Return (8 page)

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Authors: Jordan Summers

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

BOOK: Return
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Heat flared, sending a surge of power, along with an onslaught of sexual awareness through Orion. She was offering herself to him, giving freely what he could so easily take. Her gift was simple yet primal, more powerful than had she spread her legs and bent forward, offering her ass and honey-laced quim for his immediate consumption. Orion shuddered. His gaze locked onto the chain a second before grasping the cool links in his hand. It felt satiny to the touch, yet scalded like flame.

The gold sparkled in the spotlight, spilling droplets of light over their skin and onto the floor. He longed to tongue every twinkle that caressed her soft feminine body. He watched the rays dance for a moment, then turned his attention back to his

He gave the leash a gentle tug, drawing in the slack until it pulled taut. Brigit’s eyes flashed, then melted into an emerald pool of desire. Orion saw promises in their depths, along with something else. Something that if he were in his right mind should worry him, but didn’t.

Her body subtly moistened. He could smell her heat in the air. He inhaled, drunk with need.

Orion’s cock hardened, demanding release from the confines of his spacesuit. The fragile chain stretched between them, frail in its substance, but substantial in significance. He was going to like this new game. A lot. And from the expression on Brigit’s face, he wasn’t the only one.

Are you certain you want me to have this little one? Be sure, for once I accept your offer I will not release you from this unspoken bargain.
The question filtered wordlessly between them. Her gaze widened, then her brow wrinkled in confusion. Had she heard him? If so, how? There was no link in place, only this delicate chain. Orion ignored his own question. He would discover the answer later. It was time to reel in his pet.

Chapter Four


Brigit pretended to struggle against the leash, her hands clawing at the collar, causing Orion’s muscles to flex under the light. She watched his breathing deepen and his pupils dilate. Seeing his response sent a thrill of triumph coursing through her blood. Color bloomed in his cheeks. He liked this game.

She continued to lead them down the catwalk. Halfway to the end she dropped to her knees and slinked toward him on all fours. For a second, Orion looked as if he’d take a step back, then he stilled, his gaze zeroing in on her. The intensity she saw there sent delicious shivers rippling over her body, hardening her nipples, wetting her sex until she feared the audience would see her drip onto the stage.

Brigit rubbed her body against Orion’s calf, arching her back like a cat in need of attention. Then she sat back onto her knees and raked her nails down the length of his thigh. She saw the material of his spacesuit costume to bulge below his waist. Brigit flicked her gaze up, capturing his eyes. His fists bunched. Suddenly, she couldn’t resist. She reached out and clasped his hand. Her tongue flicked out a second later, tasting the salty desire covering his skin.

She knew she played a dangerous game, but for the life of her she couldn’t stop. Something urged her on. Something feminine and needy demanded Brigit stake her claim on this man in front of Conlunar and the world, even if it was only for a day.

Brigit dropped his hand, after taking a teasing nip and then started to crawl away. A quick yank on the chain brought her up short. The look in Orion’s eyes arrested her. Brigit felt the proverbial chain of control slip from her grasp. She’d pulled the tiger’s tail one too many times and she loved every second of it.

Her clit throbbed, pulsing beneath the material of her dress like a deep-sea beacon. God, she wanted this man. Screams and hollers rang out from around them. Brigit could barely hear them over the sound of her blood roaring in her ears. She wished the room full of strangers would disappear. If they did, Brigit knew she’d shamelessly fuck him right here on stage. The skin on her body pulled tight as if her nerves attempted to bore to the surface.

The chain grew slack. She decided to move, it was either that or stand and rip Orion’s clothes off. Bad idea. It would probably cause the women in the room to stampede. And right now, Brigit wasn’t about to share. She tried to slink down the stage, but it was hard to do with her arms and legs shaking beneath her.

She glanced over her shoulder. Orion’s glazed eyes remained locked on her ass, following its movement like an angry bull obsessed with a matador’s red cape. She added an extra wiggle to her hips, watching his nostrils flare and his lungs labor.

This was fun.

