Unnecessary Roughness (5 page)

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Authors: G.A. Hauser

BOOK: Unnecessary Roughness
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Kyle entered the room anyway and started putting Connor’s shoes in the closet. “I need a beer.”

“Wouldn’t that be nice? We need to find someone to sell us some.”

“I’ve bought some in that little shop on the corner of Sunset and Clark. They don’t card there.”

“Think they’re open?” Connor pushed his bangs back from his eyes.

“No clue.” Kyle laughed. “And I’m too tired to go back out.”

“Me too. Well then, I think we’ll be dry tonight.”

“Not completely dry.” Kyle left the room and came back holding up a bottle of whiskey.

“Ew. You’re not serious.” Connor crinkled his nose in disgust.

“It’s just for getting drunk. I didn’t say it was a refreshing drink. What are you like drunk? Do you get wild? Anything I should know about?”

“I’ve only gotten really drunk one time. I didn’t get anything but stupid.”

“I’ll bet you’re one of those silly drunks.” Kyle walked closer to him. “Or a horny one,” he whispered.

“I’m always horny. I don’t need booze.”

“Ditto,” Kyle replied softly, watching Connor’s eyes as they discussed sex together.

“Great. Two horny men jacking off constantly.” Connor moved his hand in a gesture of masturbation, then shook his head and continued to put away his things.

Knowing there was a better way to get release, Kyle said boldly, “Am I going to hear you grunting every night while you’re spanking the monkey?” When no comment returned, Kyle said, “Never mind,” and turned away from Connor’s blank stare. “You are weird, Worthington.”

“You sure you know what you’re doing? Moving in with me after only knowing me one day?” Connor appeared very serious for such a silly conversation. “What if I’m a homicidal maniac? Or worse?”

“What’s worse than a homicidal maniac?” Kyle sat down on the bed.

“I could be a queer.”

Kyle’s smile dropped and his heart sank at the way in which Connor announced it. It seethed with venom.
What’s the deal, Worthington?
“I know you’re not gay. You made a date with a female waitress,” he tried not to sneer.

“Oh. That’s right. Then your ass is safe.” Connor turned his back on Kyle to hang up another shirt.

Hating this game, Kyle opened the bottle of whiskey and drank a gulp. “Great, I’m safe,” he mumbled.

The sweat beading on his upper lip, Connor finished unpacking and tossed the suitcase into the closet, shutting the door. Dropping down heavily, Connor sat next to Kyle on the bed who handed over the bottle. Connor made a face before he drank it. He shivered. “Ew, nasty!”

Kyle shrugged, feeling let down.

“You have enough closet space? In the closet you’ll sleep in, I mean.” Connor nudged him.

“Yes. It’s fine.”

“You okay? Did I say something that upset you?”

“Huh?” Kyle met his gaze and forced a smile. “No. Of course not.”

“Look, we’ll be living together in very close quarters. If I get on your nerves or anything, please tell me. We need to be honest with one another. All right? If you want the place for a screw, just hang a sign on the door or text me and I’ll make myself scarce.”

Growing more depressed by the moment, Kyle took the bottle back wondering how many women Connor was going to be bringing back here.

“Kyle?” Connor touched his hair lightly, pushing it back behind the ear.

Kyle’s eyes riveted to those baby blue orbs. It felt so natural to lean over and kiss him. He restrained that urge with every ounce of strength he possessed. “I will.”

“Good. Now, I need a shower and to study for an hour before I sleep.” Connor stood and carried his toiletries into the bathroom. “Thank God, it’s finally cooling down in here. It’s January for cryin’ out loud!”

Kyle took one more swig of the strong booze, capped the bottle, and walked past the beaded door of the bathroom to his bedroom. Placing the bottle on the rickety nightstand, Kyle flopped down on the bare twin mattress.

With his hands behind his head, he laid back on the bed to check out the view. Through the multicolored beads he could see Connor’s pants drop to the tiled floor. He heard him taking a pee in the toilet. Shortly after that, the shower started.

The alcohol beginning to take effect, Kyle climbed out of the bed and turned off the light to his room. Removing his shoes and socks, he stripped down to his briefs. He balled up some clothing to use as a pillow and propped his head up to watch. It was pitch dark around him except for the small amount of light coming from the bathroom. His tiny room had no windows.

