Wayward Hearts (22 page)

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Authors: Susan Anne Mason

Tags: #christian Fiction

BOOK: Wayward Hearts
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Jason glanced down the street at the people moving along the sidewalk. “Sure. Give me a call when you've got some free time.” He pulled the door open, anxious for escape.

“How about right now?” Nick's clear gaze held a challenge.

Jason tried not to squirm. “Can't. Got things to take care of.”

“Fine. I'll ride along with you then.” Nick pulled open the passenger door and climbed in before Jason could get a word out.

Seeing no other option, Jason got in his side, plugged the key in the ignition, but didn't bother to turn on the engine. He stared straight ahead out the window. “Guess you've heard.”


Jason gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles ached. He couldn't find the words to begin, so he stayed silent.

“Seems you've got yourself quite a dilemma.” Nick's quiet voice held no anger, no recrimination. He simply stated a fact.

“I'm handling it.”

“Word is you're going to marry Gloria.”

“That's right.” Jason couldn't help the defiance in his tone—not after having to defend his decision to his mother and Maxi and…everyone. “It's the right thing to do, Nick.”

When Nick released a long breath, Jason dared to glance over at him. Sympathy swamped Nick's blue eyes as he shook his head.

“I'm not sure what's right in this situation. I do know you're not in love with her. You love Maxi, and I'm pretty sure she loves you, too. Has for a long time.”

Jason jerked in his seat. “How do you know that?”

Nick blew out a breath that lifted a lock of hair off his forehead. “May Maxi forgive me for this, but I've been listening to her moan about you for years. How she wished you'd see her as more than a friend.”

Jason's mind swirled. “Why didn't she ever say anything?”

“It's complicated. But I'm sure you have some idea about that, or you would have said something, too.”

A prickle of irritation itched his neck. “I didn't know I loved her until recently.”

Nick quirked a brow. “Really?”

Jason scowled. “OK. Fine. Maybe I didn't want to know. Wasn't ready to know. But that doesn't change anything. I'm going to be a father now, and I have to take responsibility.”

“I expect you're dealing with a lot of guilt at the moment. Maybe this is your way of punishing yourself for your mistake.”

Jason clenched his fingers tighter on the wheel, mainly so he wouldn't lash out at his friend with misplaced anger. Anger at himself for being so stupid. “I never wanted to be a father. But since it's now a reality, I will do right by my child.”

“Unlike your father.”

Jason turned to glare at Nick, who didn't blink.

“You want to punch me right now. I get that. It won't help though. Trust me.”

Jason sagged as the anger seeped away. His hands fell away from the wheel. “I'm sorry I let you down, Nick. Sorry I let Maxi down, my mother down, God down.” He swallowed to push the ball of emotion back.

Nick laid a hand on his arm. “You know none of us, including God, loves you any less. Well, maybe Maxi, but she'll get over it eventually. Everyone makes mistakes in life. It's how we handle our mistakes that defines who we are.”

Jason swiped at the moisture rimming his lashes. “Which is why I'm marrying Gloria and raising my child, like a responsible adult.”

Nick sighed. “Have you even talked to God about it, Jason? Laid it at His feet and asked what He would have you do?”

Jason stiffened. “No.” In fact, he'd barreled through with his decision, sure he was doing the right thing. Didn't want to hear otherwise.

Nick smiled, his expression sad. “Isn't this the time you should be doing that? Like I said before, I don't have the answer to your dilemma. Only God can give you that. Just know I'm here for you, as your pastor and as your friend, anytime you need me.”

Jason clenched his teeth together until his jaw ached, and then turned and nodded. Nick had a valid point. “Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.”




At 7:00 AM the next morning, Maxi rose and showered and then repacked her small bag. Sometime during the sleepless night in her apartment, cold calculation had replaced the anger in the pit of her stomach. She was tired of waiting for outcomes, tired of taking what fate threw at her, tired of waiting for prayers to be answered. Today, she would create her own destiny.

