Wonderlust (19 page)

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Authors: B.L Wilde

BOOK: Wonderlust
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“What are you doing?” I fumed as he pinned me against the wall.

“Fuck, Nat! If you’re going to parade around me like this, give me some fucking warning.” His lips were hard against mine, his hands digging into my hips. I gasped, returning the kiss, massaging my tongue against his as my hands found his hair.

“Why didn’t you tell me Lance was coming?” I moaned into his mouth.

“It was last minute. I only found out this morning. Diego heard me on the phone when he came back in to get his sunglasses. I thought you were still out. I was going to explain when you got back.” How could I have been so wrong? “What is it?” he asked in concern, tilting my eyes up to meet his.

“I thought this was your way of telling me our fling was over.”

“No, Straight Lace. Fuck, no! I love being with you. This is just Lance and the boys from Demon Central coming over. The girls are for them, not me. I told you, this is an exclusive fling. I don’t want anyone else when I have you.”


“You got all dressed up to show me what I’d be missing, huh?” Licking his lips, he ran his fingertips down the front of my body. “Baby, I’m not sure any woman could out do you. You’re a fucking goddess. My cock wants to permanently be inside you.”

“Okay, stop. I get the message. You’re making me horny,” I giggled, shoving his chest.

“Now you know how I feel
the time.” He released my hand and followed me back to the pool area. Diego was standing there watching us with his arms folded.

“Why does he have a bitch brow?” Alex muttered in my ear, noticing Diego, too.

“I think he’s worked out what’s going on between us, but I could be wrong.”

“How?” I shrugged. “Did you tell him?”


“You said you’d meet me outside. Where were you?” Diego sulked, looking directly at me. He was in swim shorts that were so tight they left nothing to the imagination.

“I needed to talk to her. Sorry,” Alex apologized. “Couldn’t you find any tighter shorts?” He could read my mind, I swear!

“Funny,” Diego glared while I giggle snorted next to Alex. “Let’s leave this
with his bimbos, Baby Cakes.” Taking my hand, he pulled me away from a reluctant Alex. “I can fill you in on all the bimbos and Demon Central while we sit by the pool.” That did seem like a good idea.

Diego was a fountain of knowledge. By the evening, I knew most of the bimbos by name, and which ones that Alex had slept with. It may have been too much information, but I wanted to know as much as possible.

“What about Maddison?” Sipping a vodka and coke, I was amazed at how used to parties I was becoming. I didn’t even really notice everyone around me.

“Maddison? They hooked up a few times. She used to date Alex’s drummer. That’s how they met.”

“Are you telling me Alex slept with her while she was
his drummer?”

“He’s done far worse.” He looked at me quizzically. “You haven’t asked a single question about Central Demon yet.”

“I don’t need to know anything about them. Lance is obviously the lead singer.” I motioned in his direction, where he was sucking lips with three women. “That guy is the drummer judging by his muscles, and the other two must be guitarists.”

“Bitch, how did you get so smart?”

“I was born this way,” I giggled into my drink. It was getting cold, so I decided to head upstairs and put on some warmer clothes.

I was barely out of my bikini when Alex appeared at my bedroom door. “Don’t you know how to knock?” Grabbing a towel, I covered myself up.

“I didn’t think I needed to.”

“Well, you do! This is

“Okay, I’ll knock in future on the few occasions you’re in here. Why are you covering up? I’ve seen it all before.”

“You just barged into my bedroom. It was an automatic reaction. Can you leave, please? I’m trying to get changed.”

“You want me to leave?” His lips quivered. How he managed to look adorable baffled me.

“Don’t you have guests to entertain?”

“I’d rather entertain you.” He began to undo his shirt, but talking to Diego about all of Alex’s conquests had affected me. Most of them were downstairs!

“No!” I spat.

“Nat, what the fuck have I done?”

“Nothing, it’s me. Please, can you just leave?” With a deep sigh, he walked out. What the hell was wrong with me? I’d just freaked out about Alex walking into my bedroom, when I did that to him every night. I was an idiot.

I didn’t go back down to the party. Instead, I lay on my bed staring at me ceiling, trying to work out what the fuck I was doing. Alex didn’t come back to his bedroom after the party, either, and it made me wonder where he
spend the night.

Chapter Seventeen

By the morning, I knew I was in over my head. The thought of Alex spending the night with another woman was making my stomach churn. Gazing down at the pool area from the balcony, I noticed one of the Demon Central band members asleep on a sun lounger. Alex was nowhere to be seen. Knowing I’d been out of line last night, I was too scared to walk past the sex pit. It would have only served me right to find him in there.

After walking around the entire mansion, I still hadn’t found him. Shit! What if he
in the sex pit? I hadn’t spotted Lance yet, either. Like a coward too scared to walk past and find out, I went to my office instead. Alex would come and find me when he was ready.

Hours passed without interruption. It seemed that the Demon Central members had started up the party again as I looked out onto the pool area. Music was booming, women were laughing and screaming, and still there was no sign of Alex.

