Wild (5 page)

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Authors: Adriane Leigh

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Wild
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Her beautiful ass was popped in the air, the denim stretching over the curve of the muscle, as she dug around in the flowers outside of the library. Claire had done me a favor when she’d given Kat the job at the library. Whether she’d remembered saying it that night or not, Kat had mentioned she’d needed to find a job. It was tough finding work in a small town, and I knew Claire could use help at the library, so I’d dropped in the next morning and encouraged her to hire the new girl.

It also worked out well for me because it meant I could catch a glance of her every day. The library was just across the street from the marina. I could pop over on my break, watch her as she came and went, take her to lunch; the possibilities were endless.

Long strides carried me to the red-haired girl that I’d been thinking about since that night I’d first been inside her. The way she’d come alive underneath my hands, her green eyes flashing with desire and lust, soft moans escaping her throat, her teeth clamping down on her sweet lips as she came, short nails digging into my skin, causing my own orgasm to shoot through me in the most intense rush of pleasure I’d ever felt in my life.

I liked to think she was just another in a long line of one-night stands—I didn’t do relationships—but with this girl, I felt like I almost could.


“Hey, sweet cheeks.”

She whipped around and took me in, her red hair flying around her shoulders, flashing me back to that night when I’d had my fist twisted in it and tugging. She’d moaned and arched her beautiful body and thrust her tits right in my face, begging for more.

“You scared me.” She put her hand to her heaving chest. My eyes landed on her tits as she inhaled and exhaled.

“Stop checking out my tits,” she deadpanned and my eyes shot up in surprise.

“I love a girl who talks dirty, but you probably know that.” I placed a hand on her hip and leaned in to nip at her neck.

“Back off.” She shoved at my chest. She could try to push me away as much as she wanted, but I could see the hooded look in her eyes, the passion that swirled there. She was drawn to me in the same way I was to her.

“Wanna go out with me tonight?” I hooked my thumbs in my jean pockets as I stood in front of her.

“You’re asking me out?” She arched a perfect eyebrow.

“Not exactly. I don’t date. Just asking if you want to join me for a drink. I’ll be at Pete’s, if you want to stop by.”

“I don’t date either,” she said in a rush.

“Sure. Just a drink between friends.”

“Friends who fuck?”

“Seriously, Kat?” I ran a hand through my hair. Her dirty mouth had me wanting to bury myself in her, right here for everyone and God to see.

“Right, the dirty talk.” Her eyes flashed with amusement and I knew she was doing it to me on purpose.

I laughed and shook my head; no one fucked with me like she did and it made me want to be around her that much more. “So what do you say? Drink?” What I really wanted was to haul her off to my house. Scratch that. My bed.

“Wait, you said my name.” Her words shook me out of my dirty thoughts.


“I liked it.” Her eyes softened as she watched me.

“Hmm.” I fidgeted with the worn denim at my pocket. “Well, don’t get used to it because I like Sugar better. Reminds me how sweet you taste.”


“So how ‘bout that drink?”

“What time?”

“I have to run home and shower and eat . . . unless you want to join me for dinner?”

“Don’t push it, playboy.” She crossed her arms. I got the sense that she did this as a defense mechanism, but little did she realize it pushed the round flesh of her tits up higher and had me wanting to take them in my hands and dip my head to take her perfect pink nipples into my mouth.

“Eight then?” I grinned as I took in the soft curves of her body. I didn’t know why I tortured myself. Being around this girl, asking her to have a drink with me, was a sure shot to an all-night hard-on.

“Just so I’m clear, is this a pre-fuck drink? Or a drink between friends?”

My eyebrows shot up into my hairline at her words. “Seriously with the dirty talk, Sugar. Do you want me to take you right here? ‘Cause the way you’re talking, it’s soundin’ like it.” This time her eyebrows shot up. She swallowed, her throat contracting, her chest heaving with her accelerated breaths.

“Fine. Eight is fine.”

“Good. Later, Sugar.” I turned and walked back to the marina, adjusting the raging hard-on in my pants as discretely as I could.



