What if I Fly? (31 page)

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Authors: Jayne Conway

BOOK: What if I Fly?
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Chapter Twenty-Five



The house lights rise as the curtain falls on Act Two of Trinity Repertory’s production of
Romeo and Juliet
. Every morning, Julia wakes up filled with gratitude for all of life’s blessings. And they are blessed. As Gabby once said, how many people ever meet their soulmate? Not many.

They’re two of the lucky few, and what makes it even more special, is they realize how fortunate they are, and appreciate each other that much more. It took them almost ten years to get here, but every ounce of pain seems worth it now that they’re together.

My true love is grown to such excess I cannot sum up sum of half my wealth
,” Julia sighs and smiles. This has always been her favorite play, and she knows most of it by heart.

“This is good stuff.” Will squeezes her hand, and looking into her eyes paraphrases the Friar’s words, “You shall not stay alone till we are made one.”

“That could very well be the most romantic thing you’ve ever said to me.” She smiles and leans in for a kiss.

Will pulls her to her feet and they join the crowd in the lobby. They don’t go out often, preferring to stay home with Liam, or spend time with family during these chilly fall evenings, but tonight is a special treat, a gift from Will.

“If you will excuse me, kind sir, I will be back anon.”

“Are you going to be speaking old English for the rest of the evening?” Will raises an eyebrow.

“Thou desirest me to stop?” She flutters her eyelashes, a smile on her lips.

“Ah, no, fair gentlewoman. Tis like softest music to my attending ears.”

“Spoken like the Bard himself!” she laughs.

Will wraps his arms around her, holding her close.

“I love you fair Juliet.”

“I love you, my Romeo. Wow!  That was so corny!”

“Yeah, it was, wasn’t it?” He kisses the tip of her nose and smiles.

“I’ll be right back, I don’t think I can take too much more of this mushy stuff,” she laughs and winks, making her way to the ladies room. “Oh, a gimlet for me please!”


Why is the line for the ladies room always ten times longer than the men’s?
Julia wonders. The temptation to sneak into the men’s room is strong, but she doesn’t, and sighs with relief when she finally reaches a stall. The bell signifying the end of intermission is ringing when the door opens and Julia hears a familiar voice…
and a familiar name

“Avery, what’s going on? What is Will doing here kissing my son’s teacher?” the woman asks in a hushed voice.

Really? In the bathroom?
Don’t these women ever check to see if anyone else is in the room before they start talking about other people? She peeks through the crack in the stall and finds Lacey Bennett, a volunteer parent at her school, standing by the mirror with Avery, her eyes filled of concern.

Avery is pale and Julia wonders how she plans to get out of this one. Obviously Avery hasn’t told anyone that she and Will are getting a divorce.

She’s been surprisingly quiet over the past couple of months. Avery’s stalling over the paperwork, but hasn’t bothered them at all. All communication has been through their lawyers, and Will has been more than fair with the terms.

The house on Poppasquash and everything in it is Avery’s, though Julia suspects she’ll sell. She’s not from Bristol originally, why would she want to live near Will’s family? And the house on Nantucket goes to Will. There’s not much else to negotiate. She get’s half of all Will’s assets, but she can’t touch his trust fund, and they are selling the boat and splitting the proceeds.

The last thing on the table is alimony. Will wants this over and is ready to hand over whatever Avery wants, but his lawyer told him to let him do the negotiating. If all goes well, the divorce should be final by April.

“She’s Dex’s teacher?” Avery asks, her voice strained.

“Yes! She teaches history at The Academy. What’s going on between you and Will? You don’t seem very surprised to see him with another woman. Did you know about his affair?”

“I’ve had my suspicions. They were involved before we were married and…” Avery shakes her head, then begins to cry and Lacey comforts her on the loveseat in the ladies lounge.

Julia rolls her eyes at the absurdity of this situation.
What should I do? I’m trapped!
She may have to wait it out, but Will is undoubtedly on the other side of the door waiting for Julia, drink in hand. It could get ugly if Avery walks out of the bathroom before she does.

On the other hand, Julia doesn’t want to confront Avery here, now! Especially not in front of Mrs. Bennett, a mother of one of her students for Christ’s sake! No matter what happens, this will be all over school by first bell Monday morning.

Good god!
Lacey Bennett of all people! She’s not known for discretion. Julia’s spent a bit of time with her this year, organizing classroom events and field trips, and despite her penchant for gossip, they work well together. She’s a board member and one of a small group of parents actively involved in the PTO.

It all hinges on what Avery says next, because if she crosses the line, the gloves are coming off.

“We’ve been having some…difficulties lately. Peter’s death has been so hard on the whole family, Will in particular. And…we recently received more bad news.” Avery lowers her voice to a whisper, “Will is sterile.”

Julia almost bursts out laughing.
Really, Avery? Sterile?

“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry to hear that. That’s awful! No wonder he’s acting out. Men are big babies when it comes to their virility. They become cavemen, beating their chests to prove how manly they are. He’ll come around.”

“I just can’t believe he’d bring his mistress out in public! I could take the humiliation in private, but for him to flaunt his indiscretion…I don’t know what to do!” Avery sighs dramatically, the tears continuing to flow.

Did Avery think she could pretend to be married to Will indefinitely?
This is absolutely ridiculous. Lacey shakes her head, squeezing Avery’s hand.

“Just goes to show, you never know some people. I’ve spent a lot of time at school with Julia Grasso and I never took her for a home wrecker. She seems so nice!”

“Nice!” Avery snorts, “She’s been chasing my husband since the day we got married.”


Julia grits her teeth, her fists clenched tight.

