Wicked End (43 page)

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Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Wicked End
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“It’s OK.” Mackenzie laughed. “I survived this.” She pointed at the bus. “Fifteen men in one room. This was the worse mess I think I’ll ever see.”

Brandon patted Jesse’s back. “Don’t worry about it. She’s seen my place before Grace started cleaning for me.” He laughed, knowing he was seriously lacking in the domestic department. “We gotta go.”

Jesse slowly let her go. “There’s glasses and plates, but nothing in the fridge.”

“Will you relax?” Mackenzie smiled widely as she touched Jesse’s cheek. “I’ll manage.”

Brandon led Mackenzie into the backseat. “I’ll see you next week.”

“Wait!” Jesse shouted. “I don’t have your phone number, Kenzie.”

She took his phone from him and sent herself a text. “Now you do. I’ll let you know when I get there. Thanks again.”

Security at the Boston airport had stayed at their side from the moment they checked in, until they got to the gate. Brandon had told her about several incidents there with bands, and they no longer took chances. Most of the time they got to ride on a souped up golf cart, and their bags had special tags, so they were stored separately. That was a good thing, because the place was mobbed.

Once on the plane, Mackenzie looked around. First class had boarded before anyone else, yet they were the only ones in the cabin. Even when the rest of the plane had filled, they were alone.

Brandon grinned when he realized she had noticed.
Wait till you see what I got planned.

“Where is everyone?” The distraction had rid her of her fear of flying, which was good. She glared at his devilish expression. “What did you do?”

He winked at her. “You’ll see.”

After the flight attendants had given out drinks and snacks, Mackenzie watched them clean up and leave the cabin, securing the curtain behind them. She took off her seatbelt and checked to see if anyone remained.

Brandon got up and retrieved his carry-on bag. He smirked as he pulled out a blanket. “You still got a few left on your list.” He tugged her to him. “We’re gonna knock one off up here.”

“I was thinking the bathroom, maybe?” The last thing they needed was to be arrested again.

He lay the blanket down on their seats, glad they were wider than most. “I got it all taken care of, relax.” He had paid off every first class passenger to sit in coach and tipped the flight attendants to bring her second to last fantasy to life. Shedding his jacket, he set his eyes on her, standing near the kitchen.

Mackenzie’s anxiety started to melt when his lips met hers. He pressed her up against a wall. She let out a soft whimper. She knew she was going to have to be quiet, but that wouldn’t be easy. Hands slid over her ass while she clutched his arms.

Wishing he could ravish her as usual, he sighed and resigned himself to doing his best with the limitations. His thumbs hooked into the waistband of her bike shorts then yanked them until they fell. He ran his hands up the back of her thighs until he had her bare ass in them.

Her eyes opened wide when he ground his erection into her pelvis. He was as hard as ever. She moaned into his mouth and slid her tongue over his. He immediately deepened the kiss, pulling her closer. She absently, tossed her shorts aside.

He could wait no more and tore his pants open. “I need you now.” He gasped when she grabbed his cock. She pumped it several times, and he grabbed her by the hair. “Let go.” He was trying to control the animal within, but she was making that difficult.

When he lifted her up, she clung to his shoulder, startled. Their eyes met while he adjusted their position. She felt his stiff shaft brush her inner thigh, just before he thrust into her. “Brandon…” she quietly called to him, her eyes rolling back.

He felt the clenching within her and grinned. Then his head dipped so he could kiss her neck. “I got you started quick, huh?”

She nodded her head, trying to slay silent. A gasp escaped when he withdrew and pushed in further. Her hips held tight, she clung to him as he pumped faster and harder. When her back started to arch, she hit her head on the wall, so she dug her nails into the fabric beneath her hands. She gripped his dick tight while her body trembled, ecstasy flowing over her again.

“God, that feels amazing, Tink,” he whispered in her ear. The excitement of it started to get to him though. “Fuck,” he mumbled. Then he slowed his pace until he forced his orgasm to abate. “You make me crazy, Kenzie.”

Brandon nuzzled her neck while he gradually built his pace back up. His love for her melded with the incredible pleasure her body gave him. It made one hell of a combination. It felt like freight train traveling at full speed, a never-ending high. He rammed into her a bit harder, wanting to consume her. His plan was sliding off the tracks while he allowed his lower half to dictate his rhythm.

