Wanted By The Soldier Bear (Heroes of Shifter Creek 1) (4 page)

Read Wanted By The Soldier Bear (Heroes of Shifter Creek 1) Online

Authors: Clara Moore

Tags: #BBW, #Paranormal, #Suspense, #Romantic Suspense, #Romance, #Bear Shifter, #Soldier, #Military, #Western, #Shifter Creek, #SciFi, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Short Story, #Bear Cubs, #Au Pair, #Human, #Woods Vacation, #Family Kidnapped, #Brother's Friend, #Fated Mate, #Protection

BOOK: Wanted By The Soldier Bear (Heroes of Shifter Creek 1)
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She slept naked by his side, wrapped in his arms. It was only for a few short hours, until the sun rose to light their path, but she was grateful for what time they had together. Her sleep was deep, anchored by her exhaustion. There were no nightmares this time. There was only peace.

When Cecelia awoke, she tried to turn towards her lover, blinking against the sunlight that poured in through the window, but she couldn’t. Something held her back, restrained her. Bleary, it took her a moment to realize her hand was tied expertly to the bed. And that she was no longer naked. Her flannel had been carefully buttoned around her to keep her warm.

“Marcus!” she called.

He didn’t answer. She knew he wouldn’t. He had done this to protect her, leaving to face the Bear Hunters alone.



Chapter Six


              The old man had been telling the truth after all. Marcus had suspected it was all lies to trap them in, but the Bear Hunters were as Henry told – three wolves and a cougar. They circled him in his bear form, leering at him as they guarded the cave that held the Johannsson family. The wolves had transformed, it would take wolves to fight a bear, but the cougar remained in his human form, holding a spear high, waiting for a chance to strike.

              He didn’t regret tying Cecelia to the bed. It was something he’d very much like to do again, if he survived. It had to be done. She wouldn’t have let him leave without her, but he refused to allow her to risk herself, even for the lives of the family that slumbered in the cave.

              A wolf attacked, snapping its jaws against his neck. His fur was thick, shielding him from the bite, but the weight of the creature dragged him down, allowing the other wolves to pounce. Growling loudly, he shook one of them off, but it came back, more vicious than before.

, he thought, ignoring the pain as one of the wolves finally penetrated his fur with its teeth.
I have to protect her. If I die, she becomes their captive. I can’t let that happen. I love her.

It was one thing to recognize a mate. It was another to fully accept her into his heart, removing the barbwire he had put up after the war. His strength renewed, he fought back against the wolves. He fought for her.

              It wasn’t enough.

              His will held strong, but his momentum faded, and he began to black out. He stayed conscious long enough to see Cecelia stand in the sunlight, his last vision of her before he lost to the wolves.




              “Marcus!” Cecelia shouted as he fell to the ground.

              She wanted to run to him, but she couldn’t. The wolves blocked her, turning their attention to her. She could almost see the humor in their eyes. To them, she was only a human, nothing special. Confronting them was a joke.

I’ll show you who the joke is
, she thought, full of rage.

              Henry had set her free, leaving her with strange words before she left.
You are more than what you seem. Where there is power to heal, there is power to destroy. Help him. Help them all.

              A wolf sprang towards her. While it was midair, she flung her hand towards it, imagining its leg breaking in half. The wolf yelped and missed her, landing on its side. When it rose, it stood on only three legs.

              The other wolves froze, uncertain. Now they knew what she was. And so did she.

              Where the wolves faltered, the cougar took their place. He dropped his spear and charged at her, changing as he did into an enormous cat. She willed the air to be knocked out of his lungs, and he collapsed to the ground, panting.

              It wasn’t a fight. It was a massacre, and they knew it. The wolves darted away, the injured one limping behind. As soon as the cougar regained his breath, he did the same, sneering at her briefly before running into the woods. She would have chased them, made sure they never hurt another family again, but she had to see to Marcus. He was badly injured.

She made a transition of her own. The peace and light she needed to heal overcame her rage, calming her blood, and she set her hands on Marcus. It didn’t take long before he was sitting up in his human form. Without hesitation, he wrapped her tightly in his arms.

              “What were you thinking?” he asked solemnly. “I could have lost you.”

              “I was thinking that there was a family to save. And a mate to learn more about, a mate who brings out the light in me.”

              Together, with their hands held tightly around each other, they went into the cave to wait for the Johannssons to wake. Cecelia was relieved to see the family slept serenely and without injury.

              “It won’t be easy,” Marcus said. “They’ll tell the other Bear Hunters about you.”

              “Let them,” Cecelia professed, unafraid.

              Marcus squeezed her hand. “I know you’re this super soldier now, but I’m still going to protect you. I cannot not protect you. You’re a piece of me, Cecelia. The best piece of me.”

              “I’ll let you,” she said, “because I can’t imagine you not in my life. I’m sitting in a cave after the most hellish day of my life, and yet I’m happy. I’m so happy.”

