When I Look to the Sky (28 page)

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Authors: Barbara S Stewart

Tags: #Romance

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I think I know,” Lindy laughed, but allowed Carlee to continue.

It’s just that the back is so open. What would I wear under it?”

You seem to be a free spirit,” she said and Carlee laughed. “And you are small, so before you leave I’ll give you just what you need. If it doesn’t suit you, I’m sure we can find something.”

They stepped out and Lindy took the dress to the front to allow them a few minutes to browse.
 They looked for a while and found a tea-length, silver-grey dress for Jenna and Marissa. It was similar in style to Carlee’s, and they both loved it.

Lindy looked at Geni;
“Mother-of-the-Groom,” she said and smiled. They found a sky blue dress, perfect for her tall, thin frame.

Mother-of-the-Bride,” Kimmy said as she browsed, and Carlee smiled.


Carlee’s dress needed nothing. She didn’t want to leave it, so she took it with her. Lindy gave her the information on where to take it in London to have it ‘freshened’ after her travel there. She handed Carlee a small paper bag. “The garter is always our gift to the bride,” she said and leaned to whisper in Carlee’s ear. “In the tissue paper is all you need under the bodice of your dress. My card is there if you have any questions.” Carlee couldn’t imagine what it could be in a bag that small.


Back at Geni’s that evening, in the room she was sharing with Marissa and Jenna, Carlee laughed, “I can’t stand it anymore.”

What?” Jenna asked.

You saw how open the back of the dress is. The slip thing is part of the dress, but it’s only on the bottom. I asked Lindy what I would wear under the top. She handed me this bag with the garter and said that all I need under the dress was in the bag!”

They looked at the small ba
g and finally, Marissa said, “Well, let’s see what it is!”

Carlee took the tissue paper from the bag.
 Lindy had written on it, ‘For your groom.’ She tore into the paper and all three of them screamed with laughter. Carlee fell back on the bed laughing, and Jenna and Marissa doubled over in giggles. The paper contained a flat envelope that said ‘SassyNippies Nipple Covers’ - they were adhesive flowers.

Geni and Kimmy were drinking a glass of wine in the living room. They heard the laughter and wondered

“I’ve heard that sound before. I’m not sure I want to know!” Kimmy laughed.


Damon, the manager at White
’s referred her to the florist the hotel used. She spoke to them several times about the flowers, telling them what she wanted for the reception and breakfast. They decided on daisies and white carnations for the bouquets.

Everything was falling in place.

~ Almost There



Carlee met with her advisor
the following week. Together, they found the course of studies she needed to complete her degree at the University of Westminster where Matthew was teaching. She couldn’t wait to tell him. “We found my college in London!” she said when she called.


As soon as everything is in place I’ll be attending your Alma Mater!”

Great! I hoped that all along, but I didn’t want to influence you.” They talked a while about school and finally, Matthew said, “I just sent you and Andy an email with a link and some pictures. Look it over, talk to Andy and tell me what you think.”

What is it?” she asked pulling up her email. 

It’s a two-story, two-bedroom flat in Bethnal Green, about six miles from the University. The second story is a large loft; it could be an office or a third bedroom, maybe both, and there’s a bathroom. There’s an outside balcony that overlooks the Regents Canal, wood floors, lots of windows. The rooms are big and open. I went today and saw it. It’s really beautiful, Carlee. There is security and covered parking. I’m pretty sure it’s in our price range.”

was looking at the pictures as he spoke. “It

Can you pull off a long weekend and bring Andy to come see it?”

I’ll call Papa as soon as we hang up.”

I already did,” he laughed. “He said whatever you could work out, he’d join you. Can you come tomorrow? I miss you something awful!” he laughed as he said it, but he was only half kidding.


It was still five weeks until she would be there, so a quick trip now would be perfect. Matthew’s birthday was in a week and the approach of Valentine’s Day made it even more appealing. She hung up and dialed.

I’ve been waiting for the phone to ring; what took you so long?” Andy laughed.

I was telling Matthew about school, and then he was telling me about the flat!”

School? Something you need to share?” 

We found my course of study. I’ll be transferring to Matthew’s University! He’s very excited!” she said, “So am I!”

When can you go?” he asked her.

