Wicked End (50 page)

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Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Wicked End
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“Yesss.” She let her legs fall. Her body was completely spent. “Thanks.”

He kissed her hair. “For what?”


“You’re welcome.” He didn’t regret molding one of her lovers into something she needed him to be, but it meant she would be with him more often. “Can you promise me something?”

She sighed. “Yeah.”

“Not every day, please.”

It took her a minute to understand what he meant. “I won’t, only when I truly need it. I promise.” He was the only one she wanted every day. Her drive always soared around him. “You’re my number one, always.”

With a huge grin, Brandon met her eyes. “And you’re mine.” He placed a loving kiss on her lips then pulled out and shifted part of his body off her.

Their limbs tangled, while Mackenzie hugged him tightly. She felt like the luckiest woman on earth. With him at her side, she had it all. She listened to his breathing even out then he leaned on her more. Weakly, she lifted a hand and smoothed out his hair.

“Love you, baby.”

Chapter Forty Two

Every employee of Mackenzie’s branch office stood in the small lobby of the main floor Tuesday evening. They awaited Winston’s speech about their newest big-money client. Mackenzie nervously stood next to Brandon, her arm hooked in his. She hated to be in the limelight, unlike Brandon.

Glad he was invited, Brandon grinned widely. He had gotten to know a few of the new people in her office, not well enough to remember their names. Terri and Travis stood nearby, but Brett was as far from them as he could. All he cared about, was that Mackenzie was sharing her life with him. Even the parts she used to keep from him. They finally had full disclosure and love, something neither thought they had wanted before falling for each other.

He bent down and placed a kiss on her temple. “You deserve this.” He knew she was good at convincing people, but to sway someone on the fence where money was concerned took a lot of talent in his eyes. “Brett must be pissed.” He laughed quietly. “Fucking dick.”

“Yeah.” She smirked. The client was someone Brett had pursued before he moved to the training department, but he failed to win him over. It only took Mackenzie one meeting and a dinner.

Winston made his entrance from the right hallway. “Good to see you all stayed.” He made his way to the far wall and gazed at the group. “Sealing the deal with Sebastian Hanover will open the door for many more wealthy clients in the near future. With his influence, this branch will be the top in the state.”

Mackenzie knew his business meant they had won the countrywide contest for that month. She also knew it would make her a candidate for promotion. Her life was quickly changing into something she never expected, but welcomed fully. She half-listened to Winston go on about the business Sebastian Hanover will move to their company. She was just doing her job, although she obviously did it better than Brett.

“So without further ado…” Winston waved a hand towards the largest conference room. “Let’s celebrate!” The entire room clapped. Then they filed down the hallway where food and alcohol was unlimited.

Mackenzie talked to her coworkers while she held Brandon’s hand. She was glad some were fans and focused their attention on him. It was funny how she was starkly different in her work life compared to the rest of the time.

After about fifteen minutes, servers brought out champagne and glasses were passed around. Once all were filled, Winston tapped his glass several times. “To Mackenzie…” He shouted and lifted his glass. Those around them did the same. “…for always thinking of the company, even when she has a rock star back home.” He winked at Brandon. “Sorry for all the late nights since you arrived.”

Brandon nodded and pulled Mackenzie in front of him, pressing his body to hers. “She made it up to me Saturday.” He had been disappointed when she had to work on Sunday, but knew it was important for her career. Leaning down a bit, he whispered, “And you can make the rest up to me tonight.”

Her pussy clenched instantly. Mackenzie knew he meant they were going to have a wild night. His flight was at 2:00 the next afternoon, and they planned to spend every minute left together. Winston didn’t even blink an eye when she asked for the day off. Her hand slid up his back and toyed with his hair.

“I have every intention of making you think about me until we see each other again.” She felt emotion welling up. They didn’t even have 24 hours left together.

Hearing the sadness in her voice, Brandon tugged her until she turned around then pulled her into his arms. “You know I will.” He slowly stroked her hair, trying to soothe her. “You’re always on my mind.”

“Mackenzie!” Terri bounded over to them and threw her arms around them both. “I didn’t get to congratulate you yet.”

Confused, Mackenzie turned to her, “For what?”

“Hooking Brandon’s sexy ass.” Terri tapped his bottom lightly. “And what a nice ass it is.”

