Unravelled (Revealed #2) (30 page)

BOOK: Unravelled (Revealed #2)
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I did as I was asked and sucked in a breath at how sensitive I was. It felt like every nerve ending in my body was pulsing through my groin. My flesh was slick, swollen from arousal and my fingers skated easily down and back up to my clit.

‘I … I’m close already, Sean,’ I gasped, my words breathy and thin.

‘That’s OK, baby, I can see in your face how turned on you are. As you touch yourself I want you to pretend it’s me.’ I whimpered, desperately wishing that it was him touching me, and knowing that no matter how good this felt, Sean could be making it feel a hundred times better.

‘I’m going to talk to you right until you climax, but I don’t want you to come without my permission, OK, baby?’

Really? I was so hot for him that I’d almost come just from the first touch of my fingers, and I seriously doubted my ability to control it or hold off my release, but to please him, I nodded.

‘Feel those boxers against your hand now? Do you know how hard I was in them earlier? How hard I still am now?’ His eyes were burning into me, his posture tight and coiled with expectation. ‘In the lift when you were clawing at me with your nails and sucking on my tongue, I was so fucking stiff I nearly came there and then.’ A small, soft gasp left my lips as I felt more moisture saturate around my fingers. ‘Think of my cock now, Allie, it’s so hard again, baby, hard for you. Imagine it touching you, resting against your quivering body.’

It was almost too much, the carnal tone of his voice combined with the vivid images it was creating in my mind were nearly driving me insane. My free hand gripped the edge of the table like a vice in a vain effort to hold back my impending climax. ‘Oh God, Sean … please.’ I wasn’t sure what I was begging for … him to let me come, to stop with dirty talk, or what … but the words just slipped out.

‘I’d fuck you so hard, Allie, I’m so turned on that there’s no way I could be gentle. Would you want that? Me to take you rough and hard? Fuck you until you begged for release?’

‘Oh God … yes …’ I was damp with sweat, my skin overheating from the closeness of my release and my attempts to control it, when he finally leant further across the table and peeled my fingers from the wood. Clutching my free hand he nodded, long and slow. ‘You need to be quiet now Allie, but you can come. Let it go, baby.’

And I did. Boy, did I. I came like a frigging freight train, my hand gripping Sean’s so tightly that he winced, my body clenching and jerking as I came in a series of bone-jarringly deep contractions that had me both breathless and completely exhilarated at the same time. I did somehow manage to remain relatively quiet, although I think a small, needy whimper escaped because at one point, Sean grinned and whispered, ‘Shhh …’ I just hoped that if anyone had heard it, they might pass it off as a moan of appreciation at the quality of the food.

When my mammoth public climax finally ended, I blew out a breath and released some of my vice-like grip from his hand with an embarrassed giggle.

‘That was so fucking hot. Give me your fingers,’ Sean ordered in a low tone, holding out his spare hand.

Blinking rapidly, I lifted my hand up – complete with glistening digits – and watched as Sean proceeded to suck them into his mouth and give them a very thorough clean with his tongue. He didn’t break his eye contact at all, not the entire time his tongue worked tirelessly around my fingers. It was such an intimate act, and so sensual that if he carried it on for much longer I would soon be ramping up to climax number two.

Finally he deemed my fingers clean enough, and released them from his mouth before taking both of my hands and holding them firmly. ‘Holy shit, Allie, you taste so good.’ Sean’s voice was choked and raspy, as if he was struggling to contain himself, and we both sat in stunned silence for several minutes as we tried to get ourselves back under control.

Glancing sideways at the food, Sean wiggled his eyebrows at me, released my hands, and chuckled. ‘I think we might have diverted a little off course there. Just as well sushi is served cold, eh? Shall we get this date back on track and eat?’

After my enormous orgasm I suddenly felt ravenous, but I couldn’t help but wonder about Sean’s condition, surely after all that he was in need of some release?

‘Don’t you need to … I mean, shall we … uh … sort you out?’ Seeing my flummoxed state, Sean smiled and shook his head.