“Aren’t you coming out?” Diego asked, walking in. “There are some delicious men outside. It’s not just bimbos.”

“I have too much to do. Can you make sure you close the door? The music is distracting.”

“What is going on with you, Baby Cakes? You’re so up and down lately.”

“I don’t know. I'm just tired, I guess. I’m missing my parents, too. They’re on a world cruise right now and are heading in this direction.”

“Tell Alex. He’ll give you some time off to see them.”

“Maybe. I’ll talk to him about it when I see him.” A little distance might be a good idea.

“It’s Alex, isn’t it?” My eyes snapped up to him. “I know when that man is getting laid daily. He has a spring in his step.”

“Oh, Diego, I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.” He came to my side, wrapping his arms about me as I put my head in my hands. “I always get myself into these situations.”

“Alex is a complex man. If you’re using him to get over this David guy, it might not be a good idea.”

“It’s just sex—fucking fantastic sex—but it’s already complicating

“Just take it for what it is then. Don’t over complicate it.”

“I shouldn’t have slept with him. It was a mistake.”

Alex Harbour
, Baby Cakes. I’ve never seen a woman resist him as long as you did.”

“All I do is sleep with my bosses. I’m such a

“Hey, don’t make me bitch slap you. Snap out of it. You see those women out there?” He gestured outside toward the pool area. “They’re whores. Some were practically having sex outside last night. I saw parts of those women that I
want to see again.” I couldn’t help but laugh at that. “If it’s just sex, you’ll be fine.”

“Why do you say that?”

“He’s damaged, Nat. You wouldn’t believe the shit he’s been through.” That’s all he was going to say? I already knew that. “Fame comes with a price. The world thinks they know him.”

“But they don’t.”

“Just be careful. You’re good for him. I’d hate for this to jeopardize your job.”

“I’d never let it get that far.”

Diego looked at me carefully. “Do you want me to talk to him about it?”

“NO! We’re keeping it on the down low. Please don’t mention it,” I panicked.

“Okay, easy. I won’t say a word.”

“It might be over already anyway. Alex didn’t sleep in his bed last night.”

“I know he didn’t. He crashed in the pool house.” My heart soared. He
with a bimbo last night.

“Where is he? I haven’t seen him today.”

“He took off on his Harley this morning.” Oh!


“No, with eight bimbos,” Diego laughed. “Yes, he was alone. He’s never taken anyone on his Harley.” Dammit. I wanted to go on the back of his Harley! “Oh! Raphael will be waiting for me to Facetime him! I’ll be back in a bit, and we can finish this conversation,” he suddenly remembered, rushing off.

Continuing with my work, I tried to focus, but I was constantly looking up at my door, waiting for Alex to return.

By late evening, he still wasn’t back. Not wanting to join the party with the Demon Central members, I retired to my bedroom, taking some food with me.

I was sitting on my bed, absentmindedly putting Malteser after Malteser into my mouth when a knock came at my door.

“Come in,” I called. It had to be Alex.

The door opened. I’d been right. Alex stood there dressed in a leather jacket. I had to wipe the drool from my mouth.

“I knocked this time,” he smirked, looking down at my chocolate wrapper. “Are you eating

“Yes,” I challenged with a grin. “What are you going to do about it?”

Slipping out of his jacket, he dropped it on the floor. My mouth went dry as he stalked toward me. “You’re goading me again, Straight Lace.” Grabbing my ankles, he pulled me down the bed to him. I giggled, trying to kick him off, but he was already between my legs.

“Where were you today?” I asked as his hands began to wander up under my skirt.

“I went for a ride. Lance wanted to party, but I wasn’t in the mood.”

“I’m sorry about last night. I don’t know why I was being such a bitch.”

“Diego told me that you were missing your parents. You should have said something. Take a few days off and catch up with them. Are they traveling the west coast now on their cruise?”

“Yes. Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

“I’m not going anywhere. If I need you, you’ll only be at the end of the phone. Make the arrangements, Nat. Honestly, I’ll be fine.” His hands found my panties. “Of course, that doesn’t mean I won’t miss you.”

“You only want me for my body,” I snorted, wrapping arms around his neck. Leaning down, he kissed my lips softly.

“Mmmm…you taste like Maltesers.” When he swept his tongue to meet mine, I groaned into his mouth. His hand slipped inside my panties and began to tease me. “Is it wrong that when you’re angry with me, it makes me want you even more? I’ve had a raging hard on since last night.”

“I don’t even know why I was angry,” I gasped, feeling his lips travel to the swell of my breasts.

“Were the groupies getting to you?” he whispered, licking over the tops of my breasts that were visible. “You can tell me. Women usually want me all to themselves. The thought of you being jealous is making me hard as steel, too.” He rubbed his erection against my sex to emphasize his statement.

“You wish!” I lied, trying to laugh it off. I wasn’t going to stroke his ego. He got enough of that from his fans.

