Viper (27 page)

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Authors: Patricia A. Rasey

BOOK: Viper
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“A man, or maybe a man with a woman, now that I think of it,” she added, rationalizing that if Rosalee was involved then it was possible she didn’t act alone. That was if she managed to get out of Italy.

“Make up your mind. You want me to remember a man talking on a cell or a woman and a man?”

Cara sighed. “That’s just it, Grandpa, I’m not sure. The voice was definitely a man’s. But that doesn’t mean he was alone. All I know is someone called in a murder then dropped the cell from that location. We found it in the grassy field across the street from the deli.”

“Well, then, why didn’t you say that in the first place?”

“You remember?”

He nodded and pointed a gnarled finger to the grassy, empty lot in front of the deli. “It was a man, by himself. That much I’m sure of. Tall drink of water, he was. Wore a black wool coat. Like a dress coat for a man. Dark hair slicked back. Used too much gel. That shit gleamed, it did. He paced about, talking on the cell. Then, just like that, dropped the thing in the grass and walked away. I thought it seemed queer that he would just leave it.”

“You remember anything else?”

He tilted his head, pensive, then raised his forefinger. “He seemed to wipe it, like you know when the screen of those things get dirty, then just dropped it. I remember because I told my nurse I thought the whole thing seemed strange, but I’m sure she thought it was nothing. After that, I was wheeled down to the common area. We had cards that night.”

“What time do you play cards?”

“Seven. A few of us gather for a mean game of Rummy.”

Cara patted his hand, now returned to the recliner arm. The timing matched. “Thanks.” She kissed his sunken cheek again. “You may have helped. At least now I have a bit of a description and I know he was alone at the time he called the station.”

Cara pulled out her cell, typed:
Heading out and I might have a description
onto the screen and tucked it away again. “Look, Grandpa, I have to head out.”

“You meeting up with your man?”

Cara laughed, “I told you, Grandpa, I’m too busy to date.”

“Bah, you take the time, girly.”

“I will, Grandpa, soon. I promise.” She rose and gave him a quick hug. “Don’t you go giving these nurses a hard time, you hear?”

He waved her on, then went back to watching out the window. Cara hurried out the door and headed for her car. Maybe Kane would recognize the description, either that or her grandfather had just described half the population of Italy. She certainly hoped it gave them some direction, even if it was vague. One thing was for certain, the person who called it in wasn’t a member of the Sons. Grandfather said a long dress coat … not a motorcycle vest.


* * *


Kane and Kaleb had little luck finding Suzi. If anything happened to her, and it appeared this primordial was involved, he’d never forgive himself for leaving the little brunette with Kaleb. He couldn’t fault his brother for her MIA. Though Kaleb had a habit of making bad judgment calls, resulting in Kane getting him out of one scuttle after another, he took total blame for this mess. He had put both women on the ancient vampire’s radar. First by allowing his interest in Cara to cloud good judgment and instead thinking with his dick. And secondly showing up at Suzi’s like a madman. Had he waited to retrieve Cara the following day from the Sheriff’s Office, then Suzi wouldn’t have been involved.

Kane sat sideways on his parked motorcycle as he took in Cara’s empty house, his booted feet kicked out in front of him. He had received her text telling him about a possible description on the primordial. Hopefully, she had somehow stumbled across something that would aid him in finding this son of a bitch. Too many women had already died and Kane couldn’t bear to think of losing Cara to the same fate. The piece of shit would have to kill him first.

Twin headlights cut through the black night, illuminating the single lane back road as a car headed in his direction. Instinct told him it was Cara, even before the car slowed at the beginning of the narrow gravel driveway. Kane stood, walked to the car as it stopped and opened the door, happy as hell to see for himself that she was all right. With this nut bent on taking her life, Kane hated the idea of her being out of his sight, even if it couldn’t be helped. Kane reached out his hand, which she took, and helped her alight.

“You have a description?”

“Hello to you, too,” she said with a saucy smile. The look on her face told him she was just as happy to see him, if not the jest in her tone. “Is it always business with you?”