‘No, that was just for you, sweetheart. I enjoyed it immensely, Allie. Watching you come is such a thrill.’ He licked his lips and I instantly wanted to lean over the table and kiss the trail of moisture his tongue had left. ‘Besides …’ He leant in, giving me a conspiratorial look, ‘… it gets a bit messier for me, especially when I’m as horny as I currently am, so it’s probably best not to let it shoot in a restaurant.’ If possible, my blush got even deeper, but I nodded in heated agreement and couldn’t help but smile when he winked at me and grinned. He looked so happy and carefree, and it was hugely contagious.

‘Come on, tuck in. The sushi here is the best I’ve ever eaten.’

I had to say, the spread did look delicious, and after having another sip of my cocktail I tucked in with gusto.

By the end of the meal, our lusty start had been pushed aside as we enjoyed the opportunity to spend some time together. Sean was chatty and entertaining as always, and I had such a good time that I was thoroughly loved up by the time we got the bill.

Sean’s sister had certainly been right about both the martini and the restaurant, because the meal and drinks had been delicious and needless to say, I was now a fan of lychees.

All things considered, this was one of our first real dates since we’d got together. We hadn’t ventured out together much in the UK because it had been cold and snowy, and since arriving in LA, our time together had been spent in my hotel suite. After practically living with Sean for the four weeks in the UK I had really missed his company in our months apart, and then this strained time in LA had put further pressure on us as a couple. Just being with him again tonight had made me feel invigorated and alive. I finally felt positive about the future.

Great food, drink, and company. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend an evening, and by the time Sean paid the bill, I was drunk with happiness and looking forward to what else the night might hold for us. As Sean took my hand and led me to the lifts, I felt my cheeks flush in anticipation, and as the usual frisson of desire surrounded us in the elevator’s enclosed space again, I realised that I couldn’t wait.

Chapter Twenty-seven


As I drove Allie home with the top down and the warm evening breeze in our hair, I couldn’t help the smug curve that came to my lips as I thought over how well our meal had gone.

I had nearly made one fuck-up at the beginning when I’d mentioned seeing her bloody laptop, because the times I’d seen it out were when I’d snuck into her room at night without her knowledge. Luckily she hadn’t seemed to realise. Thank God. I wasn’t sure how Allie would react if she knew I’d crept in several times to watch her sleep. She probably wouldn’t mind, not really, not if I explained how worried I’d been about her back then, but it would certainly give her a clue about just how deep my obsession for her ran, and I wasn’t sure that was something she needed to know.

Apart from that one near blip, Allie had been completely relaxed and happy all night, which made me feel on top of the world. Her beautiful face had been alight with joy, reminding me of just how great we’d been back in the UK when we hadn’t had all the Savannah shit hanging over us. As well as feeling content, I felt real hope blooming in my chest. We could do this. It would work between us. Thank God for that, because now I’d experienced life with Allie I wasn’t sure I could go back to the lonely, insular existence I’d once had.

As I accelerated, Allie’s long hair flipped up from her shoulders and across her face, causing her to giggle and smooth it down. The sound of her light laughter brought a grin to my lips. I loved that sound, but more than that, I loved being the cause of it. Yeah, I think I had done pretty well tonight.

Top points, Phillips, for a job well done.

Parking at the hotel, I once again jogged around the car to open the door for Allie. My dad would be proud – I was killing it on the gentleman stakes tonight: I’d opened doors, helped her from the car, and bought flowers. Except for the part where I’d jumped her in the lift and shoved my tongue into her mouth and thrust my groin against her. That wasn’t perhaps the most gentlemanly of acts … but I’d needed to do it.

My smile spread to a full grin as I remembered her face when I demanded she take off her knickers. It had been touch and go, and I’d thought I might have gone a step too far for a few seconds, but no. My girl had stepped up to the challenge like a pro. Fuck. She was so sexy it was unbelievable. I couldn’t get enough of her, and watching her come had been fucking incredible.

All in all, it had felt liberating to be out in public with Allie tonight. As good as the wig had done me, I couldn’t wait until this mess with Savannah was cleared up so I could take Allie out for real. That thought caused a smile to split on my lips as I pulled her door open and held out my hand.

As Allie stepped from the car and stood beside me, she treated me to another of her gorgeous, shy smiles. I loved her smile. She was so beautiful. And all mine. Linking my hand through hers, I took great pleasure in the way her fingers tightened around mine, and then added yet another gentlemanly act to my list by walking her through the lush gardens to her bungalow.

