Wonderlust (16 page)

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Authors: B.L Wilde

BOOK: Wonderlust
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It couldn’t get more embarrassing than having your teenager celebrity crush standing outside, holding your hair back while you got violently sick on the sidewalk. Why did I drink so much?

“We shouldn’t have let her down those last shots,” Alex called toward Steve. Milly was already waiting for us in the SUV to take us back to her apartment, but I needed to quit being sick before I could get in the car.

“You go back to the apartment. I’ll catch a cab once I’ve stopped throwing up,” I mumbled, still looking down at the ground. I hated being sick.

“I’m not leaving you here!”

“Alex, you’ll start to attract attention. I don’t want pictures of me throwing up on the sidewalk all over the papers in the morning. Go!”

“No, I’m not moving. Maybe you should try some water?” I tried to stand up straight as Steve passed Alex a bottle. “Take a few small sips in case you throw it back up.”

“You seem to have a lot of knowledge when it comes to drunken women.” Stumbling, I took the water from him.

“I do, but you’re the cutest drunk I’ve
had to look after.” In my drunken state, I did a girly giggle and blushed. He was going to tease me about this in the morning. “Come on, let’s get you back to Milly’s so you can sleep this off.”

“You think I’m cute,” I sniggered, hiccupping.

“I think you’re more than cute, Straight Lace,” he sighed, holding me around my waist as I tried to get into the SUV.
More than cute? Wow!

“If you’re sick on me, you’re paying the dry cleaning bill,” Milly threatened as I sat opposite her. Holding my hand up, I was going to reply, but I passed out instead.

I vaguely remember being carried and placed on something soft. A blanket was put over me, and I felt soft lips press against my forehead. No more alcohol for me; I’d never hallucinated on drink before.

Hangovers: I’d had my fair share over the years, but this one rated up there in the top five. My head was thumping so hard that I couldn’t focus on anything except the pain.

“Here, take these.” Looking up, I saw Milly smiling down at me. Jeez, she looked fresh and stunning.

“What time is it?” I groaned, holding my head as I sat up.

“It’s just past ten. Alex is taking a shower. You can have one after him. I’ll lend you some of my clothes to travel back in.”

“Thanks.” She was so nice.

“You seem to be settling into my old job well.”

“You left me quite some shoes to fill, Milly. You’re a damn legend.”

“You’re doing just fine,” she winked. We both turned as Alex walked out of the bathroom dripping wet, with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Biting the inside of my cheek, I tried to contain my desire.

“You’re awake,” he grinned, stepping closer toward me. I could see the droplets of water weaving down his well-defined chest. I’d never wanted to lick a chest so much in my life. “How are you feeling?”

“Hung over. I…I… I’ll go and have a shower now.” He was getting too close. I made my escape and rushed into the bathroom.

Once I’d showered and changed into the clothes Milly had left for me, I felt much better. The clothes weren’t really my style, though. I was wearing a skirt, for a start, and a short white top that showed off my stomach a little more than I liked, but it was good of her to lend me the clothes.

Alex stopped eating his breakfast when I walked out. “You look…nice.”

“I knew she would have a killer pair of legs in those heels,” Milly winked, looking pleased with herself. “I’ve got to head over to the studio. Lock up when you’re done. I’ll see you two at Diego’s party next week. I can’t wait!” She pecked us both on the cheek and was gone.

“She is crazy,” I laughed.

“I know.” Alex looked at his phone. “Steve is waiting downstairs for us. Do you want anything to eat before we go?” I shook my head. “I should change your nickname to Light Weight.”

“Maybe, but I’m kind of getting fond of Straight Lace.”

“Are you, now?” His eyes danced with humor.

“Thanks for looking after me last night. I’m sorry I drank so much.”

“Don’t be sorry. Milly has a habit of getting people drunk.” That was an understatement. She’s practically tipped the drink down my throat last night.

“I’ll have to watch her at Diego’s party.”

“That might be wise,” Alex grinned. “Come on, let’s go home.” I don’t know why, but my heart skipped a beat as he spoke. We’d be at his hilltop mansion for months now while he worked on new material for his album. In that time, we would grow even closer. I was in fear of losing my heart completely.

Chapter Fourteen

“What do you mean, you know all about it?” Alex glared at Diego on the day of his party. All our secret planning had been in vain, apparently.

“Oh please. It’s the talk of the town. I was at Monika's last week and they were all talking about it.” Turning toward me, Diego pulled me in for a tight hug. “You, Baby Cakes, are the best, and as a thank you, I‘ve invited lover man tonight. You can finally show him what he’s missing out on.” What was he talking about?

“Who are you talking about?” Alex frowned.

“David Barclay is coming to the party.”

“WHAT?!” I gasped. Fuck no! I didn’t need this, not now.

“Why did you invite that fucker?” Alex fumed. “Nat has made it perfectly clear that she isn’t interested!”

