Wanted By The Soldier Bear (Heroes of Shifter Creek 1) (5 page)

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Authors: Clara Moore

Tags: #BBW, #Paranormal, #Suspense, #Romantic Suspense, #Romance, #Bear Shifter, #Soldier, #Military, #Western, #Shifter Creek, #SciFi, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Short Story, #Bear Cubs, #Au Pair, #Human, #Woods Vacation, #Family Kidnapped, #Brother's Friend, #Fated Mate, #Protection

BOOK: Wanted By The Soldier Bear (Heroes of Shifter Creek 1)
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The following night, after the zoo closed and a majority of the staff went home, Cassie ignored her research on the jellyfish completely and went straight to the lion’s den. She’d spent the day reading a book – a very strange mythological book – that may have had the answers she was looking for regarding the beautiful oddity that was the white lion, but to know for sure, she had to see him.

              Except that he wasn’t in his den. Nor was he in his enclosure.

              Panicked, Cassie stared at the empty enclosure, her breath heavy beneath the warm moonlight, and thought hard on where the lion might be. Perhaps the zoo director had loaned him out. Or perhaps he was sick and being looked after at the in-house veterinary clinic.

              The vet. That seemed the most plausible. And the most worrisome.

              She moved towards the direction of the clinic, but a loud clanging noise, like metal hitting the ground, caught her attention, forcing her back. It came from the loading dock where heavy equipment was transported in and out of the zoo. Trusting her instincts, she went to the dock.

              And she found the white lion.

              Mesmerized, she watched from behind a forklift as he paced nervously while two humans – a stunning blonde woman, not much older than her, and a dark-haired man – unlocked the back of a black utility van.

Oh my God, they’re stealing him!
Cassie grasped.

              She couldn’t let it happen. He had enough sadness in him as it was. Who knew what the couple’s intentions were. They could be urban poachers after the white lion for his hide.

              “Don’t!” she screamed, revealing herself. “We have you on camera–” She stopped, realizing with a quick glance that the security camera overlooking the dock had been destroyed. Where was security? She prayed Doug was making his rounds and would soon find her. “Please, leave,” she insisted.

              “That’s what we intend to do,” the dark-haired man sniped, his voice a low, dangerous growl.

              Before Cassie had a chance to respond, the man flew into the air, his clothes ripping off him as his body writhed in impossible but flawless contortions.

              When he landed, only inches from her, he was no longer human.

              He was a lion.

              And he was ready to strike.



Chapter Two






              Her life was over. Cassie was sure of it. She saw the lion-man move to attack. She saw how he gloated in her destruction. She didn’t run. That’s what predators wanted – the hunt. She was willing to stand her ground, to fight, but she couldn’t win. Not against an angry beast.

              She braced herself, but when the attack came, it wasn’t against her.

              It was

              The white lion sprang in the air and used his heavy weight to knock the lion-man away. Barely fazed, the lion-man immediately straightened himself out and growled at his opponent, ready for a fight.

              But to Cassie’s horror, the blonde woman ran between them, holding her hands up like some warped traffic warden. “Stop!” she shouted. “We don’t have time for this. We need to go.”

              In response, the lion-man backed down, but he cast a quick glance at Cassie. She could nearly read his mind.
What are we going to do about her?

              “I won’t let you take him,” Cassie re-asserted, sounding much braver than she felt. It was the only thing she could think to say. “He belongs to the zoo.”

              “He belongs to no one,” the lion-man sneered, transforming back into his human form. He stood naked, completely unashamed, but the woman threw him clothes from the back of the van. “Do you know what it’s like to be locked in a cage when every muscle in your body screams to run free?” he asked as he pulled a pair of jeans on. “It’s cruel. And inhumane.”

              Inhumane. Cassie turned to the white lion, a new reality dawning on her as the events of the night fully set in. “He’s like you,” she murmured. “He’s part human.”

