Unnecessary Roughness (9 page)

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Authors: G.A. Hauser

BOOK: Unnecessary Roughness
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Connor grumbled and sat down. “What do you want to do today before practice?”

Fuck your brains out
. “Other than food shopping, I need to do homework.”


As he drank his coffee Connor studied this muscular jock mercilessly for a flaw. He was a little envious of Kyle’s imposing confidence. Connor knew his own bravado was an act and he craved the security of a man like Kyle to keep him focused and on track.

Kyle met Connor’s stare. “You want to study a little or go shopping first?” Kyle asked.

“I’m hungry. I usually eat breakfast.”

“What? Two poached eggs?” Kyle asked.

“All right, enough. Can you cook? I haven’t a clue how.”

“A little. My mom’s a really good cook. I did pick up some things watching her. I can’t do anything fancy. But I can fry an egg.” He laughed.

“I have no idea if my mother can cook. I’ve never seen her in the kitchen.”

“What the hell does that mean? Did your father cook?”

Connor didn’t reply, embarrassed to let on how wealthy his family was.

“Okay, let’s go shopping.” Kyle moved out his chair and put his cup down.

“How are we paying for this? I don’t know if my mother sent me money yet.”

“I’ll get it. Then I’ll call my mom.”

“This is pathetic!”

“Relax. We’re supposed to be broke. We’re students.” Kyle removed his wallet from his pocket.

Connor didn’t even want to tell Kyle his father was the senior CEO of Worthington Highstreet Bank. Millions of dollars all out of his reach. And here he was scraping for grocery money. It

Kyle tapped him. “Geez, don’t worry about it. I’ll call my mom for some extra cash.”

Connor wished he was confident enough to tell Kyle his inner thoughts and problems. He couldn’t. He had an image to keep up. Standing and placing his cup in the sink, he replied, “I suppose I do worry. I’ll take the morning shift. You get the night.”

Connor ignored Kyle as he tilted his head curiously at him. When they managed to get themselves together, they left the apartment to take care of the rest of their chores.


An hour later they were sitting quietly, reading and making notes for class. Connor checked the time. “We should head over to practice.”

Kyle raised his head. “Yeah. I need a break. We’ll get back to this after.”

Stiff from being seated too long, Connor stood up and stretched his arms over his head, yawning. “God! It’s such boring shit.”

“I know.” Kyle caught a peek of Connor’s belly button and soft abdomen hair.

“Let’s go, Mr. Baker.” Connor hauled Kyle up to his feet. “I have gas left in the tank.”

“Good. You drive,” Kyle said.

“We could just jog there.”

“Jog there?”

“Yeah. Why not?”

“Because we’ll have to jog back and I’ll be exhausted.”

“It’ll save gas. Intramural field isn’t that far.” Connor poked him. “Lazy jock.”

“You suck.” Kyle went to change into his running shorts.

“You’ll thank me,” Connor replied.

When they were both in gym shorts and tank tops, Kyle tried not to ogle Connor’s amazing body.

“You need to warm up?” Connor asked him, stretching to touch his toes, giving Kyle a good view of his ass.

Great, now I have a hard-on
. “No, let’s just head there.”

As Connor shut off the lights in the apartment, Kyle made sure he had his key. Once out in the fresh cool air, they kept a good pace in the brilliant sunshine and high sixties temperature.

“I’m too tired. I slept like crap,” Kyle complained.

“Stop whining. You need to burn extra calories with all you eat.”

“Hey! I’m not fat, asshole!”

“I didn’t say you were fat. You’re perfect. I just said you need to.”

“Did you say I was perfect?” They jogged in place waiting for a traffic signal to change.

As if checking out his physique, Connor made a circle around him and nodded. “Yes. Perfect.”

The light turned green and Connor jogged across the street. Kyle caught up quickly and was next to him again. “Why am I perfect?” Kyle was intrigued.

“Because you don’t have an ounce of fat on you and I can count the muscles in your egg-carton abs. What? Is that what you want me to tell you?”

“I don’t know. I never thought of my body as perfect, that’s all. And I can’t believe a guy is telling me that.”

“Think I’m hot for it?” Connor grinned.

The Wooden Center came into view.

“I don’t know? Are you?” Kyle grinned back. He knew Connor was playing. He always knew it.

Seductively, Connor whispered, “Oh yes, I want your body, Baker. Give it to me.”

