Wicked End (48 page)

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Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Wicked End
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“OK fine.” Her bottom lip curled down slightly. “But when I have the money, I’m buying my own things.”

He visibly relaxed and put his hand out to her. “Whatever you want. Got it? Don’t just settle. If it don’t have the features you want, we’ll order it.”

She led him to the Edge aisle. They had at least twenty of them. He had chosen the largest dealer around. She looked at a blue one, a red one then a dark grey one. Then a black one caught her eye. It sat on 22” wheels that stood out. The trim seemed to be in black as well. It was unique.

“You got good taste,” a voice behind them said. “I’m Joshua.”

Brandon turned and smiled at the young salesman then shook his hand. “She does, don’t she?”

“Yes. She chose the top model,” Joshua commented as he clasped Mackenzie’s hand in his. “This one has just about every feature available.” He walked to the driver’s side and opened the door. “Do you want to take a peek?”

Mackenzie tried to hide her glee. They had to negotiate, didn’t they? She calmly walked around the open door and sat behind the wheel. It was not the first time she sat in a Ford Edge. She went to lots just to try out cars sometimes. That way she would know what she would like when she had the money to buy one.

Brandon slid in besides her, keeping the door open. It was hot as hell in there. He inspected the stereo and found it was not factory standard, but the upgrade. The seats were very comfortable. He put a hand up on Mackenzie’s seat and looked behind them. The back was spacious enough. He liked it so far.

“How about we go for a ride?” Joshua asked. “We just have to go inside, fill out some paperwork and take your driver’s license.”

Mackenzie grinned. “Yes.” The excitement overshadowed the fact that Brandon was paying for it. She happily followed Joshua inside, her arm hooked in Brandon’s.

“Can I drive it too?” Brandon met her eyes. “Just this once.”

She touched his cheek. “You can drive it anytime.”

He fished out his license and handed it over. It was not a control thing, more of protection. He wanted to make sure it felt right, secure.

“Brandon Knight?” Joshua squeaked as he held the Maryland license. He looked up at the man before him and stared. It
him. He had been focusing on the woman with him. “Um, holy shit,” he muttered, barely audible.

Not catching on, Brandon’s eyes narrowed. “Something wrong?”

“Uh…” Joshua’s hand was shaking.

Mackenzie pulled Brandon down so she could whisper in his ear, “He knows who you are.”

“Oh.” Brandon frowned. He looked at Joshua. “How about we take a picture? Do you have a camera on your phone?”

With trembling hands, Joshua produced his phone. “Yes.” He could not believe he was standing in the presence of the greatest guitarist he had ever heard. “I’m sorry.” He was embarrassed by his reaction.

Mackenzie took the phone while Brandon moved around the desk to stand next to Joshua. “You guys ready?” She smiled as she took multiple pictures. “Say groupies.” That caused laughter to explode from them both. The shots she got were candid and natural. She was sure Joshua would treasure them.

After both of them had driven for a few miles, Brandon agreed with Mackenzie. It was perfect for her. He used a credit card with no limit to pay for it to her surprise. He planned to pay it off as soon as the bill came. If he had been prepared, he would have paid cash. There were no branches of his bank around, and he did not bring his checkbook on the tour.

Chapter Forty One

Their next stop was a grocery store to restock the kitchen. Strolling through the aisles, both Mackenzie and Brandon tossed things into the cart. They ate many of the same foods. Mackenzie stuck to their list and the items on sale. Brandon on the other hand, just picked up what he wanted.

When Brandon grabbed several cans of Chef Boyardee, Mackenzie scrounged up her face. “How can you eat that stuff?”

“With a fork.” He snickered. “Kids love this stuff,” he insisted.

She rolled her eyes. “
are not a kid.”

“I gotta eat when you’re not home.” He laughed some more. “Wait till I get to the condiment aisle.” He knew she hated pickles.

She shivered. “Blech!”

After weaving through half of the store, Mackenzie thought she saw someone familiar. She only got a fleeting look, but how many men looked like Enrique? He was the stereotypical tall, dark and handsome Latin male, but with bright green eyes that made you look twice.

Brandon watched Mackenzie as she looked down aisles as if she were searching for something. He tried to ignore it. When she stopped cold and gaped blatantly at a man several feet away, he had to say something.

“What the fuck, Kenzie?” Brandon tried to control his anger, but his tone showed it.

She whirled around. “Huh?”