              “Yes,” the woman said, much gentler than her companion. “We’re shifters. I know it sounds crazy, but–”

              “No,” Cassie said, interrupting. “It’s not. In my line of research, I’ve come across numerous eye witness accounts of shifters – people who turn into animals. The stories are always written off as legend or hallucinations, but there are so many accounts, from all around the world, that I long ago drew the conclusion that the stories must have some truth behind them. Science proves common belief wrong all the time. For instance, there’s a species of jellyfish that are immortal. The
. We have them here at the zoo.”

              She was rambling, she knew, but her adrenaline was peaking, as was her scientific curiosity.
The ability to shift must be similar to the way a chameleon can change color based on chemicals within its nervous system…

              “I think we lost her,” the woman said, amused. “Let’s go before she comes to.”

              “Wait!” Cassie cried, pulled from her contemplations. “I’m coming with you.”

              “Don’t fool yourself,” the lion-man sneered. “You’re lucky we’re letting you live.”

              “Please,” she pleaded, looking at the white lion. “I just – I can’t leave him.”

              She couldn’t explain it because she didn’t quite understand it herself, but the thought of letting him go was painful.

              The lion-man protested further, but the woman was quiet, studying her intently. Cassie felt as if she were in one of those dreams where she suddenly realized she was naked in front of a crowd – vulnerable and exposed.

              The white lion moved beside her, standing guard, as if a line had been drawn. Him and Cassie against the others.

              “Fine,” the woman determined. “We don’t have time to argue. Kafele, you’re in the back. Weird science girl, you sit in the front with me.”




              “So Kafele... is he your boyfriend?” Cassie asked, buckling her safety belt as the van sped away from the loading dock and out into the dark unknown.

              “Life mate,” the woman answered. “How could you tell?”

              “He listens to you. I figured he was either a boyfriend or brother.”

              “No, my brother, Gowon, is the pale furry guy next to him.”

              “The white lion – he’s your brother?” Cassie was still trying to get her head around it. How could this woman next to her be the sister of the lion in the back? She knew they were shifters, but it was still unreal, in an exciting way. Her book on mythology had been right.              “Gowon. Gowon Blanc. He’s a person, with a name. And yes, he is my brother.”

              Now that Cassie studied the woman closer, she saw the resemblance. Her hair was pale, like lilies in the moonlight, and her eyes were the same grey-green color. The difference was that hers held a lot more optimism, and a lot less sadness.

              “I’m Sammi Blanc,” the woman introduced. “From your badge I see you’re Cassie. Pretty name. Pretty girl. I see why my brother is so protective of you. But before this goes any further, you should know exactly what’s going on. This isn’t some field trip. Where we live in New Mexico – live has its dangers, something my brother knows all too well. He’s afflicted, unable to change back into a human. He hasn’t in over a year. Being afflicted is kind of like a curse, except being a lion is no curse. It’s a cherished part of who we are. But to have the choice stripped from you... no longer free to shift at will... that’s the real tragedy. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to repel the affliction, for now.”

              It was clear Sammi wasn’t going to elaborate, so Cassie didn’t press. Instead, she asked, “How did he end up at the zoo?”

              “Our enemies. They came on our land. Normally, they’d never get away with something like this, but we’ve been so distracted... Anyway, we tracked him down as soon as we could.”

              “And your home is New Mexico?”

              “Yes. We have a range there – miles of wilderness on an open plain. Land that is both desert and green.” She paused. “Listen, like I said, things are dangerous at home. There is a war between prides, a battle for territory. You’re invited. Gowon wants you there. But once you’re in, I’m not sure you’ll be allowed to leave, for your own sake. So if you want me to drop you off at the next bus stop, just say the word.”

              Cassie looked out into the night. Though pitch black, it seemed to have a new vibrancy to it. The night didn’t shield shadows. It protected beautiful mysteries.

              “No,” she said firmly. “This is something I need to do. I can feel it in my soul.”

              Then she added silently to herself,
No matter how dangerous

End of the sample, you can read the rest of the book by clicking on the cover or by going to this





Clara Moore
is a Canadian born Romance writer that currently lives between Toronto and Albuquerque. She has always had an interest in animals as well as love stories. She started her career as a reporter for wildlife magazines and decided that the stories needed a little enhancement to become truly hers. Since them she writes paranormal romance books.


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