Viper (9 page)

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Authors: Patricia A. Rasey

BOOK: Viper
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“Miss Perkins is dead.” She paused. Her gaze narrowed, no doubt trying to gage his reaction. He wouldn’t give her the satisfaction. “She’s the vic we questioned you about last night. Seen her around lately?”

“A few days ago.”


“The Blood ‘n’ Rave. We met there a few times a week.”

“Your girlfriend?”

“I don’t have girlfriends, Detective. They’re more trouble than they’re worth … that is unless you’re offering.” He winked at her. “Maybe then I’d have a change of heart.”

Her gaze widened. “Seriously? You’ve been seeing this girl for a good period of time, you just find out she’s been murdered, and you’re now, what? Auditioning for a replacement?”

He kept his expression guarded. “I told you, she wasn’t my girlfriend.”

Detective Hernandez stepped forward, a smug look on his face that Kane wouldn’t mind wiping off. “Not what I hear, Tepes. I heard you’ve been fucking her for a few years.”

Kane glanced at Joe briefly. “Three to be exact.” Returning his gaze to Cara’s, he said, “But fucking does not equate being my girlfriend or a relationship.”

Cara’s expression darkened and she glowered at him. “You’re a piece of work, Kane.”

“How so?”

“You think Tabitha Perkins thought she might be your girlfriend, had she been asked?”

Kane chuckled as did Kaleb, who stepped beyond Kane and leaned his forearms on the glass showcase that separated them. “Tabitha knew exactly what she was getting with Viper. Everyone knows Kane hasn’t had a girlfriend in a very long time. It’s not Kane’s fault if she came back for more. Besides, Detective, I bet if you two do your homework, you’ll find others that my brother’s been fucking over the past few years as well.”

Cara turned back to Kane, ignoring Kaleb as though he hadn’t spoken. “Care to tell me where you were last night?”

“Back to this again, are we? I’m assuming you mean before you saw me leaving the Rave. As I told you, Kaleb and I were out riding our bikes.”

“On North Fork Road—joyriding,” Joe recited from their last statement, sarcasm dripping from his words. “Just happened to be in the area we found your dead girlfriend.”

Kane clenched his jaw, having had about all he wanted to take from her partner. Although he never minded indulging in a little word play with Cara, Detective Hernandez got beneath his skin and he was in no mind to humor him. “I told you, Detective, she wasn’t my girlfriend.”

Hernandez straightened, coming to his full five-foot-ten height. “Sorry. Your fuck buddy.”

Kane towered over him at six-foot-four. He placed his hands on his hips and looked down his nose at the shorter man. “Call it what you want, but she and I did not have a relationship outside of the physical.”

He wasn’t about to add his feeding as part of that relationship. Dismissing Hernandez, he turned back to Cara. “I wasn’t with Tabitha yesterday. I hadn’t seen her in a few days. That’s the truth of it.”

“When did you last see her, Kane. And be specific about day and time because you know we’ll want to verify your statement.”

“I wouldn’t expect any less, Detective. Four days ago at the Blood ‘n’ Rave. You can verify that with anyone who was there. I arrived at dusk, stood at the bar with Draven for about an hour when Tabitha joined me. We went to Draven’s office. That was around ten o’clock.”

“You do that often?”

“Do what?”

“Go to the owner’s office? What do you do in there?”

Kane’s grin widened. He’d definitely enjoy watching her expression. “We fucked, Detective. And yes, I use the office often.”

Her cheeks flamed and Kane had to suppress a chuckle. “Do all the Sons use Draven’s office for the purpose of intimate relations?”

“No. Only I use Draven’s office for that purpose. Call it perks of being the president.” He leaned in, sniffed the air, and smelled the rich scent of her blood rushing headily through her veins. What he wouldn’t do to take Cara Brahnam into his own office and fuck her on his desk, his sofa, bent over the chair, and all the while suckling her rich blood. “I could show you the inner sanctum at the Rave if you so wish.”

Kane didn’t miss the tiny sound of her quick intake of air. He knew she would never admit as much, but the idea of being alone in Draven’s office excited her. He could smell it on her. “I may want to do that, Kane, but I’ll ask the club owner for the tour.”

“As you wish,” he said, his humor still visible. “But I assure you, it would be much more enjoyable if I gave you the tour personally.”

“You’re exasperating.” Cara shook her head and gritted her teeth. Kane loved rattling her cage. She glanced at her notepad and ignored his open invitation. “Four nights ago, ten o’clock is the last time you saw Tabitha?”

Kane nodded.

“Anything else you want to tell me about that night?”

Kane leaned back against the counter again, crossing one booted foot over the other. “She left an hour later. I haven’t heard from her since. You can ask any of my brothers. I’ve been here and at the club, other than last night’s ride. That’s it.”