Mackenzie cried out his name as softly as she could, which was hard. She could tell he was lost in his own pleasure at that point. That was something that rarely happened to him. It turned her on, more that expected. She squeezed her pussy tight, making him moan. The gasps he let out as she continued made her smile.

“You gonna cum, baby?” she murmured.

He heard her and met her playful expression. “That wasn’t the plan… Not yet.” He ground his hips into hers. A slow circle drew a groan from her lips. “Mmmm, you like that, huh?” He went around again, drilling as deeply into her as possible. “You want more?”

She nodded quickly, craving that unbelievable feeling. “Please, baby, please.” He delivered, and she grabbed his neck, forcing his mouth to hers.

They moaned into each other’s mouths. Their kisses became passionate, desperate. Brandon gripped her thighs tighter, beginning to thrust again. He needed to spill his seed in her. All could think of, was cumming deep inside her pussy. Forgotten was his plan to lay her on the seats and give her even more pleasure.

“Uh…” Brandon buried his mouth in her hair, trying to mask his cry. “Mackenzie…”

She felt the pulsating just as her own body began to convulse. “Damn, Brandon. I love you.”

He held in the growl at the tip of his tongue while he filled her. When he had spent it all, he sighed. “Sorry, Tink. I was trying to make this special. But then you went ahead and drove me up a fucking wall.”

“It was special.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “I shared it with you.”

He smiled and looked her in the eye. “True. Now we can both say we’re in the mile high club.” He chuckled quietly. “Thanks for the induction.”

The fact he had never had sex on a plane either, surprised her. He must have had many opportunities, especially if he was recognized. However, she had found out many things about his sex life that she had not known before. She hoped she could survive trying to hold off on sex for him.

After they had both made a trip to the bathroom, Brandon let the flight attendant at the curtain know they were done. She winked at him and came through the cabin to the kitchen.

Mackenzie relaxed and leaned her seat back. When Brandon sat next to her again, she took his hand and closed her eyes. The plane hit the first bit of turbulence. She clutched him tighter.

“Come here.” He pulled her to lay on him and held her close. “I got you, Tink.”

Chapter Thirty Six

After navigating the crazy Fort Lauderdale airport terminal, including several stops to placate fans, Brandon was ready to hide out at Jesse’s place for a few hours. He had Mackenzie wear his jacket, hoping her hair would hide the main patch, but that didn’t work. Anyone who knew his band recognized it. He wished he left it on the bus, but he never went anywhere without it.

He pulled Mackenzie by the hand to the exit. They walked outside to a wall of heat. It was to be expected in the afternoon in South Florida. It was a big change from what they had gotten used to for a few weeks. He looked down at his jeans and realized he had not packed any shorts. He wondered if any of the malls survived.

Mackenzie knew what he was thinking. “We can go shopping for you this time.” She looked around at the crowded sidewalk. “This is going to be fun. There aren’t enough taxis in the whole city for this many people.”

Brandon watched the lanes of cars move slowly. “Don’t worry.” He pulled out his phone and opened a browser. There had to be a limo service he could call. “I wanna do nothing for a few hours, OK?”

“Sure. I don’t care.” The noise level around them went up.

Brandon said into the phone. “Can you send a car to the arrivals ramp at Fort Lauderdale International?” He heard his name from somewhere and quickly drew his fedora a bit lower. Nervously, he scanned the area, seeing several groups of either high school- or college-age kids. He waited until he got a confirmation about the car then hung up. “We gotta move somewhere else. Two kids are pointing at us, and I heard my name.”

“Are you Brandon Knight?”

Brandon automatically turned around to face a young girl.

“Oh my God! You are!” She squealed and jumped in place. “Deana, it’s him! It’s Brandon Knight!”

Brandon’s eyes opened wide while others stared at them. “Shh, please don’t call attention to us.” He clutched Mackenzie’s hand harder, sensing the inevitable with such a large young crowd nearby. “This is not good. Kenzie, stay close to me.” He didn’t see a way out. There were just too many people.

Minutes later, they were surrounded. Mackenzie grabbed Brandon’s pants pocket while he signed autographs and had his picture taken. She knew he was trying to just get through it, but the dirty looks the girls gave her were making her uncomfortable. No one spoke to her, which she found odd.

