Unnecessary Roughness (12 page)

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Authors: G.A. Hauser

BOOK: Unnecessary Roughness
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Connor took a second quick look around, and then made sure Kyle was listening to him. “There’s only one guy I’ll allow to look at my naked ass.” He heard Kyle choke in shock, and nudged Kyle to get out to the field. “Got it, Kyle?”

Kyle widened his eyes but didn’t say a word as Connor smiled at him lovingly. “You’re a riot, Connor.”

Obviously still absorbing the comment, Kyle followed Connor outside.
Yeah, I’m a regular barrel of laughs.

Maybe Kyle would be okay with it. Maybe Connor should tell him he wasn’t joking. He felt a tiny ray of hope at the chance of love. 


They showered and changed after the scrimmage and walked out to Kyle’s car. Connor tossed his backpack into the back seat and settled into the front as Kyle started the motor and backed out of the parking space.

“Hannah wants me to put pressure on you to go out with Vicky again. What should I tell her?” Connor asked, testing the “gay” waters.

“That I’m not interested.”

“Oh, okay.” Connor felt relieved that Kyle wasn’t keen on going out with her again.

Kyle caught his eye, then focused back on the road. 

Just to throw more fodder out there for a better clue, Connor moaned comically, “I need to get laid. I want someone to rip my clothing off and hump me raw.” Connor rubbed his crotch, keeping his attention on his good friend while he did.

After a sharp inhale and a cough, Kyle took a look at Connor, and his hand action.

To top it off, Connor gave Kyle his most demonic grin.

They drove in silence until Kyle parked in their spot at the apartment. Once Kyle shut off the engine he asked, “Have you ever have someone do that to you? You know. Hump you raw?”

“Nah. Hey, I can dream, can’t I?” Connor laughed and climbed out, reaching for his pack.

“You like being taken? I mean, not playing the aggressor?” Kyle locked up the car and followed Connor to the lobby.

Connor knew his ass was being watched as he climbed the apartment stairs. He wiggled it seductively and said, “Yes. I think that would be my preferred style. I want to be dominated, you know. Maybe be even a bit kinky. I need someone very strong to turn me on.” Connor paused for a reply. None came.

“Well,” he continued, “I don’t have much experience in anything really. I screwed a cheerleader once in high school and got my dick sucked a couple of times. That’s it.” Connor opened the door to their unit and turned on the light.
By guys, but you don’t have to know that.


As if he were in class, Kyle absorbed the information hungrily. Connor wanted to be dominated? It was too perfect. He thought about the last sentence Connor had said and replied, “Really? That’s it for all your sexual experiences?” Kyle dropped his things on the floor and sat on the beat-up old sofa that came with the apartment.

Connor laughed at his expression. “Yes. What did you think? I was some Romeo or something?”

“Yes. I figured you balled your way through school.”

“No. I was always too busy with academics and sports. I had to keep my grades up or my father would get crazy.”

“Why am I doubting that very much?” Kyle laughed and kicked his shoes off. “How could you only have screwed once and had one or two blowjobs? No way.”

“I’m tellin’ the truth.” Connor headed to the kitchen. “I’m starving.”

Once he heard Connor open the refrigerator, Kyle got up and joined him. “Have a bowl of cereal,” Kyle suggested.

“Good idea.” Connor took a bowl out of the cabinet. “You joining me?”

“Sure.” Kyle grabbed the box of cereal and set it on the table.

“I really don’t know much about what women want, Kyle.” Connor took the milk out of the refrigerator. “Like I said, if they just sit there and expect me to do something, it’s kind of a turn off. I just don’t know what to do…uh, down there, I mean.”

Kyle filled his bowl with bran flakes. “Me neither. I’m not exactly a Romeo in that category either.”

Connor sat down and took the box from him. “Maybe we should date Hannah and Vicky and find out. You know. Experiment with them.”

Kyle curled up his nose. “I don’t know.”

“I never thought I’d be telling a friend how inexperienced I am. Shit, I must have a lot of faith in you.”

“Why?” Kyle crunched on a mouthful of cereal. “You think I’m going to brag about it in the locker room? Give me some fucking credit.”

“Well, half the guys think I’m some big hit with the ladies and the other half think I’m queer. I can’t give away that I don’t know shit about women or I’m dead.”

Kyle watched as he chewed. “Why do you care so much?”