I could leave late on Thursday and return late on Tuesday. Does that work for you?”

I’ll get our flight, tell Matt I’ll book a suite at White’s and we can all stay together.”


Carlee chatted about the wedding for the first hour and a half of the flight. Finally, she dozed; Andy remembered the last time they made this journey together, and it was bittersweet.


Matthew was at the University when they arrived, so they went straight to White’s and napped. Matthew joined them after class to go see the flat that afternoon.

Andy loved it from the moment they parked the car.
 Matthew took Carlee’s hand as they walked through, checking out every nook and cranny, every closet and cupboard. 

They drove back to White
’s for dinner at Six. Chatting about the flat, Matthew asked Andy a million questions. Cook came to the table to say hello, and personally served their meal. When he hugged Carlee she told him that she needed to see him. “I need some help, your expertise, with the wedding menu.”

Come down in the morning. I’ll meet you here with brown sugar scones, and it’ll be my pleasure!” he said in a happy voice.

You know me well,” she laughed easily. “It’s a date!”


When they returned to the suite, Andy said good night. Carlee and Matthew sat on the sofa talking about the flat and their future. 

, they went to the room they would share and Carlee crawled in bed. She couldn’t believe she was really there with him. He curled close to her and whispered in her ear as he wrapped her in his arms. His fingers left a soft touch as they roamed her body.

Can you be quiet?” He laughed as he asked, but he wanted to make love to her.

Matthew…” she said and scooted closer as he wrapped her tighter in his embrace. His mouth covered hers in a kiss. As she slipped the t-shirt over her head, he pushed her shorts away. “Oh, my,” she whispered.


~ ~ ~


Andy heard Matthew’s alarm the next morning and called for coffee. He heard the knock at the door when the coffee arrived. Matthew came out, dressed for work.
Working man,
Andy thought and smiled. 

Got time for a cup?” he asked.

Always,” Matthew said.

They sat at the table and Andy poured
what he always referred to as ‘the elixir of the gods.’ “I like the flat.”

We do too. Carlee talked half the night about what we would need. I finally told her that one of us had to go to work or she’d still be talking,” he laughed.

Just say how you want to go forward.” 


When Carlee woke, she dressed quickly, gave Andy a peck on the cheek and ran out to meet Cook. As promised, there were brown sugar scones waiting. She kissed his cheek and took out her iPad with all her lists.

I actually have two things; we’ll start with wedding stuff, and I will appreciate your guidance,” she smiled. “For the dinner, I’m thinking the bacon-wrapped chicken with goat cheese and spinach that Matthew loves, but I think we should have a seafood choice too. Your thoughts?”

Cook didn
’t miss a beat in his reply, “Crab cakes.”

Oh, yum! Done, and marked off my list!” she laughed.

We can make roasted potatoes to go with both and a vegetable to go with the crab. Hmm, roasted zucchini, or maybe roasted asparagus? And salad,” he added. “I think that’d be perfect, you?”

I think I like that a lot! So, with chicken and crab, white wine, right?”

Yes!” he said, emphatically.

Good. Now, when Papa and I were in Worthing we had a lovely white wine and I’m wondering about getting some for the dinner. Is that possible?” she asked.

For you, anything is possible; the way you bat those brown eyes, no wonder Matthew is so crazy for you,” he laughed heartily. He thought a minute… “Worthing, and white… hmm? You must be referring to the Machus, yes?”


I’ll make the arrangements. Now, you must serve a respectable cup of tea, my dear. It’s expected,” and again he laughed.

If you insist!” she laughed. “We’ll need a dessert. I haven’t figured the whole wedding cake thing out yet,” she told him. “The dinner the night before is great, and I love it, but should we have the cake then or in the morning?”

“My thoughts? Cake for the dinner, pastries, quiches, and fruit for breakfast… oh, and mimosas! You want a celebration but you’ll want to get the hell outta here and start your honeymoonin’” he laughed.

OK, then… cake?” 

We have the finest baker in all of London, right here at Six. Tell me what you want and it shall be!”

Cook, I love you!”

Don’t go tellin’ the missus now!” he laughed, and then added, “what else Miss Carlee? Seems I’m on a roll this mornin’!”