By nine o'clock, she had phoned her lawyer, a colleague of Lance's, whom she trusted as much as she could trust anyone. He agreed to meet her at
. She then booked a seat on the afternoon flight back to North Dakota. Once she'd taken care of business at
, she needed to go home and deal with a few outstanding issues there.

Keys in hand, she opened the door to leave her apartment when her cell phone rang. She drew in a sharp breath. Could it be Jason calling to say he'd changed his mind? That he couldn't live without her?

Disappointment crashed through her system when she read the display. It was Myra Goodwin, her real estate agent.

“Well, hello there. Have I got good news for you.” The woman was inordinately cheerful for such an early hour.

Maxi gave a harsh laugh. “I could use some good news. What is it?”

“We have a buyer for your property. A firm offer, slightly above the asking price.” Her voice could not contain her enthusiasm. “I took the paperwork to your mother, and of course, she accepted it. Thought you'd like to hear the news right away.”

An offer? Maxi pinched the bridge of her nose. “What about the possible arson charge? And rebuilding the barn?”

“That's the best part. Because of the offer, I spoke with Chief Hamilton and the report has come back. Insufficient evidence for arson. The most likely cause is combustible rags your father left in the barn. They've ruled the fire accidental. And the client doesn't want the barn rebuilt anyway.”

Maxi's brain whirled, trying to take in all the information at once. One glaring fact jumped out at her. She found it very hard to believe this ”magical offer” had happened the moment she'd left for New York. Suspicion dampened her response. “Who is this mysterious buyer?”

Ms. Goodwin's perkiness waned for a moment. “Since you're not a party to the contract, I'm not at liberty to relay that information. You'll have to speak to your mother about that. But I can tell you that most of the monies will be paid in cash. Mr. Johnson at the bank has assured me he is personally handling the approval for the small loan necessary to purchase and to renovate the home.”

Maxi stiffened. Gloria Johnson's father? What did he have to do with this? The president of the bank didn't usually get involved in real estate deals, did he?

Unless it had something to do with his daughter.

“You don't seem too excited.” Myra sounded hurt. “I thought you'd be thrilled we'd sold without needing the repairs.”

“I have an idea who put the offer in, and you're right, I'm not thrilled at the prospect. I'll call you when I get back to discuss this further.”

She disconnected before Myra could reply. What was Jason up to now? Whatever it was, she'd get to the bottom of it. But first she had someone else to put in her place.

With a sharp click, she closed the apartment door behind her and headed to
, mentally preparing for more than one battle that day.







Jason allowed himself a brief moment of happiness as he walked back from the east pasture of the North farm—correction, soon to be his farm—and let the pride of ownership color his view of the land. The lush greenery, waving fields of wheat, and rich black earth provided a great backdrop. It reminded him of a landscape painting, except that he could smell the mixture of manure and earth in the air, feel the warm breeze in his hair, and the soft give of the dirt beneath his boots. He allowed his mind to wander for a minute, daydreaming of what else he could do with all this land besides giving a portion to the city for a fire station, which wouldn't happen until he'd paid off the loan on the property.

Maybe he would run a small farm here as well. He could continue to grow the crops Charlie had started. Maybe plant a large vegetable garden. Keep up the chicken coop. A smile teased his lips at the prospect until he turned to look at the now-repaired homestead. The reality of just who he'd be coming home to each night slammed into his brain with the force of a fireman's axe.

How could he face sleeping in the same bed as Gloria every night, having to make love to her, when he'd only be thinking of Maxi? The air squeezed out of his lungs, making it difficult to draw a breath. He shoved his fists into his pockets. He couldn't think about that right now or he'd go crazy.

The sound of tires crunching over the gravel in the driveway filled the air. Who would be coming out here? The real estate agent? A hand over his eyes shaded the blinding sun, allowing him to make out the beat up Oldsmobile slowly approaching the house. He didn't recognize the car. Curious, Jason walked toward it. He reached the steps to the porch as the car door opened. His father stepped out.

Jason's stomach muscles tightened. He hadn't seen Clint since the day at this hotel room, and he still wasn't sure how he felt about him. The whole ordeal with Gloria had side railed his thought process.