Suddenly, the game came to an end. Orion pulled on the chain, drawing her nearer. Brigit knew she should be worried, but really, what could he do onstage surrounded by a room full of people? His thick fingers reached under the collar to pull her to her feet. He stuck his nose against the side of her head and inhaled. She trembled and the crowd let out a collective whoop. Orion seemed unconcerned with their presence. He drew one of her hands away from her body and started nibbling her fingertips, slowly making his way up her arm. His tongue swirled over each bite, caressing and inflaming.

Brigit tried to pull away, but he held her steady. Then he stuck out his tongue completely and licked her like an ice cream cone. Her eyes bugged. Orion could shame that bass player from that famous makeup-wearing rock band with that thing.

Where was her measuring tape when she needed it?

Orion didn’t give her much time to dwell on his tongue’s impressive length. Brigit realized the flaw in her thinking, when he wrapped her in his arms, draping the cape vampire-style around their bodies for privacy. He swept her mouth into a searing kiss while his fingers played ring-around-the-rosey
with her clit beneath the cape.

Brigit gasped in shock, but couldn’t stop him as heat surged through her and she came hard. Orion’s lips devoured her cries of release. She bucked in his grip, but he held her against him, protectively. The crowd only saw a couple exchanging a passionate embrace. Stars swirled behind her eyelids. When he finally pulled back, Brigit heaved air into her lungs. The cape fell away, but he kept his hand resting casually at her waist. Only she and Orion knew he was the only thing preventing her from collapsing to the floor.

The announcer climbed onto the stage and walked toward them with microphone in hand. “Wow! What a kiss! I think it’s hot in here, don’t you folks?”

The crowd screamed.

“Brigit and Orion are one hot couple. Let’s hear it for them.”

The audience applauded.

“The judges are tallying the votes now. While we’re waiting, I’d like the other couples and solo entrants to come out on stage.”

Rick and Dorothy pushed their way to the front. Both wore scowls. Brigit couldn’t care less. She blinked, trying to bring reality back. She’d never orgasmed so quickly or quite so hard. Orion’s hands definitely had a magic touch that would be far too easy to get used to.

Someone walked onto the stage and handed the announcer an envelope. He ripped it open and glanced at the names. A second later he smiled at the audience. “The third place winners are Ryan and April with their alien huntress and prey costumes. Give them a hand.”

Brigit clapped, her hands clumsily coming together on the off beat.

“The second place winners are…Rick and Dorothy.”

Rick and Dorothy’s lips thinned over their teeth in sneers. They stepped forward and accepted the trophy. Dorothy’s eyes spit venom, while Rick looked at Brigit sheepishly, not bothering to hide the longing in his brown depths.

Orion squeezed Brigit’s side and she jumped.

“The first prize goes to, yep, you guessed it. Brigit and Orion come over here.”

Orion released her and Brigit instantly felt the loss of warmth. They stepped forward in sync. He reached for the trophy, then passed it over to Brigit, who beamed. She couldn’t help it.

“We did it!”

Orion grinned. “Is this piece of metal all you remember about our

“Hardly.” She blushed. “I can’t believe you did that.”

“Did what?” he asked, his face the picture of innocence.

“You know.”

“No one knows what happened, but you and I.”

Brigit glanced around at the people and realized Orion was right. “You were terrific with the chain and all. Thanks for holding me up so I didn’t fall.”

“I’d never let you down,” he stated with such sincerity that her heart clenched in response.

They strolled off the stage, accepting congratulations as they made their way through the milling crowd. Brigit didn’t even mind that Orion seemed to be dragging her along. She chuckled. Someone was obviously in a hurry to get back to the room.

When they entered the relative quiet of the hall, he stopped. “We must speak. I have much to tell you.” Orion met her eyes before continuing on.

Wow! He’d gotten serious all of a sudden. Brigit hoped she wasn’t about to receive a “Dear Brigit” speech from him. She didn’t think she could handle that after what they’d shared on stage. Her mind scrambled to recall what he’d said earlier. Jac and Rachel’s face swam before her eyes. She was such a schmuck. She’d forgotten about her friends and everything else but her orgasm and winning this stupid contest. She glanced down at the gold trophy in her hands.

