When I Look to the Sky (29 page)

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Authors: Barbara S Stewart

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: When I Look to the Sky
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Miss, I roasted the potatoes and zucchini just the way we will do for your wedding dinner. Enjoy!”

This is a nice surprise, thank you,” Matthew said, kissing Carlee.

, Derek returned with dessert, a chocolate hazelnut mousse.

Carlee remembered her birthday cake,
“Matthew, what do you think of the wedding cake having that chocolate, creamy, hazelnutty stuff like my birthday cake?”

I would love that!”
he thought, and smiled.

She pulled her phone out and made a note.
 Andy and Matthew looked on and laughed.

Y’all go ahead and laugh. When I pull off the most spectacular wedding ‘evah’ you’ll be glad I’m anal!”


Back in the suite, Andy said good night and went to his room.

arlee and Matthew went to the room they were sharing. She slipped into the bathroom and came out in that big Traveler t-shirt she always wore and Matthew smiled. She crawled in bed beside him and snuggled into his arms.

You can try to disguise it, but I know,” he whispered in her ear, pulling her closer. “Carlee, do you even know that this thing is ten times sexier than anything you ever sleep in? I love you,” he whispered.

They made sweet love, knowing that soon
they would sleep in each other’s arms ‘forever.’


~ ~ ~


It was three more weeks until she would be back in London with Matthew. He’d taken care of transferring utilities and had already packed up his flat and moved everything to the new place. He put his queen-sized bed in the second bedroom and was sleeping there until Carlee arrived. He unpacked what he needed, but he wanted to leave the organizing to her, to make it how she wanted it.

’d spent hours on the phone going through IKEA, the on-line home store, picking things they wanted and registering. Packages arrived every few days. His mom shipped some things he requested, slipping in some things she wanted them to have. She sent gifts that were given to her for them, and Kimmy and Nanny sent packages too. 

Kimmy and Andy talked frequently. She knew he was having a hard time dealing with the thought of Carlee being so far away, but she also knew that he would be over there or they would be home every chance they had.
 She knew Carlee couldn’t stay away from him for long either.


~ ~ ~


Carlee worked hard to get her class work turned in; she was flying to London late on March 15
. She wanted a few days alone with Matthew before everyone began arriving. 

She went to Geni
’s after class on Thursday for lunch. Packed and ready, Geni took her to the airport for a 5:30 flight that evening. She walked through the terminal at Heathrow on Friday morning at nine. Matthew had a class that morning. The driver from White’s was there to meet her. Matthew made arrangements for him to bring her to the University to meet him there. Her things would be taken to White’s, and they would pick them up when his class was over. 

He’d given her the ‘drive-by’ tour before, but now h
e couldn’t wait to show her around the University to see where he worked and where she would be attending soon.


She knew he was between classes and called when the driver reached the University. He walked out as they pulled up. He hugged her and took her hand, holding it tight in his as she squeezed back. She wanted to smother him in kisses, but reminded herself where they were. He thanked the driver and led her to the classroom with a few minutes to show her around before the students began to arrive.

She took a seat in the back of the room and listened as he talked to them about
‘aberration and color fringing.’ She had no idea what it was, but listening to him made her want to know, and she smiled. She couldn’t believe he’d been teaching for three months already. Suddenly, she heard her name and looked up.

You’ve heard me mention, once or twice,” he laughed, “that I’m getting married next Saturday. My fiancé is here and I’d like to introduce her to you. This is Carlee.”

Hey,” she said in her southern accent, and waved.

She’ll be completing her degree here at Westminster. She’s finishing her semester back home and taking the next one off to settle in and learn her way around London. She’ll be starting classes in January,” he said proudly.


Class was dismissed, and he went to her, again taking her by the hand; he quickly showed her around before they left. The campus was diverse, older historical buildings, as well as some new and more modern ones. It was a beautiful spring day as they walked hand-in-hand to Matthew’s car. When he opened the door for her, he finally wrapped her in his arms, kissing her breath away.

Oh, my,” Carlee sighed.

Oh, my is right!” he laughed. “Let’s go!”


~ ~ ~


At White’s, Carlee inquired about the place that Lindy, at The Bridal Shoppe, told her about for her dress. Damon told her the hotel would take care of it, so she had one less thing to worry with.

Matthew got her bags and put them in his car
, and they drove off, excited to finally be on their way to Bethnal Green. She paid attention, trying to get her bearings. They parked, grabbed bags, and took the lift to the third floor. Matthew had sent Carlee many pictures since he moved in. When he unpacked something, he would call, using the video application on his phone to show her where he put it, making sure to keep her a part of it. When they reached the flat Matthew unlocked the door and set her bags inside. 

He turned to Carlee.
“No,” she said and laughed.

No? No, what?” he grinned at her.

No, you are not carrying me in there!” she giggled.

Oh, yes I am; it’s a tradition, come on!” He scooped her up, and into his arms. She put her arms around his neck as they went through the door, and she kissed him. They fell onto the sofa, and the kissing continued. Finally, he got up, pulling her to her feet.

Come here; I have a surprise for you.” He took her hand and led her to the master bedroom. The door was closed, and he turned the knob to push it open. It was just the mattress with sheets, a blanket and pillows on it, but there was a king-sized bed waiting. “I haven’t slept in it yet. I’ve been waiting for you.”

Lying in the middle of the bed was a pair of yellow-stripped satin pajamas.
 “What’s this?” she smiled.