“I may want to question you further.” Cara looked up and boldly held his gaze, squaring her shoulders. “Don’t leave town.”

This time Kane didn’t suppress his humor. “Straight out of the movies.”

“Excuse me?”

“I assure you, Detective, if I need to leave town, I will … with or without your permission. But you’re welcome to accompany me if you think it’s necessary.”

Cara glared at Kane, no doubt pissed at his mocking her authority. “I’m finished here. Joe?”

Hernandez glared at the twins, before placing a hand in the small of her back and guiding her toward the door without another word. Fucking pussy. Kane wanted to rip the detective’s throat out for the familiarity with which he handled Cara.

As soon as the door closed behind the two, Kaleb growled, turning his censure on Kane. “And just what the fuck was that about?”

Kane pivoted on his heel, heading for his office, ignoring his brother’s inquisition into his goddamned business and passing an eavesdropping Anton on the way. He was not in the mood to entertain his twin or any of his brothers. Kaleb dismissed Kane’s foul mood and followed him to the office anyway, slamming the door behind them. The wood rattled the frame and shook the photo frames on the wall from the force.

“Are you fucking crazy?” Kaleb asked.

Kane turned and faced him, his thunderous mood skyrocketing. “About what?”

“Don’t give me that shit, Viper. I’m your twin and I can smell you’re hot after that little bitch. I didn’t need to hear your little word games with her to get that.”

“So what?”

“She’s a cop.”

Kane shrugged. “She’s also a sweet little piece of ass. Besides, since when did you take an interest in who I want to fuck?”

“Since you got a hard-on for a pig.”

A chuckle bubbled up from his gut. “It’s no secret she’s my exact type. It shouldn’t come as a surprise.”

“She’s trying to pin these murders on us. That doesn’t mean anything to you?”

“Of course it does.” Kane ran a hand through his overlong black hair, pushing the strays from his face. “All the better reason to keep her close.”

“I can’t argue with keeping an eye on her. But I hardly think you need to fuck her to do that. What if she sees what you are? You know what happens when desire or hunger takes hold.”

He wasn’t about to reveal to Kaleb that the little detective had already seen his transformation. Kaleb would go apeshit if he knew.

“You don’t have to worry. Cara Brahnam isn’t coming within a football field of me unless she has to.”

Kaleb narrowed his gaze, meeting Kane’s dark eyes. “No, brother, what I smelled was a bitch in heat.”









Chapter 8


Following a disappointing trip to the Blood ‘n’ Rave with her partner, Cara decided she needed to return … this time without Joe. She wanted to experience the Rave and its clientele after the sun went down, when nightmares go bump in the night. A black lycra halter and dark blue denims with bleached thighs had been the best outfit she could throw together so she wouldn’t stand out like a sore thumb, let alone as a cop. This crowd wouldn’t know her or her profession, so she hoped to go unnoticed.

Cara toyed with the large golden hoop in one of her ears as she stared at the darkened entrance. The owner certainly went out of his way to make the club uninviting. A certain type of person frequented the Rave and she wasn’t it. Tonight, she hoped it wasn’t so obvious. Her heart stuck in her throat as she leaned against her car, reminding herself she was much older, no longer that young naive girl who fled the establishment years ago, thinking never to return. Hard to believe ten years had passed.

Yet, here she stood.

Her thoughts flitted back to that night and seeing Kane for the first time. He had been elusive, intriguing, and, well … hot. Even as a young girl she could easily see his appeal, the ultimate bad boy. He rode motorcycles, wore a leather cut marking him as a member of the Sons of Sangue, and women seemed to take notice when he walked by. He had a commanding appearance then, just as he did now. That appeal had her following him to the restrooms, too damned naive at the time to understand why he would go into the ladies room in the first place. After long moments of looking for courage she didn’t have, she had passed through the same door, only to find he wasn’t alone.

Kane copulated with a blonde as Cara stood unable to exit the room as propriety called for. No, instead she had stared wide-eyed, rooted to the floor, a bit turned on, if she were being honest, by the erotic scene before her. That was until Kane turned and spotted her, his fangs scaring the bejesus out of her. Then she had run like the hounds of hell had been nipping at her heels, causing her to fear the man that had since become the cause of her night terrors, the same man who now made her insides hum with liquid desire. Just looking into his dark, hungry eyes left her one touch away from a screaming orgasm.

