Warlock: A Nephilim's Wrath: A Shawn Moore Novel 02 (2 page)

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Authors: D. R. Rosier

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Romantic

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Chapter 2

It was my first joint council meeting, but I wasn’t too
nervous.  I was only unsure about the fae.  The other three I had solid
treaties with, and one of those was my wife, who I cared about, and she seemed
to care about me.  So far, my harem of two hadn’t soured that, it helped that
Karen also slept with Malina and Lilliana, hopefully that would make it less
complicated as time passed.

Before we left the mansion, I went ahead and did the
partition spell, and moved my innate abilities to my second mind, and then
casted protection spells for physical, general magic, and the four elements. 
So I held ten thoughts in my mind, but with the partitions I could hold
sixteen, so it was hardly a strain at all.

With my primary mind all I had to hold was the partition
spell, I admit I was a little disappointed it hadn’t been five minds, but I
also had to admit five was still a stretch for me.  Still, for a few moments
I’d held two spells, three inherent abilities, and then casted partition, a
sixth thread of thought for the brief moment it took me to hand then all off.

I was definitely getting better.

Malina reminded me, “Don’t forget Shawn, they may have
treaties with you, but they aren’t your friends.  Be wary, they can still
betray the treaties even though you can’t.”

I nodded, “I don’t think they will, but you’re right, I
won’t gamble my life or soul on it Lina.”

Malina smiled softly, “I don’t mean Karen, I think you can
trust her.  Not just because she loves you, but because the pact with her does
involve the treaty.  Just Darren and Dion, and be extremely wary of Elissa.  I
don’t trust her at all, she’ll try to seduce you.  I don’t begrudge you a fuck,
but I advise you not to give in to her or underestimate her.”

“Did my uncle?”

Malina nodded, “And she’s the reason he left us behind for
these meetings, because they’d spend a day or two together afterwards and
fuck.  She’s not just incredibly beautiful, she’s also like me in that she can
use her magic alluringly.  Don’t underestimate her appeal, keep your magic
protections up at all times.  I have my suspicions she was somehow involved in
your uncle’s death, but I can’t prove it.”

“Alright, I’ll be careful.”

She moved even closer to me in the back of the car, Lilliana
was driving, and she slid up onto my lap and kissed me.  It was soft, sweet,
and lingering.

Then she sighed and played with my hair for a moment.

“Any other advice?” I asked, I asked slightly bemused at her
gentle and loving treatment.

She smiled, “You’re doing well, although I’d feel better if
you made more pacts soon.  Mostly to secure your family line, but the others
wouldn’t go amiss either.”

I nodded, “I’ve been thinking about that too, just one
hidden and Karen’s child aren’t enough by a long shot.  Maybe after the
meeting?  Lia, any advice?”

Lilliana shook her head, “Just what she said, beware the
fae, and don’t ever leave me behind.  It’s bad enough we have to wait outside
the room.”

Malina slipped off my lap, and then cuddled up to my side. 
Another thing I needed to get used to, I’d expected a succubus to be a sex
addict the way she was, but I hadn’t thought she’d loved to cuddle so much.  I
knew she was a woman who couldn’t be easily pigeonholed, no woman could, but it
still surprised me.

It was also very pleasant.

We pulled over in front of the Holiday Inn and turned into a
parking spot, and then we all got out and moved inside.  It wasn’t hard to
figure out where to go, down the hallway I spotted Christabel, who was Dion’s
right hand vampire, and a couple of mages I didn’t know, but were probably
guards for Karen.  When we reached them, Lilliana and Malina joined them and I
headed into the meeting room warily.

I recognized Darren and Dion of course, and Karen.  I wanted
to give her a kiss hello, but that wouldn’t have been prudent.  The one being
in the room I didn’t know was breathtakingly gorgeous.

Elissa of the fae had long straight ash-blonde hair, old gray
eyes, and a willowy body at five foot nine.  She wasn’t ripe or voluptuous, but
she was incredibly beautiful and perfectly proportioned.  She had the kind of
face that would make most model’s weep in envy.

Still, she had nothing on Malina or even Lilliana, but she
was very different.  I could see why my uncle fell for her, she would be new. 
I also had the feeling if I didn’t have protections up that beauty would be
magnified greatly, as Malina had said, so I kept them up.  She also had a cold
calculating face, which was actually a turn off.