“Who is she, Brandon?” several fans asked.

He wasn’t sure if he should tell the truth, not in person. Risking her well-being was not worth it. “My friend. Leave her alone.” He took another notebook and penned his name. “OK, OK. I have to get going,” Brandon announced. Almost 20 minutes had passed already. Then someone grabbed his shirt and yanked on it. “Take my hand, Tink.”

Mackenzie was jostled then pushed. Anger started to build. She would not be separated from him. His hand reached for her, and she grasped it. Someone pulled her hair, and she had to step back.

“Hey!” Brandon yelled when he saw the girls were starting with Mackenzie. Then he noticed a county deputy coming towards them. He waved at him and shouted, “A little help here!”

Deputy Samuels was sent to investigate a disturbance blocking an airport entrance. He scanned the group, who seemed to be travelers talking. Then he saw a man in the middle lose his hat to a young lady then his shirt. He looked familiar, which made him pause.

Mackenzie growled as two girls fought her to get Brandon’s jacket off her. “No fucking way in hell!” she screamed.

“Tink, you OK?” Brandon couldn’t see her anymore. Then he heard a fist connect and turned. He grinned. She had hit one of the girls, and the other backed off.

“Brandon Knight, I can’t believe it!”

Deputy Samuels stepped closer. He knew that name.
Wicked End, right?
“Break it up!” he cried out in a commanding voice. Then he hurriedly called for backup. No one had responded to his command. He started to move them away from Brandon physically. “Let him be on his way.”

When several other deputies came running, the crowd dispersed. Brandon sighed then frantically searched for Mackenzie. A deputy had her by the arm, escorting her into the building. He rushed to them. “Wait. She’s with me.” He could see her hair was in disarray, so she there was more of a fight than he had seen. When she turned to him, his mouth dropped.

She stood there, still wearing his jacket, but her thin tank top straps were torn off. The fabric was mostly ripped, exposing a lot. “I’m fine.” She held her top on with one hand. That did not hide all the scratches on her chest, neck and shoulders.

He zipped up his jacket to cover her body. “I’m so sorry.” He held her close, wishing he had brought Angelo with them. He felt her shaking, but was unsure if it was fury or fear.

Anxious to leave, he checked for their car. Someone was standing outside a Town Car holding a sign with his real name. He had asked for “Brian Kendal.” They probably used the name on his credit card. That was why it got so bad.

“Are you alright, Mr. Knight?” Deputy Samuels asked when he had everyone rounded up. “Next time, let us know you’ll be here, and we’ll set something up for you.”

Brandon met his gaze. “I guess. Any idea where our bags went?”

A deputy was soon wheeling a cart towards them. It had gotten pushed back to the wall. Officers then led the way to their car. The driver loaded the bags, while Brandon urged Mackenzie into the back. Within seconds, traffic had stopped, and they were on their way.

“I should’ve known,” Brandon admitted, hugging her to his side. “Next time, I’ll set it up with the sheriff’s office like the deputy suggested. I’m sorry.”

Mackenzie was still seething, but hid it. “I’m fine. Relax. I have other tops, and the scratches will heal. I got them all good though.”

He imagined she did. He had seen blood scattered on the floor. “That’s my girl.”

Mackenzie watched the world go by out the tinted side window. She wanted to get some rest, but they had to pick up her car first, or they’d be stranded. Her eyes closed for a few minutes. When she felt them going up a ramp, they opened fast.

“Why are we getting on 595? Where we going?” Her old place was north of the airport, not west. She sat up when she didn’t get an answer and glared at Brandon. “Aren’t we going to going to get my car? How are we gonna get around?”

Brandon groaned and looked at the roof. “We’re going to pick up a rental.”

“You can use mine if you want to go somewhere.” He didn’t move. She began to put it all together. “My car didn’t make it either?” When he shook his head, she slumped over and fell onto his chest. “I have nothing left.” Tears sprung from her eyes. “I have to start all over.”

He stroked her hair and held her close. “You can start over with me.”

It took a minute for his words to sink in. Then she glanced up, sniffling. “What do you mean?”

“I’m moving here.” He took a deep breath. It was going to be a big job to relocate, but he had to be closer to her. Besides, she needed him. “We’ll make the new place ours, new for us both.”

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