The shower stopped and long, lean legs appeared through the beaded door. Kyle reached into his briefs and held his incredibly hard cock. He watched as Connor dried himself, leaning down and toweling off. The water in the sink started soon after as Connor brushed his teeth. Kyle kept getting small glimpses of Connor’s ass and thighs through the nearly transparent fringe of the door. When the light turned off, Kyle took his hand out of his briefs.

“Goodnight, Kyle,” Connor whispered into the darkened room.

“Night, Connor.” Kyle waited until he heard him pad away. A light turned on in Connor’s bedroom as Kyle figured he’d be reading for a while before he slept.

Kyle reached back to hold himself, imagining touching Connor, easily making himself come. For a moment he lay still, recovering, before he climbed out of bed for his turn to shower and clean up.


The book on his lap, sitting up against the headboard, Connor heard the shower start and paused in his reading to think. He was relieved to have found Kyle, knowing they would become great friends. There was something about the way Kyle treated him that was worth savoring. Starving for that kind of care and affection, Connor needed Kyle more than he wanted to admit. Seeing his muscular legs through the beaded door, Connor reached down his naked chest to his abdomen, then between his legs. It was still warm in the apartment, so he slept naked. Gazing at the quick glimpses of Kyle’s body through the shiny beaded strands, Connor set his textbook aside and closed his eyes. When he came he gasped quietly and lay still. He blinked and peered around for something to clean up with. He picked up his sock and used it, tossing it on the carpet.

Making sure he didn’t have any spunk on his hands, he opened the book again and found his place. It didn’t take long before his eyelids grew heavy.

Kyle obviously opted for sleep and no reading since after his shower the light went out in his tiny room.

Finally feeling exhaustion creep in, Connor closed the book, shut off the light, wedged a sweatshirt under his head as a pillow, and went to sleep.


Chapter Three

Kyle awoke to light spilling into his room from the hall. Raising his head to the strange surroundings, he struggled to remember where he was. He sat up, scrubbing his face tiredly, and noticed his watch lying on the floor. He slid it back on his wrist and checked the time. It was eight thirty. Chilly from the night air, he closed the apartment windows again.

He washed up in the bathroom and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Knowing there wasn’t even a coffee pot or instant coffee to make, he tried not to feel overwhelmed at the amount of things they needed to buy for the apartment. And that didn’t even begin to compete with the workload and the sports practice.

As quietly as he could, Kyle walked to Connor’s bedroom to peer in. Through the open door, Kyle swallowed down a dry throat as he ogled that naked beauty on the bed.
Holy fuck
. His eyes drying out from staring, Kyle licked his lips while he scratched his rough jaw, wondering how he was going to live in a state of constant arousal. 

Connor’s body lay in a graceful pose, his long legs stretched out over the mattress’s length, while his genitals were exposed in the sunlight.

Unable to prevent his impulse, Kyle pushed the door back farther and enjoyed the sight. Yeah, he’d admired Connor in the locker room, but that was with quick, sneaky peeks. When could he gaze like this at him? Totally unobserved?

His cock hardened in his pants and he felt as if he was holding his breath.
Jesus! You beautiful, mother-fucker! Augh!
The size of Connor’s cock, even soft, was unbelievable. Kyle had never seen an appendage that large on a man. And Connor’s dick seemed even more imposing because of his slender waistline and long legs. “I cannot believe what you look like,” Kyle mouthed silently to himself. It wasn’t just Connor’s face; it was his body. No. It wasn’t just Connor’s body; it was his sweetness. No. It was the entire package.
What a fucking package!

As Kyle argued over which virtue he loved best in this remarkable person, he was going sexually crazy. The urge to creep in, kneel down, and take Connor’s cock into his mouth was so overwhelming, Kyle had to fight with everything he had and not act and risk losing Connor as a friend.

Very quietly, he closed the door and sprinted to his room. He lay down on the bed, opened his zipper, and stuck his hand in his briefs. Closing his eyes, imagining tasting Connor’s lips, his cum, his balls, Kyle climaxed in seconds. Milking his cock gently, he gasped for breath, wondering if living with a man as beautiful and unattainable as Connor Worthington would be living hell.


Connor stirred groggily. There was the sound of construction coming from outside his open window. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, comfortably scratching his nuts as he came to life. Sitting up on the bare mattress, he looked around the room to get his bearings in the strange place. “Brr!” He jumped up and closed the window.

Once he was more alert, he slipped on a pair of jeans and made his way to the bathroom.

