Four Hard SWATs

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Authors: Marteeka Karland

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Four Hard SWATs
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Four Hard SWATs



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Chapter One


“Confirm. Go, no go.”

“Assault team is a go.”

“I’m a go out here, Top.”

“I have eyes on the target. Go.”
ignored the sweat dripping down her face in favor of keeping a line of sight on her target. As the rear guard for their SWAT team, she was charged with sniper duty. Yes, she was nearly a crack shot with the M14 sniper rifle, but as the newest member of their team and the only woman,
had the feeling the guys just wanted her out of the way.

They were going after a suspected drug lord in the city. The mission was to arrest all in the area, which
said was only three, including the main target. If all went well, her services wouldn’t be required.

“Assault team is active.” Grayson Baker and Wyatt Johnson made up the assault team with Sebastian Cross serving as their scout. Bastian had confirmed the intelligence report on the number of men in the small house and also had the men covered with a long-range rifle. Their leader, Nicholas Baker, or Niko, kept a close watch in a position where he was able to get to his team should something go wrong. All of them were top notch in the field. All of them were sexy as hell.

watched as the two men approached the house. Gray squatted underneath an open window while Wyatt secured the door. Bastian covered the back door while
had a good view of the front door, which Wyatt had readied himself to kick in. Though none of the four men on the team was small by any means, Wyatt was the biggest of the bunch.

With one swift, hard kick, the door exploded inward accompanied by the shout of male voices. Wyatt could be heard over them all shouting, “Freeze! Police!” Naturally, that didn’t do one damned bit of good.

adjusted her grip on her rifle, making minor adjustments in case her talents were needed. Gray tossed a flash grenade through the window. The thing went off with a flash of light and a loud bang in the dark. More shouts, and
heart pounded. Gray and Wyatt entered the building.

“Police!” Gray shouted again. Before he could say more, however, the distinct
of gunfire punctuated the night.

“Shots fired, shots fired,” Wyatt’s voice rang out over the radio. He sounded completely calm and in control, as if he did this every day.

“Return fire,” Niko responded, keeping it short.
could hear the implied, “Don’t let those bastards get away,” but Niko didn’t say it. Dispatch was listening, as well as people throughout the city who had nothing better to do than listen to the police scanner.

Immediately, the distinctive sound of the assault team’s Berettas
from the tiny house.
wondered if the team had killed their targets or wounded them. The rule was not to fire unless you’re prepared to kill, but these guys were better than the average cop on the street. All of them, with the exception of
, were former military. Special Forces. They were good enough to completely take down a target without killing him if Niko told them to.

“I can take out lead target,” she intoned, trying not to sound eager or, worse, nervous, but she wasn’t sure she managed either. It wasn’t that she wanted to kill anyone—she just needed to prove her worth to these battle-hardened men.

“Negative, Snipe. Hold.” Niko effectively called her off, obviously believing the assault team had it under control.
took several deep breaths, trying to calm herself. The heat of the moment was definitely different from training. Adrenaline rushed through her veins with every beat of her heart. If she were honest with herself, it was difficult to tell if it was fear or excitement. Probably a little of both.

Keeping her scope firmly on the house, her target still in the cross hairs, movement to her left caught her eye. Immediately, she warned the team. “Top, movement on the ground to the left of the house. There’s a second target moving fast.” There was something familiar about the man moving to intercept her team, but she couldn’t place him.
gut tightened. If Gray and Wyatt missed the man’s entrance, they’d be vulnerable.

“Bastian, do you have eyes on him?” Niko’s voice was calm as ever. How the hell did the man stay so fucking under control?
wanted to scream, to run to their aid no matter what Niko said. The newcomer was an unknown. No one had a clue how he was armed.

“Negative, Top. I got nothing. Snipe, how far out is he?”

“Left of the front of the house. Thirty meters out and closing fast.”
heart pounded in her ears, her breath coming in shallow gasps. Sweat continued to trickle down her face, dripping off her eyelashes, but she refused to take her eye away from the scope to wipe her hand across her forehead. “I’ll have a clear shot for a couple more seconds and that’s it.”

“I’m ready for him, Top,” Gray’s voice came over the radio over yells and the occasional chorus of gunfire. “Let him inside so we know who we’re dealing with.”

ground her teeth. Was he fucking kidding?

“Copy that,” Niko said. “Hold position, Snipe.”

hated that they called her “Snipe.” They’d said “
” was too girly to use over the radio, laughing as they’d insulted her. Oh, they hadn’t been condescending or actually
to be insulting. They were teasing. Like they constantly ragged Wyatt by calling him Earp. Still, it grated. She was well aware they were all physically bigger and stronger than she was. It was something they just loved pointing out on a daily basis, calling her Shrimp, or Short Stuff. Their sizes were part of their appeal to her. All in all, even if she didn’t like it, she supposed Snipe was the better alternative.

