Somebody I Used to Know

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Praise for the Novels of David Bell

The Forgotten Girl

“David Bell is a natural storyteller and a superb writer.
The Forgotten Girl
is a mystery lover’s mystery: a quick-paced and intriguing tale of what happens when the past catches up with the present. Mr. Bell understands the hearts and minds of ordinary and not-so-ordinary people, and his keen insights add a powerful dimension to his crisp writing.”

New York Times
bestselling author Nelson DeMille

“The best crime novels combine a breakneck thriller plot with a piercing examination of family relationships.
The Forgotten Girl
hits this standard and then some.”

—Jeffery Deaver,
New York Times
bestselling author of
The Skin Collector

“David Bell writes spellbinding and gripping thrillers that get under your skin and refuse to let go. This is his best so far.”

—Linwood Barclay,
New York Times
and #1 international bestselling author of
Broken Promise

“David Bell’s
The Forgotten Girl
is both a tightly woven mystery and a frightening look at addiction, the mistrust it creates, the power of secrets, and the hurt created by the little lies we tell ourselves. I never felt like I had my feet under me. Bell has crafted an unforgettable story full of surprises. Don’t miss it.”

—J. T. Ellison,
New York Times
bestselling author of
When Shadows Fall

“[Bell is] a bang-up storyteller, armed with enough detours and surprises to keep the pages turning.”

The Cleveland Plain Dealer

“Realistic glimpses of small-town America. . . . You might want to read it the next time you’re drawn back to the place you came from. It’ll remind you of why you got the hell out of there in the first place.”

The Washington Post

“[A] strong and moody novel . . . personal relationships are critical in this satisfying read, which is in the same class as Russell Banks’s
The Sweet Hereafter

Kirkus Reviews

“David Bell has fashioned a taut gem of a mystery in
The Forgotten Girl
, a tale straight out of the psychological thriller territory blazed by the likes of Harlan Coben and Lisa Gardner.”

The Providence Journal

Never Come Back

“David Bell [has] established himself as one of the brightest and best crime fiction writers of our time . . . a definite page-turner. . . . Bell, once again, has written an incredible, unique thriller that will have you hooked!”

Suspense Magazine

“[A] page-turner. . . . Bell does a good job exposing the seaminess underlying seemingly placid small-town life.”

Publishers Weekly

“David Bell should be a household name for crime fiction lovers. . . . The twisted threads of this complex novel come together for the most explosive of revelations and family secrets.”

—She Knows Book Lounge

“An intriguing, layered psychological thriller.”

Kirkus Reviews

The Hiding Place

“An artfully constructed tale . . . a powerful, provocative novel.”

Publishers Weekly

“David Bell does a masterful job of crafting a crime story . . . a riveting book with surprising but believable twists on every page.”

Suspense Magazine

“A truly fascinating novel . . . an intriguing and complex plot that will keep the reader guessing up to the last chapter.”

—I Love a Mystery

“An incredibly engaging, emotionally investing read. What David Bell does exceptionally well is maintain a heightened level of suspense from beginning to end.”

—S. Krishna’s Books

“Bell has written another winning thriller that is certain to entertain, frighten, and swiftly climb bestseller lists.”

Bowling Green Daily News

Cemetery Girl

Cemetery Girl
is more than just an utterly compelling thriller. . . . Bell’s stellar novel is also a haunting meditation on the ties that bind parent to child, husband to wife, brother to brother—and what survives even under the most shattering possible circumstance. An absolutely riveting, absorbing read not to be missed.”

—Lisa Unger,
New York Times
bestselling author of

Cemetery Girl
is my favorite kind of story because it takes the familiar and darkens it. . . . A fast, mean head trip of a thriller that reads like a collaboration between Michael Connelly and the gothic fiction of Joyce Carol Oates,
Cemetery Girl
is one of those novels that you cannot shake after it’s over. A winner on every level.”

—Will Lavender,
New York Times
bestselling author of

“Grabbed me by the throat on page one and never let up. An intense, unrelenting powerhouse of a book, and the work of a master.”

—John Lescroart,
New York Times
bestselling author of
The Ophelia Cut

“A smasher. It twists and turns and never lets go, and . . . it could happen just this way.”

—Jacquelyn Mitchard,
New York Times
bestselling author of
The Deep End of the Ocean

“Compelling. . . . Please don’t miss reading this book. You’ll do yourself a huge disservice if you do.”

—Fresh Fiction

“An intense ride, twisting through some creepy psychological terrain.”

Houston Chronicle

“A tense and terrifying journey that brims with emotional authenticity. Bell manages not only to build suspense effectively but also [to] tell a story that goes way beyond simple thrills.”


“Suspenseful [and] disquieting.”

Publishers Weekly

“A nail-biting page-turner. . . . David Bell has delivered a first-rate thriller. . . . Followers of the genre can celebrate the addition of another gifted storyteller.”


“A gripping and intense novel, keeping the reader on their toes until the end. Spellbinding and filled with angst, this absorbing story proves to be a page-turner.”

—Reader to Reader Reviews

“Smart, stark, and haunting. This is perfect reading for a spooky autumn night, but be forewarned [that] you might have to later sleep with the light on.”

Tucson Citizen

“Disturbing, brilliantly engaging, and a must read for thriller fans.”

Suspense Magazine


Cemetery Girl

The Hiding Place

Never Come Back

The Forgotten Girl

New American Library

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Copyright © David J. Bell, 2015

Readers Guide copyright © Penguin Random House, 2015

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Bell, David, 1969 November 17–

Somebody I used to know / David Bell.

pages cm.

ISBN 978-0-698-18882-2

I. Title.

PS3602.E64544S66 2015

813'.6—dc23 2015003218


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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