His skin heated and his groin hardened. The scent of her desire wafted to his flared nostrils. If she only knew how badly he wanted to forget the world existed and jump her bones right now, to sink deeply into her and never let her go. Nothing compared to having his cock sheathed within her. If indeed there were a heaven, then he’d live every moment of it making love to her. Just the thought of laying her across the hood of her car and slaking the hunger she began just by her arrival had his dick standing at attention. But instead of ripping off every last shred of her clothing, he palmed the back of her head, and brought his lips to hers. Kane nipped her lower lip, then drew it between his lips before tangling his tongue with hers, thrusting deeply. She responded in kind, fisting the front of his black Henley shirt and anchoring him to her. Her body aligned with his, her abdomen resting against the thick bulge in his jeans. No hiding his erection or the direction of his thoughts.

Cara ran a hand down his trembling abs to the front of his jeans and over his cock. Kane released her and backed up, hands up in surrender. If they didn’t slow down, he’d have her naked and atop her Charger before either had time to think about it. This far out, no one would likely see them, but Kane wasn’t willing to risk it as long as the ancient vampire was still out there. There was too real a possibility he watched their every move and Kane would be damned if he’d allow the piece of shit to see him lose control. And he did, every time he made love to Cara.

“Now that I call a proper greeting,” she said, her grin promising much, much more.

He quirked one eyebrow heavenward. “And I haven’t even begun to play, Mia Bella. Now, the description?”

Cara’s eyes danced in excitement. She told him about her grandfather’s view from the nursing home and how he had seen the man who had tossed away the phone. She described him as best she could, right down to the long black dress coat. “Does any of that ring a bell?”

“Over six-foot, long black coat and slicked back hair? I’m afraid you’ve described half of our race. Likely not a Sons since he wore a dress coat and not a motorcycle cut, but still a pretty broad description. Though, we now know it’s a male, which leaves out Rosalee.”

“Unless she’s working with him.”

“It’s possible, but I still highly doubt she’d be in the states. She’s not stupid enough to go against Micrea’s wishes. Her stepfather would not allow her actions to go without severe punishment. To do so would speak of weakness, which is not a good trait for a ruler.”

Cara placed a quick peck on his lips before straightened the neckline of his shirt. “Where’s your chain?”

Kane’s hand went to his throat. “I must have lost it. Hell, Kaleb and I have been all over the county. No telling where it might have fallen.”

“I hope it wasn’t costly.”

“Ion gave it to me.”

“I’m so sorry. It must have been precious to you. Maybe I can help you find it.”

“I’m afraid that’s a lost cause, Mia Bella.” Kane had not been without that chain since Ion had gifted it years ago. The clasp had doubtlessly weakened. “But Suzi? I have no idea where the hell she went off to.”

Cara grimaced. “I’m sorry, Kane. I forgot to mention she called me.”

“Kaleb and I spent the day looking for her, and you forgot to mention it?” He shook his head and chuckled, unable to be mad at her for a second...especially with her sheepish grin.  “Unbelievable.”

“I’m sorry.” She placed her palm over his heart. “In my excitement over getting a description of my suspect, I guess I forgot to tell you. She called to say she is staying with a friend.”


“She wouldn’t tell me. I think she wants space from your brother. What happened between them anyway?”

Kane rolled his eyes. “I haven’t a clue. What Kaleb does in his personal life is no concern of mine. Though we should probably tell him so he doesn't worry. I’ll give him a call.”

“Make it quick. I’ve got something I want to share with you,” she said, using her forefinger to dip the neckline of her blouse between her breasts.

Kane swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. Shit, he’d make this the fastest call ever to Kaleb. “You best make good on your promises.”

“Oh, I intend do. I could use a little stress relief.”

He certainly hoped to hell they were of the same mind. Blood rushed to his cock. Damn, as if he wasn’t rock hard enough already. Much more and he’d be needing a new zipper for his jeans. Kane pulled his cell from his jeans pocket and selected Kaleb’s name from his quick dial list. Kaleb picked up after the second ring.

“I’ve got news, bro.”

“You find her?”

Kane nearly laughed at the urgency in his brother’s inquisition. Maybe there was something between the two Kane hadn’t been aware of, causing him to wonder what Suzi’s motives were when she had come on to him at the Rave.

“She’s with a friend.”


“Didn’t say. She called Cara to let her know she was all right. Apparently, she needs to cool off. You know anything about that?”

Silence greeted him.

“What aren’t you telling me, Hawk?”

“Look, it’s nothing. As long as she’s okay, then she’s free to do whatever the hell she wants. See you back at the clubhouse,” he said, and ended the call.

