Wanna Bet? (8 page)

Read Wanna Bet? Online

Authors: R. S. Burnett

Tags: #Romance, #erotic, #new adult, #college

BOOK: Wanna Bet?
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So this is
why would didn’t sleep with me, you was sleeping with Tucker the
whole time

real rumours really
begin” I mutter trying my best to ignore him Tucker just nods,

Well it’s
only fair that you should know I had a threesome last night” he
says proudly, watching for my reaction to his news of cheating on

OK, let me
guess, it was your penis, your hand and your imagination… yeap that
sounds about right”

You know, you
were so much more attractive when I thought you were fat” he sneers
ignoring my comment.

I don’t
bother replying as I notice that slowly my body is starting to shut
down, well that’s what it feels like at least, my movements are
becoming sloppy, my vision is swaying giving me the impression that
I’m not standing I’m hovering slightly, I stumble a little and
Tuckers arms tighten around me. I look up at him and try to figure
out which one is the real him out of the two in front of my

You okay?” he
asks but it sounds like it’s coming from further away than I know
he is.

I should have
known you were a whore” I hear Jason snap at me.

Right that’s
it I’ve..”Tucker starts to say but he is cut off by Sophie, when
did she get here? I look around at them slightly

She’s not a
whore darling, whores get paid, Brooke gives it for free ... Well
not to you” she informs him as she grabs my arm and pulls me away
from the dance floor.

Sam’s in the
bathroom, if you want to go you have to go now” Sophie tells me,
frowning down at me when I make no reply “there’s a taxi out the
back for you”

Where am I
going?” I ask but I’m not sure it comes out properly because Sophie
just looks confused and worried. I can feel my eyes closing as my
eyelids student feel too heavy, my legs give out but there’s
something stopping me from falling, I look down amazed and there’s
an arm around me. There are some fuzzy voices floating around me as
I’m pulled through a door and put into the back of a car. Fighting
to stay awake is too hard now so I give up and succumb to the sleep
that’s calling me.


* *



I fling my
hands in the air to make the noise stop.

I’m actually
enjoying sleep for once and I don’t want it to end. My eyes fly
open when I come in contact with skin. My hand is splattered over
Tucker face covering his mouth and nose.

What do you
want?” I grumble pulling my hand away.

How are you
feeling?” he asks amused.

I was fine
until you woke me up” I snap but take in my surroundings “Where am

In Matt’s
dorm” he frowns at me.

And what am I
doing in Matt’s dorm with you?”

Brooke how much of last
night do you remember?”

I sort through the
memories from the night before but come up empty “Last thing I
remember is dancing with you”

I look away from his eyes
because now they are concerned and narrowed. I’m in what I assume
is Matt’s bed in just my underwear, then I notice Tucker is only
wearing a pair of boxers.

I slept in the other bed”
he assures me when I look up at him. “I wanted to make sure you
were okay before I left, I have some stuff I need to do this

Oh … yeah … I’m fine” I
frown and flop back down on the bed.


When I make my way back
into my room both Sophie and Matt are sat at our table.

How are you feeling?”
Sophie asks pouring me a coffee.

Like I have the worse
hangover ever” I mutter.

I can’t believe you drank
that drink” she scolds me.

I shrug “It would have
been worse if I didn’t. Besides I got home okay didn’t

Yeah but …” she looks
between me and Matt “What’s going on with you and

Nothing” I frown “We’re
just friends”

This time Sophie and Matt
exchange a worried look.

What?” I sigh.

Tucker doesn’t … have
female friends Brooke” Matt says this carefully.

Sophie frowns at me
“You’re not sleeping with him are you?”

No!” I all but shout
“Honestly. We are just friends. I have to put up with these rumors
at school, don’t tell me I have to put up with them at home

No … just be

I nod a them both and
climb back into bed. I’m not going to any classes today.

Chapter Five


I knock on
Tuckers dorm and wait nervously for him to answer hoping he hasn’t
got company.

The door
swings open and his room mate stares at me, when he takes in my
overnight bag he steps aside to let me in.

One of yours
Tuck” he says and then closes the door behind me.

Hey” Tucker
greets from where he’s sat on his bed. I walk across the room into
the kitchenette area looking for coffee; I sigh when I see nothing
but jars of instant coffee and pull my coffee machine out of my

Can I crash
here tonight please? Sophie’s sister is staying over and she’s
kicked me out of the room” I ask
as I set up the machine.

Only if you
promise to make me lots of that” he says watching the machine

I chuckle at
him because now I understand why people think my reaction to coffee
is bad, if my expression is anything like his is now.

I promise” I
roll my eye
s at

I’m Ethan by
the way” Tuckers room mate introduces himself.

I’m Brooke” I
smile back.

Nice to meet
you Brooke, tell me something are you loud?” he asks throwing
Tucker a look.

Excuse me?” I
ask not having a clue what’s going on.

She’s not,
we’re not, and we don’t. We’re friends. It’s not like that” Tucker
says to him.

