Were She Belongs (20 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

BOOK: Were She Belongs
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Were She Belongs


Chapter 12

“It was a great success, sir,” Barvon stated, sitting across from Stratton in the main living area.

“The alphas are dead?” he inquired, glancing up from behind the newspaper.

“The alphas didn’t come.”

“What!” Stratton asked, tossing his paper to the side and staring at Barvon.

“They didn’t come to the pack’s aid as you thought they would.”

“They’re still alive? Saber, Jacob, Troy, and their betas?”

“Yes, sir. Our sources say that Jacob, Troy, and many of the elders in their pack are headed to Texas.”

“So they’re retreating?”

“I don’t think so, sir. It appears they’re regrouping.”

“Son of a bitch! How come they didn’t come? Saber has always been a soldier on the front line. The rumor of Lexi being their mate must be true. Damn it, this is all wrong. I can’t allow it.”

“What would you like us to do next?”

“Get one of ours on the inside. Take two from Renmore. They can mix in with the others who follow Jacob. They can get on the inside of the mansion and find out everything they can about Lexi. I want to know who’s there and what their plan is.”

“Yes, sir,” Barvon replied, leaving the room.

* * * *


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

“Where are you two? Everyone is waiting,”
Andre asked through the link.

“We’re coming!”
both Lexi and Saber stated together as they descended the staircase. They laughed.

“Lexi, this link we have is rare. Do not let on to anyone that we have it. You never know when it might come in handy,” Saber stated, stopping her at the bottom of the stairs.

“Okay, Saber. I trust you.” She smiled, and he took her hand, leading her toward the kitchen. To their surprise, there was quite a crowd gathered in the adjacent eating area. They all rose as they saw Lexi and Saber approach.

“Good morning,” Andre whispered, smiling at Lexi before kissing her softly on the lips. She hugged him tight, cuddling against him for a few seconds.

“Good morning,” she whispered then felt Paul turn her toward him before kissing her just as deeply. She hugged him close, loving the smell of him and the sensation of safety.

“I missed you both,” she stated, taking Andre and Paul’s hands into her own.

“Are you hungry?” Paul asked as he pulled the chair out for her to take a seat. She released their hands and took a seat at the table.

“Starving.” Immediately, one of the servants placed a plateful of food down in front of her. The woman bowed as she stepped away.

“Thank you,” Lexi replied and saw shock on the woman’s face.

Saber patted her hand. “It’s not necessary to say thank you. They are honored to be servants to the alpha and their mate.”

Lexi swallowed hard, feeling a little uneasy about being served.

The food smelled delicious, and Lexi couldn’t wait to taste it.

Taking a small bite of the eggs, she savored the taste. The woman returned with a hot cup of coffee, bowing again after she placed it down by Lexi.

“Thank you,” Lexi stated again, and the woman smiled, then walked away.

Were She Belongs


Saber, Paul, and Andre smirked.

“I guess you’re going to keep saying thank you every time someone does something for you?” Paul inquired, taking a seat next to her.

“It’s the polite thing to do.” She took a sip of the hot coffee. It was so good.

“Valco, Sierra, and Feldman are in the other room. They didn’t want to disturb you two and felt you probably needed a good breakfast after your workout,” Andre informed them.

“Workout?” Lexi replied, then felt the heat reach her cheeks as Paul chuckled and winked.

Paul placed his hand on her cast, then leaned into her, nuzzling her ear, kissing her cheek. “Later on, after lunch, it’s my turn to work out with you,” he teased.

Lexi released a shaky breath and bowed her head against his shoulder.

“Andre will most likely want to work out when he returns from town before dinner,” Paul whispered against her skin before kissing her neck while his other hand caressed her inner thigh.

Lexi purred softly, her eyes closing and her body absorbing the sensations. Then she felt Saber lean in to her other side and softly push her hair away from her ear. Her body hummed with desire.

“Then all three of us will tuck you in, baby…wolf style,” he teased as her nipples hardened against the fabric of her shirt and liquid oozed against her panties.