Kane pulled his cell away from his ear, looked at it queerly, then shoved it back into his pocket. Suzi could gladly be Kaleb’s problem, not his.

“Everything okay?”

“Nothing to worry ourselves over,” Kane said, his gaze traveling her length. He quirked one eyebrow upward. “Now, about getting inside?”

Cara laughed, turned and jogged for her back door, Kane fast on her heels. If he had his way, she’d never make it up those stairs. He wanted her fiercely. Stepping inside the back door and into the kitchen, Kane gripped her wrist and yanked her against him. Using one hand to trap her wrists overhead, he backed her against the wall. The other hand grabbed her thigh and wrapped her leg about his waist, bringing her center flush against his cock.

Kane breathed in her desire. His fangs grew, his eyes blackened, and that’s when the smell of freshly spilled blood caught his attention. He dropped his hold on her, taking a quick look about. His nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply again.


Kane headed for the stairs. Cara stayed her position. Her limbs trembled.

Finally, taking a quick breath, she followed him up narrow stairwell.

“Kane? What is it?”

He stopped just inside her room. Cara bumped into him, tried to step around him. Kane help out his hand, though too late to keep her from viewing the scene. Her gaze widened, and she drew in a sharp breath. Blood was everywhere: the walls, her bed, the carpeting. The fucking room was bathed in it. In the middle of her bed lay a young man, legs and arms askew, eyes wide in horror, neck sliced ear to ear.

“My God! Jeff,” Cara whispered, before dropping to her knees.









Chapter 25


Cara sent Kane packing the minute she had collected herself and dialed the S.O. Finding Jeff Reeves dead in her bed had been a huge shock, not to mention the gruesomeness of the crime scene. Out of all the years she had spent on the force, here or in Eugene, never had she seen anything quite like it. Kane hadn’t wanted to leave, but he had little choice in the matter. His features wouldn’t return to their human state with the scent of fresh blood painting her room. Not to mention having him found anywhere near the crime scene would surely only spell trouble. She promised to call as soon as she was able to get away.

The killer’s preference, until now, had been women with pale-blonde hair which made sense why she herself had been targeted. That and her relationship, whatever it might be, with Kane. The victims all shared a similar appearance, but she had yet to determine if Kane was indeed a common denominator as well, since she could only positively link him to Tabitha and her at this point.

But Jeff?

He didn’t fit the MO at all. His death made no sense. She had last seen him leaving the office early this morning, excited about an upcoming date. Cara drew her lower lip between her teeth to still its quivering. He wouldn’t be meeting the redhead from the bar after all. Cara blew out an unsteady stream of air. She needed to suck it up. After all, she had a job to do, and falling apart wouldn’t be of help to anyone. Once her partner arrived, they could process the scene and pray their perp had gotten sloppy and offered them some sort of evidence.

Kane had detected the primordial’s scent, so she highly doubted they’d find anything of use this time either. Could it be possible this ancient vampire had sent her yet another warning? Jesus! Jeff didn’t deserve to be a pawn in this sick game. Three times this piece of work had been inside her home, once standing over her while she had slept, and yet she’d lived to tell Kane about it. Why not kill her when he had the opportunity? Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes. She swatted them away.

Son of a bitch!

Cara wanted to strike something at the injustice. Jeff Reeves was a good-hearted, innocent young man who had just begun to live his life. His smile and easy-going attitude was a beacon of light that would be sorely missed at the office. And all because of some damned vendetta against Kane? She couldn’t allow this piece of shit to take anyone else’s life because of her. If need be, she’d personally hand herself over to the bastard.


Her heart leapt to her throat at the sound of her partner’s voice. Not that she wasn’t glad to have him there, but she knew Robbie probably followed close behind. No way would he want to be left out of something of this magnitude, especially not when it had happened on Cara’s doorstep. The sheriff would also want answers as to how this linked to her. The breaking and entering she had been able to blow off as a random crime, even if the killer had left a threat on her mirror. But this time her room was bathed in the dispatch’s blood as he lay sightless in her bed. Cara approached the blood-soaked mattress, fighting to draw breath as she looked down on her co-worker, legs and arms askew. The lump in her throat threatened to choke the very life from her as more tears trekked down her cheeks.

Her ears buzzed, nearly drowning out the two sets of footfalls pounding up her stairs as she fought to stay upright. Blackness rimmed her vision. She didn’t even turn around when her co-workers stopped on the landing, not until a “What the hell?” came from Robbie behind her.