I’m going home Tuesday; Monday is Matthew’s birthday. I’m thinking a special dinner. He’ll be twenty-five.”


Not this time; I want to include Papa.”

Do you trust me?” he asked with a grin that seemed to illuminate the room.

I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t!” she said in a happy voice.

Then let me ponder it and just know that it will be special,” Cook told her.

Now, sit tight a minute; I’ll be right back.” When he returned, there was a young man with him. There was a carafe of fresh coffee, and a plate of warm scones. “Miss Carlee, this is David.” He turned to the young man. “Please take this and escort Miss Carlee back to her room.”

Cook kissed her cheeks
, and she was on her way. She gave Andy a quick call and let him know. “That was quick,” he said when she returned.

I know what I want. Sometimes I just need a ‘Yes! That’s it!’ to make me decide!” she laughed. “Do you want a scone? I’m starving!”

Andy just shook his head and laughed.


Matthew w
ould return to White’s after his class around two that afternoon. Carlee and Andy talked all morning. He let her rattle on about the wedding food items she and Cook agreed on. He knew that was something a girl needed her mom for, so he was happy to listen. As she talked, he was thinking how to approach the subject of the flat when Matthew arrived. He had a plan ready.

Matthew called ahead and the kitchen had lunch prepared
when he arrived. He grabbed it on his way up to the room. As they ate, Andy took his opportunity.  

What are your thoughts on the flat?” But before either of them had a chance to reply, he added, “Because I think it’s a great buy. It seems just the right size. Nice location. A good investment at that price,” he said.

I think we both love it,” Matthew said, and Carlee nodded.

Matthew, I believe you’re aware that Carlee has some money stashed away.”

I do too,” Matthew said, “from my Granddad.”

And, I told you I’d give you the down payment,” Andy said. “I think you should consider an outright purchase. No monthly mortgage. I want you to be able to come home when you can and not worry about how to do that,” he said. “Because I’m selfish, and I want you to come home every chance you get. Between the three of us, it can happen. Just say the word, and I’ll make the call.”

Ready to proceed, Matthew
called his Mom, and then dialed the sales agent. Andy went in the other room to call his attorney and make arrangements for the money. Carlee couldn’t access her money until she turned twenty-five, but Andy had access to the money from the sale of the house that her dad left her. They made a plan to go back to look again the next day to check out the surrounding area.


Monday morning, Matthew went to work. He had classes until noon and would meet Andy and Carlee at the Esquire’s office after. The sales agent met them there, and they signed the papers. The flat was theirs. 

On the
ir way back to White’s, Carlee told them she had a special evening planned. “Be ready by 6:30,” she told them.

Andy called downstairs when they
returned to request a chilled bottle of champagne. It arrived around six with three glasses. Matthew dressed quickly and waited with Andy as Carlee got ready. They waited for Carlee to open the champagne. She exited the room wearing a long lime green dress, similar to the copper halter dress she’d worn on her first date with Matthew.

You look beautiful,” Andy told her.

Gorgeous,” Matthew said.

This old thing,” she laughed. “It travels well because it’s already all wrinkly!”

Matthew, will you do the honors?” Andy asked.

He eased the cork out of the bottle and poured.

Andy raised his glass to toast, “To your new home.”

They all sipped
as Carlee joined Andy. “Thank you, Papa,” she said.

Don’t go gettin’ me all emotional,” he told her, and she kissed his cheek. 

I love you.”

He gave her shoulder a squeeze and replied
, “I love you, right back.”


When they entered the dining room, Matthew noticed balloons in the back; he took Carlee’s hand and squeezed. The hostess escorted them to their table and he smiled as Cook appeared to greet them.

Happy Birthday, my friend,” he said and gave Matthew a hug.

A waiter delivered a bottle of wine to their table. “
My gift to you,” Cook said. “Enjoy! Your meal will be out in a bit.” He kissed Carlee’s cheek and left. 

It helps to know people,” she laughed. 

They dined on s
alads, and enjoyed great conversation. Finally, Cook and Matthew’s friend, Derek arrived at the table with their meals.

Steak au Poivre with Dijon Cream Sauce, just as you like it,” he said to Matthew, placing a hand tenderly on his back.

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