Warlock: A Nephilim's Wrath: A Shawn Moore Novel 02 (10 page)

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Authors: D. R. Rosier

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Romantic

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I added slyly, “Darren is clever, but I’m fairly sure I got
the better half of the deal,” and I winked at Susan.  Who was red faced and
embarrassed over everything I’d just said about her.  I guessed she wasn’t used
to genuine compliments either.

Katie nodded, “I understand.  Plus, one day Darren will be
replaced, and the treaty will once again be in question.  I’d not blame you for

Sharon asked, “Do you mind if my sister and I go on a run?”

I shook my head, “Not at all, but tell me.  Why does she need
my permission?”

Sharon replied, “She is assigned to your protection, she is
always on duty except when given leave, doubly so whenever you leave your
powerfully warded home.”

“I get it now; it still seems extreme to me but I get it.”

Katie asked, “How so?”

I shrugged, “Everyone deserves a little space and time off. 
Maybe shifters don’t need that?  I don’t know, it seems to me with a break
people are more efficient?”

I looked at Susan and asked curiously, “Can I see?”

Lilliana tensed next to me when Susan nodded and stood.  She
just stripped right there, folded her clothes, and put them on the couch where
she’d been sitting. 

Then she shifted.

It sounded painful, and crunchy, but at least it was
relatively quick.  Ten seconds later an ocelot stood there.  She was about two
feet long, which was about six inches longer than a natural ocelot.  Her coat
was shiny and her tail was sticking up and waving playfully.

Sharon gasped in surprise when Susan hopped up in my lap,
and batted my face with her head.  I ran my fingers through her coat and
whispered to her that she was beautiful.  She jumped off and headed outside. 
Sharon went into the other room to strip, and I wondered at that, was it
because she had a mate and there was a taboo against nudity then, or because
she didn’t think I could control myself?

I also wondered what Sharon’s gasp had been about but didn’t

A moment later a male shifter walked in, and headed for the
back of the house, he didn’t even give me a second glance.  I guessed it was a
booty call of sorts, and I was glad I wouldn’t have to witness it.

Katie said thoughtfully, “She trusts you, Susan I mean.”

I’d the feeling she had more to say, but she held it back.

Katie changed the subject, “Your companions seem quiet.”

Malina smiled politely, “We talk on occasion.”

We chatted for a few more minutes about nothing of note,
when my cell phone beeped at me.  I pulled it out and checked my messages.  It
was from Dion, they’d found the bastard, and I couldn’t believe where he was.

I said, “We’ve got to go, they found the warlock and sent me
a meeting point.  It was nice to meet you Katie, I’m sure we’ll meet again.”

She smiled, “You’re welcome anytime.”

I grabbed Susan’s clothes and we moved outside, she could
change in the car…


Chapter 16

Teleporting.  I knew I was obsessed about it, but really,
this is where it would have come in handy.  We had an hour’s drive ahead of us
and I was sure the mages, vampires, and shifters were waiting for us. 

Also, I was fairly sure Darren was going to kill me. 
Because more than one ocelot had jumped into the car.  Not to mention the
bobcat and lynx.  Of course, they all changed and got dressed before getting
in, which took a few extra minutes.  Seven was rather a tight fit even in the
full sized car.  Sharon and her friend Erin sat up front with Lilliana.

Erin was a short cute woman with brunette hair and brown
eyes, she was a Lynx.  Barbara, the bobcat, had golden blonde hair and blue
eyes, and she was in the back with me, Malina, and Susan who’d claimed my lap,
which was more than distracting.  I was resigned to having a boner pushing up
between her butt crack for the next hour.

I supposed Katie must have been impressed with me, because
she’d asked for volunteers to support and guard their ally through the treaty. 
I wasn’t sure what Sharon and Susan had talked about during their run, but
Sharon had an implacably determined look on her face.  Which is probably why
Darren was going to kill me, and soon.

Although the cat shifter’s perceived place in the shifter’s
world hadn’t been addressed or even alluded to in our discussions with the
alpha Katie, I had the feeling that how I treated Susan, and had complimented
her, was one of the reasons I was surrounded by exotically beautiful females on
my way to a battle.  Sharon, Erin, and Barbara were clearly just along to
fight, which honestly was a relief.  They were all mated females, so I wouldn’t
have even considered it anyway.

I was a lot of things, including a dealer of souls, but
stealing another man’s woman was a line I wouldn’t cross.  Not that they had
offered, I was pretty sure when two shifters mated the magic joined them, and literally
tied them together.  They wouldn’t betray their mates, I just wondered if I’d
started some sort of revolution merely by being there, and what their mates
would think when I showed up.  No doubt shifter emotions would be running high.

I also had to be more miserly with my protective spells, I
could hold twenty-five of them now theoretically, but I needed to leave a few
open, at least in my primary mind, for a fight.  Which left twenty or so.

I gave myself the full ten I usually used, which left me
with ten more, after releasing the spell holding Destiny to the mortal plane. 
It was way past the twenty-four hours, so I hoped John appreciated the few
extra hours of sex with a hot succubus.

