Wild (7 page)

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Authors: Adriane Leigh

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Wild
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“So fucking beautiful when you come. I want you in my bed.” I opened the door behind her, my jeans still unzipped and dick hanging out, and caught her before she fell into the foyer. We hadn’t gotten past this point the last time she’d been here. I lifted her up in my arms and carried her down the hallway and into my bedroom.

“Such a surprise, Sugar,” I murmured in her ear as I laid her down on my bed. “You ever come in front of the whole neighborhood before?” A grin tilted my lips. This girl was so much more than a hot fuck, she was also a little on the kinky side; she had a fetish and I was going to exploit it.

“No . . .” she murmured before her mouth rounded in an O and a yawn escaped her lips.

“Worn out already?” I grinned as I peeled her dress off her body.

“Mmm . . .” she hummed as she curled into my side and her eyes drifted closed.

“Well, sonofabitch.” I palmed my semi-erect dick, trying to relieve the building pressure. Looked like I wouldn’t be sinking into Kat’s beautiful body tonight, after all. I tucked her into my shoulder, shoved my nose into her soft hair, and inhaled deeply. She draped an arm over my stomach and sighed as deep breathing overtook her.

“You’re staying tonight. All night. No sneaking out first thing in the morning.”

“Says who?” she mumbled as her breathing slowed.

“Says me. Besides, your car’s not here. And don’t even think about walking.”

Kat had another thing coming if she thought she was running from me again.



“Breakfast, Sugar?” I woke her up the next morning with my lips trailing down her sweet body. She moaned and arched before pulling away from me and turning on her side. I laughed. Did she think she could escape me? “Not a breakfast girl?” I lifted her arm and arched it above her head, entwining our fingers while I trailed my lips down the underside.

“Not a morning person,” she mumbled into her pillow, her strawberry hair a mass of tangles across my white sheets. I blew soft breaths along the underside of her arm, over her ribcage to her breast where her soft pink nipple pebbled from the cool air.

“Well, I’m definitely a morning person, and if you stay here much, you will be too.” I leaned in and snagged her nipple between my teeth.

“Lane,” she moaned and turned, capturing my face between her palms.

“It’s Wild, baby.” I captured her lips with my own and crawled on top of her, caging her in with my arms, threading my fingers through her mass of waves.

” she emphasized my name with a roll of her eyes.

“You sure are sassy first thing, aren’t you, sweetheart?” I mumbled before nipping at her bottom lip.

“Ow.” She jerked away and put a fingertip to her mouth.

“Sensitive too, huh?” I trailed my lips down her throat to attach at her nipple again.

“Mmm . . .” She smiled and pulled me to her chest.

“So . . . Sugar . . .”

“Yes . . .?” she groaned as her hips worked in fevered circles underneath me.

“Are you an eggs and bacon kinda girl or pancakes and sausage?” I lifted my head with a smile, taking in her fiery green eyes.

“You shit.”

I winked at her before pushing off the bed, giving her thigh a smack as I went.

“You’re abusive.” She launched off the bed, sheet wrapped around her, arms hugging her chest, her tits pushed up, and creamy flesh spilling over the top of the white sheet.

“You’re fucking stunning.” I arched an eyebrow as I took in her lush body under the outline of the soft cotton.

“You’re ridiculous.” She ran one hand through her waves. “Where’s the bathroom?”

“That door.” I nodded across the room. “Meet me in the kitchen when you’re done.”

“I told you I don’t—”

“Don’t make me punish that sweet ass, Sugar. I’ll tie you to my bed and force-feed you if I have to.” Her body stiffened at my words. Her eyes flicked from sassy desire to a look of alarm. I narrowed my gaze on her as she tightened her arms around her chest. She seemed to be shrinking, pulling in on herself.

“I was just kiddin’, babe.” I took two long strides to her and held her face in my hands.

“I know.” She glared and then twisted out of my embrace and stepped into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

I scrunched my eyes in confusion. Not sure what the fuck that was about. Maybe bondage was a hard limit for her? Shame because tying her to my bed and having my way with her whenever I wanted sounded like a dream come true.

