Wicked End (40 page)

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Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Wicked End
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Nodding at Jesse, Brandon began to pump faster and harder. Jesse followed suit, seconds later. Brandon wanted her to give in again. When she said she had enough the night before, he felt as if he had done his job, pleased her beyond capacity. He wanted that to happen once more.

Jesse was working hard to catch his breath already. He and Brandon held Mackenzie tight, fucking her harder and harder, until her screams melded together. The amount of times she came all over him was shocking, but he really enjoyed it.

“Oh, God! Oh, God!” Mackenzie’s nails dragged across Jesse’s skin while her head leaned on Brandon’s shoulder. “Baby, please… it’s too much.”

Smiling from ear to ear, Brandon whispered, “You give up already?” He chuckled. “Better than Scott and Austin, huh?”

She nodded and gasped out, “No… com-par-i-son…” A moan escaped her as they rammed into her hard. It was true. It felt so different. The emotional part Scott and Austin shared was absent. It was just fucking, amazing fucking. “Much… bet-ter.”

Brandon bit her shoulder. “Good, we gotta do this again. Jesse you down for that?”

“Hell yeah!” Jesse’s eyes opened wide. He had a tingly feeling in his balls. “Kenzie, baby, I’m gonna cum.” He ground into her deeply, just before a stream of semen flowed into her.

Still thrusting hard and fast, Brandon reached around Mackenzie and grabbed her breasts. “Want me to cum too, Tink? Want me to fill your ass up?”

“Please!” she begged.

Brandon jerked his head to the side. “Pull out. I’m gonna roll her over.” When Jesse had, Brandon forced her on her belly and held her hands to the bed. “Gonna pound you good, Tink.” Her body quivered, which made him smirk. He loved letting the dom in him out.

Mackenzie screamed when he began the intense rhythm she expected in that position. Her entire body was pinned to the bed while he slammed his hips into her ass again and again. Overwhelming ecstasy consumed her.

Jesse watched while sitting on the bed. He couldn’t believe she could take that much force in her ass. Her constant cries told him she continued to cum, though. Brandon was moaning loudly as well.

“Do you want it?” Brandon growled quietly in her ear. “Where do you want my cum?”

She trembled with anticipation. “In me, please.”

“You sure?”

“Yes… Oh shit! Fuck!” She tried to grip the sheet, but couldn’t. Her pussy and ass clenched while her back arched just a bit.

Brandon groaned. “God, yeah… fuck… here it comes…” He pressed his pelvis against her and gasped as a flood of semen filled her ass. “Love you, Tink.”

Mackenzie couldn’t return the phrase. She was out of breath, gasping and panting. She was bowled over that Brandon had gotten so into it. By the time her breathing had evened out, she was falling asleep.

Brandon felt her drift off and pulled out. He smiled at the sated look on her face. “I love you,” he whispered then kissed her cheek.

Jesse felt they need some alone time. He got up to use the toilet.

When the door closed, Brandon looked up. For a few minutes, he was just left with his thoughts and worries. He had yet to find a hotel room for more than two days in South Florida. It would take more than that to just get settled, never mind buy a place or even rent one. Then there was replacing all of Mackenzie’s lost things. He needed at least a week. His flight home was the next Wednesday, but no one else knew that.
I gotta find a way to tell the guys I’m blowing the shows next weekend.

As soon as Jesse came out of the bathroom, Brandon got up. “Keep an eye on her OK?”

The shower did not help Brandon solve anything. Normally it wouldn’t bother him to have no plan. He liked playing it by ear, but not when Mackenzie was involved. He wanted it all set up, so she wouldn’t have to worry.
I still got time.
He opened the door to let the steam out.

“Hungry?” Brandon asked as he dried himself off. He glanced over at Mackenzie who was still prone on her stomach. “Looks like she’s worn out.” He knew it was because she was still recovering.

Jesse shrugged. “Guess so… she’s breathing. I checked.” He walked over to the minifridge and grabbed a water bottle. “I’m starving. Thanks for letting me be a part of this.”

“No problem.” Brandon hung the towel over a chair and sat on the end of the bed. Caressing Mackenzie’s calf, he looked at Jesse. “Did you look at the menu?” Neither of them paid attention that the other was naked. “I want cheese fries.”

Jesse read the entire thing twice, unsure. Then he looked up at Brandon. “When do you guys have to leave?”

“Tuesday morning.”

“That’s a big travel day.”

Brandon had a puzzled look on his face. “Why?”

