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Authors: Patricia A. Rasey

BOOK: Viper
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Reviews for Patricia A. Rasey’s works


"Outlaw vampire bikers. The women who tame them. What's not to love? Patricia Rasey's new series Sons of Sangue is hot!" —Monette Michaels, author of Security Specialists International series
for Viper



"I picked up Viper: Sons of Sangue by Patricia A. Rasey. Needless to say, I was a goner from the first scene... a very hotttt one at that. Not only do we have extremely attractive Vampires, but these Vampires are in a motorcycle gang. BRILLIANT.” —Kimberly Rocha 5 Stars for Goodreads and Book Obsessed Chicks
for Viper.




“I was hooked from the very beginning with the opening scene of the book, all the way to the very end. She mixed in all the things I think makes an incredible story. A great plot. Hot men. Danger. And incredible sex with said hot man. By the end of the story Miss Rasey had me thinking about the next book, then the one after that and so on. I sincerely hope she has already started on Viper's twin Kaleb's story, because I can only imagine it is going to be another great, steamy read.”  —Michelle Boone 5 Stars, guest reviewer for Book Obsessed Chicks
for Viper.




“You know when you get that one good suspenseful novel that will keep you up late at night, turning page after page, and when you’re done you wanna leave the light on? Well, Patricia Rasey's LOVE YOU TO PIECES is absolutely one of those novels, and one that I am going to be reading again and again. I did NOT want to put this one down. The intensity of the story, mixed with the complexity of the characters was enough to have me hungry for more!


This is one book that will have you thinking twice before opening packages again. You'll be looking over your shoulder, feeling as if the book was written about you. This is most definitely a 5 star worthy novel that will forever be on my highest recommendation list. If you love that murder mystery that will leave you shaking and eyes bugging, then grab up a copy of Ms. Rasey's novel now. You will not be disappointed! I can't wait for another amazing suspenseful novel just like this one!” —Molly 5 out of 5 stars for Reviews by Molly
for Love You to Pieces.




“I absolutely want to read more books by Patricia A. Rasey. Normally I don't read a lot of thrillers, but now I want more. Rasey knows how to capture her audience with her chilling story. Especially the Wizard of Oz references gave me the creeps. Very well done! I would definitely recommend this book to all of you.” —Jenny Buijs for Masquerade Crew
for Love You to Pieces.


“Ms. Rasey pens a suspenseful tale of murder, passion and danger in DEADLY OBSESSION. A strong, sexy hero, Cole is every women's dream come true. A hard worker and tenacious once she's onto something, Laurie is my kind of woman; never backing down. For a true suspense tale that will send chills up and down your spine, order your copy of DEADLY OBSESSION today and then order the sequel to this thrilling novel, THE HOUR BEFORE DAWN.” —Robin Peek for The Word on Romance
for Deadly Obsession.


“Patricia Rasey takes you on a wild ride through the dark side of life with this intriguing story. Prepare to be blown away by the killer. If you weren't a fan before, you definitely will be now!” —Kathy Boswell 4 1/2 stars for RT Book Reviews
for The Hour Before Dawn.


“This is one book I'm glad I didn't miss.

This was a book that kept me pretty riveted throughout the pages. It seemed so obvious who the killer actually was but Ms. Rasey managed at the very last minute to turn the tide and make you realize who the real killer was. That's not always an easy feat and, since I'm not sure how many books Ms. Rasey has behind her, I thought that she turned that corner rather well, all things considered. Yes, I guessed, at the very last moment, who the real killer was but it was truly at the very last moment and I like when that happens. It means, to me, that an author has done the deed well.” —Reviewed by Deborah Barber for Escape to Romance
for Kiss of Deceit.