She stepped into the bar like a vision. An angel sent from heaven meant to make a man’s dick hard, thinking about sinking himself inside her and going all night. The sight of her had need burning in my balls, a need that could only be satisfied one way, by slapping deep and raw into that tight pussy.

Her eyes scanned the room before they landed on me at the pool table. I sat on a barstool, cue propped between my legs. A small smile lifted her full lips as she walked to me, her dress swaying around her knees. She shrugged her leather jacket over her shoulder in a badass way that had my dick already throbbing. She stepped up to my chair and draped her jacket across the barstool next to me.

“Drink, Sugar?”

“Please,” she murmured, her eyes dark and hooded as she took me in.

Friday night and the bar was packed, but it was like no one else existed. The way she looked at me, she wanted this—wanted
—tonight. She’d come ready to party. I nodded at Dillon, the waitress, and indicated I wanted another drink.

Kat sat at the barstool across from me and crossed her legs, the fabric of her dress inching high up her thighs. I shifted in my seat, trying to calm the aching erection that was already at full attention. It was going to be fucking torture to sit through this hard-on all night.

“You play?” I indicated the pool table next to us.

“Sometimes,” she murmured as her eyes traveled my face, down my torso to my boots propped on the last rung of the bar stool. I hoped she was thinking about getting between my legs tonight, because I sure as fuck was thinking about getting between hers.

“Slade—she’s in, you’re out,” I called over my shoulder.

“What the fuck, man?” my best friend bitched from the corner.

“You know how it is, man.” I lifted my eyebrows when he stepped over and handed the cue to Kat.

“Thanks,” she murmured as she took it. His eyes narrowed for a moment before they softened. He got it now. And he would have done the same thing. Fucker.

“Here ya go.” Dillon leaned across me, her low-cut top revealing a substantial amount of tit, as she set our drinks on the table.

“Thanks, sweetheart.” I placed a hand on her hip.

“Anytime.” Her lips curled up, one eyebrow arched in invitation. I knew what she was asking, I just wasn’t sure if I was up for it tonight. I smiled at her before she walked away.

“I think it’s your go,” Kat said. From the look on her face, I could tell she’d seen the flirtation pass between Dillon and me. The magnetism Dillon and I shared was undeniable. I had it with a lot of women. Kat didn’t look angry, just confused. It was new to her. I got that.

“Right.” I stood and stepped into her space, lifting a thumb to her cheek. “Glad you came, Sugar.”

Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment, her long eyelashes fanning across her cheeks. I pushed my hand up into her thick red hair and threaded the soft strands through my fingers before I turned and angled to the pool table.

I took my shot, sank a stripe, and then another before looking up to Kat. She slammed her drink back before smiling and stepping up to me. “My turn?”

“Mm hmm . . . “ I put a hand on her hip as she shuffled and assessed the table, her head tipped to the side. She positioned and bent at the waist, aiming up her shot before sinking a solid. She straightened and twisted the cue between her fingers, a sexy smirk on her face as she winked at me. Fuck me, she was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. Her attitude did things to me, had my gut twisted up with lust and my dick throbbing with the need to be buried inside her.

Two more balls sank, and she was on a roll. “You underestimated your experience.” I stepped up behind her as she lined up another shot.

“I’ve got a feeling you did too,” she murmured and pressed her ass into me. I groaned as my free hand traveled up her waist to land near the curve of her breast.

“Never.” I moved in for the kill and dusted a fingertip across her nipple. I could feel it harden and strain against the fabric of her dress. She moaned softly and pressed harder into me. “Take your shot.” A small gasp escaped her throat before pulling back the cue. I pinched her nipple as hard as I dared just as she released and the ball bounced off the table.

I grinned as she spun around to confront me. “That’s not fair.” Her bottom lip stuck out in a pout.

“Neither is underestimating your game.”