That only left two spells each for the four shifters and
Lilliana.  They were all competent in physical fighting, so I chose to protect
them all from general magic, and fire.  Then I rethought that, and dropped
protection from water spells and hit Lilliana with protection from physical as
well.  I appreciated the ladies helping out, but I had my priorities, even if I
felt a twinge of guilt about it, she was the most important to me, even if
Susan was growing on me rather quickly.

Water wasn’t used much in battle according to Karen, and I
figured just in case the other warlock did use it, I still had that personal
shield that would stop just about anything if the more specific protections
failed.  The inherent shield cost more magic, which is why the specific
protections were cast, but would be good enough in a pinch, especially with my
connection to Malina to channel more magic.

Anyway, after all of that, it left me capable of four more
things in my primary mind, the only thing I held in it right now was the
partition spell.

Susan clenched her ass cheeks tightly around my cock and
wiggled around a bit.  She was going to get spanked later for that, it felt
really good even through the clothes, but was awkward in the stuffed car.  To
be fair though, I imagined sitting on my hard on for an hour was teasing the
hell out of her overactive libido as well.

As for where the warlock was hiding.  Navy Pier.  In one of
the boarded up buildings.  That’s what had taken so long to find him.  The
place was a tourist trap most locals avoided after one trip, and was way off
the beaten path.  There wasn’t even a good way to get there with public
transportation outside of a taxi, which is why the supernatural citizens of Chicago
don’t go there very often.

Of course, that would make the battle extremely difficult to
keep out of the public eye.  Most likely we’d need mages at strategic points to
cast the spell that erased the last ten minutes or so from human minds, I
doubted any amount of stealth would be enough…


We pulled over about a half a mile from the entrance and I
let out a curse.

Sharon turned, “What is it?”

“A lesser demon is watching them.  I’m surprised the mages
didn’t pick it up.”

Or maybe they had?  There were ten of each, mages, vampires,
and shifters.  Plus, the seven of us made thirty-seven.  Perhaps overkill for
one warlock and his summoned creatures.  I was disappointed to not see Karen,
but I recognized Jerrold.  I also remembered the attractive blonde Christabel,
who led the group of vampires, and Darren of course, who was glaring this way.

So far at his mate, not at me.  Sharon kept her head up high
as she exited the car.  Oh, this was going to be fun.  Barbara winked at me
mischievously as we all got out, apparently this was some sort of statement.  I
just hoped it didn’t blow up in my face.  I decided to just ignore it, internal
shifter stuff that wasn’t really my business anyway.

“You know we’re being watched?”

Christabel nodded to me, “Of course.  I also have a couple
of vampires watching the building, the warlock hasn’t gone anywhere.”

Darren demanded, “What are they doing here Shawn?”

So much for ignoring it.

“Umm, Susan was visiting with Sharon this morning, when
Katie heard we’d found our common enemy she asked for volunteers to help.  It
didn’t occur to me to turn down her help, is that a problem?”

Yup, I was totally pretending ignorance to the ladies’
subtle statement of being here.

Darren growled, but eventually got himself under control,
Sharon’s hand on his arm might have had something to do with that.

Jerrold said diffidently, “We’ve been here too long, it’s
time to move in on this guy.”

Christabel nodded in agreement and added, “We should go.”

Darren gave out orders that the ladies were to guard me, and
stay out of the thick of the fight in the front.  I was pretty sure that’s what
they were going to do anyway, hang back with me and the mages as a protective
line.  I expected them to be angry about the orders, but Sharon, Barbara and
Erin all looked like they’d actually won that round.

We walked into Navy Pier, just like any other big group of
tourists.  No one really took a second look at us, outside of the normal every
day one’s that is.  The ladies drew men’s looks from all around us.  We walked
pretty far along the water, and then turned in, walked across the field, and
the group split as we neared a building.  I picked up ten lesser demon
signatures, and another that felt a lot like Malina.

Malina spat, “Lilith, that fucking bitch,” and her eyes
turned red.

“Who’s Lilith?”

Malina glared at me but I just looked at her steadily until
her eyes softened and the red drained out of them.  She still looked pissed,
but not quite as murderous.

“My sister.”

Oh good, our opponent has a greater demon too.  Everyone was
staring at me and Malina now.

Malina smiled at me, “I’m stronger, or at least I was a
couple of centuries ago.  That’s the last time the bitch tried to take my city
and kill my warlock.  She’s pathetic, and obsessed with anything I own.”

“Language sister,” said a trilling sultry voice, and
everyone froze as Lilith walked out of the building we were surrounding, as if
we were there for tea.

Lilith had dark red curly hair down to her ass, and her body
was voluptuous, with the exception of her tiny little waist, giving her an
exaggerated waspish figure instead of an hourglass.  Her tits were beyond
belief, and made Malina’s double Ds look like mosquito bites. 