“You have no idea when it comes to a woman’s heart, Alex. Stay out of this. I need to turn Natasha into the belle of the ball before Mr. Barclay arrives. Come on, Baby Cakes. You’re coming to the pool house with me right now.” Why couldn’t my life ever be simple?

Diego approved of the silver sequin dress that I’d bought for the party. It was short and cut low on my back, but I hadn’t gotten the dress with David in mind.

People were already arriving. I could hear them outside by the pool house.

“I don’t care how much you fight this, the hair is going to be down tonight. It will show off your makeup. David will have a hard on the moment he sets eyes on you.”

“I can’t believe you invited him.” Groaning, I let Diego undo my hair from its bun.

“Jesus, how much hair do you have? This natural wave is to
for. You really should wear it down more often. Oh! Let me get my curlers. I want to bring the wave out a little more.” This was going to take all night. It was a good job Diego was ready. The birthday boy had gone all out with a bright blue suit, baby pink shirt, and six-inch pink platform shoes.

An hour later, Diego was finished. “Oh, Baby Cakes, you look like a fucking model. You are a rare beauty.” I blushed as he touched the side of my face. “The best way to get a man’s attention is by making him jealous. You’ll have every male eating out of your hands tonight. Now, you go and own it!” Slapping my butt, he practically pushed me out of the pool house. “I’ll be out in ten minutes.”

Trying to walk gracefully in my four-inch heels, I looked out at the faces watching me. Holy fuck, the place was crammed already. I didn’t recognize a single person.

As I made my way toward the main house to look for a familiar face, I found the one person I didn’t really want.

“Nat,” David gasped. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” He looked casual in his grey trousers and white linen shirt.

“What are you doing here?” I sighed, shaking my head at him.

“I was invited. Diego said…”

“Diego got it wrong. I don’t want you here.”

“Nat, don’t be like this. Why don’t we go up to your room and talk?” He brushed his fingertips down my arm and I knew exactly what he was up to. “You look beautiful.”

“You flew all this way just for
? You chose
! You don’t get it both ways!”

“I can’t stop thinking about you, Nat. Every time I close my eyes, you’re there. Please? One last time, that’s all I’m asking for. Then I’ll leave you alone. Give me one more night. I want you so fucking much!” Tears were forming in the corner of my eyes. I didn’t want to deal with this right now.

“Hey, Jackass!” I spun around at the male voice coming from right behind me. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” Alex was towering over David with a look of pure rage on his face. It was sexy as hell.

“I don’t think this conversation involves you. Why don’t you fuck off and do a line of coke or something?” David really shouldn’t have been goading Alex like that.

“Listen hear, Fuck Face! You’re in
home, harassing
PA! This fucking conversation wouldn’t even be happening without

“She was
PA first!” David spat. Oh, crap! Were they really fighting over me?

“Are we going to whip our dicks out next? Because I don’t think you’ll have anything on me,” Alex smirked smugly. “My groupies even have a pet name for my monstrous cock.”
They did?
Was it wrong that I wanted to ask what that name was? There seemed to be quite a gathering of people to witness this confrontation now.

“Fuck off, Rock Star! She’s in love with
. Has been for years. You won’t break her. She’s fucking

“The only person that has broken her is you!” Alex pushed him hard, and I knew that was my cue to step in.

“Stop it!” I screamed. “David, just go!”

“But Nat…”

“GO!” I seethed. “Whatever happened between us…it’s over! Leave. Me. Alone!” I turned toward Alex. “And you…get me a fucking drink.” He grinned, nodding before making his way over to the bar.

“This isn’t over, Nat. I know deep down you still want me,” David glared, storming off into the crowd.

“You sure know how to start a party,” Alex suddenly whispered in my ear, handing me a vodka and coke. It made me jump. “You look absolutely beautiful, by the way.” Reaching out, he twisted one of his fingers around a strand of my hair. “You should wear your hair down more often.”

“Maybe I will.” Alex looked at me in surprise as I downed my drink and then walked back over to the bar to get another.

“Pace yourself this time,” he warned. “I can’t always be around to hold your hair back when you’re sick.”

“But you do it so well,” I purred, running my hands down his strong chest. The drink was making me bold already.

“Are you flirting with me again, Straight Lace?” The pool area may have been crowded, but gazing into his piercing blue eyes, all I could see was him.

“What would you do if I said yes?”

He studied me for a few short moments. “You’re letting the drink do the talking.” Looking around, he acknowledged a few people before Diego finally came out of his pool house. “Pace yourself, remember.” With that, he walked into the crowd away from me. Dammit, that didn’t go as planned!

I spent the next four hours propped up at the bar, drinking vodka and coke after vodka and coke, watching Alex mingle around the party. Women threw themselves at him like they always did, and that only fueled my drinking.

“If you want him, why don’t you go and get him?” Milly was suddenly sitting next to me on one of the stools. “You’ve been watching him for hours.”