              Marcus kissed her hand, sealing their promises to each other, just as Michael stirred.

              The little cub sat up, rubbing his eyes. Upon seeing Cecelia, he grinned brightly and spoke. “Hello, angel.”






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Here is
sample from the second book in the series:

Chapter One



Northern California






              “Did you hear the news?” Jessica asked, her eyes bright in the dark laboratory, much like the bioluminescent cells Cassie was studying. “They’ve brought in a white lion.”

              Normally, Cassie Judd paid little attention to what Jessica considered news – usually unpleasant gossip from around the zoo where they both worked as research scientists – but this time, Jessica earned her full attention. In shock, Cassie stepped away from the lab table.

              “What do you mean they’ve brought in a white lion? You can’t just bring in a creature like that out of nowhere. There’s paperwork and preparations that have to be made–”

              “I don’t know,” Jessica said, cutting her off. “The deal was done last night. It’s a surprise to everyone. They’re loading him into his den now.”

              Intrigued, Cassie hurried out of the lab, giving Jessica her freedom to continue spreading the word. As she rounded the familiar paths, bypassing the aquarium and the gorilla enclosure, she removed her lab coat from her curvy frame and pulled loose her pony tail, allowing her glossy mahogany hair to pour down her voluptuous back. She wanted to appear more casual. If she called attention to herself as a scientist, she’d be inundated with questions about the animals at the zoo. Right now, her only focus was the white lion. She had read about the rare genetic mutation that made a small number of African lions so pale, and the superstitions surrounding them, but she had never seen a white lion up close.

          That changed as soon as she turned into the lion’s den, a sheltered area behind the public enclosure. Behind the gate was a magnificent creature with strong, bulky muscles, a mane thicker than most male lions, and alarming grey-green eyes that stood out against his snowy coat. His eyes captivated her, much more than the novelty of his color. As he paced in his cage, those eyes spoke of a sadness. Cassie believed animals capable of emotion, but the depth of his sadness unnerved her. It was unnatural. And heartbreaking.

              Briefly, the lion stopped pacing and looked at her. Something within her, something primal, told her it was not out of curiosity, but with intent, as if he were trying to communicate something to her.

              “Where did he come from?” she asked the zookeeper handling the lion’s arrival – an older man who had worked at the zoo for most his life. At twenty-four and only starting her career, she had a lot of respect for the man.

              “Don’t know,” the man answered, rubbing the sweat from his forehead. In the dead heat of the summer, the lion’s den was sweltering. “Got a call from the director this morning to say a new lion was on its way. Something about an emergency transfer. I was to move the other lions outside and prepare the den for this one. Never imagined he’d be a white lion. He seems like a pretty tamed fella, but there’s something about him that seems... odd.”

              Cassie nodded her head. She couldn’t agree more. Tenderly, she put her hands against the metal gate that separated her from the beast. “What have they done to you?” she asked.





In the aquarium, Cassie tried to focus on the bioluminescent jellyfish, which looked like an infestation of tiny parachutes floating in the giant floor-to-ceiling tank, but her mind kept wandering back to the new lion.

Out of fear he wouldn’t interact well with the other lions, he’d been given his own enclosure. The public was delighted, fawning over him like bees to honey. The gift shop sold out of white lion plush toys his first day out of his den. He was the star of the zoo. But to Cassie, his newfound celebrity made his situation all the sadder.

              “Another late night?” Doug, the security guard, asked as he passed through the aquarium.

              “Night time is the best time for a researcher,” Cassie replied with a smile. “I’ll check in with you before I leave.”

              “So sunset, then?” he surmised, familiar with her routine. “I’ll have the coffee waiting.”

              “Thanks,” she called as he left, leaving her alone to observe the behavior of the hundreds of glowing

              “Another time,” she said to the jellyfish and went to see the lion.

              With the zoo closed, he was back in his den behind the enclosure, lying in a corner with his head tucked in his paws, defeated, but as soon as she drew near, he stood and moved closer to her.

              This was not the first time she’d visited him. It was one of many nightly visits. She felt drawn to the lion, as if he had some meaning to her life. It was her hope that if she spoke with him nightly, if they became friends, the sadness in him would recede. But it didn’t. If anything, he seemed to be getting worse.

              “You’re not happy here, are you?” she asked, sitting on the ground with her side against the gate. He edged closer to her, the bulk of his body twice the size of a human’s, but he didn’t come too close. She got the sense he didn’t want to scare her off.

              “You know, white lions have a place in mythology,” she told him, strumming her fingers along the gate. “They are believed to be children of the Sun God. You’re a gift to Earth. I’ve done a lot of reading since you’ve arrived. A lot. You’ve been a distraction,” she teased. Then she sighed. “But no books can tell me why you look so haunted. None of the scientific ones, anyway.”

              Suddenly feeling tired, she closed her eyes and began drifting into sleep, staying awake long enough to feel his fur stick between the gate as he laid beside her.


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