Cara turned in time to see Joe Hernandez crossing himself while Robbie Melchor stood to his left, mouth slightly agape.

“You found him this way?” Joe asked, though Cara didn’t think he expected an answer. Moisture pooled in his eyes. “Jesus, Cara.”

Robbie skirted Joe and approached the bed. “Have you touched anything?”

Numbly, Cara shook her head. She didn’t respond for fear of falling to pieces.

Placing a hand on her shoulder, Robbie said, “Why don’t you sit this one out, Detective?”

Cara started to object, but he stopped her. “Cara, you’re in shock. You aren’t going to do us any good. A few uniforms are on the way, as well as Sheriff Ducat. We’ll turn this place upside down. Why don’t you have a seat downstairs and let us process the scene?”

“I’ll be fine,” she whispered, knowing she was anything but.

“It’s not a suggestion, Cara. It’s an order. The state has precedence over this case.”

Panic rose in her chest. She owed it to Jeff to find his killer. “You can’t cut me out!”

“I can, and I just did. You can either remove yourself from the scene, or I’ll have Hernandez escort you back to the S.O. for evaluation.”

Cara looked at her partner, who glanced down at the floor. She’d get no help from Joe. And maybe rightly so. She was an emotional mess and wouldn’t do anyone any justice.

“You win, Captain,” she said, hating giving him that kind of power over her.

But in truth she wanted to bury herself in Kane’s comfort, and would, once this latest nightmare was over and she found her way back to the clubhouse. Cara wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to sleep in this room again. She took one final look around the bloody room, then headed for the stairs.


* * *


The sun had long ago set, the outside safety light casting long shadows across her wood floor. Cara scrubbed a palm down her face. She had cried her last tear, or at least it felt as though she had nothing left to give. Several hours had dragged by. Her fellow officers passed by as they collected evidence. The ME had come and gone long ago, wheeling Jeff out on a stretcher, sealed in a black body bag. Cara had barely been able to watch as the metal cart with squeaky wheels rolled by her, leaving her drained.

Long moments following, she had finally drifted off to sleep, even though images of elongated teeth, sharp blades, and blood flying about haunted her every time she dare to close her eyes. Sheriff Ducat had even sat with her on the sofa for a time, one arm about her shoulders, his free hand holding her. But Cara couldn’t remember one damn reassuring word anyone said to her. Her mind had numbed, and in between drifting off to sleep, it seemed as if the world had morphed into some weird sort of slow motion.

All she could think about was getting back into Kane’s comforting arms. Only he could understand the magnitude of what had happened, knowing what sort of monster was responsible. Cara finally got it. Kane had been trying to tell her that the S.O. would be no match for this perp, that only he and his brethren would be able to take this piece of shit down.

She swiped at a lone tear as she attempted to swallow the lump that had taken residence in her throat. If she could find this fuck, she’d hand him over to Kane and the Sons personally, screw the law enforcement looking for him. They had no idea what they were up against. Truth be told, they would be much better off allowing the Sons of Sangue to take care of their own. Cara leaned her head against the back of the sofa, wishing everyone would just depart. Not like they were going to find anything on this fuck. Only what he wanted them to find. It had to be well past midnight. Cara didn’t have a clock in the living room and the last she’d looked, the kitchen clock’s hands had just passed eleven-thirty.


She opened her eyes and glanced at Joe Hernandez, not liking the look in his gaze. “Did you find something?”

His jaw tightened, holding out his arm, a paper bag clutched in his fist. Cara grabbed it from his outstretched hand and opened it, looking in, careful not to disturb the contents. A red and white shop rag lay at the bottom. She didn’t have to touch it to know its origin. K & K was printed on the top right corner. She recognized it instantly as one from Kane and Kaleb’s motorcycle shop.

Cara glanced up at Joe. “You found this upstairs?” she asked, wondering if Kane had possibly dropped it at some point. “Maybe Kane—”

“It was beneath Jeff, Cara. Trapped between him and the mattress. And unless you’ve taken to sleeping with the dirtbag biker, it’s hard to dispute the evidence.”

She shook her head. “It’s not possible. Kane was with me.”

“You were with Robbie and me all day. The ME said T.O.D. was four to six hours tops before you found him. Where was Viper today?”

