Wild (18 page)

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Authors: Adriane Leigh

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Wild
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“Fuck. Fuck me harder. I want to feel you everywhere. Fuck me, Lane.” She growled and it went straight to my balls. Tingling and burning with the need for release, I tried to keep a handle on the impending orgasm as I swiveled my hips and plowed into her. I hit the end of her, banging once, twice, over and over, as she screamed and hollered profanities in my ear. Watching her like this, while I was owning her body, was like watching a wild animal losing her mind a little. The walls melted away and it was just the two of us, out of control as we took each other. My mind shot off to a whole other galaxy when I was buried inside her sweet pussy.

“Feels so fucking good, taking you like this,” I said through clenched teeth before her nails dragged across my torso, down my sides. The burning sensation had my back arching. I bit back the pain and focused my energy into her. Drilling into her, tunneling into her body and fucking her hard, just like she wanted it.

“You fuck so hard. So fucking deep. I can feel it, feel you, fuck you’re so fucking big.” She moaned. Kat rarely talked like this, but when she did, I knew she’d completely let go of all inhibition. I knew I’d fucked her crazy and it was my favorite fucking kind.

“Say you’ll stay,” I growled. “You like me to fuck you like this then you’re staying, baby. You want this every night, then you’re staying. You’re not taking what I have to give and walking away. I won’t let other pricks think they have a chance with you, because they fucking don’t. Only I can fuck you like you like it, baby. Like your cunt likes it. Hard and deep and fast. My girl likes it rough. This pussy likes it rough.” I circled my hips and launched into her from a new angle. “No one can fuck you like I can.”

“Yes, oh God, yes.” She arched and I tugged on her nipple with my teeth as her pussy exploded around me. Waves of pleasure washed over her body, sweat dampened her skin, her heels curved into my ass. With my jeans around my thighs, I slowed slightly to take in the pleasure of her pussy pulsing around my cock. I hit my rhythm and then exploded inside her. Hitting her to the end, jerking my hips as I filled her, my head thrust back, as my balls emptied everything that had built up since I’d last had her.

Like molten lava, my blood began to slow as the aftereffect of my orgasm began to ebb. She threaded her fingers in my hair and ran her nails around my scalp softly. I dropped my head into her shoulder and sucked in the sweet smell of our lovemaking on her skin. I nipped at the soft flesh covering her collarbone as I supported her head with one hand fisted in her hair. Damp and tangled, a wild fucking mess, just like we were. But fuck if she didn’t satisfy something in me that I wanted, craved, hell, maybe even needed. I just knew I wasn’t about to let her go.



“If you’re going to hold me hostage here, I need clothes,” I pouted as I wrapped a towel around my body. We’d just gotten out of the shower after he’d fucked me into submission on the living room floor. Best fuck of my life. I’d never known people fucked like Lane fucked. I had never been so thoroughly worked over as he did to me.

“I kinda like you like that.” He trailed a finger around the top of the towel covering my still-wet body.

“I need something to sleep in.” I stood in front of the mirror and ran my fingers through my hair, attempting to tame the tangles as I trained my eyes on his body. He’d stood, water droplets trailing down the curves of his shoulder, the bulges of his pectorals, his dark brown nipples puckered. I glanced lower, to the slabs of his abs, and the hint of a V that disappeared beneath the white towel wrapped around his hips. The soft fabric tenting with the bulge of his aroused cock had me licking my lips.

“You don’t need anything to sleep in. Just wrap yourself in me,” he said as he stepped up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and nestling his cock between my ass cheeks. “I’ve got something that could use a little attention.”

“Mmm . . .” I hummed in appreciation. “Let my lady bits recoup. Your
cock did a number on me earlier.” I grinned and wiggled my backside against him.

A growl escaped his lips before he nipped at the flesh of my neck.

“So back to the sleep clothes, Casanova.”

“Fine,” he groaned before taking a step back and palming his dick through the cotton of his towel. “There are old shirts in the top drawer.”

“Thanks.” I dropped the towel and threw it at him before launching myself down the hallway.

“Fuck, Sugar,” I heard him growl as I darted for his bedroom. I grinned when I didn’t hear him following me. The sun had already set and only a dim lamp lit the room. I headed for the dresser and dug through it to find the smallest shirt. I lifted T-shirts I’d seen him work in, all too big, and kept digging in the hopes of finding something smaller. My fingers hit a solid mass buried beneath all the cotton.

I lifted the stack and found a frame, upside down. Before I had a chance to think twice, I lifted the frame and turned it over.

A smiling couple, cheeks rosy and pressed together, knit hats pulled low over their heads to block the cold of the winter landscape that surrounded them. She held up one hand, a glistening diamond on her left ring finger, he with a captivating grin starting at the camera.

They were engaged.

Lane had been engaged.

My head lifted to take in the surroundings of his bedroom, looking for any sign of a woman. An indication that a woman had once lived here and shared his life. I found nothing. It held the appearance of a bachelor pad through and through, from the faded curtains to the blank walls. I’d never noticed it before, but his home looked lifeless, as if it’d been stripped of all personality.

I dropped the frame on the stack of shirts.

Jesus Christ, he’d been engaged? What had happened? Where was she now? It felt like a glaring omission that he’d never mentioned that he’d once loved someone so much he thought he’d spend his life with her. I held my own secrets close to my heart, but I’d never pictured Lane the marrying kind, and somehow that’d made him safe in my eyes. Someone who didn’t do attachments, just like I’d been looking for.