Clint took some tentative steps toward him. “Hello, son.”

Jason dipped his head in silent greeting.

“Hope I'm not disturbing you. Peg said I could find you here.”

Jason thought about telling him to leave, that he was too busy right now. But he knew it would be putting off the inevitable. Might as well hear him out and gauge his emotions as he went. At least now he didn't want to kill Clint the moment he saw him. It was progress of some sort.

“I can spare a few minutes. Come on up.”

Jason mounted the stairs to the porch and motioned to the wooden chairs. Clint seemed to hesitate as if he shouldn't be there.

“Isn't this the old North property?”

“Not for long. I signed the contract to purchase, and Mrs. North accepted it today.”

Clint's eyebrows winged upward. “You're buying this whole place?” His hand swept out gesturing toward the fields beyond.

“Yup. I hope to offer some of the land to the city—if they'll agree to build a fire station on it.”

“A fire station?” Clint lowered himself slowly into the chair and smoothed out the creases in his slacks.

Jason braced himself for criticism.

Instead, approval glowed on Clint's face. “That's a mighty fine idea. God knows Rainbow Falls needs one.” He paused. “How are you going to manage all this?”

“I don't have all the details yet. But the fire chief is helping me drum up funding and support. Have to wait and see how it all plays out.” Jason gave a rueful grin. “I'm also thinking about learning to be a farmer.”

Clint whistled. “You got gumption, boy. I don't think I'd have the nerve.”

The note of pride in Clint's voice gave Jason a warm feeling in his chest. He glanced over at his father. Clint had cleaned up quite well. Despite living in the fleabag motel, his hair was tidy, his moustache neatly trimmed. His clothes, though probably secondhand, were clean and pressed. “What are you doing for work?”

Clint looked out over the railing. “Mostly odd jobs for cash. Not too many places willing to hire an ex-con.”

Jason nodded, staring out over the acreage. “I can ask around and see if there are any handyman jobs or cleaning needed at the fire hall or the church. Can't promise anything though.” He didn't know where this offer had come from but found himself wanting to help his father. If Jason got him some legitimate work, it might help him get something better in the future.

“You'd be willing to recommend me?” The naked hope on Clint's face made Jason cringe.

“Yeah, I could do that.” He paused. “If you're willing to stick around a while.”

Clint bent over his knees with his arms resting on his legs and twisted his hands together. When he spoke, his voice was gruff. “I didn't think you'd want me in Rainbow Falls. I planned on seeing you and then moving on somewhere else.” He glanced over at Jason. “You wouldn't mind me living here? Working here?”

Jason pondered his question for a minute but knew in his heart what felt right. “I'd like you to stay. To see what kind of relationship we can figure out. I haven't had a father most of my life. I used to hate you for that.” He swallowed hard. “But I've realized in recent days that everyone makes mistakes. I hope someday I'll be forgiven for mine. The least I can do is try to forgive you yours.”

Clint swiped a hand over his eyes. “You'll never know how much that means to me, son.”

Jason fiddled with the keys in his pocket. “Now that I'm going to be a father, it's changed my perspective on things.”

“A father? You're kidding. With that cute little red head?”

A spasm of pain hit Jason in the stomach. How he wished it were he and Maxi, married and having this baby. “No, another girl.” He took a deep breath. “I hope you'll come to the wedding. It's going to be a simple ceremony in the next week or two.”

Clint didn't reply, and when Jason turned to see why not, his father's stare bored right through him. “You don't love this girl, do you? You got her pregnant, and now you feel you have to marry her.”

A flash of the old anger rose in Jason's chest. “It doesn't matter how it happened. My child will have a real family. He won't be a burden on his single mother, with no male role model in his life. If it kills me, I'll give him a normal family.”

A mixture of sadness and what seemed like chagrin crossed Clint's face. “I know you're trying to do the right thing, son. And I admire you for that.” He reached over and patted Jason's knee. “Whatever you decide, I'm happy to be part of your life. It's more than I deserve or expected.”

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