Unravelled (Revealed #2) (35 page)

BOOK: Unravelled (Revealed #2)
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‘Try?’ I questioned, already sensing with a heavy heart where this was going.

‘Mmm-hmm,’ Cait confirmed with a nod. ‘I declined it.’

Although I’d given the excuse of going to the toilet to leave them alone together, I had watched the interaction between Cait and Jack for a while. Well, what good friend wouldn’t snoop just a tiny bit if their mate was being chatted up by a celeb? It had seemed pretty obvious that he was interested in Cait, and that she reciprocated, even if only tentatively, so it was really disappointing to see her so stubbornly walking away from it.

‘He said I could have it in case I needed him for anything, and I believe the exact words I used were “I can’t see why I’d need you.”’ Cait used her fingers to make speech marks in the air and grimaced. ‘Then I walked away. I barely even say goodbye,’ she confessed, now looking unsure and embarrassed.

‘You said that? To Jack Felton?’ I gawked, trying to picture the shock on his face when she said it, not to mention the fact that she had dismissed him by walking away. Jeez, talk about brave. Or stupid. Or stupidly brave.

‘And then, to add insult to injury, as I was leaving some drunk guy fell on me …’ Cait paused, a shudder running through her body. ‘Jack dragged him off me, so I kind of did end up needing him. Talk about ironic.’ Taking a long, deep breath, Cait seemed to shake herself and then smiled at me weakly. ‘So that’s my mess up. I basically just turned down a date with a film star that most women would kill to be with, which probably makes me the world’s biggest prize idiot.’

Cait raised her glass in an ironic toast, but I could tell her humour and bravado were to cover the insecurity she was feeling. She was avoiding Jack because she was scared, which, given her history, I couldn’t blame her for, but it was still incredibly frustrating to witness. I understood her reticence – he was older and more experienced than she was, but just the fact that she had admitted to feeling something towards Jack was a step in the right direction, and it seemed a shame not to pursue it.

‘You said you thought you’d screwed up with Sean. What did you do?’

Groaning, I dropped my head into my hands and hid my face. The more I thought back over my pathetic stunt, the more I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. Explaining what had happened, I described Austin’s attention and the jealousy it had sparked in Sean, and then reluctantly told her about my angry encounter with him at the bar.

‘It was such an immature thing to do,’ I moaned, shaking my head and picturing the look of fury and disgust on his face as he’d walked back to Savannah. ‘To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s off somewhere rekindling things with her. At least Savannah is his age and probably acts like a grown up, unlike me.’

Seemingly lost for words, Cait gave me a consoling smile and rubbed my arm. Glancing at my watch I saw it was now half past ten, and there had been no call from Sean, so obviously he’d had second thoughts about meeting me tonight – further evidence of how much of a fuck up I’d made.

‘We’re a right pair, aren’t we?’ Cait mumbled, but before I could agree, her mobile flashed up a new message and she began to pull on her jacket. ‘Taxi’s here. Let’s continue this conversation back at the hotel.’ Grabbing my things, we made our way outside where a yellow taxi was waiting. As I clicked over the pavement in my heels, Cait turned to me.

‘Don’t rule him out yet, Allie. It seems that between you and Sean you’ve both made your fair share of mistakes. Call him tomorrow and see how the land lies.’

I nodded, but deep down I couldn’t stop thinking of how repelled he’d looked, and feared my stunt tonight might have been the final nail in the coffin of our relationship.

Pushing open the door to the bungalow, Cait turned to me with a frown. ‘I don’t remember leaving the lights on,’ she commented warily, before spinning to me with a look on her face that seemed to push aside some of her earlier melancholy. ‘Oh! I bet room service has been around and put those chocolates on our pillows again! Chocolate is just what I need right now!’ Kicking off her flip flops, she flung her handbag onto the sofa and grinned at me. ‘You put the kettle on and I’ll go and get them,’ she yelped excitedly before disappearing in the direction of the bedrooms.

Rolling my eyes, I wandered to the bar area and ran the tap for a few seconds before filling the kettle and switching it on, then sat on one of the stools to release my tortured feet from the confines of my shoes. I wasn’t exactly a great high heel wearer at the best of times, but going out for drinks in a celebrity-studded art gallery I’d had very little choice. I could hardly have worn my trusty Converses.