My eyes scanned the photo, taking in the happy couple.

This was too much. Too fucking much. I couldn’t get involved with something like this. I couldn’t get involved with someone who did commitment. Why did he say he didn’t do relationships if he obviously had?

I needed no strings. I could only operate with no strings. This had strings written all the fuck over it. I licked my lips and then tucked the picture back under the shirts. My eyes cast down to my jeans and shirt on the floor. The ones he’d ripped the buttons off.

“Fuck,” I murmured before taking the shirt off the top of the stack and throwing it over my head. I had to get out of here. It was so clear now that he was looking for more, after begging me to stay just an hour ago. It was obvious I was in over my head. I so couldn’t do more. I couldn’t give more. I didn’t have anything to give. I had to stay focused.

I wrenched my jeans up my legs and opened his door, still buttoning my pants. I heard the whine of a buzzer from the bathroom, the door closed, and then stalked down the hallway, lifting my purse as I went, before continuing straight out his front door to my car.

I felt bad for leaving him without saying anything, bad that I’d seen something he so clearly didn’t want anyone to see since it was upside down and hidden in a drawer, but I’d seen it, and I was thankful I had. It just reaffirmed I really couldn’t do strings. I’d had a lifetime full of strings puppeting me, making the decisions, telling me what to wear, where to go and when, and I wasn’t willing to do it anymore. I’d had an itch scratched. Lane had brought me all kinds of pleasure with his body made for sin, but we were done now.

I groaned and rubbed my thighs together when I thought of all the things he’d done to my body before I turned the key in my car and backed out of his driveway. I drove home in the dark, not unlike another time I’d done the walk of shame from Lane’s house.

I frowned when I realized I’d been doing a lot of that lately. Maybe celibacy was a better path for me. Stay focused and on track as I fought for the future I wanted. No devilishly handsome interruptions with floppy sexy hair and a chiseled washboard stomach that tapered down into a V at his hips that led to a part of the anatomy that could bring me untold hours worth of pleasure.

Yeah, none of that.

That was bad news for Kat Kennedy.

Anyone who had me on my back and spreading my legs at the hint of a cocky grin was bad news.



“What the fuck was that, Kat?” The door slammed on the hinges as his big body barreled into my cabin.

I’d only been home for a few moments, was just kicking my shoes off and throwing my purse on the counter, when he’d stalked in after me. He beelined for my body, my heart thudding wildly in my chest, arms crossed, and an angry glare on my face.

“Just go,” I snarled at him. His eyes narrowed in anger as he took one last step toward me, firmly placing himself in my space and pissing me off even more.

“Not ‘til you tell me what had you stomping out of my place like that?” He was so close I could feel his warm breath washing across my skin and causing it to warm and tingle.

“You were engaged.”


“So you don’t deny it?”

“‘Course not.” He shrugged and his stance eased a little once he knew what I was angry about.

“So that’s it? No explanation, no what happened?”

“Not relevant to you and me.” He dropped his hands to his sides and cocked his hip against the counter. It was so fucking sexy I had to struggle to hold onto my anger.

“Well, I say it is. We’re done, Lane. This is over. Whatever it was, whatever we had for a very brief time, it’s over.”

“I don’t think so, Sugar.” He moved in closer to me, his chest heaving against mine, the hair falling across his forehead still damp from the shower, and his cheeks flushed from our fighting. I tried desperately to control my raging sex drive. I’d never experienced anything like this in my life, no one that could turn me on, have lust building in my core with just a look.

“We’re done.” I turned on my heel and headed for the other side of the kitchen. I rummaged for a coffee mug, needing something to do, to have the excuse of space between us.

“Not done, sweetheart. I know you think that, I don’t know what the fuck scared you back there, but we’ll get past it. I live in this town and so do you. We can’t avoid each other, and truth is, I like eating takeout with you and watching the game, so no, we’re not done.”

“Stop being such a fucking caveman.”

“Why you cutting us off when we’re just getting started?” He came around the island and reached a hand up to my face, pushing his fingers into my wet hair.

“We’re not getting started, Lane. We never were. All we did was fuck a few times. It shouldn’t have even gone that far, but it doesn’t matter because it ends now.” I swiped his hand from my face.

“I see you hiding something. I see you running scared. You act like a big strong tiger, but you’re really this sweet little pussycat that needs sheltering. The world is a nasty place, and I’m not letting you run from me, someone who wants to take care of you.”

“Ah, you want to take care of me now? Is this the part where I fall into your arms and you kiss me to death? I’m over it, Lane. I’m over your the alpha-male bullshit. I don’t need your help, I don’t need protecting, I don’t need you. We fucked, that’s it.”

“But it was good fucking, wasn’t it, Sugar? Bet you’re thinking about us right now, what we did earlier on the floor? In the shower?” He scraped his teeth along the column of my neck.

“Stop,” I murmured, the fight fading from me.

“Tell me,” he murmured in my ear.

“What?” I clutched at the edge of the counter, trying to hold myself up, brace myself against his sexual onslaught.

“Tell me what you’re afraid of.”

I growled low in my throat. “I was married. And I’m not interested in going there ever again.”

“And the problem is?” His hand wove around my neck and kneaded at the flesh.

“You . . . seem . . . to want more.”

“Just because I was engaged once?” He pulled away, his brows scrunched in confusion.

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