Were She Belongs (22 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

BOOK: Were She Belongs
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She was a combination of both were and fey, but her fey blood was dominant. There was so much to explain to her wolves, but despite Bethany’s confidence, Lexi felt she needed time to adjust. All she could think of right now were her mates. She closed her eyes as she sat up in bed.

“Mates, come to me. I need to see you,”
Lexi called to them through their link, and immediately Andre emerged from the sitting room, Paul came out from the bathroom, hair dripping and a towel barely covering his body, and Saber rushed through the doorway from downstairs.

Andre was the first to embrace her. “Are you feeling okay?” he asked, hugging her close.

She smiled, loving the feel of his arms around her. She looked at Saber and Paul over Andre’s shoulder.

Were She Belongs


“I missed you,” she stated as Andre released her. Lexi pushed the covers off of her as Andre helped her stand up.

Paul took that moment to kiss her and hug her to him. The smell of soap and his individual scent had her inhaling and closing her eyes.

“I love the way you smell,” she whispered.

Paul released her, smiling.

She noticed that Saber stayed a few feet away. “What have I done to anger you this time, wolf?” she teased, placing her hands on her hips.

Saber kept his expression neutral as he slowly approached her. He pulled her into his arms and held her against his chest.

“Don’t go getting all mouthy with me. I came quickly because I was concerned for your well-being. You slept the day away,” he whispered, holding her gaze with his own.

Lexi smirked. He obviously didn’t take a liking to her calling him through their link.

“My apologies, my alpha, I didn’t mean to demand or summon. I only meant to get you here quickly because I missed you so.”

He eyed her suspiciously. “I’ll let it slide this time, little one, because I missed you, too.” He leaned down and kissed her softly.

She held him close.

“How is your arm? Are you sure it is okay?” Andre asked, caressing her from shoulder to wrist.

“It’s perfect. Is Feldman still here?” she asked and immediately noticed her wolves’ annoyance. They were jealous. She felt their emotions immediately.

“You have it all wrong. Come sit with me,” she stated, holding Saber’s hand, then grabbing Paul’s, ushering them toward the couch.

Saber scooted a chair closer toward where Lexi sat so her legs were between his legs. He held the side of her knees with his hands and gave her his complete attention. Paul sat on her right, and Andre sat on her left.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Lexi inhaled, then took Paul’s hand and Andre’s hand and placed them with hers over Saber’s. She looked at each of them before she began.

“There is so much to tell you, but first I want you to know that I love you.” Tears stung her eyes as she looked at each of them while squeezing their hands.

“We love you, too,” they stated exactly at the same time, which made them all giggle.

“That must be some kind of triplet thing, huh?”

“Something like that,” Andre replied with a smile.

“First, I guess we should discuss my relationship with Feldman.”

“What relationship? You just met him a couple of days ago,” Paul questioned.

“Well, he is important to me.”

“Because?” Andre inquired.

“Because, he is my cousin and one of the few family members I know.”

“What?” again the triplets asked in unison.

Lexi laughed. “Isn’t it great! I was so shocked to find out, and then Bethany told me all about my parents and the whole family tree, and it turns out that Sierra, Jacob, and Troy are distant blood relatives as well. I can’t believe it. Sierra is going to freak out.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa…slow down there, Lex. How the heck can you be related to Feldman? He’s a fey knight,” Paul asked, and it seemed he realized the answer just as Saber replied for her.

“She’s fey,” Saber stated, holding her gaze.

She took a deep breath and was relieved that he didn’t freak out or look angry. Paul and Andre were a different story.

“What? Fey? How the heck can she be fey?” Andre yelled, standing up and pacing. Paul joined him.

“Explain, Lexi, now.”

She was surprised that this time it was Paul and Andre who freaked and not Saber.

Were She Belongs


Saber squeezed her knees, and Lexi began to explain who she was and who her ancestors were.

“So you have were blood in you, too?” Andre asked with a smile.

“Yes. I do.”