That bitch

Well, the line has definitely been crossed! She flushes the toilet, opens the door to the bathroom stall and steps out, facing the two women. The scene greeting her on this side of the door is so different from the one Julia faced all those years ago at the infamous wedding.

Back then the women were snide and superior and she felt humiliated. Now Julia sees two nervous women on the couch, and she’s holding all of the cards.

“Mrs. Bennett! So nice to see you! Isn’t the show wonderful?” Lacey’s eyes are wide, her mouth slack. “How’s Dexter? Don’t forget, his project is due this week.”

Avery rises and Julia sees the fear in her eyes. My, how the tables have turned!

“Avery. Well, this is a surprise. You never learn, do you? Why don’t you tell your friend the truth about Will, or are you incapable of honesty?”

Avery’s eyes narrow into slits, but she remains silent.

“No? You don’t want to tell her?” She turns to Lacey, “Avery and Will are getting a divorce, Mrs. Bennett. They’ve been separated for months. And Will isn’t sterile.” Julia stares pointedly into Avery’s eyes, “We know that, don’t we,

“Julia…Don’t…” Avery takes a step forward, panic in her eyes.

“Don’t? Don’t what?” Julia raises an eyebrow, her arms folded across her chest. She’s enjoying this way too much. “Oh, don’t worry,
, I won’t spill your dirty little secrets, that’s not my style. But don’t you dare spread lies about me and Will. Your friends may not believe
, but they’ll believe
. And they’ll believe Sloane and Ellie. Their collective voice will be loud enough to destroy your precious reputation. So you might want to reconsider your approach to this situation, because I’m done with your bullshit.”

Her face red with embarrassment, Avery walks toward the door, but Julia blocks her, shaking her head, “Oh, and do you remember that day, long before you were married, when you told me there was no way I’d end up with Will?” Julia raises an eyebrow and smirks, “I guess you were wrong.”

Avery’s face falls, and Julia steps aside to allow her to make her escape. When the door closes, she leans back against the counter, rubbing her fingers over her temples, her head pounding, then remembers that Lacey is still in the bathroom. She’s standing beside the couch, staring at Julia, apparently in shock.

“I’m sorry you had to see that, Mrs. Bennett. I hope you enjoy the rest of the show.”


Over Christmas break Will and Julia plan a trip to Nantucket for a long weekend. He’s considering selling this house, but wants her to see it before he makes a decision. When Will first mentioned the trip, she was hesitant to stay at his place, not wanting to spend time in a home he shared with Avery, but he explained that Avery preferred to stay with friends when she was on the island. Will doesn’t associate Nantucket with Avery at all.

Two days after Christmas, they take the ferry from Hyannis to Nantucket. Liam is staying with Will’s parents while they’re away. Whenever Will talks about this house, his face lights up. He’s proud of the work he’s done and she can’t wait to see it.

He once said every ounce of frustration and anger he’s felt over the past two years has been worked out there, his oasis in the desert of his loveless marriage. Nantucket is the only place Will has felt some semblance of peace and he hopes she loves the island.

Julia’s very excited, she’s never been to Nantucket before, but ever the proud history geek, she’s been reading up on it. The island has a rich history, and she’s eager to explore. The Athenaeum and Maria Mitchell’s Observatory are high on her list of places to see, as well as the village of Siasconset, which will be deserted this time of year.

They brought the car with them so when the ferry docks two and a half hours later, they drive the short distance from the terminal to his house on Orange Street. It’s a sunny day, brisk, but beautiful.

Main Street is paved with cobblestones from the eighteenth century and it’s a bumpy ride through town. Downtown Nantucket is decorated for the holiday season with dozens of Christmas trees lining the sidewalks in front of the shops, galleries and restaurants along Main Street, all but the pharmacy are closed for the winter.


Will pulls into the driveway of his house. It’s typical of the area with weathered grey shingles, white trim, two chimneys, flowerboxes in each window, and boxwoods around the perimeter of the property.

When he opens the heavy red wooden front door, she walks into the entryway and smiles. Behind the weathered façade is a sunny, cheerful space. Will preserved  period details such as the worn wood beams crisscrossing the ceiling, wide plank wood floors, original crown molding and chair rails, and the classic six-over-six windows. A beautifully restored staircase leads upstairs.

“Oh Will, it’s gorgeous.”

He drops their bags and scoops her into his arms, carrying her to their bedroom on the second floor.

“Aren’t you going to show me the rest of the house first?” she laughs.

“No way. I love Liam to death, but I want to hear you cry out in ecstasy. I miss that sound.”

“Do you?” she smiles seductively. “You like to hear me call out your name?”

“I love to hear you come.”

Will carries her to the bedroom where they impatiently shed their clothes, and are as loud as they want for several child-free, uninterrupted hours of bliss.


Later that evening, Will stokes the fire in his t-shirt and pajama bottoms. Julia’s sitting up in bed, enjoying their picnic of bread, cheese and fruit, wearing Will’s flannel pajama top.

“I have something for you…” he says turning toward her.

“You do?” she smiles, popping a grape into her mouth.

“Uh huh. A surprise.”

Will reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a little black box and an envelope. Her heart stops and she brings her hands to her mouth.

“Which one do you want first?” he sets them in front of her and climbs onto the bed. Liam’s handwriting is on the envelope. She bites her lip, then picks it up and looks into Will’s smiling eyes.

“Go ahead, open it.”

Julia slowly opens the letter and reads her son’s message aloud.

Deer Mommy. Daddy askd me for permishon to marry you
.” Her eyes fill with tears and she looks up at Will. He’s grinning ear to ear. She continues, “
I sed yes. I love you mommy and daddy. From, Liam.

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