The club’s owner, Draven, hadn’t given away any of Kane’s secrets when Cara and Joe had been there earlier. He hadn’t told them anything more than they had already deduced. Kane had indeed been there with Tabitha four nights prior just as he confessed. No one had seen him since, not until the night Cara spotted him outside the club with Suzi. They were more than welcome to view the video feed if they didn’t want to take his word for it, Draven had assured them. Joe, not wanting to wait for the subpoena from the Florence PD, took him up on the offer and asked for a copy, which he planned to take back to the S.O. for viewing.

Cara’s thoughts returned to the tour and, more specifically, the office Kane used frequently. Was Kane using that very room to have sex with Suzi as well? She couldn’t help thinking of him with her ex-friend, entangled together, giving her what Cara could only fantasize about, making her heart ache for the unattainable. Disgusted with herself, she shook her head.

What the hell was wrong with her?

Her gaze had held the Italian leather sofa for far too long, wondering what secrets it held and how many girls Kane had lain with on its supple surface. Cara wasn’t sure she really wanted the answer.

Ignoring the jealousy snaking its way through her, Cara pushed away from the car and headed for the club. She had a job to do and standing by the car entertaining thoughts of Kane wasn’t accomplishing a thing. In a self-conscious gesture, she tugged at the hem of the tank, it resting an inch above the waistband of her jeans. Maybe she should have dressed a bit more conservatively. Too late to turn back now. Taking a deep breath, she pulled open the door and entered the building before she could talk herself into heading for the safety of her home. Truth be told, the only thing she really feared was running into Kane.

Cara nodded at the doorman as she slipped past and paid the cashier the five dollar entrance fee. Once inside, she quickly cased the place for the least obvious place to sit. Neon lights glowed from every corner, as strobes and spotlights of bright yellow, red, green and blues flashed about the fog-generated room. The music blared and the bass beat heavily against her chest. Cara skirted the crowd gyrating on the dance floor, opting for a table at the back of the room. Even if she didn’t run into Kane, she didn’t want someone telling him that she’d been snooping around his regular haunt. Sure, he expected Joe and her to interview Draven, to verify his claims. But coming here at night wasn’t part of that investigation, at least not the way he would view it.

She had barely taken a seat when a scantily clad barmaid approached, asking what her poison was. Cara ordered the house Merlot, thinking the preferred draft more suited for Murphy’s. The little barmaid returned quickly, placing a small, half-filled wine glass on the round scarred table. Cara handed her a ten, telling her to keep the change. The young girl smiled and tucked it quickly away, leaving Cara free to observe the room. Dancers raved to the music, glow sticks waved to the beat like extensions from dancers’ hands. She hadn’t recognized the song, but these days she didn’t keep up with the trends or listen to the radio.

Halfway through her glass, the alcohol began to sooth her anxieties. No one from this crowd would even recognize her. Kane didn’t seem to fit in with this young crowd either. Most seemed barely legal. Hell, she probably appeared ancient compared to a big share of the partiers. Coming here had been a mistake. Not like she’d discover any of Kane’s secrets.

Movement by the entrance caught her attention, stopping her from making a speedy exit. Kaleb Tepes strode up to the doorman, shaking his hand and butting shoulders with him. His grin widened by whatever the man said, he winked at the cashier, though no money exchanged hands, and headed for the bar at the back of the club. Apparently, the Sons’ money wasn’t good here. Her best bet would be to finish her drink and wait for Kaleb’s attention to become preoccupied. Once he ordered a drink and engaged in conversation, she’d slip out the nearest exit.

As she took another sip of Merlot, she heard “Looking for me?” just above the din of music.

Warm breath whispered across the shell of her ear, causing a shiver to pass along her spine before large hands cupped her bare shoulders, rooting her to the chair and preventing her from rising. Her window of opportunity just slammed shut.
Cara glanced to the left. Kane’s lips were scant inches from her cheek, a disarming smile on them.

“Surprised to see me?” Kane asked before grabbing the chair beside her and sliding into it without waiting for the invite she wasn’t about to give.

He certainly hadn’t lost his appeal after all these years. Kane Tepes was still hot as sin, with no more wrinkles than he had sported ten years ago. The black, form-fitting wife-beater that he wore beneath his motorcycle cut, left his arms bare. His shoulders and biceps flexed as he crossed his forearms on the Formica table and leaned toward her. The black tribal tattoo covering his left shoulder snaked down his arm and reached his elbow. She couldn’t help wondering what he might look like without the tank and how many more tattoos he sported. Her mouth watered at the idea of his six-pack of abs, her fingers gently running over the contours.

“Something tells me you were hoping to run into me.”

“Mighty sure of yourself,” she scoffed, fearing her thoughts were plainly written on her face as heat rose in her cheeks. “Just because I came here, doesn’t mean I was looking for you, Kane. Or should I be calling you Viper here?”