“It’ll ruin my mystique.” Connor winked playfully.

Kyle stopped chewing and stared at him. “Are you that conceited?”

Connor did the same and stared back. “Conceited?”

“Yes! Conceited! You don’t want the guys to know you don’t fuck a lot of women?”

“I…uh,” Connor stammered nervously.

“Never mind. Don’t worry, Romeo Worthington. I’ll keep the lie alive for you.”


Kyle shook his head. “Whatever. I’m trying not to give a shit.” He ate another mouthful of cereal. “Who gave you the blowjobs?”

Connor stared into his bowl as the flakes got soggy. “My physics tutor.”
I ain’t tellin’ ya he was a guy

“A tutor? Are you slow or rich?”

“Both.” Connor laughed. “Well, I’m not rich, but Dad’s not doing too badly.”

“How old were you when the tutor did it?”


“Wow! Was she way older?”

“I think she was twenty-something. I’m not very good with women’s ages.”
Lie. Lie…don’t tell him

“Your dad find out?”

“Oh, hell no! He’d have killed me.”

“You like getting your dick sucked?”

“Duh. I wish I could find someone to suck it all the time for me.” He laughed. “How about you?”

Kyle choked on his bran flakes.

Connor patted his back sympathetically. “Kyle, let me get you some juice.” He got up and poured him a glass. Kyle drank it down and then gaped at Connor in shock.

“You okay?” Connor asked.

“Yes.” Kyle’s eyes never left his.

“Now, where was I? Oh, did you ever get a BJ?”

Kyle let out a sigh of relief. “Oh, I thought you wanted me to—”

Connor tilted his head. “To?”

“Uh, when did I get a BJ?” Kyle waved his hand as if he had made a mistake. “Uh, never.”


“No. Or not yet, I should say.” He resumed eating.

“Damn! Well, I’m telling ya give Vicky some thought. I think she would just love to get her lips around that big dick of yours.”

Kyle met his gaze again. “I’ll think about it.”

“Right. Time to hit the books.” Connor slurped the last bit of milk down and set the bowl in the sink.


Kyle waited for him to leave the kitchen, then rubbed his face in frustration. The mixed signals were making him insane. Just when he thought he knew what Connor wanted, he said something to completely scare Kyle back into his corner.
Baker, you’re losing your mind.


They studied for a few hours until they were exhausted and closing their eyes. Connor stood and stretched, yawning. “I am so fucking tired. I need a computer!”

“Ditto. My parents told me to go the library.”

“Gee, that sounds familiar. We must be the only idiots in this state to not have a laptop or a computer.”

“Crap. Don’t get me started. My dad said I’d spend all my time surfing the net and no time working. What bullshit.” Kyle continued the yawn and scrubbed his eyes. “I have got to sleep.”

“You need the shower?”

“Nah, I showered in the locker room. I’ll just wash up and hit the sack.” Kyle shoved his books off his lap and headed to the bathroom.

Connor marked the page, closing his books as the lights came on in the bathroom. He headed to his bedroom, took off his shirt and shorts, stripping down to his briefs. He turned on a tiny lamp on the night table to be able to see in the dimness, set his alarm, then raised his head to Kyle who was standing at his doorway. “All done?” Connor thought he looked so incredibly sexy he would give anything to be bold enough to kiss him.


Kyle wondered what Connor would do if he just walked in there, got to his knees and took that cock in his mouth. “Done. It’s all yours.”

“Why thank you, sir.” Connor bowed comically. As he walked passed him, Connor held Kyle’s waist and spun him around playfully, then continued into the bathroom.

The sensation of their hips brushing together reverberating through his body, Kyle stood there in a trance. The water started in the shower. Kyle made his way to those beaded doors soundlessly, feeling like a jungle cat hunting prey. Those tiny black briefs were on the floor. After swallowing down his nervousness at being caught, Kyle peered through the beads and focused on Connor’s naked body through the misty shower doors. As Connor rinsed his hair, Kyle noticed Connor had a hard-on. When Connor soaped up and started masturbating, Kyle reached into his shorts quickly. He moved his hand in time with his roommate’s and when Connor’s body tensed up in orgasm, Kyle came hard in his shorts. In agony, Kyle had to bite back his gasps with everything he had.

Connor took a moment to recuperate, then rinsed off.