Both wolves sniffed the air, growled, then licked the marks against her neck.

She shivered from her toes on up, and every orifice seemed to respond to her men.

“What do you say, Lex?” Andre appeared above her and behind her back. She looked up, feeling starry-eyed and numb.



Dixie Lynn Dwyer

“She’s not going to answer you, because we’re all waiting in the living room for Lexi, and you wolves are dominating every second of her day.”

Sierra’s voice echoed through the room, bringing Lexi back down to Earth. She felt herself blush but then the men growled as if they would hurt Sierra.

Valco immediately followed into the room. “Sierra! What do you think you are doing?” he demanded, pulling her by the arm and away from his brothers.

Lexi stood up from the table, and all three brothers stopped her.

“It’s okay.” Lexi tried to calm everyone down. Something told her that Sierra must have overstepped her bounds disturbing the alphas as they seduced their mate. There was a lot to learn about werewolf pack protocol, and it seemed that Sierra wasn’t an expert either.

Lexi grabbed Saber’s arm and rubbed it with her hand, holding it close against her body. “Please, Saber, you’re scaring me,” she whispered.

The silence was long, and Valco took Sierra by the arm, leading her out of the room. Lexi could hear their conversation.

* * * *

“What were you thinking going in there?”
Valco demanded.

“I…We’ve been waiting on them all morning,”
Sierra stated.

“And you can wait as long as the alphas want you to wait. You
have no right interfering with their mating process.”

“I’m sorry, Valco. I just…”

“You didn’t think, Sierra. Your mouth and your lack of discipline
are going to get you in trouble, and one day I might not be there to
get you out of it!”

* * * *

Were She Belongs


Lexi felt bad for Sierra, and she didn’t want them to fight. “Andre, can you please go calm your brother down? He’s so angry with Sierra,” Lexi pleaded, placing her casted arm and hand gently against his chest. He, too, looked annoyed, but not as much as Saber and Paul.

Andre smiled at her. “No problem. Finish up breakfast, and we’ll meet them in the other room.” He kissed her cheek, then left the room.

She felt Saber staring at her, and Paul as well. “What?” she asked innocently.

“You and the way you manipulated Andre to ease over a situation that is part of pack protocol that you are ignorant to. Learn from this, Lexi. Although you are the alpha mate, you do not interrupt, upset, annoy, or disrespect any alpha. Is that understood?” Saber asked, pulling her closer to him.

She nodded, and he smiled.

“Let’s go join the others. They’ve been more than patient,” Saber stated, taking her hand and leading her out of the kitchen. Paul had his hand on the small of her back as they walked through the hallways.

* * * *

The moment Lexi entered the room, it went silent. Feldman, Luke, Martin, some others she knew as pack members, and Valco immediately stopped talking and stared at her.

Lexi gripped Saber’s hand tighter. She felt him comfort her through their link, and Andre and Paul did the same. That’s when Sierra bowed her head and approached.

“Alphas, I would like to apologize for interrupting you earlier. I was out of line.” She bowed her head.

Lexi looked toward the triplets, waiting for them to accept the apology and move on. They were hesitant until Saber spoke.

“Apology accepted, Sierra.”


Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Lexi looked up at Saber. “
Can I hug my friend now?”
she asked through their link. He nodded, and Lexi walked two steps toward Sierra and embraced her.

“Thank you, Lexi. Thank you for saving Jacob and Troy and all the others.” Sierra cried, holding her close.

Lexi slowly pulled away. They leaned their foreheads together like they used to do years ago. Sierra laughed between snorts. Lexi smiled before she stepped away from Sierra.

“Alphas, may we be so bold as to address your mate?” Luke asked with Martin and Vance standing right beside him. Saber, Paul, and Andre accepted the request, and the three men knelt on one knee in front of Lexi.

“Lexi, we…and our loved ones…would like to personally thank you for saving our lives. It will be our honor to serve and protect you,” Luke stated, and they all bowed.