Expecting the opposite, Kyle choked in surprise as Connor suddenly opened up and sprinted. No matter how hard Kyle tried, he could not catch him, much less overtake him.

Connor slowed down when he met their teammates warming up on the field. He caught his breath and waited for Kyle.

“Jesus, you run fast!” Kyle leaned over his knees to gasp.

“You’re slow ‘cause of your fatty diet.” Connor snorted at him and made pig oinks.

Kyle took off running to catch Connor, racing to the locker room. They dressed in their pads and uniforms, grabbed their crosse sticks and headed to the field.


Two hours later, coated in sweat, Kyle followed Connor into the locker room.

Connor hadn’t said a word to him during the scrimmage. After a long, solemn moment, Connor met Kyle’s eyes. They were filled with liquid as if Connor was about to cry. 

Watching Connor carefully, trying to figure out what could be wrong, Kyle hurried after him. When he entered the echoing chamber of the changing room, he found Connor seated in front of his locker with his head in his hands.

Staring down at him, Kyle asked quietly, “Connor…what is it?”

“Nothing. Leave me alone.”

“I don’t get it. You were awesome out there.” Kyle began removing his gear.

“Awesome?” Connor snarled in rage.

The intensity of the anger startled Kyle. “What am I missing? You scored three goals? For Christ’s sake, you should be patting yourself on the back. Are you insane?”

As if he were enduring something painful, Connor covered his face again.

Completely baffled by this show of emotion, Kyle knelt in front of him and rubbed his legs gently. “You have to tell me why you’re upset. I can’t help you if I don’t know.”

Very slowly Connor lowered his hands. His eyes were red and watery. In a low hoarse voice he whispered, “Didn’t you see it?”

Disoriented by the comment and completely taken aback by Connor’s pure fury, Kyle felt a wave of dizziness. “See what?”

Connor gazed around the area first, before he snarled, “Ross fucking body-checked me in the fucking groin.” Connor cupped his crotch. “When I shoved him back, I got called out for fucking pushing and hit with the penalty.”

Kyle strained to think of when the attack occurred. “I didn’t even see you react from the hit.”

“Kyle, believe me. I was hit hard. And the douche-bag did it on purpose.” Connor gave the immediate area another scan.

“Jesus. You should have at least doubled over in pain! How did you stand it, Connor?”

Connor didn’t reply at first, then through clenched teeth, he snarled, “I’m the fucking ‘captain’ now. I gotta set an example, don’t I?”

“Not when ya get hit in the nuts with a lacrosse stick, ya don’t.” Kyle grew angry. “You should have told Coach Banks. And if you won’t I will.”

When Kyle went to stand up, Connor gripped his arm and yanked him back down. “Don’t.”


“Because. I don’t need any shit, Kyle. Let me just recover a minute. Stay here.”

Judging by the look of apprehension on Connor’s face, Kyle knew he needed to just be there for Connor. He sat on the bench next to his friend and whispered, “When? I swear I didn’t see it.”

“Last five minutes.” Connor cringed as he tried to sit straight.

Suddenly remembering the referee calling the penalty on Connor, Kyle had thought it was odd for Connor to just push Ross from behind the way he did, but didn’t give it a second guess. Connor was the captain and best player on the team. It certainly wasn’t up to Kyle to judge his actions. 

Kyle glanced over his shoulder. Ross Cartmen stood at the end of the row of lockers, a towel around his hips, a sneer of contempt on his lips.

“What the fuck are you lookin at?” Kyle challenged.

Connor instantly spun around to Ross.

“Two faggots.” Ross’ top lip curled in revulsion.

“What?” Kyle felt his skin go icy at the terrifying accusation. He flew to his feet with revenge on his mind.

A hand on his arm held him back.

“Fuck off, Cartmen,” Connor yelled. “Haven’t you done enough damage to me already?”

“Good, ya fucking cock-sucker.”

Kyle whipped his head back and forth between his roommate’s emotional and physical pain to the callous accusation and Ross vanishing behind the row of lockers.

“What the fuck?” Kyle began blowing out air like a bellows as his anger rose. 

Reluctantly, Connor stood up and began removing his uniform and pads.

Knowing an intentional illegal slash of the stick had nailed him right in the groin, Kyle cringed at seeing how uncomfortable his friend was.

When Connor got to the point where he removed his jockstrap and cup, they both seemed to hold their breath.