One of his eyebrows rose. Obviously, she wasn’t a good liar. But rather than calling her on it, he said, “You may call me anything you want, Mia Bella, but I do prefer Viper over worse things I’ve been called.”

Damn, if he didn’t look good enough to … what? Sleep with? She needed to get a handle on her libido, for crying out loud. No matter how sexy and mouth-watering Kane was, she couldn’t allow herself to go there. Ever. Bad enough he rode on the opposite side of the law. Add vampire into the mix and the fact he was a strong possible suspect in her murder cases, she had reason enough to not allow him between her sheets.

Cara shrugged. “I told you I’d check out your story,” she said, hoping he’d buy her excuse.

“You did that this afternoon.”

No such luck. She might have guessed Draven had called Kane the moment she and Joe walked out the door.

“So why come back if not to see me?”

“I like the atmosphere.”

His smile widened. “Try again, Detective. How about the truth this time? You came here to check up on me.”


“You wanted to see me again?”


He leaned in and whispered, “You can deny it, Cara, but I won’t believe it.”

Cara held Kane’s gaze, judging whether to try to dispute his claim. The words died against her lips. She couldn’t even form the lie; he’d see right through it anyway. So instead she looked toward the bar where Kaleb stood, engaged with some pixy-haired brunette.

Kane’s gaze followed. “Yeah, he wouldn’t be too pleased if he found us talking. Hawk thinks you mean to put me away. Throw the book at me for these murders.”

“He’s not far from the truth.”

Kane returned his gaze to her, looking serious. “You think I could be responsible for killing three women?”

“I don’t know, Viper. You tell me.”

“I might not have been in love with Tab, but I wouldn’t have taken her life. I did care. I wasn’t a total ass.”

“Could‘ve fooled me with your flippant attitude earlier.”

Kane grasped her glass and took a sip of the Merlot. “Good choice.”

“Are you always that cold with your girlfriends?”

“I told you, she wasn’t my girlfriend. Besides, if I was such an ass to her, you think she’d stick around for three years?”

“I don’t know. Seems like you have a way with the ladies,” Cara said, earning her another chuckle.

“There’s only one lady’s attention I want right now.”

Cara wasn’t sure if he was being straight with her or playing games. Either way, his admission had her blood humming through her veins. Like it or not, her body responded to the man and she wanted him in the worst way. Best that he never find out, because if he ever turned on the seduction, she’d be a lost cause.

“You want to go up to Draven’s office?”

This time Cara chuckled. He was shameless. “You don’t miss a beat, do you?”

“As much as I’d like to wrap those long legs of yours around my waist, I’m only thinking right now it’s in both our best interests if Kaleb or any of the other Sons don’t spot us together.”

Cara supposed she wasn’t exactly high on their list of hang-arounds, so she quickly agreed. Grabbing her glass of Merlot in one hand and his fingers in the other, she followed him through the back of the club and up the curtained stairway. Once the curtains closed, darkness enveloped them. Cara couldn’t see an inch in front of her face without the benefit of the tiny lights that illuminated the staircase. Kane took them as though he didn’t needed a visual. Cara tried hard not to stumble in his wake. Reaching the office, Kane closed the door behind them, sliding the lock into place, and flipped the switch, filling the room with a warm glow.

Cara’s stomach somersaulted. She certainly hadn’t thought her actions through. If she had been wrong about Kane and he had indeed killed the three women, then she had just put herself into a precarious situation. Even as a black belt, Cara was pretty sure she wasn’t a match for Kane’s strength.

Kane must have guessed her apprehension. Pulling her to him with the fingers he still held tenderly in his clasp, he brushed her cheek with the back of his free hand, before tucking one side of her hair behind her ear.

“You’re safe with me, Mia Bella. As I said to you before I would never take from you what is not offered.”

“I haven’t changed my mind, Kane. I’ll never offer you anything.”

Kane’s eyes lit with humor. “I’ll remind you of that when I’m fucking you.”

Cara sucked in breath. She might have slapped him for his vulgar declaration had his statement not been like a shot of pure desire. Lord, she couldn’t let him know the power of his words.

“Not only egotistical, but crude. You attract a lot of ladies with a mouth like that?”

“Confident, Mia Bella.” He framed her face with his palms. “There’s a difference. As for being crude, do I remind you of a gentleman so much that you think I should act like one?”

That earned Kane a smile as she quickly stepped back from his touch. “No, I don’t suppose. So why are we here?”

“Because I wanted to talk to you—off the record. I want to be straight.”


“I don’t know. For some asinine reason I trust you. It could be because for ten years you’ve known that I was a vampire and yet you haven’t told a soul.”

“Who would believe me?”

“You didn’t tell anyone, Mia Bella, because somewhere deep inside, you know I’m not a monster.”

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