What if I Fly? (33 page)

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Authors: Jayne Conway

BOOK: What if I Fly?
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He has to get her to the hospital! She’s writhing in agony, howling in pain so horribly, he almost pulled over, but she swatted his leg, “Just keep driving! I’ll make it…Ahhhh!” She lets out another primal scream.

They arrive at the University Hospital of Verona, Julia’s contractions coming one on top of the other, and he sees his reflection in a mirror near the door, his face ghostly white.
What on earth did I do to her?
He’s never heard a human being make those sounds. He holds Julia’s hand as she’s wheeled into an examination room and the doctor on duty checks her cervix then sends the nurse from the room.

Tua sposa è dieci centimetri dilatata

Will shakes his head, uncomprehending. Unlike his son, he doesn’t have an ear for languages, despite Angela’s patient instruction. He has no idea what the doctor is saying. Julia lets out another scream.

Cosa? Parlare inglese?

“You wife,” The doctor sighs, holds up ten fingers and slowly says, “
Dieci centemetri

Ten centimeters? Already?
Will swallows hard and nods, then leans over Julia, wiping the sweat-soaked hair from her forehead and kisses her.

“Jules, it’s time to meet our baby.” Her eyes are glazed over with pain, but she touches his face and smiles.


Will holds Julia’s hand for over an hour as she pushes, until at last, he hears their baby’s cry.

Signore, si dispone di una bellissima bambina
.” Will’s eyes are wide and brimming with tears.
A girl
. Julia’s collapses against the bed, completely exhausted but smiling. He kisses his wife, wiping the damp hair from her brow.

“Jules, we have a daughter.” Her eyes fill and she nods, reaching out for him.

“You hold now?” The nurse asks Will in broken English. He turns to Julia and she smiles and nods her head.

“I was the first to hold Liam,” she says, wiping away a tear, “You should be the first to hold our daughter.”

He sits beside Julia in bed and holds his arms out, his heart swelling with emotion as the nurse places his baby daughter into his arms.
I can’t believe she’s here!

“She’s perfect,” he whispers, kissing her tiny forehead. She has wispy dark hair on her head, big brown eyes, and a beautiful round face. He didn’t think his heart could contain more love, but it can. The love he feels for his wife, son and baby daughter, his family,
is infinite

“What will we call her?” he asks. They haven’t selected any names. Julia said they’d know when they see the baby in person.

“I’d like to call her Mary Grace, after my grandmothers.” Julia leans back on the bed, her eyes closed, “Mae was Gram’s nickname.”

“Mary Grace Kennedy,” Will squeezes her shoulder and she smiles lovingly into his eyes, “Welcome to the world sweet Mae.”

“I wish Gram was here. I want to tell her I found my Romeo, and we have a family. That our daughter has her name…”

“She is, my Juliet.” Will sits beside her, kissing her softly, “She’ll always be with us.”











About the Author


What if I Fly?
is Jayne Conway’s debut novel. Jayne has written dozens of short stories, poems, song lyrics, and other meandering thoughts, for her own amusement. One day, she decided to share the stories dancing in her head with others. What started off as a daydream, something to tick off her bucket list, has turned into a passion. She lives in Rhode Island with her three beautiful children and is currently writing her second novel.





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