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Authors: Jordan Summers

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

BOOK: Return
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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication





ISBN # 1-4199-0498-1


Return Copyright© 2006 Jordan Summers

Edited by Briana St. James.

Cover art by Syneca.


Electronic book Publication: January 2006



This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.


This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.




The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers.
This book
has been rated E–roti
c by a minimum of three independent reviewers.


Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (S-ensuous), E (E-rotic), and X (X-treme).


love scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.


love scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall word count. In addition, some E-rated titles might contain fantasy material that some readers find objectionable, such as bondage, submission, same sex encounters, forced seductions, and so forth. E-rated
titles are the most graphic titles we carry; it is common, for instance, for an author to use words such as “fucking”, “cock”, “pussy”, and such within their work of literature.


titles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storyline
execution. Unlike E-rated titles, stories designated with the letter X tend to contain controversial subject matter not for the faint of heart.

Atlantean’s Quest:


Jordan Summers

This book is dedicated to all the readers. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to finish this final installment of the Atlantean’s Quest Series. I appreciate all of the emails and encouragement you’ve sent my way. I hope you enjoy this book.

Note: To avoid confusion, I wanted to let you know that this story time line takes place at the same time as Atlantean’s Quest Book Three: Redemption and Atlantean Heat.

In this work of fiction, unsafe sexual practices are depicted. In “real” life ALWAYS practice safe sex.

Happy Reading, Jordan Summers.





Many myths surround the disappearance of this mysterious island continent and its advanced civilization. Some believe everyone perished in a cataclysmic event that caused the ocean to rise and open its gaping liquid mouth, swallowing all evidence of their existence. Others speculate that some of the people survived and fled, returning to their true home many galaxies away.

What if they were both right and the truth lay somewhere in between?

Atlantean’s Quest is the tale of three women, Rachel Evans, Jaclyn Ward, and Brigit Taylor, whose ordinary lives become extraordinary upon encountering these mythical people. This cosmic interaction changes these friends’ lives forever. In the quest for survival, lives are lost, but friendship and love remain.

This is Brigit’s story.

Chapter One


“Warning! Warning! Warning! Planetary object approaching rapidly,” the computer blared, followed by a quick burst of sirens.

Orion’s ship broke through the atmosphere leaving a wispy vapor trail in its wake. The craft shuddered, his muscles strained to hold it steady as the outer alloy panels heated to a glowing red. Sweat broke out across his forehead. If it got any hotter in here, he’d roast like a
corgal tanger
on a spit. Orion pushed a button on the control panel above his head. The computer quieted. The ship cooled an instant later and then accelerated, throwing him back against his seat.

Hang on!
The mental command went out to his passenger, Cassandra. He didn’t bother to look at the Atlantean woman while he steered the ship. She would be of no assistance. Like his brother, Ares, Cassandra was born and reared in the jungle on this planet. For all intents and purposes, she was an Earthling, which was one of the many reasons she’d asked to come along on this mission.

The primitive radar system on this planet would only pick up a brief blip before he disappeared altogether. They’d consider it a momentary malfunction and not bother to check it out. A Zaronian warrior would not be so careless. Even the most innocent ping could turn into a major threat to planetary security.

He’d spent the past month studying everything there was to know about this tiny blue-green planet known as Earth. Queen Rachel and Jac were only too happy to fill in any missing gaps from his knowledge. He knew the foods, the topography and the weaponry. He’d even mastered the subtle nuances of communication. Their cultures might be different, but soon he’d acquire that knowledge too and be like every other Earthling, only better.

Orion was confident he’d be able to blend in with the primitive natives long enough to convince Brigit that her friends were safe, unharmed and now resided on planet Zaron. It would be a “walk in the cake” as Jac liked to say.

He sensed Cassandra’s interested gaze before seeing it. She caressed his muscled form, focusing on the male bulge between his thighs. He tensed as his cock responded.
Be careful, little one
, he communicated telepathically, the preferred way of the Atlantean people.
I can read your lustful thoughts.
He looked at her from beneath hooded eyes.

Cassandra shifted under his regard. As an Atlantean woman in her sexual prime, she was not shy about conveying her thoughts or acting upon her natural urges. Like Orion, she too searched for what could not be found on Zaron.

Don’t worry.
He shook his head and smiled.
I’m not interested in you either, and I believe I can contain my boredom for an hour or so longer.

Don’t flatter yourself, warrior.
Cassandra laughed.
It was just a thought, not a proposition. I would think you of all people would know the difference.

