Vampire Girl (12 page)

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Authors: Karpov Kinrade

Tags: #vampire, #paranormal romance, #fantasy romance, #twilight, #outlander, #demons, #Romance, #young adult romance, #vampire romance, #shifters, #fairies, #fae romance

BOOK: Vampire Girl
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She can't seem to finish her sentences, but she's not averting her eyes either. I don't bother covering myself. We are not modest creatures by nature, and I certainly have nothing to hide.

I'm not sure what I'm expecting from her. A demure shifting of her eyes? A blush? I get neither. Instead she takes her time looking at me, and then she smiles. "It seems only fair, since you saw me naked while I was unconscious."

"If we're being fair, I also had to touch you." I want to see how far she'll take this. But I realize I'm not prepared for her to walk over to me and lay her small hands on my chest. Her body is so close, but not quite touching mine. My muscles flex as I resist the urge to grab her and pull her closer, to bury my teeth in her neck and feel her life pulse into me. There are so many things I would love to do to this innocent creature standing before me, but instead I suck in my breath and wait to see what she does next.

Her hands glide over my chest, feeling their way over my muscles, down to my abs. She stops at my hips and I nearly grown. My body is making my feelings clear, but I can't read her face.

The air between us is thick with unmet desire, but instead of giving in, she steps away. "I assume you didn't actually fondle me when you changed me. Did you?" There is a challenge in her startling green eyes.

"No, I didn't." My voice is thick, deeper than normal.

"Then we're even."

She returns to the table and sinks into the chair. I'm nearly shaking with need, but I push it aside and reach for my pants, pulling them on as quickly as I can despite their discomfort at the moment. "Might I inquire as to why you are here, in my room, in the middle of the night?"

For the first time since I found her here, she drops her eyes, as if embarrassed. "You'll think it's stupid."

I pull out a bottle of brandy I keep for emergency emotional occasions, and I pour us each a drink, then sit across from her. "Try me," I say, sipping the drink.

There's a waver in her voice when she speaks, and it nearly breaks me.

"Twice now someone has tried to kidnap or kill me. In my world and now here. I... I've never been attacked before. I've never felt unsafe in my whole life. I've felt hungry, broke, even scared. But it was poverty that was the enemy, not real flesh and blood villains. I always thought I was strong, that I could handle anything, but I'm starting to think I was wrong." She looks up now, straight into my eyes. "Fen, I'm scared. I'm scared to be alone. I know that makes me pathetically weak, but it's the truth. I can't sleep. Can't even close my eyes because I keep seeing these faceless monsters attacking me." A single tear falls from one eye down her cheek.

I ignore my own warnings and lift a finger to her jaw to wipe the tear away. "You're safe here. I will protect you."

Baron is already at her feet, but he lifts his head and lays it on her lap. "Apparently, so will he," I say.

She sniffles, smiles and straightens her spine. "Thanks. Sorry to go all weepy on you the very first night. I'm sure princesses and queens aren't supposed to do things like this."

I shrug. "I have no idea. We haven't had either since our mother was killed many, many years ago."

She tilts her head. "You had a mother?"

I laugh. "I didn't spontaneously appear, if that's what you mean."

"I guess I don't know what I mean." She twirls a loose strand of hair in her fingers as she talks. "You're a demon. I didn't imagine demons procreating and being birthed into the world. I suppose I imagined it more like some Being—like God—creating you all fully formed. Like fallen angels and all the Bible stuff I learned as a kid."

"Your 'Bible stuff' is more like myths and partial truths based on some semblance of what happened. Vaguely. A very long time ago, we were part of another world, as I mentioned earlier. Our people were unified, but the king of that realm began making choices that his brother did not agree with. They fought, and the brother lost and was cast out, along with all those who supported the uprising. That's when our kind came here, to this world. But the king didn't stop at exile. He cursed them all, and their ancestors, so that we'd become the demons we are now. Vampires, driven by bloodlust, needing humans to survive but having a fatal weakness in the human world. It was the king's ultimate revenge for what he saw as betrayal." It feels strange talking to someone from earth about all this, but soon enough she will take the Blood Oath and become one of us. I hate imagining that, imagining her cursed with our thirst, with our weaknesses, with our damnation, just to save her mother.

