Viper (17 page)

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Authors: Patricia A. Rasey

BOOK: Viper
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“Watch yourself, Gypsy,” Kane threatened. “Anyone touches the detective and they answer to me.”

“Is that a threat?” Grayson asked.

“I don’t make threats.”

Booted footsteps came her way, causing her to back farther into her room when she heard a door slam.

“Be sure that fucking her is all you do,” Kaleb said, his tone hushed.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean, Hawk?”

“The canines better stay to yourself. You know the rules. You step over that line and I’ll cut the P patch from your chest myself.”

Several seconds later another door slammed, followed by silence. Cara hedged past her doorway and back to the living area where Kane stood in the middle of the room, hands on hips, head hung so his hair hid his expression. She must have stood there a few seconds before he growled, “Wanting something, Miss Brahnam? If not, I suggest you make yourself fucking scarce.”

Cara turned, ran back to his quarters and slammed her own door.

Well, that certainly went well.


* * *


“Are you fucking serious?” Rosalee squealed through the cell’s ear piece.

Alec held the phone away and grimaced. He knew she wasn’t going to take the news of Cara Brahnam moving into the Sons’ clubhouse well.

“I’ll still have access to her. She can’t be with Kane or the Sons twenty-four-seven. Stop going all dramatic.”

“I swear to the god you believe in, Alec, that I will be in the States before you can formulate a plan to stop me if, you don’t do something soon.”

Alec rolled his eyes, not that she’d see. Sometimes Rosalee could be a royal pain in his ass. How the hell had Kane put up with her as long as he had? Because then she wasn’t a bitter vampire bent on revenge. Just a few short years with her and Alec was ready to throw his hands up and say fuck it. Let her fight her own battles. He wasn’t some imbecile she could order around so easily. After all, he, too, was an original.

“Stop threatening me, Rosalee. You and I both know you don’t want to be anywhere near the States when I take down Kane. He’d suspect you the minute he laid eyes on you, if not figure a way to kill you on the spot.” He bit back an expletive, and instead added, “and stop ordering me about like a fucking child.”

Alec took a deep breath. What he really felt like doing was a disappearing act and letting Rosalee mop up after her own mess, which Alec already knew she wouldn’t. No, she’d find someone else to screw, and get them to do her dirty work. Besides, he wasn’t quite done with Rosalee yet. His goal was her stepfather’s respect, and damn if he wasn’t going to get it … one way or the other.

“Alec? Are you still there?”

“I’m here, Rosalee … where the hell did you think I went off to?”

She made an unbecoming sound into the phone, but left his question hang unanswered.

“Look, this is nothing more than a snag in our plan. Kane will still pay.”

“You best hope so, Alec—or you better not step one foot back into Italy.”

“Idle threats, my dear. You can’t stop me. You may be older than I, but we still stand on the same ground. Your stepfather actually likes me; he wouldn’t allow you to turn your revenge on me.”

“My stepfather allows me anything I desire.”

And that’s why you’re such a spoiled brat.

No one would dare cross her stepfather, except her step-uncle, if indeed Vlad Tepes were still alive and the rumor of the empty tomb to be believed.

“Come now, Rosalee, you know you wouldn’t harm a hair on my head. Who else would put up with your tirades? I said I would take care of Kane and I will. In my own time. I do have a plan. I’m not the complete idiot you think me to be. But first, I’ll toy with him. Have a little fun.”

“Toy with him how?”

“You do want him to suffer, no?”

“Of course I do. That’s what this is all about. Kane humiliated me, stomped on my heart. Sent me back to Italy and my stepfather as if I was a nuisance. I was forced to suffer alone. I lost my son—
lost a son and he didn’t even have the decency to help me grieve.”

Alec was about to ask her if she even had a heart but thought better of it. If she had one when she met Kane, the arrogant vampire had most certainly ripped it to shreds.

“Rest assured, when I’m finished Kane will wish he were dead.”









Chapter 15


Silence cloaked the clubhouse. His brothers had not shown their faces, nor had Cara left the sanctity of his room following his tirade. Jesus, since when had he taken to treating women with so little regard? Not to mention, she had followed his order without question. Kane paced the floor in his bare feet, wearing nothing more than his unbuttoned jeans, low on his hips, and a pair of boxer briefs beneath. He had wanted to strip, being accustomed to sleeping nude, but having a woman in the house had not allowed him the luxury.

Instead, he lay on the couch, watching the ceiling fan slowly circle, hunger gnawing at his gut. He had fed two nights prior, but having Cara in such close proximity made him ravenous, and not just for communion either. Never had a woman led him around by his dick. Oh, he enjoyed sex, quite regularly in fact. But this woman had him turning away perfectly willing candidates. He wanted the detective in the worst way. And since she had gotten beneath his skin, no other woman would do. His desire for her bordered on obsession.

Kane ran his hand through his hair, frustration clawing its way through him. Glancing at the clock on the wall, he decided a quick trip to the Rave was in order—maybe he could appease at least one of his aches. With Cara occupying his room, though, a change of clothes was out of the question. He wasn’t about to knock on her door. Not because he didn’t want to disturb her, but because he didn’t trust himself to keep his hands off her. His animalistic nature lay too close to the surface, while his hunger spun dangerously out of control. And although he desperately needed to get laid, for now he’d look for a donor only, not a willing sexual partner.