“Who the fuck is that?”

She turned back and Enrique had noticed her. As soon as he started to approach her, she put arm around Brandon. “He’s an acquaintance.”

“Which one is he?” Brandon knew exactly what she meant and was not happy about it.

Enrique was surprised to see Mackenzie so far from home. He was about to say something, but when she hugged the man at her side, he stopped. Staring was not his intention, but she had always said men were only for fucking. Why was she all over him in a supermarket?

Brandon decided to break the tension between them all. “Hey, I’m Brandon. Kenzie says you’re one of her guys.” He wanted to roll his eyes, but fought the need.

“Um, I guess.” Enrique didn’t like the start of the conversation and expected the worst. Then it came to him.
Brandon? As in on her inner thighs? Brandon Knight?
“Oh shit,” he muttered.
Is he gonna kill me for fucking her?

Brandon exhaled loudly, and then said, “Yeah, that Brandon. Relax, man. It’s OK. I’m good with it.” He added in his head,
Sort of.

“Well I’m glad to meet you.” Enrique extended his hand. “I’m Enrique. You’re a talented musician. Mackenzie has told me a lot about you.”

Brandon’s frown turned into a grin instantly. “She did?” He was sure the guy’s accent must have been what caught her attention. She didn’t go for looks most of the time. “What did she say?”

Mackenzie had no idea what to do. It was one of the most awkward moments of her life. She wanted to tell Enrique to leave, but that was rude. Thoughts of their time together flooded her mind. Then she realized they were still talking.

“I cannot treat a woman like that,” Enrique insisted. “She is not a piece of meat.”

Her mouth dropped. She had missed a key part of their conversation. Brandon’s reply almost made her faint.

“That’s good. I want someone around I trust.”

She pulled away. “Wait a minute. What are you guys talking about?”

“You, Tink.” Brandon pulled her into his arms. “Maybe while Jesse and me are on the road, you can have Enrique here to take care of things.” He liked him a lot more than Sasha.

She looked from one of them to the other.
How did that come up?
“Hold on.” She tugged Brandon in the other direction. When they were several feet away, she asked, “You want me to have three guys? I thought you said I can only have two?” She failed to mention why Enrique was not one of her top choices.

“He treats you with respect.” Brandon looked at her questioningly. “Or is he making that shit up?”

She glanced at Enrique. “No. He does, but there are other issues with him and me.” She put her hands on his chest. “You didn’t answer me. Why are you talking about me having another guy?”

“ ’Cause Jesse’ll be with me most of the time,” he explained. “I’d rather you not get bored of Sasha and wind up…” He pursed his lips, knowing he should have kept quiet.

Her mouth opened as she began to understand. “You think I’m just gonna go fuck some random guy, even though I told you I wouldn’t? You don’t fucking trust me at all, do you?” She huffed and hurried away from him, fighting tears.

“Shit!” Brandon ran after her. “Stay here,” he shouted to Enrique. He had to weave through people and carts, only crashing into one. Just before the exit, he caught up to her. “Hey, wait. Come on, Kenzie!” He grabbed her arm and stopped her. Then he led her to a semi-private corner.

She looked up at him, tears streaming down her face. “You’ll never trust me to be faithful to your rules, will you?”

“I’m sorry.” He couldn’t say he would. How extensive her sex life was still rocked him. “I don’t know what to say. You never told me there were so many.” He closed his eyes and forced the jealousy aside. “I’m trying to compromise here. I don’t think one guy is gonna be enough for you while I’m gone, and I don’t want you resenting me limiting you.”

The retort she planned left her mind. “I could never resent you.”

“You will if you start feening for sex and Sasha’s busy.” He cupped her cheek. “You used to have options. I took that away. I can’t deal with you having countless guys to fuck, but if I choose them and trust them, I’ll feel better about it. Enrique seems like a stand up guy and will respect my rules like Sasha will.”

She started to understand his jealousy. If he had sex with groupies nightly, she would put limits on him as well. He just chose wrong. “Um, Enrique was not my first choice for a reason.” She paused, looking for the right words. “He’s not like you.” She lowered her voice. “He’s only been with one other woman.”

“So what?” Brandon didn’t see a problem with that. It actually made him sound even better. “Jesse was a virgin. You like man whores better?” He smiled at his weird joke.

She sighed. “I mean…” she glanced around and only continued when no one was within earshot. “He doesn’t know how to fuck.” Her eyebrows rose. “Well he’s good with…” Her face flushed.