It went past attractive into more of a caricature, an
exaggerated sexiness that was no longer attractive, at least to me.  I reminded
myself that her body was probably the ideal of the warlock that summoned her,
and not her at all.  No more than Malina was shy and innocent, yet incredibly
sexy.  At least in my desires, I hadn’t made her proportions impossible.

I considered the idea of casting banishment, but dismissed
it.  She’d squash me like a bug, clearly it would take Malina to face this
creature, before we could kill her warlock.  I imagined Lilith would protect
hers as much as Malina protected me.

Lilliana and the four shifter ladies closed ranks around me,
and Malina stepped forward.  No one there attacked, which was a relief.  I knew
the greater demonesses weren’t supposed to kill outside of the last resort, but
if attacked I was sure it would be allowed.

Lilith smirked, “That’s a nice look for you Malina, you look
like a frightened virgin on prom night.”

Malina snickered, “And you look like the whore bride of
Frankenstein, what sort of sick bastard did you make a deal with?  Besides, this
does suit me, why do you think I’ve stuck with the Moore line so long.  Their
appetites aren’t so… puerile.”

While the love of my existence bantered with her sister, the
vampires closed around the building, and the mages moved to support them.  The
shifters were lining up to storm the place as well.  So far though, no one had
attacked from either side as the succubus show played out.

Lilith frowned, “Enough sister, this is your one chance. 
Take your pitiful warlock and leave town.  He’s new, and no match for mine.”

Malina snorted, “I think you’ll be surprised, and did you
forget about his allies currently surrounding your warlock?  I don’t think…”

I’d never find out what she didn’t think, because she was
interrupted by a golden woman with wings landing on the ground between them. 
She smashed into the cement so hard it cracked, she also had a glowing white
sword and a shit eating grin on her face.

She had long raven black hair, green eyes that were glowing,
and wore a pair of jean shorts and a half shirt.  Her skin was Mediterranean,
and her body was athletic and very fit, her breasts weren’t as big as Malina’s,
but on her frame they looked slightly too big.  Her wings reminded me of
Malina’s as well, just golden instead of white.

I was frozen in shock, and staring at her, until Malina
yelled in a panicked voice, “Everyone run!”

I’d seen a lot of things in Malina.  Love, lust, anger,
hatred, desire, vulnerability, arrogance, and the list went on.  That was the
first time though, that I’d ever seen her afraid, and it snapped me out of my
trance.  It may seem dumb, but the woman was stunning in her beauty, literally,
an effect that had been multiplied by her golden wings and golden aura.  She
was clearly an angel of some type.

Everyone started to back away, me included, and the new
woman lunged at Lilith who seemed to create a sword of white light out of
nothingness to block the blow.  Malina also held a sword, and tried to take her
unawares in the back, but the woman spun and parried, while kicking Lilith in the
face at the same time which knocked her back.

Malina and Lilith looked at each other and nodded, and then
started to circle the woman with golden wings.  Apparently, this new threat was
enough for my succubus to bury the enmity with her sister.  For some reason
that didn’t make me feel any better.

The new woman said in a hard voice, “I’m Korrina, perhaps
you’ve heard of me?  I’m going to enjoy this.”

I felt the ten lesser demons run for it, the warlock among
them.  No doubt he intended to escape in the confusion.  There was also no way
to hide this from the humans, not when three women with swords and wings were
fighting and destroying random things with magic.  I hated to admit it, but I
was worried.  Korrina was a true warrior, and didn’t seem to be having a
problem keeping up with both Malina and Lilith.

I wondered if Krystal would be a match and if I could help.

Malina said in my mind, “
Don’t you dare, I told you to
run.  I have no intention of dying here.  Go!  Now!”


I took off after the other warlock and demons, the demons
were already fending off a few of the werewolves and vampires, the mages along
with myself and my group were trying to catch up.  Maybe we could at least take
him out in the confusion.  Still, the warlock used the demons as fodder to
stall the closest pursuers.  He ran like his feet were on fire, and I barely
gained on him.  He had too much of a head start.

I sent a bunch of spells his way.  Sleep, then fire and air,
I even tried to trip him with telekinesis but he fended off the attacks on the
run and jumped into a car.  Thanks to Korrina, what or whoever she was, the
warlock got away.

I snorted to myself, right, it was
fault I’d
hesitated, not mine at all.  I looked back one more time as three angels
fought, and then we all piled in our cars and took off as well.  No one wanted
to be a part of what was going on behind us.  Sharon, Barbara, and Erin gave me
a half salute and half wave, and left with the other shifters.

So it was just Lilliana, Susan, and myself who piled into
the car, and drove off.

I was worried about Malina, and felt like a shit for leaving,
but she’d told me to run, so I was running.

Fuck that.

“Lilliana, turn around, we can’t leave…”

Lilliana interrupted me, “It would be suicide.  That was a
Nephilim.  Korrina is well known as an angel killer, she’s an abomination that
should never exist.  Malina told me about her centuries ago, we can’t go back.”

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