It didn’t seem nearly as impressive or shiny as it had only moments ago. What was wrong with her? She’d never been

They reached her room a short time later. Orion opened the door without asking for a key. She frowned, wondering how he’d done it, but stepped in the room behind him. The lights were off because she’d forgotten to leave them on. She heard him somewhere on the other side of the room. A second later the lamp came on, bathing the room in buttery light.

He watched her like a hungry lion ready to take down a gazelle.

She cleared her throat. “Y-You said you wanted to talk.”

“I’ve changed my mind. We’ll talk later,” he growled, pulling off his boots.

All Brigit’s senses went on alert, yet she stood frozen just inside the door. Blindly, she reached behind her to snick the latch, locking them inside.

“Come here.” Orion’s voice sounded raw like his throat was sore from gargling pebbles. He raised his arm and beckoned her with a lone finger, which was as effective as placing her on a conveyor belt.

Brigit registered his words and the meaning behind them, her body moistened and her nipples perked. Eager and more than ready, it still took her a moment to get her wobbly legs to cooperate.
Move, damn you.
She sauntered across the room, which only took a few steps, but felt like a zillion miles in her current condition. Heat pooled in her limbs, leaving them leaden. Her skin bristled against her nerves, causing a thousand tiny explosions to detonate at once.

Orion didn’t grab her immediately. Instead, he caressed her with his gaze, drinking in her shape like a dehydrated hitchhiker guzzling water in Death Valley. A moment later he reached for her.

* * * * *

The clothing ripped easily as he tugged the covering away from her glistening white skin. She glowed like the moon that orbited this planet. Brigit whimpered as his mouth descended to her pert nipples. The second his lips made contact with her skin she gasped. Orion growled. The taste of her flesh was intoxicating and he hadn’t even delved into her woman’s center.

How many years had he spent searching for this sensation? This taste? This touch? This type of connection?

Too many.

Orion peeled the rest of the barely there costume away from her body, then reared back to look his fill. She was small, but perfectly shaped. Enough for him to feast upon. He’d tease her into pleasure she’d never even known existed, taking her body to heights she’d be unable to return from. He fought to keep from throwing her on the bed and plunging his cock inside her quim.

He glanced at the trophy on the container holding her clothes, happy that he’d been able to help her obtain it. But it was nothing compared to the lush prize in front of him. Now that he’d managed to get her away from the Earthman, he’d make sure she stayed away.

Orion plowed his hands into her red tresses, luxuriating in the feel of the silky hair as it glided through his fingertips. He’d never seen anything quite so beautiful. It reminded him of Zaronian sunsets over the
Sea, as the last rays of the sun bled into the water.

In the back of his mind he heard the tremor of a warning that he could no longer heed. He was too far gone to stop touching her now. He skimmed her dusky nipples with the back of his knuckles, grazing her flesh until they puckered even tighter, bringing a whimper from Brigit’s throat. He catalogued the sound in his mind, planning to replay it later after he’d delivered his message and departed.

Brigit quivered as he teased her lush peaks. Sweat beaded his brow as he exerted viselike control over his growing need. He expected to hear fabric ripping any moment as his cock expanded, tenting his flight suit.

Orion skimmed his rough hands over Brigit’s bare shoulders, her skin flushed and fevered beneath his touch. Gooseflesh rose in his wake. The citrus scent of her skin blended seamlessly with her natural juices. He couldn’t seem to get enough of touching her. He wanted her this second, but held back. He had to make sure her body was prepared for his invasion. Orion knew he wasn’t a small man and Brigit seemed diminutive by comparison. He wouldn’t rush and take the chance of injuring her, when it was unnecessary.

* * * * *

Brigit’s head was spinning. Her nipples were so engorged they hurt. Every rasp of Orion’s fingertips brought her closer to completion. Never in all of her years of dating had she ever brought a guy back to her room and allowed him to rip her clothes off. None of the guys she’d gone out with were the clothes-ripping type.

She had to admit that Orion didn’t exactly fit into the “typical” guy category, but still…

She followed his large hands as they moved to the front of his costume. It didn’t exactly unzip when he touched the material, it simply separated without a sound. Brigit had never seen anything like it. Later, she’d ask him where he got the material, but for now she wanted to feast her eyes on what the outfit revealed.

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