“Oh, it’s on now, playboy. You don’t know who you’re messing with.” She slid one hand down the front of my jeans and palmed my dick through the fabric. I sucked a sharp inhale through my teeth as she squeezed. I had a feeling I was in for so much more than I’d bargained for when that wild mass of strawberry red hair had caught my eye across the bar the last time we’d been here.

I backed away from her and took in the table. I walked around the edge and eyed up a shot. I leaned down, eyeing the white ball and the stripe I was aiming for before her beautiful tits came into view.

“Fuck,” I muttered.

“Problem, playboy?” She licked her lips and shimmied the fabric of her dress down a little to reveal more of her cleavage.

“Not at all,” I gritted through my teeth. I pulled back, ready to take my shot when she trailed one fingertip up her cleavage.

“Jesus Christ.” My arm released before I could think and the white ball bounced off the edge, coming nowhere near the stripe I was aiming at. She licked her lips as she straightened and tipped her head, her beautiful waves falling over one shoulder. I hooked one thumb into the pocket of my jeans as I watched her stand before me like a fucking she-devil. A sexy she-devil meant to distract every man on earth. She licked her lips as our gazes locked before she went back to the table, took another long draw of her drink, then prepared to take her next shot.

“You’re quite the distraction tonight, Sugar.” I leaned over her body as she lined up her shot. I trailed a hand up under her dress, along the soft skin at the inside of her thigh.

“Mmm . . .” she hummed as my hand reached the satin.

I angled my body to block the view of anyone who might be paying attention to us. The pool table was in a room separate from the rest of the bar, but still not entirely private. “Next time I see you, I don’t want you wearing panties,” I growled in her ear as I shoved the fabric to the side and teased the wet flesh between her legs.

“Doesn’t seem to be prohibitive in any way.”

“Nothing is. But imagine what I could do if this flimsy barrier didn’t stand between me and your beautiful pussy.” I slid a finger up her swollen flesh as she arched into me on a moan, then I shoved two fingers into her hot cunt. I moved in and out of her slowly, teasing the slick flesh, listening to her moans as her body hummed and came alive under my hand. “Take your shot, sweetheart,” I whispered in her ear as her hips rocked back and forth on my hand. “Take your shot while my fingers are inside your wet pussy. While you ride my hand.” I hooked my fingers and felt her body quiver with need. She took a deep breath and aimed before releasing her shot and sinking the solid. Her hands shook as she looked up to assess the thinning crowd at the bar. No one was paying attention, but I saw the wild look in her eyes, the possibility of being caught. She got off on it. She was dripping and waiting to come all over my hand, just thinking of other people in the room with us.

“Jesus, this makes you hot doesn’t it, Sugar? You’re on the verge of cumming all over my hand.” I pressed a thumb against her back entrance.

“Lane,” she moaned quietly.

“It’s Wild, sweetheart. Anyone ever touched you here?”

“No.” She shook her head, her long hair whipping around my face, the sweet floral scent filling my nostrils.

“Glad to know I’ll be the first one, then.” I massaged her dripping flesh one last time before breaking all contact and straightening myself out.

“Oh my God,” she moaned as she dropped her head on the green velvet of the table in front of us.

“Later, Sugar. We’ve got a game to finish.” I stepped away and gestured for another drink. She huffed as she stood, glaring at me.

“How do you do that?”

“What? Get you close to exploding and stop?” My lips turned up in a smirk.

“Yeah,” she replied as she fiddled with the pool cue in her hands. Nervous energy poured off her, her thighs shifting, her nipples pebbled under her dress.

“Denial makes the reward that much sweeter. If I keep you just on the edge all night, imagine how hard you’ll come when I finally take you.”

Her beautiful throat contracted as she swallowed, her eyes blazing with desire.

“Plus, I like seeing that look on your face every time you think of me inside you.” I lifted a fingertip to her lips, still damp with her juices, and ran it across the seam. She shocked the hell out of me and sucked it into her mouth. Her eyes closed and she hummed as she licked her arousal off of my fingers. I’d never met a woman who played so innocent during the daylight hours, but give her a drink and the comfort of darkness and she came alive, sex pouring out of every pore.

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