A reddish bruise had begun to emerge around the edges of where the plastic had protected Connor’s crotch. But Kyle knew how painful a powerful strike between the legs could be, even with the cup.

“How could no one see it?” Kyle moaned. “Coach would have chewed out his ass. It was obviously intentional.” He smoothed his hand over Connor’s back gently.

Connor flinched at Kyle’s affectionate caress and spun around as if checking they were not spied.

Then Kyle remembered the labeling. Fags? What on earth had they done to make Ross think they were gay? Jesus. He’d just arrived on campus winter quarter, and other than his long hair, Connor was Mr. Macho. It didn’t make sense.

A lump formed in his throat in sympathy. Kyle was miserable about it. It was so heartless and cruel. Born out of jealousy no doubt for Connor’s beauty and his talent. And of course it came right on the heels of coach’s announcement that Connor was now a captain. Kyle bit his lip on his anguish and whispered, “We need to get some ice on you.”

“I’m not icing my goddamn nuts.” Connor’s sensuous pout appeared. “But thanks, Kyle.”

Touching him lightly, yet briefly, in reassurance, Kyle waited as Connor managed to find his towel and walk slowly to the showers.


Connor stood under the hot spraying water, trying not to let the events on the field depress him. He’d been a target all his life and hated it. He glanced at his new best friend as he washed himself quietly right next to him.
Well, at least I have one person in my life that looks after me.

Kyle’s expression was stern as he returned Connor’s stare. They finished rinsing and walked together back to their lockers. Connor was hunched over from exhaustion, mentally and physically. He flinched as he drew his briefs up over the red tender circle around his groin. After a deep inhale to relax, Connor lowered his head and kept dressing.


Kyle felt badly for him. Poor Connor seemed so burdened all the time. After another peek around the locker room, Kyle softly caressed Connor’s long, wet hair, all the while keeping alert for anyone else that might see them.

Connor closed his eyes and paused as if savoring the loving care.

When he thought he heard a noise, Kyle withdrew his hand and finished tying his shoelaces, remembering they hadn’t driven to practice.

Scuffing his feet to the open air, Kyle groaned and peered over at Connor. “It’s gonna be a long walk, Worthington.”

“Stop whining.” Connor tied his running shoes tighter. “I can run. I’m fine.”

“Stop playing martyr.”

“I’m not. I’m fine now.” Connor stood tall and stretched his hamstrings. “I’ll make you an offer.”

Kyle was intrigued.

With a wry smile on his lips, Connor whispered, “If you beat me, I’ll give you a backrub.”

Kyle brightened. “Yeah? A backrub?”

“Yeah.” Connor grinned impishly.

“What if you win?” Kyle crossed his arms over his chest.

“Then you have to give me one.”

Kyle liked the deal. Either way, he won. “Are you sure you’re not too sore?”

“Yes. Ready?” Connor got set.

“You mean race the whole way? Oh, come on, how about the last one hundred yards?”



“See ya!” Connor took off.

With a groan of agony, Kyle went running after him. It was five p.m. and the streets and sidewalks were full of commuters and pedestrians. Kyle groaned wearily as he dodged around people trying to keep that tight bottom in sight. Even though he was fighting fit, he was pumping hard and knew he would burn out way before the last heat. How the hell did Connor do it? His pride at stake, Kyle had to beat him or at least tie! He set his jaw, determined to try.


The smack to his manhood from Ross Cartmen still echoing in his ears, and crotch, Connor had to act tough. Though he was beginning to trust Kyle, they had only known each other a short time. If Kyle rejected him because he thought he was gay, Connor would be hurt much worse than a lacrosse stick to the nuts.

Looking back for Kyle, Connor thought he had a good lead on him. Like the hare in the famous fable, he slowed to a more comfortable pace and waited for a light.

When Kyle went blazing passed him through an opening in the traffic, Connor grew frustrated waiting for another clearing in the congestion. “Hey! Unfair!” Connor darted across the busy street, trying to catch up.

Their building came into view. With the end near, Connor could tell Kyle was digging in trying to force his legs to move faster.

Struggling to keep up, Connor was enraged. Kyle had cheated! He had gone through a red light! Connor opened his stride and gained on him. Seeing Kyle was almost at their lobby door, Connor noticed him weakening. Kyle’s pace had changed as if his legs were giving out. It was the break Connor needed, so he went into overdrive.

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