Unveiling The Sky (23 page)

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Authors: Jeannine Allison

BOOK: Unveiling The Sky
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“Yeah, I think a lot of people get that way.” Nodding, she looked down as we descended the stairs, an awkward silence settling around us.

“So… this was your first time at Sherry’s place?” Alara asked as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

“Yeah. It’s really nice.”

“Right? I can’t believe she lives by herself. I mean… how the hell does she afford it?” She laughed nervously and stuffed her hands into the hoodie she slipped on before we walked out. We had just reached the sidewalk when Alara literally put three feet of concrete between us. I coughed into my hand to cover my growing smile, glad to know she was just as nervous.

“She doesn’t have a job?”

“No, she does. She tutors, but it’s only part time and unless it pays a crap ton, it still doesn’t explain how she can afford her lifestyle.” Alara’s footsteps slowed like she was trying to prolong our walk. I didn’t know whether it was because she knew I was going to kiss her and was nervous, or she just wanted more time with me, but either way I wasn’t complaining.

“What about her parents?”

“She never really talks about her parents. Actually, she doesn’t talk about her family at all.” She frowned and looked over at me. “I never thought about it before, but her past isn’t a topic of discussion too much.”

We both stopped talking as we took the final few steps to my car. Stopping at the front, we glanced at the driver’s side before looking at each other. Our nervous expressions quickly fled as we started laughing, both at each other as much as at ourselves.

“Why the hell is this so weird?” she asked.

“Right? I feel like we got the hard stuff out of the way in the bathroom.”

She smirked and stepped a little closer. “I feel like there’s a dirty joke in there somewhere.”

I laughed as I put my hands on her hips. “Yeah, I think there was. If Derek were here he’d be able to find it. But I’m a little distracted at the moment.”

“Are you?” She seemed to melt under my touch.

“Yeah.” I stared at her mouth, watching her breathing become unsteady and rapid. She licked her lips and I was lost. Earlier I had moved slowly, but this time I gave her no chance to stop it. Our lips met quickly, but the kiss itself was unhurried. I slowly moved my mouth in soft sweeps across hers. Alara felt stiff under me and her hand shook as I brought it up and around my neck. As the soft, closed-mouthed kisses continued she slowly relaxed and began moving her hands on her own, which I really fucking hoped meant she was ready for more because I didn’t think I could wait much longer. My mouth was eager as I slowly coaxed hers open and slid my tongue inside. When our tongues touched, her hand grasped and tugged the hair at the base of my neck, drawing a moan from me.

With both hands on her hips, I pulled her until she was flush against me. One of my hands moved around her hip and rested only an inch above her ass, while the other slowly started tracing her hip, ribs, and the side of her breast until I reached her collarbone. She shivered as I began making patterns on her shoulder, just like I did two weeks ago. I broke my mouth away only when I was positive we would both pass out from lack of air. She panted as I gently kissed the corner of her mouth, her jaw, all the way to her ear. When I nipped her earlobe, she gasped and arched into me while digging her nails into my scalp.

Alara’s confidence grew as she slipped a hand beneath my shirt and implemented my own torture as she softly drew patterns along the waistband of my jeans. I let out a small puff of air and tipped my head up when her mouth began assaulting my neck. I savored every warm sweep of her lips, every tentative lick, and every stroke of her fingers.

We continued to explore one another until I was positive I couldn’t take any more. I gently broke our connection and pushed her back by the hips I now had a death grip on once more. Her arms fell from my body as we both struggled for air. My eyes were focused on my hands and with a gentle squeeze I let go, stepped back and met her beautiful, wide eyes.

“Wow.” The sound was so light it was more like a puff of air than an actual word. “That… that…”

I chuckled. “Yeah,

It had been three days, seven hours, and four minutes since Gabe kissed me. Not that I was counting…

I was counting.

That thought had me rolling over and burying my head in my pillow with a loud groan and a ridiculously goofy smile. We had been texting nonstop since he left Sherry’s Saturday night, but we hadn’t had a chance to see each other again. Just as I had that disappointing thought, my phone vibrated on my nightstand. I leisurely turned over and stretched my hand toward it. When I brought it up above my face, I smiled as I started reading the words. Unfortunately that smile turned into a grimace as I lost my grip on the phone and it fell directly on my forehead.

“Oomph. Owww. Dammit,” I muttered as I furiously rubbed the already tender spot. I picked the phone back up and cautiously held it above my chest.

Gabe: so I believe you owe me a date…

Me: Hmm… I suppose I do. What did you have in mind?

Gabe: can I cook you dinner at our place this Friday? Derek works till 1 AM.

Me: *blushing*

Gabe: lol I promise to be a complete gentleman. unless you don’t want me to be?

Me: I’ll have to get back to you on that ;)

“What the hell are you grinning at?”