They immediately sat back down beside her on the couch. She laughed as they sniffed the air, and she knew they were trying to smell the scent of wolf she claimed she had in her bloodline.

The more they sniffed, the closer they got to her, and their noses and kisses tickled her neck. Lexi swatted at them gently and felt the mood lighten as they appeared satisfied she must be telling the truth.

Lexi explained more about her abilities and about the importance of their mating. When she got to the information about her family and Feldman, she paused. Looking down at her lap, she tried to swallow the lump in her throat.

Saber moved off the chair and knelt down in front of her. He placed his hands against her cheeks, forcing her to look up at him.

The feel of his strong hands against her skin had her body warm and tingling. Although they had made love this morning, it seemed like days ago.

“Talk to us, Lex. What’s wrong?”

“I can’t believe I have a family.” She snorted, and the tears flowed. “I can’t believe I’m more than what I thought I was. Does that make any sense?” she asked, trying to wipe her eyes.

Saber smiled at her. He actually smiled, and she could have sworn that her heart skipped a beat.

“Yes, it makes sense, but also know this, Lex. You were special to us before all this fey stuff and visions, so who you thought you were is just as important to us as who you are right now at this moment.

Does that make sense?” he teased, pressing his nose gently against hers.

She giggled as she smiled, then kissed him.


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

The kiss immediately grew more intense as he pulled her thighs toward him, causing her to spread her legs wider and lie farther back against the couch cushions.

* * * *

Saber absorbed the taste of her, her scent, her femininity, and how aroused he was.

Fey, were, or human, she belonged to him and his brothers. The need to show her that possession and love filled him as he claimed every inch of her body.

Pushing her shirt up, he exposed her breasts and began rubbing and pinching her nipples. Lexi moaned against his mouth as he continued to kiss her while unbuttoning her pants.

He slowly broke the kiss and trailed more kisses along her neck, then to her chest. As he took one nipple, then part of a breast into his mouth, she grabbed his head, holding him steady.

He loved the feel of her skin against him and the way he felt with her grabbing him without the cast in the way. He didn’t think the cast bothered him that much, but now he knew better. It had signified what her attackers had done and how close they came to taking her away from him and his brothers. He sucked harder, and Lexi moaned, throwing her head back.

“Saber,” she whispered.

He spread the love and kisses over her belly as he manipulated the material down her legs and out of the way. His only mistake in the heated rush was that he forgot the tiny black panties.

He kissed her navel, licked a path over the waist of the threaded elastic, then over her lace-covered mound. He placed his thumbs around the thin black string that lay snug against her hip bones and began to slowly move them off her mound and out of his way. But the scent of her arousal overpowered his wolf, and he ripped them from her body.

Were She Belongs


Lexi inhaled, but thrust her hips toward him, and he lifted her legs over his shoulders, then went in for a taste of her cream. He heard his brothers’ heavy breathing, but she was all his at the moment, and his cock wasn’t slowing down. The sounds of sucking and slurping filled the bedroom, and the feel of Lexi’s fingertips combing through his hair sent chills through his body.

He held her open with his fingers as his tongue dissected every crevice, licking her from her tight puckered hole to her drenched, hot pussy. He undid his pants with his other hand, releasing his throbbing cock from confinement. Saber felt his beast surface. His eyes glowed, his incisors lengthened as he growled low and deep. Then his claws appeared latching onto her thighs, craving every inch of his mate.

“I want in, now!” he growled, lifting his hips and maneuvering out of his jeans in an awkward and clumsy way.

Lexi didn’t seem to mind as she tried to reach down and help him.

But he didn’t need any help. His cock was free and immediately found its way to her cunt.

His eagerness was raw and animalistic as he penetrated her core.

Lexi screamed, “Saber!” as he thrust into her. He rocked his hips against her fast and furious. Lexi grabbed at his body in an attempt to pull him closer.

“Harder, Saber! Harder!” she taunted him, and his deep growls filled the room.

The couch squeaked as he pounded into her harder and deeper. He felt her tighten and knew she was going to burst.

“Come with me, baby.”