“Drop the clutch, let's burn out and roll! Patricia Rasey delivers the goods once again with this tight, fast paced tale of love, sex, kidnapping and murder. While this book definitely is a good stand-alone read, it's even more fun if you've read the first book in the series, "Kiss of Deceit". But if you haven't, don't worry; it isn't necessary to enjoy "Eyes of Betrayal"...Patricia definitely/impressively does her homework, and her in depth research shines through in a realistically tightly woven tale that will definitely get your motor running.” —Reviewed by Julie Amidon
for Eyes of Betrayal.


“FACADE is a well-written thriller that moves at a fast pace and has lots of graphic scenes. K.C. Tanner and Sharalee MacArthur add romance to a tale of betrayal, revenge and murder. Nothing is, as it seems. The secondary character of Mike MacArthur is a man I didn't know whether to feel sorry for or dislike. If you have read any of Patricia Rasey's other books, you know she does not wrap them up in a pretty package and this one is no different. This is a keeper.” —Hattie Boyd, from Scribes World Reviews
for Facade.





Other Books by Patricia A. Rasey:

Love You to Pieces

Deadly Obsession

The Hour Before Dawn

Kiss of Deceit

Eyes of Betrayal





Spirit Me Away

Fear the Dark









Sons of Sangue



Patricia A. Rasey





This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents are products of the his book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © 2013 by Patricia A. Rasey


All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purpose of reviews.







To Lara Adrian, who pushed me to write a story about vampires and mentioned the one idea she knew I’d fall in love with: Vampire Bikers. Thanks for a friendship that’s lasted a lifetime!


To my Beta Readers: Barb Auzins, Becky Heath and Suzi Behar for giving me their honest opinions, and being there for me throughout the book.


To my editor, Blair Bancroft, for helping make Viper a better story. I appreciate your hard work, insight and expertise.


To my Readers, you have my undying gratitude. Without you, I would have no one to tell my stories to. Thank you for reading them!


And to my husband Mark, who has been by my side through thick and thin. I love you!







Kane 'Viper' Tepes
is one of the oldest living descendants of Vlad III. Vampirism is in his blood. So is being the President of the Sons of Sangue. Those who break motorcycle club rules that protect their coven are dealt swift punishment. No exceptions. Until one pretty little detective has him compromising his beliefs, and endangering his position as head of the MC.


Vampirism had
Cara Brahnam
turning tail and leaving behind her life in Pleasant. Now, ten years later, she's back as lead detective and wants to see the person responsible for draining the women of Lane County brought to justice, no matter what deal the gang of miscreants has struck with the sheriff. Or the fact that her number one suspect is the sole reason she fled in the first place.


Now someone has targeted Cara as the next victim and Kane must join in the hunt to find the ancient vampire that wants her dead.















Against the wall, jeans slung low on lean hips, his motorcycle vest hiding a well-muscled ass, he slid smoothly in and out. The blonde’s back rode up the tiled wall with each thrust. Soft moans echoed off the bathroom ceramic tiles. Not his … just hers. He made no sound at all, which added to the eroticism as Cara watched the carnal scene play out before her. The woman’s legs wrapped his trim waist, her toes curling in open-toed sandals. Ash-blonde hair laid in disarray, hiding her facial features, all but her candy-apple red lipstick, the entire scene reflected in the mirror across from them.

Cara’s heart damn near stopped as he tipped the blonde’s chin with the pad of his thumb. His deep-red tongue snaked out, licking the pulse visible beneath her pale white skin. His nostrils flared, his mouth opened and teeth pierced flesh, causing Cara to gasp and give up her position. The blonde, lost in ecstasy, barely glanced her way. It was the tightening of the leg muscles above his ass that gave away she had heard.

But him … he raised his dark shaggy main of jet hair and turned toward her. His obsidian like gaze locked with hers, holding her feet fast to the white tiled floor. She couldn’t run if she wanted to. Elongated canine teeth dripped blood as he growled with menace. Her heart stopped dead for what felt like an eternity and light-headedness threatened to make her world go black. His second growl sent Cara into action as she swung the bathroom door wide and fled the room.

His name spilling off the blonde’s red lips was the last thing she heard before the door swung shut.


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