Cait reappeared a few seconds later, walked over to where I was sitting, and placed just one chocolate down on the table with an odd expression on her face. I frowned and looked at her in confusion. ‘Who got left out?’ I asked in disappointment as I dumped my high heels down with a sigh of relief.

‘No one, yours is still on your pillow.’ As she spoke, I noticed that Cait definitely looked a bit strange; her cheeks were flushed and her eyes kept darting between me and the bedrooms in a decidedly twitchy manner. ‘There was, uh, something extra on your bed you might want to see,’ she said cryptically.

Giving me another odd look, Cait pursed her lips between her teeth, her eyes wide and unreadable. I couldn’t decide if she was trying to hold back a laugh, or just felt extremely uncomfortable, because her expression was downright bizarre. Sliding from my stool I decided to investigate, but as I walked down the corridor I heard Cait give a nervous giggle behind me.

Making my way towards the wing that housed the master bedroom, I sighed heavily. What a night. Perhaps room service had made a mistake and left an entire box of chocolates on my bed – now that would make me feel better.

But as I arrived at my room, I saw something else that made my spirts soar. Sean. More accurately, Sean, sprawled on his back, on top of my bed, asleep, and wearing not a stitch of clothing. Blimey. His head was closest to the door so his manhood wasn’t in my direct line of sight, but Sean didn’t exactly have a teeny-weeny, and I got a pretty good view of his package, so there was no doubt Cait would have had a bit of an eyeful too. Oops. I stifled a giggle – poor girl, no wonder she had looked so flustered.

Closing the door behind me I turned, licked my lips, and began to advance into the room as quietly as I could so I didn’t disturb him.

Pausing by the side of the bed I gazed down at him and allowed my eyes to roam across his sleeping form. A small sigh slipped from my lips as I took in the sight. Physically speaking, he was about as perfect as a man could get: toned, but not bulky; tanned, but naturally; perfectly proportioned in the tackle department; and with a nice sprinkling of hair in all the right places. For me, he was the epitome of masculinity and I found that just looking at him was getting me aroused.

Trying to ignore the fact that I now had a rather pleasant throbbing between my legs, I crossed them at the ankle and tried to decide what his presence here meant. Presumably he’d forgiven me? Or even if he hadn’t, at least he was here with me and not in bed somewhere with Savannah.

Lowering myself gently onto the side of the bed closest to his head, I tentatively lifted a hand and gently stroked some hairs back from his brow. His skin was warm under my fingertips, making me smile like a lovesick fool. My expression promptly turned to a grin a second later as he made a small, happy grumble before his head tipped sideways to rest heavily in my palm. It was as if even in his sleep he wanted to be as close to me as possible.

My chest suddenly felt really tight as my heart accelerated, and then seemed to try to burst from the confines of my ribs as if it had been set on fire with a kind of burning, all-consuming love. God. I really did love him so much, and I couldn’t believe I had nearly messed that all up with my stupid, childish games.

Suddenly feeling almost desperate to make things right, I gently rolled his head off my hand and stood up. Raising my hands to the thin straps at my shoulders I flicked them to the side and let my dress slide from my body and pool at my feet.

We might’ve been going through a bit of a tough patch, but I knew one thing that never seemed to go wrong between us – sex. Unclasping my bra I let it fall down my arms to join my dress on the floor, my nipples tightening in the cool of the room and sending a delicious tingle to the heated flesh between my thighs. Gazing at Sean I tried to formulate a plan, and then wearing just my lacy panties I climbed on the bed and positioned myself next to his hips.

Using one finger I gently circled its tip on the hollow of his hip bone. In the past this simple action was enough to give Sean a hard on within a minute, even while he slept. I’d discovered it by accident one morning when I’d woken up before him and had been absently – and innocently – trailing my fingers across his skin. Needless to say, once I’d seen his morning wood, things hadn’t stayed innocent for very long.

Hoping it would work tonight, I continued for a few more seconds and watched in satisfaction as his peacefully sleeping cock began to rouse from its slumber. Seconds later, after several twitches and jerks it began noticeably growing in excitement, causing a smug grin to pull at my lips. Adding just a few gentle strokes to the soft skin on the underside, I checked his steady breathing, and saw he was definitely still asleep but now with a quickly developing hard on and an endearingly confused frown fluttering on his brow.