“The day after Labor Day, man.”

“Oh right, damn.” Brandon regretted not waiting another day, but he had to use the time he had. “If I tell you something, can you keep it from her?”

Jesse gave him a lopsided grin. “Of course.”

“Cool. I can’t find us a place to stay.”

“Oh shit. That’s not good.” Jesse looked down. Then he grinned madly. “Did she tell you I live in Coconut Creek?”

“Coconut Creek? Where’s that?” Brandon was very confused. He did not know Florida well.

Jesse glanced at Mackenzie who was moving her ass a bit. “It’s a city next to Coral Springs. I heard that’s where her company moved to.”

“Yeah, so?”

“You guys could use my place until you find something.” Jesse hoped they didn’t and she was there when he came home. “It’s small, but I don’t have a roommate.”

Brandon stared at him, thinking he heard wrong. “You serious?”

“Sure. I don’t mind. I only have one set of keys on me, so make sure I get Mackenzie’s phone number before you guys leave.”

“You’re a lifesaver, man.” Brandon sighed with relief. “I had no idea what we were gonna do.”

After wolfing down scrambled eggs, bacon and fries, Brandon looked to a finally stirring Mackenzie. He stood up and told Jesse, “Hey, make her a plate. I’m gonna check on her.”

Mackenzie rolled over and closed her eyes again. She was still tired. Her hands smoothed her tangled hair.
That’s gonna take some work to fix
. Then she groaned at the ache between her legs.

“You OK?” Brandon carefully climbed on the bed and lay next to her. When she didn’t respond, he caressed her cheek, holding back his anxiety. “Tink, do I need to call a doctor?” The course of medication was almost over. He worried she was relapsing. “Talk to me, please.”

She turned into his open arm and snuggled against him. “Just bushed.”

“You’ll feel a bit better after you eat.” Brandon kissed her lips and quickly checked for a fever. She was cool to the touch.

As if on cue, Jesse walked over with juice and her plate. He sat on Mackenzie’s other side and stabbed some eggs and potatoes with her fork. “He’s right. You need to eat.” He held the fork towards her and smiled when she opened her mouth.

Mackenzie chewed slowly, although she was very hungry. She reached for the glass and took a sip, apple her favorite. She finished eating before she even got out of bed.

Jesse walked back to the table with the dishes. Halfway there, he tripped over his own pants, kicking them on top of Brandon’s. He shook his head. Good thing he had already impressed her with his dick.

Just as Brandon helped Mackenzie off the bed, he heard his phone vibrating. When she entered the bathroom, he pulled his pants out from under Jesse’s and searched his pockets for it. When he read the screen, he couldn’t believe how many missed calls and texts there were from several of the guys. Jesse’s phone must have landed on his, because he had not heard the phone go off until Jesse tripped.

“Something wrong?” Jesse saw the odd expression on Brandon’s face.

Brandon looked up. “This is weird.” He pulled up the most recent text from Scott.

Where the hell are you guys? We go on in 20 minutes. We can’t find Jesse either. Jake is so pissed off. Get your ass back here, now!

“Shit!” Brandon cleared the screen and checked the time. That should have been the first thing he did, but had thought it was early. “We gotta go!” He banged on the bathroom door. “Get out here and get dressed. We don’t got time for you to take a shower.”

Jesse started pulling his pants on. “We’re late? What the hell time is it?”

“6:40, we go on in 20 minutes.” Brandon was starting to panic. He had never been late for a show before. He grabbed his clothes and threw them on fast.

Mackenzie peeked into the room. “I look like a fucking witch! I can’t go outside like this.”

Jesse grabbed his baseball cap and offered it to her. “Just use this.”

She stepped out and took it, reluctantly. It was better than nothing. After getting dressed, she put all of her hair in the hat.

“Damn it!” Brandon shouted as he ran through the hallways, backstage. They were fifteen minutes late already. He had Jesse walk with Mackenzie, knowing she couldn’t keep up. The sound of Delirious still playing gave him some relief.

Scott’s mouth dropped when he saw Brandon. His hair was just lying flat, which looked good on him, but was not his style. “Did you forget to set an alarm?”

“I had my phone on vibrate. I’m so sorry.” Brandon was panting, hands on his knees. Jesse and Mackenzie arrived just before Brandon caught his breath.

Scott gasped, seeing them together. “Where you been, Jesse? We been searching for you.”

“I was held up at security because I lost my pass.” It was actually hidden in Mackenzie’s purse.