“Huh?” I acted dumb, sipping my drink.

“He’s crazy about you. You know that, right?” I choked on my drink.


“Alex is crazy about you. All he spoke about last week was you. Do us all a favor and just get on with it. Just remember, if you break his heart, I will break you! He doesn’t need any more of that shit.”
Any more?
Had Alex had his heart broken before?


“I haven’t seen him this way over a woman for a long time. Go slow and steady and you’ll be fine.” I was so drunk that I wasn’t sure if she was talking about sex positions or something else. I couldn’t see Alex taking it slow and steady ever. Hot and fast was more how I imagined.

“I need to pee,” I slurred, standing up. The line was too long by the pool house, so I decided to go upstairs to my bedroom and use the toilet there.

Stumbling out after washing my hands, I made my way onto the private balcony. I could see the party below me. Diego had jumped into the pool, as had another twenty or so people. They were all having the time of their lives down there.

“Have you had enough of the party already?” Alex’s voice came from behind me. I spun around, impressed that I managed to still be standing in my drunken state. “Jesus, Nat. I told you to pace yourself.” He crossed the distance between us and cupped my face. “How much have you had?”

“Only a few,” I giggled, falling into his arms as I lost my footing.

“What am I going to do with you?” Shaking his head at me, he ran his hand through my hair. He was so close; I could smell his sweet scent. His lips were too tempting, and the alcohol had made me brave. Slowly, I began to move toward his mouth. My body began to tremble; I had no idea if it was from fear or adrenaline. “Straight Lace, what are you doing?” he whispered as my lips brushed his.

“I want to kiss you,” I purred, crashing my lips against his. I was sure the moment our lips connected that it would erupt into one of those movie kisses when it felt like planets aligned, but as I pressed against him, all I got was resistance.

“Nat.” Gently, he pushed me away. “No, not like this.” Fuck, rejection coursed through me. Why did I think someone as gorgeous as Alex would want me? I was a fool.

“I’m…I…I’m sorry.” I pulled back quickly, blushing from head to toe. Why did I listen to Milly?

“Nat, it’s…”

“No, it’s the drink.” I tried to walk away, but I stumbled and Alex caught me. “I’m fine!” I snapped. “Just go back to the party!” He looked torn. “GO!” I yelled, pulling away from his hold and storming into my room, slamming the door as I went.

How was I was going to face him in the morning? I’d thrown myself at him and he’d rejected me.

I was up early. Luckily, I’d remembered to drink a glass of water before I passed out last night so I didn’t have a mega hangover to deal with. The clean up crew was already clearing up after the party as I wandered toward my office with a few pieces of toast. Part of me was hoping that Alex had been too drunk to remember last night, but from what I could remember, he hadn’t seemed under the influence at all.

I battled all morning with how to deal with the situation, but the more I thought about it, the more worked up I got. He’d been chasing me for
yet the moment I made a move, he rejected me. This
all a game to him. He’d been playing me this
time! His words the night I arrived came crashing back to me.
‘I’ll send her packing with a broken heart within three months.’
It had been just over three months and I was completely besotted with the man. He’d broken me and I’d stupidly let it happen.

By the time Alex did surface from his room, I was like a raging volcano. He was going to fucking pay!

“You’re up early,” he called, entering my office. I had my back to him so he couldn’t see the pure hatred on my face yet. “I thought you were still in your room sleeping.” I didn’t answer him. “Nat?” He touched my shoulder and I flinched, the rage boiling to the surface.

“Don’t fucking touch me!” I seethed, spinning around in my seat. Alex was speechless. Clearly, he hadn’t expected me to react this way. “You are a fucking

“Nat, what the fuck have I done now?” He ran his hands through his hair while I stood up and pushed at his chest. “Calm the fuck down. What’s wrong?”

“You, that’s what’s fucking wrong! You
me. This whole time you’ve been playing me! I liked you, Alex! I fucking
you! I tried to deny it, but I couldn’t
it anymore! Then you reject me just like you said you would. Do you get some sort of sick satisfaction out of breaking women? Was Milly in on your plan? Oh yeah, you’re really fucking crazy about me! Well, fuck you! FUCK YOU, ALEX! I’ll get over this! I’ve done it before, I can do it again!”

“Are you fucking done?” That was his response? I’d fucking show him. Taking a step closer, I raised my hand to slap the smug smile off his face. I never got the chance. He grabbed my arm, pushing me up against the wall, and when he did, I lost the will to even breathe. What was he doing? I wasn’t even given a second to think before his lips crashed against mine urgently. I moaned into his mouth, wrapping my arms around his neck. Holy fuck, I was kissing
Alex Harbour
! When I moaned, he slipped his tongue in to meet mine. He let out a primal groan as his hands roamed the side of my body, gripping my butt to pull me closer against his growing erection. My hands were gripping his hair so hard it must have been painful, but he didn’t stop kissing me until we needed to come up for air.

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