From the day she’d met them, started training with them, she’d tried to view them as nothing more than men she worked with. Instead, she’d developed a very unhealthy attraction to all of them, secretly loving it when they manhandled her, tossing her to the top of a training wall or pinning her beneath them when they trained in weaponless combat. Now, watching them move from a distance, she had to wonder if they were taking advantage of her skill as a sniper or simply getting her out of their way while the “men went to work.”

As if sensing the trap, the newcomer changed direction, heading into the tree line next to the house. The cover was dense there, the woods thick in the mountains on the outskirts of the rural, Appalachian town.

“He’s headed for cover. Into the woods,”

“Let him go for now. Concentrate on the house, Snipe.” His command was sharp. Cutting. Like he expected her to drop her scope and run after the unknown man.

Gritting her teeth, she replied, “Copy,” again adjusting her grip.

There was radio silence for several long minutes. The occasional yell or curse from the house echoed in the night, but no more gunfire. Gray and Wyatt shoved their prisoners out the door, hands behind their backs. Three men, all subdued. Only one appeared to have been injured in the shootout, favoring his right leg before dropping to his knees on the ground with his companions.

“All present and accounted for, Top, including Mr. Messer.” Gray tipped a two-fingered salute in the general direction of where Niko kept watch over his team.

“That’s good work, people,” Niko praised, the radio clipping his voice with slight static.

swung her scope to the tree line, looking for the man who’d fled, needing to get a line on him. If she could find him, she could prove how valuable an asset she could be to them. All of the men had been in the military together. She had no idea which branch or what they’d done, only that they’d been friends for years. Had been together, watching each other’s back for years. Niko had always led, the others willingly followed his lead even though all of them could have had their own team.

They had set up the city’s SWAT team after a particularly nasty bank robbery where several people had been injured and three killed. There had been a question as to whether or not such a highly trained, expensive team was needed in the area, but since all four of them were already trained, the chief had agreed to let Niko hand-pick police officers to add to their unit.
had narrowly made the cut only months before, and she got the feeling the only reason she was there was because of her academy recommendations.

Then she saw him. A shadowy figure moving her way. If he continued in the same direction, he’d pass between her and the woods.

“Top, I’ve got the other guy. He’s headed up the hill to my left. I can intercept him.”

“Negative, Snipe, negative!” Niko said instantly.

Before he could finish ordering her to stay, the guy stopped, pulled out his own rifle and took aim at the team below her.

yelled over the radio, catching the attention of the attacker. Pulling her Beretta from her hip, she scrambled to her feet, aiming as she went. “Police!”

The gunman swung his rifle in her direction, squeezing the trigger as he did. The gun fired with a loud boom, the bullet kissing
arm with fiery lips. She cried out in pain, squeezing the trigger of her own gun. The shot went wide and the man sprinted for the woods.
ran after him, aware of Niko ordering her to stay put but ignoring him. This bastard was
getting away from her.

Smashing through the dense underbrush, the man was easy to follow.
ran headlong after him, never taking her eyes from the shadowy figure in front of her.

Which was probably why the second guy was able to score a glancing blow to her head with a tree branch, sending her sprawling to the ground. Stars swam before her eyes, threatening unconsciousness. Instinctively, she brought her gun hand up in a wide arc, looking to drive the butt into someone’s leg, arm, or face. She connected with something, evidenced by the loud swearing, but she had no idea what.

Dimly, she was aware of her team headed to her. Bastian and Niko by the sound of it. The earpiece had stayed put somehow, even though she’d been whacked hard. In front of her, the first guy came back to her, his form silhouetted by the dim moonlight. He raised his weapon, aiming the rifle right at her.

managed to swing her gun around, firing two shots as she did. Both connected with the man’s leg and he went crashing to the ground with a sharp, shrill scream. That was when Niko’s heavy footfalls became apparent as he charged through the woods after her.

The second guy swore under his breath, but took off, running faster than
would have thought possible in the dark. Man obviously knew the territory well.

“What the fuck were you thinking,

That would be Niko. Pissed as hell. No surprise there. He always got that way when someone disobeyed a direct order.

“He was about to shoot down on the team,” she offered weakly, trying to sit up, her head swimming.

“You hit?” Bastian’s voice was calm where Niko’s was barely controlled fury.

“My arm,” she managed.

“What about your head?” Bastian had a flashlight and seemed to be shining it directly into her face on purpose. Fingers gently touched a spot on her forehead.
gasped and flinched back when pain seemed to explode through her head.

“Son of a bitch!” She gasped. “Don’t do that!”

“Pump knot,” Bastian said, switching off the light. “She probably has a slight concussion, but I won’t know until I can examine her.” Bastian had been a field medic during his military stint. Probably why he’d joined Niko in the hunt.

“Get her back to the others,” Niko growled. “We’ll wrap this up then take her to the ER.”

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