That meant avoiding his last donor like the plague.

Suzi had made it quite obvious she had designs on him, but he wasn’t about to selfishly slake his desire while thinking of another. Christ, when had taking any willing party become so distasteful? A few months earlier and he would have gladly taken her offer. Kane had known of the cute, petite brunette donor before. But never once had she approached him, making Kane wonder why the sudden fascination. Besides, she seemed more to Kaleb’s liking. When Kane had brought Kaleb into the conversation, though, she hadn’t wanted to talk about his twin. Kane couldn’t help being curious about their history.

He’d best steer clear of that one, if for no other reason than her mysterious past with Kaleb.

Decision made to partake in communion, he’d make a quick trip to the Rave, feed, and be home within the hour. He supposed it was his only chance at finding rest. Kane headed for the bathroom, wanting to take a quick shower and wash away the day’s grime from the road.

Kane paused by his closed bedroom door and listened to the silence coming from his room. Cara was likely fast asleep, alone, in his bed. A bed large enough for them to share. He groaned. A cold shower seemed in order. He turned back down the hall and opened the door to the bathroom.

Light spilling into the hallway was his first clue that the room had an occupant. The second was Cara’s shriek. Kane’s heart leapt to his throat and his gut clenched like a vice. She sat, perched on the edge of the tub with razor poised in hand. Sans clothes.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

His gaze dropped to her now crossed legs. A small trickle of blood ran down where her feminine hair had been freshly removed, disappearing between the V of her thighs. Shit, the scent called to him as she stared at him wide-eyed. Blood rushed instantly from his head to his dick. His unbuttoned jeans did little to hide his exact reaction to the vision in front of him. And what a vision it was. Cara’s gaze caressed his bare chest and slowly trailed to the front of his unbuttoned jeans, barely containing the heavy bulge. She couldn’t miss his reaction to her.

He slowly closed the bathroom door behind him, as his canines elongated and his eyes heated in their darkening. His face took on the shape of the hungry animal barely contained within. His refection in the mirror told him as much. Why his appearance hadn’t caused Cara to flee from his presence he didn’t know.

“You have about thirty seconds to gather your things and get the hell back to my room.”

“Or what?” she whispered.

The scent of her answering desire traveled to his flaring nostrils. Lord help him.

“Or, make no mistake, I will follow through with my promise to fuck you.”

Her mouth rounded in an O, but she didn’t move. Kane wasn’t sure if it was fright or desire that held her in place. And frankly, he didn’t care. If she didn’t move soon, he’d make good on that threat.

Cara laid the razor carefully on the side of the large tub. She took in a shaky breath. Her gaze held fast to his. By the scent of her arousal, he knew she waged the war to run as suggested, or take him up on his promise. She couldn’t lie, couldn’t tell him she didn’t want this as badly as he. Perched on the tub, completely exposed, her thighs quivered and her nipples pebbled. His mouth watered with the desire to draw one between his teeth, to nip it and taste her sweet-ass blood, then soothe it with his tongue. Hell, he wanted to dive between her thighs and take his fucking fill.

“Your time is nearly up, Mia Bella,” he said as he slowly advanced. “I’m not a patient man. When I make a promise to take what I want … I follow through.”

He stopped, mere inches from reaching out and touching her, breathing in her blood’s rich scent before releasing a growl.

“Fuck it,” he said and dropped to his knees.

A palm on the inside of each of her thighs easily uncrossed them. His gaze trailed the blood as it disappeared between her swollen folds. His mouth went dry. Never had his eyes feasted on anything so erotic. The time for her to flee now past, his eyes held hers briefly before descending on her. His lips closed over the small cut on her bare mons, suckling it just before his canines pierced the soft flesh.

Cara gasped, one hand steadying her on the tub’s edge as the other fisted his hair. But instead of pulling him away as he thought she might, she held him tight to her center. A moan escaped her throat. Her thighs trembled on either side of his head.

Kane’s blood roared through his veins, drowning out all sound as he drew her life-giving fluid into his mouth, loving every blessed drop. Hell, he was dizzy with want. Never had he thirsted so deeply, never had he desired so strongly. He had known that it would be like this, all the more reason he should have abstained.

Another moan left her body, her fist tightened in his hair. The scent of her desire increased. He used his hands to further spread her thighs, gliding his fingers down her moist slit, into her slick folds. His dick ached, wanting appeasement.

The time for turning back had vanished.

Kane spread her wetness across her clit, mixing her juices with her blood. Slipping two fingers inside, he felt the tremors of her approaching climax.

Kane quickened his rhythm, his fingers shoving in and out of her as he wanted to do with his cock. Her breath hitched, drawing his gaze, and she glanced at him, heavy lidded. Her thighs tightened about him, her face tipped heavenward, and she whispered his name. Kane felt the answering pulses of her orgasm against his fingers.