“I want to bury myself in you, Nat. Is that okay?” It was more of a plea than a question. All I could do was nod in response. With one tug, he removed my panties and undid his jeans to slide a condom on. Grabbing behind my knees, he pulled me against his cock and pushed deep inside me. “Fuck, you always feel so good. The way you squeeze my cock!” Pulling my top and bra cups down, his lips descended onto my yearning nipples as he began to thrust in and out of me. This was how I liked to be fucked, and up until Alex, no man had taken me like this. Hot, raw, and primal. I couldn’t get enough.

“Oh, fuck…Alex!” I cried, gripping the shirt that he was still wearing.

“Come on, Baby. Give it up. I know you want to.” He ran his fingers frantically over my clit and I was lost, free-falling into the abyss of pleasure.

“Have you got any Maltesers left?” Alex stretched out beside me. Our bodies were covered in sweat from the relentless sex.

“If they were on the bed, they’ll be melted into the sheet by now.”

“Mmmm…I’d lick chocolate off your body all day long if I had to.” He moved to bite down my neck before sucking gently.

“Don’t you dare give me a hickey!” I snorted, pushing him and rolling over to get the packet of Maltesers from my bedside table.

“I wouldn’t dare.” Taking the chocolate from me, he popped a few into his mouth. “Want some?” Why did he make it sound so dirty? It was

“I’m good, thanks.”

“Oh, we can do that game! Do you remember that commercial
‘It’s the lighter way to enjoy chocolate
’?” I did, but I acted dumb to tease him. “You know, when they put it on their lips and had to blow to keep it airborne. I used to do that all the time as a kid. I could keep a Malteaser in the air for almost thirty seconds.”

“You had a very sad childhood if
was your entertainment.”

“You must remember those commercials!” He put a Malteaser to his lips and began to gently blow on it. I had to admit, he was pretty good at it. He kept it in the air for almost twenty seconds. “You try.”

I knew I’d be terrible, but I still tried it. I lasted for a few seconds before going into a fit of laughter. “This is what you do all night when you’re alone, isn’t it?” I couldn’t stop laughing.

“It could become a sport one day,” he joked, taking another chocolate to his lips.

“What about doing it when you're distracted?” I purred, running my fingertips down his sternum.

“I’ve never tried that.”

“Just don’t choke on your chocolate,” I smirked, moving to run my tongue over his crucifix tattoo near his heart. I’d never been this brave with him before, but I’d been dying to explore his body with my tongue. The fact that we’d been fucking for hours and were covered in sweat only made it more exciting. This was the way he’d always looked when I’d seen him on stage. I wanted to run my tongue everywhere.

“Fuck, that depends where you’re heading with that tongue of yours.”

“Wouldn’t you like to know? Start blowing,” I grinned, moving lower.

“Ungh…shouldn’t I be telling you that?” he groaned, throwing his head back as I twirled my tongue around his belly button. I was driving him crazy and that spurred me on. I dragged my tongue lower, nipping at the sexy ‘V’ indents near his hips. His breath hitched. Looking up, I noticed he wasn’t paying attention to the chocolate anymore.

“You’re meant to be blowing chocolate.” Fluttering my eyelashes at him, I looked at him innocently.

“Fuck that! I want to watch you suck my cock.” Usually, I’d blush at words like that, but he was making me more confident. He made me feel sexy.

“What? You mean this?” Taking his cock in my hand, I ran my fingertips from his base to his tip.

“Straight Lace, don’t fucking tease! It’s not nice.”

“Maybe I’m not nice.” I ran my thumb over his tip, twirling the moisture that had already formed there.

“Put my cock in your mouth right now or I’ll do it for you!” It was an order. I couldn’t help but giggle at the desperation in his voice. Was it wrong that I liked the idea of him fucking my mouth? What did that say about me?
You’re a whore, White!

Letting him finally have his way, I took his cock in my mouth. I wasn’t one of those super women that could deep throat, though. Swirling my tongue around his tip, I used my hands to pump him. He tasted of sex, the both of us combined. Moaning in satisfaction, I picked up the pace. His eyes hardly left mine as I worked him over. A mixture of awe and pleasure covered his face. It didn’t take too long until I felt him begin to twitch.

“Fuck…shit…fuck. Nat, I’m gonna cum!” He threw his head back, gripping my hair to hold me in place. It looked like I’d have no choice but to swallow, not that I minded. I’d always wondered if rock star semen had some special power. Oh God, I’d gone crazy. What was I thinking?

He came hot and fast down the back of my throat. It didn’t taste bad, but it wasn’t great, either.
You’ve just sucked
Alex Harbour
dry! Who gives a fuck how he tasted?

“Fuck, Straight Lace! Fuck!” He had his arms over his face, his chest heaving up and down. “I want your mouth on me
every fucking day

“That can be arranged,” I giggled, kissing my way up his chest and cuddling up next to him. After our long sex marathon, we both fell asleep within minutes.

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