“That’s really not necessary—”

Saber cleared his throat, and she got the hint. She was supposed to accept.

“You are all quite welcome. I was honored to help, and it will give me great peace of mind to know that the three of you are here to serve and protect.”

“Was that good?”
Lexi asked her mates while smiling at Luke, Martin, and Vance.

Perfect, Lex, and spoken like a true royal,”
Paul teased.

The men rose, then excused themselves from the room. Next a few others gave their thanks, then left as well. Finally it was just Lexi and the triplets, Valco, Sierra, and Feldman.

* * * *

Feldman had watched Lexi closely during the last two days. There was a lot to be said about the way she conducted herself at the dinner
Were She Belongs


party, the way she commanded the alphas and stood up to them.

Especially the way she reacted to their superiority and control.

This morning, she was glowing and simply overnight had fallen into the role as alpha female. She sought out each of the triplets for confirmation and support. It was quite impressive. He had yet to get her alone to see how strong her abilities were and whether the spirits had been right in discovering her.

It was at that moment when Lexi looked at him that Feldman felt the magic.

Do you feel that?”
he asked silently, testing her mind’s ability to open to his thoughts. She had done it unexpectedly last night, and if she could do it again—

she replied, holding his stare with her own.

“Impressive. Do you know how rare it is to converse through your
mind with a fey knight?”

“I didn’t even know what a fey knight was or that one existed until
meeting you last night. Then again, I really didn’t know any wolves
besides Sierra, and even that was never proven.”

“Yet you believed her even though she never shifted in front of

“I believed her because I felt she was telling the truth, or at least
she believed it with all her heart.”
Lexi looked toward Sierra, sitting beside Valco on the couch. She looked so in love and content but most importantly safe.

Lexi looked back at Feldman.
“She was the only friend I ever

“Yet you hid your problems from her and the fact that you were

“Why burden her with my problems? So she would feel compelled
to assist? No…that wasn’t an option for me. If I was to make it and
survive, it had to be alone.”

“Stated like a true fighter.”

“I suppose so. I’ve had to fight for so much and…”


Dixie Lynn Dwyer


“Why is it that I can suddenly hear what people are saying and
thinking in their minds, and why you if it is so unheard of?”

“In time the answers will reveal themselves.”

She exhaled and sounded exasperated.

“Feldman, that load of crap might have worked with Valco and
the others, but not with me. I want answers. I want to know what all of
this means.”

He snickered, then rose from the couch across from her.

“I’m not certain you are ready.”

“I’m a strong believer in ‘There’s no time like the present.’”

Feldman chuckled before he addressed the alphas. “Saber, Paul, and Andre, I have a strange request if you would be so kind as to oblige.”

“What would that be?” Saber asked, sitting on the arm of the sofa where Lexi sat. He took her hand in his and caressed it.

“I would like some time alone with your mate.”

“What?” everyone including Valco asked, sounding shocked.

Lexi jumped up from the couch.

“Explain, fey,” Saber stated, drawing Lexi against his side.

“It is not as you think. I mean her no harm, and I know she is your mate and that of your brothers Paul and Andre.”

“Then why alone?”

“I feel there is more to Lexi than she knows. Her ability to foresee the future in regards to the safety of her mate as well as the alphas of endangered packs is a mystery. She does not appear to be of were blood, yet has been chosen by the gods to serve as the alpha female to not only one alpha, but triplet alphas of one of the most elite packs on this realm. That in itself is unheard of.”

“So what do you want to do with her alone?” Paul asked, standing beside Saber.

“She seeks strength from the three of you. The bonding and exchange of bodily fluids seem to have enhanced some hidden
Were She Belongs


abilities, yet I sense more. To be sure, I would need to seclude her from your help.”

“I don’t know if I like this idea,” Andre added, looking toward his brothers.

“You want to do this just because she has been chosen as their mate and she had one vision that happened to come true?” Valco asked, taking his brothers’ side.

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