She was the biggest flirt. She and Brandon got along well also. She and Mackenzie were close enough that she felt the need to approve men for Mackenzie. Brandon was the first Mackenzie was remotely serious about since they had met. With a wink at Mackenzie, she playfully grabbed her hip. Despite the fact that she preferred women, Terri had never come on to Mackenzie.

Brandon pulled her into their embrace. “Maybe I could spread my love around once in a while.” He squeezed her side and Mackenzie’s ass, trying like hell not to get turned on by the idea of fucking his girlfriend’s best friend. “It could be fun.”

He glanced at Terri. She was a bottle blonde, but it suited her. She wore makeup, but not too much. Her breasts were large compared to Mackenzie’s, and she was curvier. He liked that sometimes. Maybe Mackenzie wouldn’t mind a threesome. Then he groaned softly. His cock was growing rapidly.

Terri pressed her breast into Brandon’s side, hoping he would notice. She had never mentioned her attraction to Brandon, because she could tell Mackenzie had wanted more with him although she couldn’t see it. That week she had not talked to her, but she received a few texts while they had been on the road. It seemed their relationship was an open one. She grabbed Brandon’s cheek a bit harder, hoping her friend wouldn’t balk at it.

Mackenzie first noticed Brandon’s cock hardening against her lower belly. Then she realized Terri was groping his ass, and he liked it. With the amount of people in the room, no one would notice, so she tested Terri by touching her side. When their eyes met, she saw guilt.

“I do share,” Mackenzie softly assured her.

The words surprised her. She had not planned to share him at all except maybe with another couple. Was it a bad idea to let her best friend into their relationship? She thought about Terri’s personality. Terri also easily separated sex and love. Brandon would enjoy two women, and she knew it. It could be a perfect send off for him. It might even keep him faithful for the whole two weeks.

“Are you sure?” Terri nervously replied.

Brandon looked from one woman to the other. He couldn’t hear what they were saying, but their grinding hips were driving him up a wall. When they pulled away from him suddenly, he wanted to follow to find out what was going on. Mackenzie pulled Terri by the hand from the room. Before he was able to trail them, Travis stepped in his path.

“Hey, Brandon, nice to see you again.” Travis was much calmer than their first meeting.

Brandon tried to see where the girls went while he responded, “You too, man.” When they turned a corner, he gave up. “Did you get our new album yet?”

“Hell, yes! Love it.” Travis tried to tone down his enthusiasm, but it wasn’t easy. “My favorite is ‘The Hero’s Road.’ Kick-ass.” He had purchased the digital version right away, but had gotten the CD after meeting Brandon. “Um, would you… Uh, can I ask…”
Just spit it out
, he berated himself. “I have your CD in my desk… Would you…”

Saving him, Brandon continued his thought. “Sign it? Sure. Let’s go.” He hoped the girls were in there. “Lead the way.”

Excited beyond reason, Travis almost jumped for joy.
Get a hold of yourself, fucker!
He had never met anyone famous before. Brandon Knight was a hero of his in a way. While they made their way through the throng of bodies, he breathed deeply, forcing himself to relax.
He’s just a guy like you. Chill
. He felt a little better once they were in the hallway.

“Did you see where Mackenzie went?” Brandon was checking every room they passed, to no avail.

“No, sorry.” Travis was hurrying, in case Mackenzie pulled Brandon away. “So in October, are you getting us good seats?” He couldn’t help but ask.

With a smirk, Brandon replied, “Better than you expect.” He had a plan to get Travis laid that night. By his demeanor, he rarely met women. Just in case, he asked, “So, do you wanna bring your girlfriend?”

Travis turned a shade of red he had not in a long time. “Oh, uh, I don’t have one.” He cursed himself for being such a geek. “I work long hours, so women don’t really fit into my schedule.” Although he got a hard-on, every time Mackenzie bent over. He had thought about asking her out, or just seeing if she was interested in a quickie, but was too shy to approach her in that way. It was too late for that.

“Ah, I see.” Brandon made a mental note to find him a hot, eager groupie to fuck the hell out of him. “So, what type of girls do you like?”

The change in topic eased Travis’ mind. “I kinda prefer brunettes, but redheads always catch my eye.” He opened the door to the shared office. “I have a thing for big asses, though.” He closed his eyes, embarrassed, “Sorry, TMI huh?”