I had no doubt she could turn on the charm, so I memorized
that face as it was now, so I’d be wary if she tried in the future.  I wouldn’t
underestimate Malina’s warning, I knew it wasn’t anything as silly as jealousy. 
If my succubus was worried, so was I.

I nodded my head in greeting as I sat down at the table.  I
wondered if I had been late, or the rest had just come early.

Elissa asked impatiently, “Why are we here Dion?”

Dion replied, “There is another warlock in town.  I believe
he’s making a bid for the city, or at the very least to replace Moore.”

Elissa looked almost bored, “Why do you think that?”

I was shocked.  He hadn’t told me that, and by the terms of
our pact he only had ten hours to tell me of news like that.  Then again, maybe
he’d called the meeting right away, so technically it hadn’t been ten hours
yet.  Still, it was sneaky, I’d have preferred a head’s up before the meeting.

Darren spoke up, “Some of my pack were attacked by demons.”

Dion added, “So were my vampires.  They were minor, and we
were able to dispatch them, but it’s clearly an attempt to stir the pot.”

Elissa snorted, “How do we know it wasn’t Moore?”

I frowned, “I’m under treaty, it wasn’t me.”

Elissa looked like she might argue that, but then simply

“I will remain silent, I thank you for inviting me to keep
me in the loop, but this isn’t my concern.”

Dion nodded at Elissa, “Understood.  But the rest of us are
under treaty to join forces and root out this outsider.  I would appreciate a
statement of neutrality.”

Elissa sighed, “I suppose, I’ll not interfere, or assist the
invading warlock.”

As far as I knew a Fae couldn’t lie, but they could twist
the truth handily.

Dion smiled, “Good, now to our response, I have my vampires
blanketing the city.  So far nothing, but we’re looking.  As soon as we find
him, or evidence of him, we’ll send out word to everyone else.”

I asked, “Did the demons damage anyone?”

Dion and Darren shook their heads.

I frowned, “I’m not sure what I can do then, outside of
randomly search the city and try to feel his magic.  I’ll consult with Malina
after this of course, but I can’t trace without a signature.”

Darren waved that off, “We understand the limitations.  My
shifters will also keep an eye out, and I also believe the one in the most danger
at this table is Shawn.  Under the spirit of mutual support, I’d like to offer
him the benefit of more protection.”

I froze as the implications raced through my mind.  I knew a
part of it was on the level, it had to be or he’d be breaking the treaty, but I
also had the feeling he was using this as an excuse to place a spy around me. 
Much in the same way I’d been using Dion’s spy group through our pact together,
to keep an eye on all the other supernaturals in the city.  It would break the
treaty if he attacked me, so it wasn’t to find my weaknesses, probably more to
just keep tabs on my activities.

Two things occurred to me.  Lilliana would be pissed if I
let anyone near me that wasn’t safe by use of a pact, and the second was that I
couldn’t possibly refuse Darren without insulting his honor.  I was in a
corner.  No one had ever said the bastard wasn’t cunning.

I nodded, “That is most generous.  I’d be willing to accept
anyone who would agree to a small pact.  Say, they’d be sworn to protect me as
long as they live under my roof.”

Darren stiffened, “Are you questioning my honor?”

I shook my head, “No, nor the honor of who you send. 
Lilliana is very protective of me, and I’m afraid without a pact things would
be tense, she doesn’t trust anyone with my wellbeing except under those
circumstances.  Considering that fact, an additional person might even be
counterproductive to my safety.  They’d be free to leave at any time, which
would cancel the pact.  Of course, if they did attack me for any reason, they
would forfeit their soul, but it’s just a formality anyway to make everyone
feel secure, since they wouldn’t do that to begin with.”

Yes, I’d just thrown Lilliana under the bus, but it was also
true.  Plus, I’d feel a little better about it.

Karen spoke up, her beautiful voice captivated me, and I
tried to keep a neutral face, instead of staring at her like a besotted idiot. 
I wasn’t sure if I was successful.