Once we had reached the door she turned to me with pink cheeks and a seductive twinkle in her eye that sent a jolt straight to my groin. ‘Will you stay? I would love to wake up in your arms, Sean, it’s been so long.’ Licking her lips she seemed to flutter her eyelashes almost bashfully. ‘Too long,’ she added persuasively, her tone low and husky.

God, I wanted to. Right now I was so loved up that I would like nothing more than to flip her over my shoulder, carry her to the bedroom, and throw her on the bed before having my wicked way with her. But I couldn’t.

Reluctantly, I shook my head, knowing that with my early start tomorrow I really needed to head home and sleep. If I stayed with Allie in her bed, there was no way I would be sleeping. ‘I can’t, Allie, I’m sorry.’ The disappointment I saw springing to her eyes made me feel like such a shit, but it was soon gone as she schooled her features into a more neutral expression. My heart sank. Shit, right before my eyes Allie was pulling away from me again.

‘Oh, OK,’ she murmured, her eyes flickering away as her expression became oddly bland. This was the same detached look she had given me when I’d been trying to explain about the situation with Savannah. Fuck. ‘I understand. I’m sure you have to get back,’ she murmured, her lip curling as if in distaste. Get back? Oh shit … did she think I was leaving to go back to Savannah? ‘Its fine, Sean.’ But her voice didn’t sound fine. At all.

‘I have an early shoot, I didn’t think you’d want me to wake you up in the middle of the night …’ But my voice faded off as I saw the accepting melancholy on her beautiful face. Damn. Had I blown all of my good work this evening by saying I wasn’t staying over? I had been trying to be considerate, I didn’t think Allie would appreciate my 3:30 a.m. alarm, but maybe I should have stayed anyway.

Was it too late to change my mind? Probably – it was ten already, so if I stayed I’d get barely any sleep and then turn up at the studios tomorrow with bags under my eyes that would make my director freak out.

Desperate to make things right, I reached out for her hand and pulled her limp fingers toward me, but when she continued to stare off over my shoulder, I used my free hand to cup her chin and angle her face towards mine.

Locking eyes with her, I hit her with my most sincere, honest look. ‘I’m not going back to her, Allie. That’s not what this is about. I have a really early shoot, that’s all. I’m on set for four a.m.’

Allie’s eyes remained fixed with mine and finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she nodded.

‘Believe me, I want nothing more than to spend the night with you, my gorgeous girl, but right now I want you so much that I know I wouldn’t get any sleep if I stayed, and I have a twelve hour shoot tomorrow.’ I couldn’t believe I was once again putting work above my girl. Thank God my night shoots would be over soon, cutting my schedule down and allowing me to spend some proper quality time with her. ‘This is my last manic week, then my hours lessen and we’ll be able to see more of each other, I promise.’

My words must have sunk in, because the fragile, uncertain expression began to melt from Allie’s face as a small smile curled her lips. ‘OK, I’m sorry,’ she murmured. Cutting off any further words, I lowered my head and felt the familiar, exciting tingle of our connection as our mouths joined and I relaxed against her, causing her hands to slide up and around my neck.

After a moment or two of heady kisses I pulled back, well aware that my libido was moments away from guiding me into her bed for the night regardless of my schedule tomorrow. ‘I’ll find a way for us to be together soon, I promise.’ As I lowered my head for one final kiss, an idea occurred to me and I leant back and grinned. ‘Actually, how do you feel about art?’

Seeing her confused expression, I raised a hand and smoothed some wayward hairs back from her face. ‘The studios I work with are joining with some fancy art gallery Downtown for an exhibition next Wednesday. I have to attend with the cast, but I have two spare tickets. Would you like to come?’ Watching her carefully I could see from the twinkle in her eye that my girl was tempted. ‘Perhaps you could bring Cait? I couldn’t talk to you a great deal while we were there, but I could arrange so we could sneak off together afterwards? I’m not working the following day either, so maybe we could spend it together?’

My girl chewed on her lower lip for a moment or two before an excited glint entered her eyes and she nodded. ‘OK, sounds interesting.’ It certainly did – perhaps the idea of sneaking around thrilled Allie as much as it did me.

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