As sexy as that big ol’ t-shirt is, I like this better,” he laughed. “It gets cold here at night, you know.”

Not in this place it won’t,” she laughed. “I love them!”

Good ‘cuz there are two more pairs, green, and blue, and I’ve already washed them! I didn’t get the pink ones,” he laughed.

She plopped down on the bed.
 “Nice, Matthew, our bed! But why’d you leave it in the middle of the room?” she laughed.

I wasn’t sure where you would want it. We can move it where ever you want.”

Hey!” she said and smiled. “Where are the boxes Aunt Kimmy and Nanny sent?” 

He showed
her the boxes in the corner of the second bedroom that he’d already cut open and she dug through them. He watched her shuffle things around and finally saw the smile on her face. She pulled it from the box and sat down on the floor for a minute, holding it. “Do you have scissors or something to cut this open?”

Matthew went to the kitchen and returned with them
. Once she cut the sealed bag open, she looked up at him, “Mama’s quilt,” she smiled. She pulled it to her face and breathed in the smell of Nanny’s house, then rose carrying the quilt in her arms. She went to the bed and lovingly spread it over the blanket.

Nice,” she said with a big smile. “What time is it? We forgot to eat…”

And you are starving,” he laughed. “Come on, I’ve got sandwich stuff for us. I thought we’d run out later and grab what we needed after you rested. I know that’s a rough flight.”


They made sandwiches and talked with much excitement about the days ahead. “It’ll be a busy week,” Matthew said.

Actually,” she said and paused. “No, not really; I pretty much have everything under control, a few last-minute things, but nothing crazy. I worked really hard to get it all done so I could spend every moment I could with you,” she reached and placed a hand gently, lovingly, on his cheek. 

She pulled her phone out and looked at her lists.
“Papa arrives Tuesday; Kimmy, Jenna and Marissa come Wednesday. The rest of my family all get here Thursday. Papa already made arrangements for a driver to meet everyone at the airport. We just have to get to White’s.”

She looked down the list again.
 “Your mom gets here Wednesday; Brian, Thomas and their crew will arrive on Thursday…”

As she went on Matthew heard her, in his mind, tell
ing him and Andy,
‘when I pull off the most spectacular wedding ‘evah’ you will both be glad I’m anal!’


After they ate, Matthew said, “I’ll clean this up, you go rest.”

No, I’ll help clean up. Then you can join me for a nap. Please, I didn’t come all this way to sleep alone. Just an hour or so, and then we can run out.”

They cleaned up from lunch
, and around 3:30 they went to lie down. Matthew set the timer on his watch for five. She snuggled in, and he held her close. She fell asleep quickly. Matthew was so happy she was there that he lay awake, just holding her, thinking about ‘tomorrow.’

Eventually, he
fell asleep too; the beep of his watch woke them both. Carlee rolled to him, her face inches from his; “Hello beautiful,” he said and kissed her. “Nice nap?”

Yes, nice comfy bed. Let’s get going so we can get back,” she said in a sleep-raspy-voice, making Matthew just want to stay there in bed with her.


They drove around, Matthew showing her the area; shops, hospital, library… all around. They had done the same when they came the weekend she and Andy were there. Finally, he pulled into a large parking lot. “ASDA, the U.K.’s Walmart!” he laughed.

They grabbed groceries for the week, picked up things Carlee wanted for organizing
; and some things for making it look like home. “We’d better stop! Will all this fit in the car?” she laughed.

They crammed the bags in and headed for home. Matthew had already discovered what he told her was
‘the best pizza in east London.’ He called ahead to pick one up on the way.

They unloaded their purchases
, and Carlee got busy putting things away. Matthew set the table, lit a candle, put some music on, and they shared their first dinner together in their new home.

As they ate, Matthew noticed the smile that crept across her face.
“You gonna share that happy thought you’re thinkin’?” he asked.

Home” Carlee said, and smiled.

Matthew went to shower
, and Carlee slipped into the pajamas and crawled in bed to wait. When Matthew finally joined her, she was dozing, but rolled into his arms as he scooted in beside her. Gently, and lovingly he rubbed her back through the satin top. She curled closer and Matthew lifted the top over her head; she pressed closer to him. He slid his hands down her hips, easing the bottoms off, as well. She rose above him, her hair falling forward as he framed her face to kiss her. He wrapped her tighter, rolling her back onto her back, and said one word, “Carlee...” 


Saturday morning, Carlee was sitting at the table in her pajamas, drinking coffee. She was eating scones that Cook sent for her, and Matthew thought there couldn’t be anything in the world that could make him happier. They had breakfast, and then set out for another run to ASDA for more things they needed. Matthew’s friend Michael and his wife Deborah were meeting them there with his truck to help with some larger items. Carlee and Matthew were checking out when they arrived. Matthew introduced his friends, and they all made their way to the flat. 

Deborah got busy with anything
she could help Carlee with. There was a stackable washer and dryer in a closet located in the kitchen, and she helped sort the towels and linens they’d purchased to wash them. She helped put things away that Carlee was working on, anything she needed. Carlee liked Deborah immediately, and a new friendship began.

Matthew and Michael moved furniture where
ver Carlee wanted it to go. Some things were moved more than once, and Matthew laughed. “Where do you want the bed?” he asked.

Oh, for now, just leave it where it is.” Her comment left the others laughing, “I’m serious. I’m not sure where it should go until we decide on furniture. There’s no sense in moving it twice.”  

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