“He has a point and wasn’t exaggerating about Lilliana.  I
was under the same constraints when I lived with him for a short time. 
Considering the stakes of betrayal, I couldn’t blame him for asking for such a
small assurance.  If he dies his line rests on a thin thread because of
Clarissa’s actions in the past, any one of us could be replaced much more

“As far as the warlock, I will put my seers on it, and also have
my security teams look for him.  Short of catching him within mage sight
however, It’s doubtful we’ll find him.  The infernal interferes with a seer’s abilities.

“Once he’s found we’ll respond with a force of ten to team
up with your forces, we should plan when and where to meet, I assume you both
will be pledging a force as well?”

Dion nodded, “When the invader is found, Christabel will
lead a force of my best people.”

Darren also nodded, “When it’s time to move, we will be
there as well.  As far as the pact, I agree offense was not meant, and will
send someone as promised if they agree to the stricture.  I can’t force anyone
to make a pact however.”

I replied, “I’ll be there, with my allies.”

No one mentioned that if they didn’t agree to a pact, that
betrayal was a possibility to begin with.  I honestly didn’t think he’d send an
assassin to me, Darren seemed to depend on my family as a buffer to keep peace
with the vampires.  It was all mutually beneficial.  However, I wouldn’t
discount Malina’s advice to be wary of him and Dion, and I wouldn’t bet my soul
on it either.

Dion interjected, “We can decide on a meeting place once the
interloper is found.  It makes sense to gather a mile or so from wherever he
is, so there’s no point in picking a spot now.  As for fighting together, we
all know how to do that except perhaps for Shawn.”

I nodded, “I have resources to find out how my ancestors did
it.  I’m sure Malina and Lilliana can brief me on it as well so I know what to

Karen smiled at me and then schooled her face.  It’d only
been a couple of days since I’d seen her last, but it was hard to just sit here
like she didn’t mean anything to me.

There was silence for a moment.

Karen said diffidently, “If there’s nothing else, we all
have a lot to organize and start on.”

Everyone agreed, and the meeting broke up.  Karen and I
shared a heated look, but kept our distance.  I wasn’t exactly a secret, but we
didn’t want to throw it in the other races faces either.  The more they
believed it was a purely business transaction between us, the safer we’d be.

When we got out to the car, Malina kissed me passionately as
soon as the door was closed.  The windows were shaded, so no one was seeing in.

By the time Lilliana drove off, she’d banished her clothing,
and had my pants open.  I wasn’t going to object, and leaned my head back as
her sweet wet mouth closed over my hardening cock.  She didn’t do it for long,
as soon as I was hard she straddled me, and sunk down my shaft, enveloping me
in her tight wet heat.

Malina whispered throatily, “Hell fires, I love this cock,”
as if she was responsible for its creation.

She kissed me and swiveled her hips in a way that made me
groan in pleasure and push up against her despite our bodies being flush

Malina whispered, “You did very well in there.  Darren
thought he had you, but you turned it around.  Of course, he could still put a
spy in, but they’d also have to protect you, which honestly wouldn’t hurt
anything.  Just make sure whoever it is doesn’t find out where your hidden
children are.”

Malina stopped speaking as an intense look came over her
face.  She rode me slowly and she leaned forward and whimpered and gasped in my
ear as she tightened like a vice around my manhood.  I felt her cum around my
cock, and soak me in her liquid pleasure.  I didn’t see how this would ever get
old, Lilliana and Karen were amazing in bed, but Malina took it to a whole
other level of ecstasy.

She continued to ride me as Lilliana started talking from
the front seat.

“Malina told me we might be group fighting.  It’s pretty
simple actually.  Shifters attack head on, vampires flank, mages and you, will
cast from the back.  Some assigned to protect our allies, while some mages will
attack the enemy.  Some few vampires and shifters will stay back as well, to
defend the mages from surprise attack from the flanks or from behind.  That’s
pretty much it, it’s not brain surgery.  For more advanced tactics, they’ll be
decided on site based on the situation.”

Of course, Malina was connected to me in the meeting, and
had heard everything and passed it to Lilliana.

Malina begged me in a soft innocent voice that she knew
would drive me crazy, “Cum in me Shawn, fill me… Please.”

Then she came again, and milked me so hard and thoroughly
there was no denying her request.  Her pussy was magic, literally, and did
things to my cock that no normal woman’s body could do.

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