She yawns and her eyelids droop. I realize she must be exhausted. I'm about to suggest she go back to her room and get some sleep, but I remember she said she can't sleep. And so I do my second very unwise thing of the night. I offer to let her sleep in my room.

With me.

I expect her to refuse. Maybe part of me even hopes she does. But she doesn't. Instead, she crawls into my large bed and takes a side, as if she belongs there. She pats the other side. "I'm not going to kick you out of your bed. We slept together once, technically. We can do it again." Baron jumps onto the bed with her and she scratches behind his ear. "Besides, I think he'll put up a fight if you try anything while I'm asleep."

I half expect she's right about that. I'm glad Baron's looking out for her, because though I swore to protect her, I might not always be around.

Normally I sleep naked, but tonight I keep my pants on and slide under the covers. Her body is covered only in a thin cotton gown, and though it is a big bed, she is not on the edge. I can feel her skin against mine. Her shape curving in closer to me as she settles in to sleep.

I lay there for an hour or so before her breathing finally steadies and I know she is asleep. Even then I cannot follow easily. There is too much temptation to touch her, to hold her, and having her so close but not quite close enough is a sweet kind of torture I am unused to.

At some point, though, my body takes over, and I finally drift.


y arm is around her, and her body is pressed against mine when I awaken aroused and thirsty. My mouth is at her throat, her vein pulsing under pale delicate skin. It would be so easy to sink my teeth into her. And it is so hard to release her and pull myself out of bed. I allowed myself to sleep too long and now I am behind.

I use the washroom and dress for the day. As I pull on my boots, Ari sits up in bed. "What time is it?" she asks.

"Well past dawn," I tell her. I know she wants an hour and minute, like in her world, but we do not track time in the same way.

She climbs out of bed and stretches. "Thank you for letting me stay here last night."

Baron, who slept by her side all night, springs out of bed and paces the room. He needs to be let out to run, to hunt. And I need to feed. It has been too long and I can feel the bloodlust building in me. Sleeping with Arianna only made it worse.

"It was no trouble," I say. A small lie. "Get dressed and we'll eat. Then I have work to do. In a few days, I'll need to head back to High Castle."

She frowns at my words. "Why?"

"I need to continue the investigation into my father's death."

"Don't forget you also promised to teach me how to sword fight."

"I haven't forgotten," I say. "When I can't be with you, I'm going to leave Baron and two guards I trust to make sure you're safe."

She nods and leaves the room, and the space feels too empty without her.

While she's changing, I take Baron to the woods outside the city. I need to chase something, to catch prey and drain its blood. I need to feed before my cravings overcome me. I can't afford any weakness while Arianna is here. Until she is gone for good, I must remain in control.

The sun is high in the sky and the air is cool but not frigid. We still have a fortnight at least before the coldest part of winter sets in. "Ready to hunt, boy?"

Baron raises his head to the sky and howls. I am faster than my wolf, but I pace myself to keep stride with him. It's better to run with him than alone. Blood pumps through my body, invigorating my senses. Everything around me is heightened. The scent of the lingering snow on the ground, the crunch of branches underfoot, the insects swarming deep undercover of brush and bark, the critters scampering through trees and bushes to get out of the way of the predators they sense coming into their world.

There are small creatures we could hunt, but I need something larger. Something that will put up a fight. So we go deeper into the woods, running so fast, so far, that I can no longer see Stonehill. It is then that I smell what I'm after. A black bear.

Baron backs away, uncertain, but he knows I'll watch his back, so he follows. I tear through the trees until I see the bear emerging from a cave. It shouldn't be so close to the village. It's a risk to my people. These are my justifications as I throw myself at the beast, teeth extended, power surging, and end its life.

After my blood lust is quenched—as quenched as it can be on animal blood and not human—I sit on a rock in the sun as Baron hunts smaller prey. He's content with his rabbit for breakfast, and then we return to Stonehill.


ri is already sitting at the dining table when we arrive. Baron rushes to lie at her feet, and she pets his head with affection. I sit across from her.