Rolling his eyes, Scott scowled as he looked at their unkempt appearance, and Mackenzie wore the same dress as the day before. “No fucking way. Someone would’ve seen you.” He was sure they all had spent the night together. Jealousy boiled in his veins.
Why didn’t they invite me instead?

Then he recalled the great time he had with Austin and Kenny. It wouldn’t have happened if Brandon had invited him to their hotel room. Kenny was eager to please, but nervous as hell. He willingly sucked both Scott and Austin’s cocks, but when Austin wanted to penetrate him, his eyes opened wide. Scott coaxed him into it with a blowjob. While in a 69 position, Scott and Kenny performed mutual oral while Austin broke Kenny in slowly. Austin was better with newbies. He understood how hard it was to learn control.

“I had to stop them from throwing him out, really.” Brandon grinned, because that was the truth. They planned it that way. “When do we go on?”

Before Scott answered, the stage went silent, and Jake came into view. “Now, dickhead! You’re fucking late! No matter how good of a fuck she is, it doesn’t give you the right to hold up the fucking show.”

Brandon held back the urge to punch him in the mouth to shut him up. “I’m here now. Let’s go.” He could hear the crowd getting rowdy.

The members of Delirious passed them one by one. “I can’t sing anymore.” Liam patted Jake on the back.

“He’s finally here,” Jake replied and headed to calm the audience.

Austin, who had already been on the stage, came down. “Brandon, what happened to your hair?”

Brandon ignored them and gave Mackenzie a kiss then took his guitar from Daniel. He stopped halfway up the stairs when he heard Jake talking to the crowd.

“Sorry about the delay,” Jake said into the microphone. “Brandon’ll tell you all about it in a few seconds… Let’s go Bran—don!” The entire amphitheater chanted his name.

Trying not to blush, Brandon stepped up to his own mic. “I was busy.” He glared at Jake, whose eyebrows rose. He knew what that meant. “I’m sorry I was late, but she was worth it.”

“You see…” Jake grinned. “His dick made him do it.” Laugher came from every direction. “So, Brandon… Can she still walk?”

Brandon scanned the crowd then winked, getting into the banter. “Yeah, but kinda funny… wait till her boyfriend tries to fuck her tonight.” They all laughed.

“Enough talk about Brandon’s dick,” Austin whined into his mic. “Who wants to hear some music?” The cheers he received were what he hoped for. “Hell yes! Is it time for ‘Heaven and Hell,’ guys?” More enthusiastic responses. “Then let’s go!”

Mackenzie looked around for Ashley. She found her in the VIP section, with a few other girls. They were all laughing about the exchange between Jake and Brandon. Immediately, she regretted coming straight to the show. Brandon had told her no one would be on the bus.

Ashley smirked, as she looked Mackenzie up and down. “He wasn’t joking, was he?” When all she got was a blush, she added, “Same dress as last night.” Her eyebrows rose. “Jesse’s hat is a nice touch, but it doesn’t hide the waddling. Which one of them did that to you?”

Shocked that everyone knew Jesse was with them, Mackenzie didn’t know what to say. Her face had heated up so much; it was obvious it was true. Then a memory of them pounding her hard together made her shudder.

“That good, huh?” a woman she did not know asked.

Mackenzie tried to hide the slight ache in her thighs. Other than that, she decided there was no point in denying the truth. “Yep, they were amazing.”

Jesse came into view, moving a speaker back into place. The ladies hooted and hollered at him. He looked up, surprised, but then he smiled at Mackenzie. The expression she wore told him the women knew he helped create her awkward gait. Maybe their little tryst would give him a better chance with the chicks if she bragged about him.

Chapter Thirty Three

Brandon put an arm around Mackenzie’s shoulders. Their set was over and Mark of the Devil was playing. They stood just off stage, watching them. Brandon had always liked them. Anthony Demarco, their lead guitarist, was one of his influences.

The band was very animated and normally interacted with the crowd throughout their entire set. The singer let the audience sing a line for him then held the microphone to the bassist’s mouth so he could sing the next. During the guitar solo, he jumped up onto a step at the front and threw his hands up, rousing the crowd. He got them to shout Anthony’s name.

“They’re good,” Mackenzie said in Brandon’s ear. She had never heard them live. “Is this a new song?”

Brandon nodded then looked back at the band. The last time he saw them was almost two years ago. They were playing “War Heroes,” their first song to get radio play. Most of their music was too hard for the radio. That song was only slightly softer, but the beat was catchy, so it was popular.

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