Ethan turns
his attention back to me and looks at me curiously. I watch as he
rakes his eyes over me and then turns back to Tucker “Whatever
dude, just keep it down, I have a test tomorrow”

we’re just friends. We don’t have sex, we don’t even mess around
even a little bit” Tucker tells him proudly.

Uh huh, and
where is she going to sleep” Ethan asks raising an eyebrow at

In my bed”
Tuckers supplies.



I am not
sleeping in that bed with you” I interrupt their

fine, I completely understand”
Tucker turns to me looking sympathetic.

You do?” I
ask cautiously.

Of course,
it’s natural” he says still sympathetic but I notice something else
I can’t quite place in his eyes and fold my arms across my

And what is
it that you understand?” I ask trying and failing to keep the
sarcasm out of my voice.

worried that as soon as we get in there and you lie next to me,
you’re going to jump me and you don’t want everyone in the building
to know what a sex god I am because you
’ll be screaming my name so much” he

Shit, we
can’t sleep in that bed
I say looking disappointed.

Why not?” he
asks and frowns down at the bed.

Because your
imagination just jumped in it and now there’s no room for
us in there” I smile sweetly at

Okay I like
her” Ethan announces from his own bed laughing.

She’s not
even that nice” Tucker sniffs.

Come on, bed.
I’m tired. Coffee will be ready to pour when you get up” I

I go into the
bathroom and change into a tank top and boxer type briefs, when I
walk back into the room I see Tucker slipping into bed in just a
pair of boxers.

Oh no. Put a
top on” I point at him accusingly.

Why, afraid
you won’t be able to resist me?” he smirks at me taking in my tank
and briefs.

Fine” I smile
sweetly at him and pull my top off so I’m just in my bra and
panties now.

Point taken”
he mutters and sits up to put a t-shirt on as I return my

You two are
so weird” Ethan complains from his bed across the room.

I shake my
head and climb into bed next to Tucker trying not to touch him. Now
if you’ve ever slept in a single bed with a six foot, built like a
quarter back twenty
two year
old man, then you understand how hard it is. If not imagine trying
to fit a hundred and twenty five pieces into a hundred piece

Christ your
huge” I mutter.

I blush when
I realise what I’ve said and Tucker bursts out laughing.

This is so
wrong” I hear Ethan grumble from across the room.

That’s not
what I meant and you know it” I snap at Tucker embarrassed
and elbow him.

I didn’t say
anything” he laughs at me.

threats to torture Sophie in the morning I turn my back to him and
press up against the wall as much as I can.


I wake up
warm and relaxed after a peaceful nights sleep. Until I hear Ethan
speaking, he’s obviously stood over the bed judging from how close
his voice is.

I’m sorry but
… Are you two

I feel Tucker
shift behind me. “We’ll we sure as shit aint forking” he grumbles

It’s then I
notice that I’m warm because I’m wrapped up in Tucker. His one leg
is thrown over both of mine, trapping me in, his arm is lazily
wrapped around my stomach and side and I look down to confirm
because I can’t quite believe it but yeap, he has a hand under my
top cupping my right breast. I try to remove it with my own hand
but he resists and he’s stronger than me.

Hand” I
prompt him.

Hmmm” he
replies sleepily
but squeezes

I turn my
head to see Tucker still has his eyes closed and Ethan is watching
at us amused.

A little
help, please?” I ask gesturing to Tucker with my head. He grins
then leans down and twists Tuckers ear.

I watch as
Tucker jumps up with a yelp and grabs his ear.

Thanks” I
grin at Ethan and getting out of bed head straight into the kitchen

What was that
for?” Tucker demands rubbing his ear.

You were
groping me, he was protecting
me” I say handing both of them a mug of coffee.

I was not
groping you” Tucker grumbles sniffing his coffee.

You were, I
even tried to remove your hand myself but you put up a fight” I
tell him taking in the scent of my own coffee and

I can’t help
it if my hand has a mind of his own when I’m sleeping but I forgive
you because you gave me coffee” he says sounding sympathetic
instead of sorry.

Right I have
to go I have a test in half hour” Ethan announces draining his

Me too, hang
on a sec I’ll come down with you” Tucker
replies stretching and shuffling into the bathroom. I
have three more cups and a long shower before I leave their room
with a sticky note attached to the coffee machine with instructions
on how to use it for them.


So which one
did you have sex with?” A voice asks from behind me. I turn my
attention away from the selection of fruit in front of me and look
up to see Beth watching me.
She’s never liked me but since Tucker and I became friends,
she seems to go out of her way to be a bitch to me.

Excuse me?” I
frown at her.

You spent the
night in Tuckers room but Ethan was there as well. So which one did
you sleep with? They both deny having sex with you” she says

I didn’t have
sex with any of them” I protest.

Right … Well
if it was Ethan it’s only because Tucker didn’t want you and if
it’s Tucker then don’t expect a repeat performance because he
doesn’t do them. Unless you did both of them, they haven’t been
known to do that before
, but
I wouldn’t put it past Tucker.”

Why are you
still talking?” I ask not liking what she is accusing me of one

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