“AHH!” I screamed. Naomi smirked and moved further into the room until she sat at the foot of my bed, cradling a cup of coffee. “Jesus, I didn’t even hear the door open.”

“Probably because you were too busy making
eyes at your phone.”

“Shut up,” I mumbled as I shoved my phone under my pillow.

“Hey, it’s not a bad thing.”

“What do you want?”

“You’re crabby when you’re getting some.”

“SHUT UP!” I yelled as I threw a pillow at her. She easily ducked it and started laughing as I sat up higher on the bed and laughed with her.

She nodded to the pillow hiding my phone, before taking a sip of coffee and handing me her cup. “So I’m going to the bar for lunch today, do you want to come with?”

I took a generous “sip,” trying to buy some time before I had to answer. When Gabe and I spoke on the phone last night he definitely mentioned working today, but I couldn’t remember if it was the lunch shift. If it wasn’t then we could meet up somewhere else, but if he was working then I could—

“He works eleven to four today.”

I slowly brought the cup down and frowned into it when I realized I drank almost half. “Am I that transparent?”

She shook her head slowly. “No, that’s just how it is at the beginning. Almost every thought you have revolves around that person.” She smiled and stood up. “So I’m guessing that’s a yes,” she said about lunch.

“I think it’s been a yes since the beginning.”

Derek and I were setting up for the lunch shift when Sam walked in. I hadn’t seen her since a couple days before Mom’s birthday, and even though we still talked on the phone, it had been strained.

“Hey.” She looked nervous as she walked over and gave Derek a tiny wave. His face lit up some as he returned it. That was kind of weird—

“I need to talk to you,” she said as she turned to me, drawing me out of my thoughts.

I frowned before putting down my rag and walking toward her. “Is everything all right?”

“Yes. No. Yes. I’m not sure.” She slumped forward and started rubbing her forehead with the heel of her hand.

“What happened?” I led her away, out of earshot.

“Have you talked to Dad since you’ve been back?”

I froze. “No,” I said slowly. “Why? What’s he done?”

“Nothing, but Gabe, you need to tell him that you’re not coming back. He’s making plans, and I know you think he doesn’t deserve it, but you need to have this discussion with him.”

“He won’t listen. He and Miranda are like a dog with a fucking bone.”

She nodded. “Yeah, I know. But you’re starting to build a new life now and you have people you care about here, yes?”

Only one face popped into my head, but yes, there were countless people I cared about.

“Right. So think about Dad’s business strategy—it’s always been about personal attacks. I don’t know what he’ll do, but I don’t think his strategy will change just because you’re his son.” I felt sick as the truth of her words sunk in. I didn’t know what he would do either, but he was a ruthless businessman. He didn’t get where he was by waiting around and hoping things worked out in his favor.

“I’ll take care of it.”


“Christ, I don’t know. But I will.” I shook my head and lowered myself onto a chair nearby. “I don’t even understand why. Why me? There are tons of assistants and interns at that place that would be salivating at this offer. Why not give it to someone who wants it?”

She frowned before taking a seat across from me. “It’s all about power—he’s mad because he’s lost his power over you.” We sat in silence for a few moments before she got up. “Well, I just thought you should know…”

I stood up with her. “Do you want to stay for lunch?” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Derek had moved closer, cleaning the tables around us. And I swore he paused and tilted his head our way at my question.

“No, I have to get going. I’m not supposed to leave school on my lunch, but I’ve become a rebel since you left.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt it,” I joked. She turned to leave when I called out her name.


“You’d tell me if he ever did anything to you, right?”

Her smile was sad when she shook her head. “The only thing he does is ignore me.” She walked out without another word.

When I turned back around Derek was frowning as he looked after my sister. Noticing my stare, he gave me a nervous smile before walking back toward the bar.

So. Weird.

We silently worked through the shift, which was blessedly busy and took my mind off my dad. It was just after two o’clock when the bar finally died down, allowing Derek and me to work on our side jobs.

“Today must be the day for visitors,” Derek said as he nodded his head over my shoulder. I turned around to see Alara and Naomi walking through the front door. For the first time in three hours, I had a reason to smile. They hadn’t noticed us yet; they were talking to Sadie, who was wildly tossing her hands around as she told a story. Alara was back in her usual get-up, a simple olive green sweater and black jeans tucked into short black boots. She was moving her bag higher on her shoulder when she finally noticed me staring. With a shy smile, she tapped Naomi’s shoulder and then pointed in our direction. They left Sadie a minute later and joined Derek and me at the bar where we were cleaning glasses.

“Hey,” Alara said as she stopped a few feet away.

“Hi.” I laughed at her deer-in-headlights expression before pulling her in for a quick kiss. When I leaned back, her demeanor softened and she relaxed into my side as Naomi looked on with a wide grin and Derek looked on with a scowl.

“Dude,” he said as looked between us. “You didn’t think to give me a heads-up?”

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