She's dressed for a day of training in pants and a form-fitting tunic. Her hair is pulled back in braids.

Once I'm sitting, Olga, the cook, brings in plates for us both. She's been in my service for many years and knows the routine of this house instinctually. Though she looks to be in her early 30s, she is actually an immortal Fae. Her pointed ears attest to that, which at the moment are prominently displayed over the white hair that is pulled back in a bun.

"Thank you, Olga," Ari says. "This looks delicious."

Olga smiles. "You're welcome. I added extra apple dumpling since you seemed so taken with it."

When Ari smiles her whole face lights up. "Wonderful. I can't wait to learn how to prepare it myself."

Olga pats her hand. "Not that you should ever need to, Your Highness."

When Olga leaves, I stare at the girl across from me. "What was that about?"

She shrugs, spooning the porridge and apple dumpling into her mouth and taking her time to chew before answering. "I got bored waiting for you, so I introduced myself to the kitchen staff and offered to help. Actually, I had to insist since they wouldn't let me. I'm afraid I created quite a scandal, but I do plan on repeating the experience." She raises a spoon with more apple dumpling. "I must learn how to make this. It's amazing."

I shake my head as I take my own spoonful. It's odd, seeing someone ranked so high take such a personal interest in the servants. She definitely does not behave the way royalty here are used to. "I've a feeling you'll be creating quite a few scandals while you're here."

She grins. "Here's hoping."


take her to the outside training arena after breakfast and hand her a wooden sword. "We start with this."

She frowns at it. "Seriously? I'm not a child. This looks like a toy."

There are others out here training. Some are my soldiers staying in battle shape. Others are children just learning their sword. I whistle to one of the soldiers. "Mario, come."

Mario jogs over. He's about my height, with slightly less bulk, but he's strong and trained well. I trained him myself, so I should know. I toss him a wooden sword and take up one myself. "The Princess here thinks these are toys. Care to help me demonstrate what they can do?"

Mario grins. "Yes, sir."

I don't hold back. Much. If I put my full power into the fight I'd break both swords and probably Mario as well. He throws himself into the fight, though. Ari watches wide-eyed as we circle one another in the yard, parrying blows and attempting to strike each other. A few others stop to watch, so we put on a show. In the end, I disarm Mario and pin him to the ground with my sword. I look over at Ari. "If I was trying to hurt him, I could kill him with this thing you call a toy. It just wouldn't kill as easily or as fast as one made of metal, which is the point. Until you learn control and technique, I can't risk you using a sharpened steel sword. But once you're ready, we'll have one made for you."

Her eyes light up at that. "Okay, I get it. Teach me."

I nod to Mario. "Pick one of your best men. I'm putting you and him on guard duty for the moment, until the threat to the Princess's life passes."

Mario nods sharply, sparing a glance for Arianna, who is studying the practice swords. "Yes, sir. We won't let any harm come to the Princess."

A low growl forms in my throat. "See that you don't."

He is dismissed, and I begin training Ari.

We move through basic stance positions, strikes and defenses. I show her the proper way to hold a sword. She learns fast.

"Widen your stance," I say.

She does.

"Spin your torso when you strike. No. Like this." I stand behind her and lay my hands on her hips. I twist them back, then forward.

She smiles, her cheeks red. "I think I got it. How do you—"

"Your Highness," someone yells. A kid, no older than ten and four years. He can barely speak when he approaches me, so out of breath is he. "I... I have a message... I—"

"Calm yourself, boy. The words won't come if sharing space with so much air."

He nods, takes a few deep, slow breaths, and speaks again. "Sir, you're needed at the southern lumber mill. One of Prince Ace's contraptions malfunctioned. A man was injured. The rest are refusing to work."

"Bloody hell. Can't Henrick handle this?"

The boy shakes his head. "Henrick is the one who got hurt, Sir."

"All right. Tell the stable to ready my horse. I'll be there shortly."

"Two horses," Ari says from beside me. "Have the stable master ready two horses please, uh, I didn't catch your name?"

The boy looks at Arianna and his cheeks burn red. He stutters now more than before. "Um. My name? It's, uh. John. My name is John, Your, er, Majesty Highness."

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