“Just tell me.” He waited, watching her squirm. Then he rolled his eyes. “What? His mouth?”

She nodded, not comfortable about the conversation. “If you think I need another guy, can we choose someone else? It’s not just that.”

“What else?”

“He’s kinda timid and gentle.”

Brandon laughed quietly. “Sounds a lot like Jesse, before I showed him the ropes.” He winked. “He watched me fuck you and learned fast. Didn’t he?”

She knew he was right. “Too bad you can’t give Enrique a lesson in fucking.” She was only half-joking. “That might do the trick.” She giggled and covered her mouth.

“I can arrange that,” Brandon stated and walked away.

Mackenzie quickly trailed him. “Wait. Don’t.” When he hit the aisle where they left Enrique, she shouted his name.

He didn’t slow because he didn’t want to change his mind. “Enrique,” he called out as soon as he was close enough. Then he clapped him on the back. “I wanna invite you over for dinner tonight.”

Breathing hard, Mackenzie clutched Brandon’s arm. “To—night?”

He immediately was concerned. “Kenzie, you OK?” His arm snaked around her shoulders.

“I’m… fine.” She closed her eyes and breathed deeper, trying to recover quickly. He was always worried when she couldn’t catch her breath. She put a hand up, until she could talk again. “This is crazy.”

Enrique came closer. “Is there a reason you want me to come over?” He knew Mackenzie rarely texted him, and he had only been with her a few times. Women intimidated him.

“Yep.” Brandon grinned. “We’re gonna do an experiment.”

Nervously, Enrique glanced at Mackenzie then Brandon. “What kind of experiment?”

“A kinky one,” was Brandon’s response. “Call her when you get home. We’ll pick up something special for dinner.”

Two hours later, there was a knock on Jesse’s front door. Brandon was on the balcony while Mackenzie was putting still working in the kitchen. “I got it!” Brandon shouted as he jogged through the apartment.

Once at the door, he took a few deep breaths. Several times, he wanted to change his mind and call it off. He wasn’t sure he would like watching Enrique all over his woman. The idea of her with any of them killed him. However, he knew her sex drive was so high she would go batty with only a vibrator at her disposal. He was sure he could do it. Well, maybe not. So many girls threw themselves at them it was hard to resist.

“Hey, man. Glad you could make it.” Brandon put out a hand in greeting.

Enrique wiped his wet palm on his jeans before returning the gesture. “I’m nervous as hell. Please don’t tell her.” Brandon had told him his plan. At least what Enrique thought was the plan, a threesome.

Brandon decided not to embarrass him. “You’ll do fine. Just follow my lead and she’ll be exhausted by the end of the night.” That part he was sure would come true.

“Dinner’s on.” Mackenzie carried the final serving bowl to the table that Brandon had set. “Hope you’re hungry.” She uncovered the dinner rolls, candied carrots and shrimp scampi. Then she put a spoon in the potatoes.

Brandon led the way to the kitchen. “Take a seat.” He waved a hand at the table. When Enrique was seated, he opened the refrigerator and pulled the bottle of red wine out. “Does Jesse have wine glasses?”

“No.” Mackenzie had already searched every shelf. “I put out what I found.”

With a slight laugh, Brandon poured wine into the three beer mugs. “Never drank wine this way, but at least I got a good year.”

Enrique quickly scanned the label, and his eyes widened. He couldn’t be sure, but it looked like a expensive Italian wine. “Thank you.” He lifted his glass and sniffed, impressive. After taking a sip, he looked up. “Wow, this is good. I don’t know much about wine, but I’ve never tasted anything like it.”

“It better be good.” Brandon lifted his glass before sitting. “I never pay five hundred dollars for shitty booze.”

Almost choking, Enrique looked at Mackenzie who was giggling. “Are you kidding?”

“He never kids about alcohol,” she informed him. Her glass was to her lips. “Mmmm, this is damn good.” When Brandon sat next to her, she rubbed his thigh. “You spoil me too much.” Just after putting her drink down, she lifted Brandon’s plate and filled it with a portion of everything on the table. “Enrique, do you want some of everything also?”

He nodded. “Yes, thank you.”

They ate in silence for a while. Brandon could feel the others were slightly anxious, which he understood. “So, Enrique, what do you do for a living?” He wasn’t good at small talk, but knew basic questions to ask.

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