hoodie before collecting my keys and wallet.

“Okay, let’s go,” I say and lead the way out of my apartment.

I don’t know where I am taking him. I don’t have anything for him. It is then that I remembered seeing some weird files on Sephora laptop two weeks ago. She had me log in for some specs I needed while she ran to the bathroom for the hundredth time.

I clicked on the file by accident. Or maybe by simple hacker curiosity. When I saw it involved Nick and members of his family I closed it. I may have hated Nick for being the one Sephora wanted, but he has been nothing but great to me, as a boss and a friend.

Shit, I think Nick and Sephora are in some type of trouble.
Well, I won’t be helping this guy hurt my friends. I will protect Sephora and her babies just as much as I will protect Bailey.


BOOK: Yours Book 3: Life Mastered
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