“Nah.” Brandon was glad he was being open. “What else do ya like?”

While he searched the middle drawer of his desk, he answered, “I guess I like short girls.” He was five foot seven, so he leaned toward those shorter than him. “Tattoos are hot too, especially tramp stamps.” He knew Mackenzie didn’t have one like that, having seen her blouse go up in the back more than once. The tattoos on her sides were quite arousing though.

“That can be arranged,” Brandon said almost to himself.

Travis didn’t catch it. “Ever done a girl with a clit piercing?”

“I have.” Brandon didn’t like them too much. At least not on groupies, since he
went down on them, ever. “It looks cool.”

Finally pulling out the CD, Travis handed it and a black marker over. “I’ve been thinking of getting my junk pierced.”

Brandon winced. “Ouch, Jake had that done and had to take it out. I guess it works for some.”

“Maybe I’ll just leave it alone then.” Travis watched Brandon write a few lines on the CD insert. “I just want an edge up.” He looked around to assure they were alone. “I really don’t know how to talk to girls.”

Without looking up, Brandon nodded. “I know. At the concert, I’ll try to give you some tips, but I wanna find Mackenzie now.” He signed his name below the note that said:
To my good friend Travis, Never give up on your dreams. They can come true
. He handed both the CD and marker back. “Make sure you dress a bit differently for the show.” He waved his hand up and down, taking in Travis’ business suit. “You’ll never fit in like that.”

“Don’t worry,” Travis began. “I have jeans and T-shirts at home.” He hoped he could remotely fit in with anyone Mackenzie or Brandon knew.

Brandon met his anxious gaze. “Relax, man. Mackenzie will be right there with you.” He started for the door. “The guys are just people like me and you. Jake is kind of a dick though. Just ignore him, and he’ll find a chick to fuck instead of fucking with you.”

Travis’ mouth dropped.
I’m going to meet the rest of the band? Holy shit!

“Later, Trav.” Brandon entered the hall and searched all the open rooms for Mackenzie and Terri before going back to the party disappointed.

Mackenzie and Terri were in a locked conference room on the other side of the building. Mackenzie had gotten Terri to admit she had a sexual thing for Brandon since she first met him. It turned her on to know her man was that desirable to other women. She felt the dampness spreading to her thighs.

“This would be a onetime thing. Unless Brandon wants it again and you follow my rules.” She was nervous and excited about the idea, but didn’t want things to turn ugly like they sometimes could.

“You know me.” Terri smiled. “I’m like you—fuck ’em and leave ’em. Well, unless their cock is just that good. Then I might go for seconds.”

“Slut,” Mackenzie teased.

Terri’s eyebrows went up. “You know it.” She sat in one of the rolling chairs. “I won’t do anything to him that you say is off limits. And I won’t get attached.” She reserved attachments for women, less egos in her opinion. “So what’s your rules? Can I play with you too?

Mackenzie was taken aback for only a few seconds. “You know, I didn’t even think of that.” They had joked around about getting together for a night often, but had never followed through. “I’ve been with a woman, so I’m good with that too.”

“What?” Terri hadn’t heard about that. “When?” She folded her arms over her chest. “Spill.”

With a wistful look in her eyes, Mackenzie relayed the liaison with Giovanni and Crystal. She had enjoyed every minute of it, even Giovanni trying to get his huge dick in her. “You shoulda seen Brandon’s face when she started eating me out. Then he fucked the shit outta her.”

“So, was her boyfriend any good?” Terri loved hearing wild true stories.

Mackenzie grinned. “Fuck yeah he was. My thighs were a bit raw after though. He’s kinda rough, but damn what a thick cock. You’d love it.”

“I’m jealous.” Terri rarely found men larger than seven inches. “How big is Brandon?” It was another thing Mackenzie had never revealed.

“Looks like your gonna find out.”

Terri bit her lower lip, shivering with anticipation. “So then, what’re your rules?” She braced herself for the worst.

“Condom, no kissing and no hickeys.” Mackenzie paused, making sure there wasn’t anything else. “Kinda the same rules Brandon put on me.”

Her eyebrows rose, “All doable and understandable.” She got to her feet.

“Don’t say anything.” Mackenzie expression turned wicked. “He’s gonna be shocked. Damn, I wish I had an extra key to Jesse’s place so you could surprise him.”

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