I strode out of the bedroom as my mind replayed our wild night last night: Dillon drawing Kat’s pink nipples into her mouth, Kat’s hair flying in a red whirlwind around her shoulders, Kat dropping her panties and lifting her dress on my front porch. My dick lengthened in my jeans as I started cracking eggs into a bowl.

“I’m just going to walk back to my car.” She stepped out into the kitchen dressed in the black dress she’d worn last night.

“Breakfast, sweetheart.”

“Thought it was ‘Sugar’?” She tipped her head, red waves cascading over one shoulder, one hand on her hip. My lips tilted up in an amused grin.

“Both are sweet. Now come whisk some eggs.”

“What?” she huffed and threw her other hand on her hip. “I told you, I don’t do breakfast. I’m a coffee and run kind of girl.”

“I don’t care what you are. I’m a breakfast kind of guy, so get your sweet ass over here and whisk some eggs.” I nodded toward the bowl on the counter before I sliced open a package of bacon.

“You are . . . maddening,” she grumbled before stepping closer to me and started whisking.


“So tell me about yourself, Kat. What’s your last name?” I scooped a forkful of eggs into my mouth.

“Kennedy.” She relaxed into her chair and sipped from her coffee.

“Kat Kennedy, sweet as sugar, but likes her coffee black as mud. Such a contradiction.” I took in the defiant set of her chin and wary eyes.

“If you think so.” She shrugged before snagging a strip of bacon and munching on it.

“Kat Kennedy, who isn’t a breakfast person, but likes bacon.”

“Who doesn’t?”

“Is that all you’re going to tell me?”

“I’m a private person.” She drank from her coffee cup and maintained eye contact. I held her gaze, my blues piercing her greens. I was waiting for her to break. They all did; with a steady gaze and dominant look, most women crumble on the floor at my feet.

Not this girl.

Kat Kennedy was tough as nails and consequently had me hard as a rock just thinking about her thick hair wrapped in my fist as she took me in her mouth.

“A private person who doesn’t do relationships.” She looked up at me, a warning written across her face.

“Don’t flatter yourself, babe. I may like to fuck, but relationships aren’t in my repertoire.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. “Perfect.”

“Hope so, because there isn’t another option.”

“So this was just a one-time thing?”

“Well, if you count last night when you had your dress hiked up ‘round your waist—”

“I don’t.”

“Okay.” I let out an amused chuckle. The girl was fucking beautiful and sassy, a deadly combination. “Well, whether you count me watchin’ you come or not, if it happens again I’m game.” I shrugged.

She furrowed her brow as she mulled over my answer. “But we’re not anything more than friends who . . . mess around?”

“Something like that. I’m a firm believer that friends and fucking don’t mix. But we can be cordial.”

“Cordial?” She arched an eyebrow at me. Her defiance was making my cock harder than it already was. Why hadn’t I taken her when I first woke up? The normal me would have nailed her first thing, then done breakfast and moved on, but I wanted to draw this out. Take my time; watch her squirm.

“Cordial fuck buddies?” she repeated.

“I’m game if you are.” I leaned across the small kitchen table, invading her space.

Her eyes flared to life. “You’re on.”

My lips curved into a smirk as I watched the fiery little thing sitting across from me.

“Game on.” I trailed a fingertip up her hand, across her wrist, before goose bumps erupted over her skin.

“So whatya hiding, Kat Kennedy?” I pulled away just as soon as I’d went in. This was part of the game. Part of the dance that we did, the thing that kept her on her toes and made the sex so much hotter when we finally gave in to the urge.

She shut her eyes tightly for a minute before relaxing back into her chair. “What makes you think I’m hiding something?”

“Everyone has something.”

“So, Dr.
if everyone has something, what’s your secret? What do you keep locked up so tight in there?” She leaned in and trailed her fingers up my forearm, past my elbow, and up over my shoulder before she dusted a thumb across my lips.

“Not a thing.”