He grinned.
I do, hence the warning.

Such conceit.
She straightened in her seat.
Not that it isn’t warranted, but I look for something…different. Less Atlantean.

And you think you’ll find it in an Earthling?


You’ll forgive me if I disagree.

‘Tis your choice.
She shrugged absently.

Orion flicked switches transferring fuel into their reserve tanks. He wouldn’t argue his point.
Where is it you wish me to take you?

I’ve longed to see the ocean again.
Cassandra sighed, her expression turning dreamy and distant.
Queen Rachel told me I might enjoy a place called California.

Orion frowned and punched another button, bringing up a holographic map of planet Earth.
Where did she say this place is located?

The same piece of land you need to be on to find Brigit.

He glanced at her, not liking the reminder about his current assignment. Cassandra stared at the swirling map. Her eyes widened as her gaze alighted on a spot that glowed like a jewel under the sun.

What do the glowing lights represent on the map?

He pointed to a spot on the east coast of the North American continent.
The brighter the light, the more populated the area. This is where I must go.

Cassandra reached out and touched a spot on the opposite coast.
I want you to take me here.

Orion glanced, then pressed a button to zoom into the area she’d indicated.
The place you wish to visit is called Los Angeles.

Cassandra smiled. “Los Angeles,” she murmured aloud, testing the name on her tongue.
That’s in California, right?

He nodded.

Good, then it’s settled. I will go to Los Angeles, California to begin my search.

Queen Rachel said you will need something called money. I’ve researched this item. It is what the humans use to barter with in exchange for goods, lodging and food.

Do we have any of this…money?

Yes. The replicator managed to produce a travel sack full of the stuff. You should have more than enough for what you need. I’ve also taken the liberty of placing a deciphering unit in your bag. You’ll be able to find any meaning or item by thinking about the object. It should help when it comes to communicating with the humans.
Orion slid his hand across a panel at his side. It opened silently. He pulled out a rectangular metal device.

What is that?

A communication device.

Like the deciphering unit?

He flipped a switch on the side of the object and a tiny screen appeared.
If you need assistance or come to your senses and want to return home, flick this switch and hold the device next to your head. It will pick up your thoughts, in the same way we’re having this conversation, and transport you to the ship. Make sure you allow yourself plenty of space when you activate it, because the device is powerful enough to transport objects around you.

Cassandra nodded and reached for the communication device.

Orion pulled it out of reach.
Are you sure you want to do this? ‘Tis not too late to change your mind.

She forced a smile and faced him unflinchingly.
I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.

He stared at her for a few moments, assessing her sincerity, deliberating her fate. Finally, he nodded.
California it is.

Reluctantly, he dropped Cassandra off in Los Angeles, California. She waved goodbye as his ship rose, a contented smile planted on her face. He still didn’t like the fact he’d left an Atlantean woman alone and unguarded on a beach, but Orion understood her need to carve out her own destiny. For he held the same desire. With her departure, his ship’s weight and readings adjusted to accommodate his lone presence.

Over the last few moons, Orion had grown restless like the other unattached males and females on his home planet. Zaron did not hold the same appeal to him as it once had. He itched to stretch the boundaries set in place for centuries. Maybe, while here on Earth, he’d take some time to do just that, between babysitting the Queen’s friend, finding the Seer and making sure Cassandra was doing well. He frowned as his latest assignment intruded on his thoughts.

He’d earned the title of warrior long ago, due to his birthright and his proven abilities. Later, he’d reached First in Command. His thoughts trailed off. He could no longer claim the position of First in Command with Ares’ return. Orion squelched the bitterness threatening to rise. He was happy to have family again. Truly. It was far more important than any position, but… It would take some adjusting to get used to his new role.

That was the main reason he’d stepped forward for this menial job. He wanted the chance to leave the planet and clear his head, even if it were only for a few days. He needed to make decisions about his future. Mingling with the Earthlings, with their primitive minds and underdeveloped bodies, just happened to be an unpleasant byproduct of the trip.

Perhaps not so unpleasant, Orion thought, as he considered Queen Rachel and Jac’s appearance.

They were attractive enough, in an
sort of way, but far inferior to Atlantean women in strength, beauty and agility. Although he’d never expressed his private thoughts, Orion still could not understand how his brother, Ares, and King Eros settled beneath their stature. And he wasn’t the only one. Whispers caressed the winds of Zaron, leaving emerging doubts in the minds of the people that their energy binds held. Still, no one dared to step forward and challenge the King…yet.

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