He picked up speed, and Lexi tried to meet him thrust for thrust, but he was too fast, too strong for her to match.

“That’s it, Lex. Come for me, baby. Come for me now,” he demanded, and she burst as her vaginal walls tightened onto his shaft, almost causing him to lock in place.

His feral growl filled the room as he pumped one more time before exploding inside her. He latched onto her neck biting the

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sensitive spot where he first had marked her. He collapsed against her, half kneeling on the floor as his upper body covered her entire frame.

“I love you, Saber,” she whispered, running her fingers through his hair and holding his cheek against her breast.

“I love you, too, little one,” he whispered before taking a few minutes to catch his breath.

* * * *

Lexi looked up to see Andre and Paul completely naked with their eyes glowing yellow. Paul was to her left with his cock in his hand and a look of lust covering his face. Andre took the opportunity to scoot in beside Saber as he rose off of her, kissing her as he pulled from her body.

“My turn,” Andre growled.

“And mine, too,” Paul added.

Saber rose from the couch, lifting Lexi up with him. Andre sat in the vacant spot as Saber turned her toward his brother.

“Straddle him,” Saber directed, and she immediately did as she was told, lifting to sit on top of Andre and taking him deep into her folds.

She moaned as she tried to readjust her body to his size and ignore the soreness from her first round with Saber. Andre grabbed her hips and helped her until he was fully inside her.

He pulled her down to kiss him, and as their tongues met, she felt Paul move in behind her, parting the globes of her ass. He caressed her bottom where Andre thrust up and into her, taking the moisture and rubbing it up and over the puckered hole.

She was filled with anticipation as she lifted and bucked onto Andre and Paul pressed a finger inside her. She felt him lean against her, his chest flush with her back as he pushed deeper with his digit.

“Feel that, baby? My cock is waiting to fuck that tight little hole of yours,” Paul whispered against her ear.

Were She Belongs


Lexi rolled her head back against his shoulder and arched her breasts toward Andre. He pulled one into his mouth as Paul kissed her deeply.

Lexi moved her hips back and forth, taking Andre deeper while she got used to Paul adding another finger. He pressed forward, and she arched toward Andre. She felt Paul pull his fingers from her, then felt the tip of his cock against her back entrance. Before she could protest, Andre lifted her as Paul pushed forward.

Lexi held on to Andre’s shoulders as her two wolves pumped into her. It was overwhelming, and she lost control of her body.

Paul held her hips. She felt the claws against her hip bones, and he pressed her down onto Andre’s cock. Then Andre held her thighs and pushed her back onto Paul’s cock. It was extraordinary, and she gave in to their control.

“Does it feel good, baby?” Andre asked, in between licking her breast and nibbling on her nipple.

“Yes! Oh yes!” she screamed as her orgasm gushed through her.

“Now, brother!” Paul growled, and the two men burst into a frantic rhythm with Lexi buried in ecstasy between them, her body rocking up and down, back and forth. It was chaos at its finest.

Faster and faster they pounded into her, the feel of claws against her skin along with their rhythm caused her to lose her breath. As she inhaled as deeply as she could, the smell of cologne, sweat, and sex filled her nostrils bringing on an urge for more. They continued their invigorating penetration in and out, first Paul then Andre causing a fog around her. Finally both men exploded inside her. They continued to pump into her, the feel of hot semen filling her womb and her entire body.

Lexi collapsed against Andre’s chest. Paul regained his balance and slowly pulled from her back entrance.

* * * *


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

The sound of Lexi’s stomach broke the sound of content breathing. The rumbling against her ear at the sound of Andre’s laughter slowly brought Lexi back to Earth. She didn’t move. She was content lying against Andre’s chest with his cock still hard and deep inside her. She didn’t want to move. She wanted to stay just like this.

Someone had placed a blanket over the two of them, but she didn’t remember when.

Andre caressed her hair and her back. “I think we forgot about dinner.”

Her stomach rumbled again, and they both laughed.

“Paul went downstairs to get something for us,” she heard Saber say from behind her.

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