“Bullshit. You may act like an open book, but you have secrets just like the rest of us.” She tilted her head to one side before leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms. Fuck, she meant it as a defensive act, that was the only reason a person ever did that, but that was the last thing it was when her full tits pushed up and over the fabric of her neckline. This girl made angry look fucking hot and all I wanted to do was attack her and run my lips across her body. Over her soft hips, press my head between her thighs and taste her arousal on my tongue.

Jesus Christ, either I took her right now on my kitchen table or I was going to have to rub one off before I even thought about doing anything else. Only problem was she looked more in the mood for fighting than fucking.

“What do you think I’m hiding?”

“Your name. How come no one calls you ‘Lane’?”

“Never have. I’ve always been Wild.”

“I can’t call you ‘Lane’?”

“I’d rather you didn’t.”

“I like it.”

“Why? Just a name, Sugar.” I tilted my head in question.

“I see what you try to put out. You’re Wild to everyone; they see what you want them to see. But I see Lane. He comes out every now and again and I like him better.”

“Sounds bipolar, baby.”

“It’s your deal, not mine.” She shrugged and took another sip of her coffee.

“Call me what you want, Sugar. I prefer Wild, but if Lane gets you off . . .”

Her cheeks pinked up in a deep, deep blush. I licked my lips as my eyes trailed down the V-neck of her dress where her skin was reddening. “No need to be shy. I like a woman who knows what she wants. Likes to take pleasure and give it. Isn’t afraid to own her sexuality.”

“I haven’t always . . . that’s not me,” she finished in a rush.

“I don’t care what you were, because the girl who I saw last night owned her pleasure. Took charge and wasn’t ashamed of herself or her beautiful body.” My eyes flashed down her curvy form. “And it got me off. I came on my front porch, just thinkin’ ‘bout getting inside of you.”

She coughed and set her coffee cup down.

“You’re so dirty,” she said when she’d stopped coughing, before a wide smile lit her cheeks.

“So what brought you to Rock Island?” I brought the subject back to her. I could tell she was uncomfortable, the way she averted her eyes and shifted in her seat.

“I told you, just wanted something different.”

“Outsiders that come here are usually running from something.”

“Does it matter? I’m here and I’m staying, at least for now. I like it here, the people seem nice—”

“The people are very nice to beautiful women who pay too much for a ramshackle cottage on the coast.”

“I’m over-paying?”

“Barton hasn’t been able to rent that place in years. Whatever you’re paying is too much.” I chuckled as a frown danced across her face.

“I’m just thankful I found a place,” she murmured before taking a bite of eggs.

“Right, well, if you need anything at all, furnace goes out, shoveling, problems with the pipes,” I lifted my lips in a flirty grin, “call me. Barton doesn’t do shit; he just picks up the phone and calls me, so might as well cut out the middle man.”

“I don’t have your number.” She pushed around the food on her plate.

“I’ll give it to you before you leave.”

“Thanks.” She stood and dropped her half-eaten plate by the sink.

“Problem with my cookin’?” I stepped up behind her, unable to keep my hands off her for a second longer. She stilled and her body went rigid against mine, pleasure coursing through my veins.

Damned if I was going to let her leave all agitated and wound up. I slid a palm down the center of her body as I sucked on the flesh of her earlobe. I slid my hand up her silky thigh and traveled to the apex of her thighs to find her bare.

“Christ, where are your panties?” my voice gruffed as I pushed my aching erection into her ass.

“I didn’t want to put them on after last night . . .” Her chest heaved with shallow breaths as I slid my fingers against her soaked flesh.

“Mmm, always so responsive when I touch you.” I spun her and lifted her up on the counter in an instant. A lazy smile fell across my face as she palmed my rock-hard arousal in her hands. “Nuh uh.” I pulled my hips out of her reach. “I need to taste that sweet pussy.” I ducked my head and took her lips with my own in a punishing kiss. One hand kneaded her breast as the other pushed her to lean back against the cupboard. “That’s my girl.” I pulled away and desire flashed in her eyes. My eyes flicked down her beautiful body. “So fucking sweet.” I danced one fingertip high up on her thigh where her dress had ridden up. A low growl escaped my throat when she licked her lips as she watched my fingertip trailing a path around her heated flesh. “You want me, baby?”

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