Slowly he withdrew his fangs and his hand, sitting back on the tiled floor of the bathroom, wiping the remaining blood from his mouth with the back of his hand. His own breath labored as he looked up at her.

He wasn’t done by a long shot, but he’d put the ball in her court. If she wanted more, then she’d have to ask for it. He watched as her breathing leveled. Her eyes stayed focused on his. He couldn’t tell if she were ready to take flight or wanted a round two.

“What’s it going to be, Cara?”

Long seconds passed as she said nothing. A final shiver passed over her shoulders and she took a deep, steadying breath.

“I had no idea.”

His brows knit together. “Of what, Mia Bella?”

“That sinking those teeth of yours into me could be so … so orgasmic.”

Kane chuckled. Whatever he expected her to say, that wasn’t it. “You really have no idea then how talented my dick can be.”

“I suggest you shut the hell up and show me.”


* * *


Another shiver passed through her as Kane moved from his sitting position and crawled in her direction. The man oozed sex. Of course, she’d never doubted that for a second. But the last few moments he spent touching her had laid proof to it in spades. She hadn’t had an orgasm in … scratch that, had never had an orgasm that epic!

Who would have thought the act of drinking her blood could incite such rapture? No wonder Suzi and all her donor friends had signed up to the Suck-My-Blood-Club so willingly. She had been the one missing out all these years. Lord, she needed an industrial size fan just to cool her heated skin.

Now to see him advancing on her like a cat to prey, her body hummed in anticipation. She had no doubt his lower anatomy was quite talented. After all, his past experience with women meant he had plenty of time to hone his skills.

He braced himself on the tub, his arms hemming her in, then bent to capture a kiss. And kiss her he did. His mouth slanted over hers, his tongue snaking out, touching hers, the coppery taste of her blood still evident. Cara drew his tongue into her mouth and deepened the kiss as her hands slid up his chest and to his nape, anchoring him. Damn, if he was half as good in the sack as he was at kissing, she’d want to chain him to the mattress. Stephen King’s
came to mind. She doubted
would ever enter the equation.

And exactly when had she stopped thinking of him as a cold-blooded murder? As a blood-sucking vampire who drained people of their blood? About five minutes ago when he sank his fangs into her.

Oh lord, she had to stop thinking about the case, vampires and psychotics, or she’d embarrass herself right into running for Kane’s quarters and locking him from the room. Not to mention missing out on the best sex she’d probably ever have. She needed to think of him as a fantasy, the perfect lover, pretend the darker side didn’t exist, at least until she discovered how talented his cock really was. Just the thought made her heart slam against her chest. The man was a walking wet-dream.

His finger and forefinger tweaked her nipple, stealing her breath and stopping her from all sane thought. Well, the parts of her musings that weren’t living in a fantasy land, that is. As he twirled the tight bud between his fingers, Cara moaned against his mouth, wanting very much his mouth where his fingers were at the moment. She was going to enjoy ever inch … er, minute of him while she could. The morning would be early enough for regrets.

And no doubt she would have them.

Kane stood suddenly, lifting her, his large hands now cupping her backside. Her legs slipped about his waist, bringing his erection flush with her center. Were all vampires this well-endowed? She suddenly wondered how he’d possibly fit.

“You have far too many clothes on, vampire,” she grumbled against his lips, earning her a chuckle.

As he shoved at the waistband of his jeans and briefs with one hand, Cara used her heels on his rock-hard ass to help divest him of the barrier. The less between them, the quicker she could get to the best-sex-ever part. After the orgasm he had given her, she had no doubt he’d deliver.

His erection sprang free. The soft steely skin rubbed against her wet clit. She wanted him inside her, to feel him completely fill her.

“I don’t suppose you have a condom?”

Cara could feel his answering humor rumble up from his gut since she was thoroughly wrapped around him like a cat clinging to a tree. She loved that his spirits were high, but at the moment, his laughter was not what she needed. She just might die from extreme longing. Was that even possible?

“I don’t need one, Mia Bella.”

“That’s all fine and dandy, but I’m not on birth control since having sex in the last couple of years wasn’t a priority.”

His humor died as he looked at her point blank. Damn it, but Cara hadn’t meant to confess how long it had actually been since she had slept with a man.

But rather than comment on her admission, he said, “I can’t get you pregnant.”

Vampires couldn’t spawn babies? “Sterile?”

“Not that I’m aware.”

“Then why so certain?”

“Because you aren’t a vampire.”

“Oh.” She made a mental note to ask him about that later. “Diseases? It’s not like you’ve been celibate.”

“As a vampire, I can’t get those either, Mia Bella. My blood regenerates at too high of a rate. You’re safe. I can’t get you pregnant and I won’t give you any STDs. Are we done with the questions?”

His smile was so cute; she could hardly fault him for his lack of patience at her sudden inquisition. Instead of answering him, she brought her lips back to his and kissed him again, taking control of his mouth and receiving an answering growl.

Kane turned and backed her against the wood paneling of the bathroom and entered her swiftly. Her gasp at his size lasted mere seconds as he started to move within her. Her back slid up the wall with each of his powerful thrusts, as he seat himself to the hilt, stretching her completely, before withdrawing and doing it all again.

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