When he stepped into the hall, he met Kyle at the beaded door. “Oh, hi. You need it?” Connor gestured to the bathroom. He noticed Kyle’s expression seemed slightly strained and he was cupping his hand over his lower abdomen.

“Uh, can I? Just for a minute?” Kyle’s gaze flickered to Connor’s naked chest before it connected to Connor’s stare.

“Sure.” Nodding, Connor backed up, allowing Kyle to enter the bathroom. He heard the water in the sink start and peered through the gap in the beads to see Kyle wiping his abdomen with toilet paper. With that image in his head, Connor scuffed his way to the window to gaze out at the street below.
You were cleaning up from jerking off. Nice. But what a waste of spunk.

Connor tried to calm down from the thought that his friend had just jacked off. It certainly was what it looked like. Envisioning handsome brown-eyed jock, Kyle Baker, playing with himself was too hot for Connor to handle. Instantly he forced the idea out of his head and counted cars as they passed below to distract himself.

In a few minutes, Kyle emerged. “Sorry. It’s all yours.”

“Not a problem.” Connor smiled. Before he began his morning ritual, he paused directly in front of Kyle and said, “We need to get coffee. I can’t function without it.”

As Kyle grunted in agreement, avoiding direct eye contact, he removed his wallet from his back pocket and counted his cash. “I have to call my mother for more funds. Sheets, towels, and kitchen shit are going to be expensive.”

“Ditto,” Connor agreed, as he went to wash his face and brush his teeth. “Should I shave?”

“You’re asking me?”  Kyle peered through the beaded door.

“Yes. I’m too tired to think.”

A look of delight washed over Kyle’s handsome features. “Shave.”

“Right.” Connor reached into his kit for his razor as he filled the sink with water. He lathered up and glided the razor over his jaw. When he met Kyle’s sparkling eyes in the reflection of the mirror he asked, “You watching me?”

The blush rushed to Kyle’s cheeks. “You’re the only form of entertainment at the moment.”

“That’s sad.”

A soft contented smile on his lips, Kyle replied, “No. Not at all, Connor. I’m enjoying it.”

“Enjoying it? I’ll cut myself. You’re making me paranoid.” It was Connor’s turn to blush. He swished the razor in the sink full of water before he continued running the blade over his jaw. “What do you think all the shit for this place will set us back?” Connor raised his chin to shave under it.

“I don’t know. A hundred bucks?”

Connor caught Kyle rubbing his crotch and wondered if he was turning Kyle on. Kyle was so rugged, so masculine, Connor couldn’t imagine he was gay. Connor returned his focus to the mirror. “I bet it’s even more. Do we need a phone too? Or are you happy with your cell phone?”

“I’m good with my mobile phone.” Kyle licked his lips. It was casual, not seductive.

Christ, the last thing I need is a hunky jock who’s gay, living with me.
Connor had a feeling if Kyle seduced him, his resistance would not be great. And his father would murder him if he found out he liked men.
Murder him
. Literally.

Trying not to shiver at the anxiety that caused him, Connor’s hand began trembling as he shaved.

Kyle didn’t seem to notice. “Let’s head to Kmart first, then food shop.”

“Can we use your Ford? My MG is really small.” Connor finished shaving and rinsed his face, drying it on his towel.

“Of course.”

“Good.” Running a brush through his mane of hair, Connor wanted Kyle’s opinion as a butch straight man. “You think it’s too long?”

Blinking in surprise, Kyle appeared to be happy in his new role as consultant. “No. I like it long. It looks really okay on you.” In what Connor considered a very bold move, Kyle entered the bathroom instead of conversing with him through the beaded door, and tugged on the very ends of Connor’s locks, which came to Connor’s mid-back.

Chills raced over Connor’s skin and his cock twitched. Ignoring the rush to his loins, he avoided meeting Kyle’s eyes. “Really? Not too eighties Ted Nugent?”

“Totally Nugent and very cute.”

“Cute?” Connor spun around at that comment. It was overt as far as he was concerned and it scared him to death. “Did you call me cute?”

Kyle went bright red. “You know what I mean. Don’t read into it any more than you should. Jesus, Connor, if you don’t want my opinion, don’t ask.” Kyle walked away from him, into his bedroom.

Taking a minute to calm himself, Connor assumed Kyle was just teasing him. He followed Kyle into his room making kissing noises. “Aren’t I cute?” Connor put his hands on his hips and batted his eyelashes at Kyle coquettishly. It was the only way Connor could deal with his unholy attractions. Turn everything into a comic act.

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