“With Kaleb,” she barely whispered, looking back into the bag. “That doesn’t mean the rag belonged to him.”

“That’s not all.”

Her gaze snapped back up as he handed her an envelope she hadn’t noticed him holding earlier. Cara took it and opened the flap. Her breath stuck in her chest as her world tilted on its axis. Her ears buzzed, her heart ached.

“I take it you’ve seen that before?”

I must have lost it.

She nodded slowly, remembering Kane walking toward her in the hotel room, bare from the waist up … save for the silver chain that encircled his neck.

Ion gave it to me.

“It looks like the one Kane wears.”

“Then if we find him, we’ll be able to verify if he still has his.”

A sob tore through her, before she managed to shake her head. “He lost his.”

Joe’s gaze hardened. “When, Cara?”

“I don’t know. I saw him after work and he wasn’t wearing it.”

Cara looked beyond her partner to see Robbie standing at the bottom of the stairwell. She placed a hand over her quivering lips. Before she could think of one thing to say in Kane’s defense, Robbie approached Joe and cleared his throat. Joe faced the captain.

“Put an APB out on Kane Tepes, Detective. I’ll meet you at the S.O. We’ll have a warrant for his arrest ready within the hour.”

“I’ll get dressed,” Cara said. She needed to be there for Kane.

Robbie turned his darkened gaze on her. “From what I’ve been hearing, you’re too fucking close to this whole mess, Brahnam. As of now, you’re off the case.”

Not giving her a chance to reply, he headed for her back door and into the black of night. She returned her attention to Joe.

“You can’t think Kane is guilty.”

“Christ, Cara. Wake up. The chain was gripped in Reeves’ left hand. I have to head to the S.O. I’ll leave a uniform here with you. You shouldn’t be alone.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“No, Cara, you won’t. Besides, I can’t chance you’ll call Kane to warn him.” He placed a warm hand on her shoulder, his look pitying. “Get some rest.”

Joe walked out, leaving Deputy Higgins standing by the door watching her. Cara curled up on the couch, wrapped her arms about herself and cried the tears she thought she no longer had. Surely, she hadn’t been that much of a fool. Kane couldn’t possibly be guilty of killing Dispatcher Reeves or ransacking her house and threatening her life.


* * *


“What the fuck is this about?” Kane asked, barely containing the desire to wrap his fingers around the pencil-pusher’s throat as he stood on the stoop of the clubhouse. Kane’s hands fisted at his side. Now was not the time to teach this ass a lesson in manners.

The captain’s condescending smile caused his ire to inch up his spine. “Kane Tepes,” he began and flipped open his badge, “we’re here on official business, I’m afraid. You’ll need to come with us.”

Kane looked to the three black and whites that sat in the gravel parking lot, red and blue LEDs lighting up the dark night. Six deputies stood, guns drawn, with Detective Hernandez just a few feet behind the captain.

“Where’s Cara? Is she all right?”

He’d never forgive himself if something happened to her after leaving her alone at the house with the dead body. He had stood close by until the uniforms arrived, but that didn’t mean the primordial couldn’t have slipped past his notice.

“She's home, resting. But she’s of no concern to you.”

“Then what’s this about?”

“Kane Tepes, we have a warrant here for your arrest.”

His brows knit together. “On what grounds?”

“For murder, four of them to be exact.”

“You can’t be fucking serious?”

“Where were you today between the hours of ten and two?”

He rubbed his brow. Why the hell was Kaleb always MIA when he needed him most? Even Grayson had taken off about two hours earlier, leaving Kane alone to deal with these fucks. He had no choice but to follow their direction to keep from creating an even bigger mess. Once at the Sheriff’s Office, he could talk to Ducat.

“I was with my brother Kaleb,” he said. “All day.”

“Is your brother here so we can speak to him?”


“Then you’ll get your phone call. Turn around, hands on the door, legs spread.”

Kane did as the captain asked, though he felt more like draining him of every last ounce of blood. At least he’d be deserving of Kane’s wrath. One of the deputies stepped up and patted him down. Thankfully, Kane had removed his hunting knife when he had arrived home earlier, and he carried no other weapons. Detective Hernandez read Kane his Miranda rights as he slapped one cuff on Kane’s wrist, then pulled his arm behind his back before yanking on the other and securing both wrists. Hernandez led him to the unmarked car, placed his hand on the top of Kane’s head and assisted him into the back of the cruiser.

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