With the spent cum in his hand, Kyle went to the kitchen sink and cleaned up. Angry at himself for not having the guts to make a pass at Connor, Kyle scuffed tiredly to his room, undressed, and climbed into his bed.

The water stopped in the shower and Kyle spotted those fabulous legs through the thin beads once more as Connor dried off and finished at the sink.

The light turned off and Connor leaned naked into Kyle’s room. “Sweet dreams, Kyle. Maybe Vicky will give you a nice BJ in it.”

Trying to see in the sparse light, Kyle could barely make out that fantastic physique. “Goodnight, Connor.”

“Night, Kyle.”


Connor sat on his bed and ran his hands through his wet hair. He hated his life. Here he was living with a man who was everything he had ever dreamed of, and he didn’t have the courage to open up to him, to make love to him. He dabbed at his eyes roughly as they teared up, then clicked off the light on the nightstand and curled into bed, trying not to cry himself to sleep.


Chapter Six

The next morning they dashed around the apartment making sure they had all their things for class.

It was Connor’s turn to drive so they climbed into the MG. “This Saturday I was going to stop at my parents’ house. I figured since Mom’s been good about financing me, I have to earn brownie points.”

Kyle shrugged. “After the game?”

“Yeah, I’d ask you to go, but I don’t want any of my friends to be subjected to them.”

Kyle laughed softly. “No problem. We can be apart for an afternoon.”

Connor glanced over at his slight smile. He didn’t want to be apart from Kyle. At all. “It’ll only be a few hours. I wasn’t even planning on eating dinner there.”

“Do whatever you have to do, Connor. Besides, that’s not a lot of time to spend with them.”

“I can only take them in very small doses. My temperature gauge rises very quickly in that house. I try to go when I know my father’s away on business. He always gives me shit about my hair. It’s like a broken record.” Connor turned up the radio as
Brain Salad Surgery
by Emerson, Lake and Palmer was broadcasted on the Classic Rock Station.

While Connor sang the lyrics he noticed Kyle staring at him in concern. “What? Too loud?” He reached for the knob.

“No. I love it.” Kyle stopped him. After the song Kyle said shyly, “I can have dinner ready for you when you get home.”

Connor gaped at him in surprise. “You don’t have to do that!”

“I don’t mind.”

“Wow.” Connor parked and made sure his student permit was showing, then climbed out. They brushed shoulders as they walked to the building together. Connor had a tremendous urge to reach out and hold Kyle’s hand.

When they had reached a point where they had to part ways, Kyle nodded to him, saying, “Catch ya later.”

Before he vanished, Connor held him back. “Thanks, Kyle.”

“For what?”

“For being there for me.” Christ, how he wanted to touch him, wished things could be different between them. Connor ran his hand down Kyle’s arm.

First Kyle looked at the contact, then Kyle’s grin broadened substantially. “My pleasure. Can I be there for you during lunch?”

“Yes!” Connor laughed, released his grip on Kyle’s arm, and took out Kyle’s schedule to read. “I’ll meet you at the union. I get out a little before you. Oh! Then we have class together after lunch.”

“Good. See you then.”

His heart beating wildly in his chest, Connor waved and watched Kyle go. He was so relieved he found someone like Kyle that some of his loneliness faded away.


With the expectation of meeting Kyle once his class was done, Connor was surprised to find Hannah waiting outside his. “Hi, Hannah.” Connor was about to tell her he was busy when, she clasped Connor’s hand and led him to the back of the enormous lecture hall’s brick structure.

“What are you doing?” Connor took one last look behind him as Hannah dragged him forcefully.

The moment they were concealed from view, Hannah shoved Connor back against the sooty wall and opened his zipper, yanking his jeans down his hips. “I want you,” she crooned.

Intense fear and anxiety overwhelmed Connor. Once again the lie of his true sexuality and his reputation was about to be tested. When Hannah’s hands wrapped around his cock, Connor closed his eyes and tried to think of Kyle, and only Kyle.

She stuck his cock in her mouth and sucked it. A small gasping sound passed from Connor’s lips. When Hannah stopped suddenly, he opened his eyes and stared at her smeared eyeliner and messy hair in dismay. “Oh, Christ.” He knew he couldn’t do this. Did not want to do this.   

“Here, put this on.” Hannah handed Connor a rubber from her pocketbook.

About to cry from frustration, Connor looked around the area wondering how long he had until Kyle would come looking for him if he was not at the union to meet him.

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