Suddenly, rather like a jack-in-the-box, his cock went from lolling sideways to springing upright as if standing up to look for whatever had disrupted his sleep. Grinning like a kid at Christmas, I made sure to be quick before he woke up, and lowered my head to lick the top like a lolly, causing it to bob and jerk under my tongue. I gripped my right hand around the base of his shaft and encased as much of the top as I could in my mouth.

Running my tongue around his length, I began a gentle rhythm with my hand then sucked him into my mouth again. Beneath my ministrations I felt his stomach tense as Sean began to wake, and in my mouth he grew even harder as his hips gave a gentle upward thrust. Continuing with my movements, I saw his hands fist in the sheets as his head moved and his eyes finally opened.

‘Fuck … oh, fuck … that’s so good, Allie …’ One of his hands moved to my hair and tangled in the strands as his hips thrust upwards again, a little more firmly this time so he went deeper into my mouth.

‘Oh, my gorgeous girl …’ His words faded off as his eyes darkened and his brows lowered, and then suddenly the hand in my hair moved to my shoulder and gripped. Before I could do anything, Sean had managed to remove himself from my mouth, flip me onto my back, and was leaning over me, pinning my arms to my sides as he stared down at me.

His face was flushed with pleasure, but his eyes were stormy and definitely glowing with a darkening emotion. Uh-oh. ‘Pouncing on me while I’m asleep, eh? That was very sneaky, Allie. Don’t think you’re going to get away with distracting me from the fact that you have been very bad this evening.’

I stared at his face, unsure what to say or do. Frustration, desire, and lust were zinging between us, making it hard to focus on anything other than the desperate urge to have him inside me.

Running his words through my mind, I knew I’d been stupid to flirt with Austin but I was still harbouring some annoyance at Sean’s actions. Before I could vocalise this, his lips crashed down upon mine, sending pleasure bursting across every molecule in my system. Eagerly joining in with his ferocious kiss, my tongue lashed with his, soaking up his taste and the way he had me pinned below him, which he knew was a position I got quite a thrill from.

When his head finally lifted, I dragged in a breath and lifted my chin defiantly, reluctant to give in just yet. ‘I thought you said I was the one trying to use distractions …’ I panted, licking my bruised lips and immediately wanting more of his demanding kisses.

‘I decided two could play at that game,’ he said, parting my legs by jamming his knee between them and forcing them wider. Wedging himself between my thighs he then delivered a wicked thrust of his hips that had his cock jammed up against my panties in just the right place. A low groan of approval left my throat, and caused Sean to laugh darkly. ‘So, do you have anything to say about your behaviour tonight?’

So this was going to be discussion sex, was it? Or perhaps angry sex. Who knew? To be honest, I didn’t care what type it was as long as it sorted out our issues and helped get us back on the straight and narrow.

Still, his words made me sputter with irritation. ‘Me? What about you? Why the hell did you organise tickets for me to go to that stupid event? You must have known Savannah would be there fawning all over you!’

Leaning on his elbows, Sean took one of my wrists and pulled it above my head. ‘Of course I knew she’d be there, but I thought you wouldn’t be bothered because it’s – all – fake.’ His last three words were ground out between clenched teeth.

Following suit with my other wrist, Sean moved it above my head so that he was holding them both in one of his large palms. ‘OK? Not uncomfortable?’ he murmured, clearly intent on checking my willingness even if he was pissed off with me.

‘Fine,’ I replied, my petulant tone immediately dropping away as I began to squirm under him as he lowered his free hand and began to tease one of my nipples with the pad of his thumb. ‘What wasn’t fine was seeing you all over her,’ I panted. ‘Surely just holding her hand would be enough …’ But I was stopped from further complaint as he pinched my nipple hard, causing my back to arch from the bed. ‘Oh God!’

Desire was hazing my ability to think straight as he lowered his face to within an inch of mine. ‘I did nothing tonight but fulfil my contractual obligations, Allie.’ He swapped his attentions to my other breast, rolling the wanton nipple between his forefinger and thumb until my head began to swim. ‘You, however, let a random man put his hands on you, and seeing as you’re mine that is simply unacceptable.’ Lowering his head, he dropped his hand away and greedily sucked my nipple into his mouth, laving it with his tongue and sending sparks of desire spiralling through me.

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