Unforgiven (Wanderers #3) (15 page)

Read Unforgiven (Wanderers #3) Online

Authors: Jessica Miller

Tags: #romance, #paranormal, #young adult, #series, #wanderers

BOOK: Unforgiven (Wanderers #3)
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“Tristan stop,” I blushed. He smiled and pulled me
over on top of him. “You know you could always bite me again?”

He pulled away. “Ella, I don’t think that’s a good

“You’re stronger now. Can’t I still get into your
mind even though you’re biting me?”

“It’s possible but not easy.”

“Maybe with our connection it might be easier?”

“Possibly but I still don’t think it’s a good

“You also said you could bite without taking

“You’re not going to let this go.”

“Nope,” I shook my head.

“Fine, but if I kill you, it’s your fault.”

“You won’t kill me. Just try not to take anything and
if you can’t resist than just drink.” He sighed and wiped his hand
across his forehead. “Don’t act like you don’t want to.”

He eyed me wearily as I guided his lips to my neck.
He hesitated at first, but then gave in. It was gentler this time.
He bit down slowly and tried really hard not to drink. It took too
much concentration for him not to drink and he wasn’t able to open
up his mind and relax. Plus this bite was not like the sensual
feeling I was used to. I felt his frustration which was just
causing discomfort. “Tristan, just drink.” I could feel him
resisting. “Tristan please, just do it.”

His teeth slid in deeper and I knew he gave in to the
temptation. I had to remind him to open up his mind and when he did
it hit me like a ton of bricks. I saw everything he saw. I felt
everything he did and it was so overwhelming I thought I was going
to explode. Tristan pulled back all too soon. “Ella?”

My eyes glazed over and my body was tingling
everywhere. Before I lost the feeling I pulled Tristan down on top
of me and kissed him with a fiery passion. I knew he could feel it
too. He kissed me back with just as much intensity. I always knew
how Tristan felt about me, but to see and feel it first hand was an
eye opening experience. I felt at peace.




Chapter Nine


In the morning, Dean had all intention of barging in
and checking on Ella, but Josie had convinced him not to. “Dean, I
already checked on them last night and trust me she’s more than
fine,” Josie winked.

“Didn’t know you were into voyeurism?” Dean said,
giving Josie a look that said he was all about it.

Josie glared at Dean. She was not in the mood to deal
with him this early in the morning. “Look perv, it’s not what you
think. I popped in late last night to make sure everything was
okay. As soon as I figured out what was going on I popped right
back out. And let me tell you there was a lot going on,” she

“Please, spare me the details,” Dean complained. “I
do not need the ins and outs of my li’l sis’s sex life.” He
shivered at the thought and Josie giggled.

“I still think we should let the love birds sleep.
Now that our mission is accomplished how about we go out and enjoy
Ireland?” Josie suggested.

Billy jumped on the idea of spending some quality
time with Josie. It would be the first time they would be able to
actually spend time together since she got back. Yes they took
advantage of any available time they had alone, but most of their
time was spent preparing for Jack’s attack and then the search for
Tristan. They never actually got the chance to relax and just
. So he was more than happy to take the day and
follow Josie around and do whatever she wanted to do.

Dean, on the other hand, was not ready to go
sightseeing. Not until he saw and spoke with his sister. Despite
what Josie said, he needed to see for himself. He needed to know
his little sister was okay. Plus he wasn’t looking forward to
spending the day with Josie and Billy when he didn’t have to. If he
could he would suggest doing separate things, like, Billy and Josie
go out on their own while him and Cameron took their own private
tour of the town. But that would be too obvious. They would suspect
something and he couldn’t have that when he wasn’t sure

Over the past month, forced to spend so much time
with her, Dean started to see Cameron differently. He saw her more
than a friend. He got to know her, the real her. That was something
he discovered she didn’t show people often. If he could he would
take her to all the places he’s been when he came to visit Uncle
Bobby. Take her to one of the nicest and finest restaurants in town
and show her what a date with Dean McCallister was like. Yep,
that’s what he’d do. He never really thought of Cameron in the
romantic type of way. She was always just one of the guys. But
after last night, when they were forced to share a bed, he knew he
was in trouble. Dean knew these feelings he was having was more
than lust, which was hard to decipher from the lack of
he was getting here in Ireland.

He tried his hardest to be a gentleman and stay on
his side of the bed – only because he knew Cameron wouldn’t fall
for his crap and probably kick him in the nuts if he tried
anything. But after not being able to rest and watching her sleep,
he just couldn’t help himself. He had to know what she felt like.
What it would be like to have her in his arms. He needed comfort.
So he slowly inched his way closer, sliding his arm through hers
and gently wrapping his arm around her. She only flinched slightly
at first, but then she relaxed back into him which I think
surprised him more.

A lot of things have surprised him lately. For
instance – liking Cameron. Dean more than liked her, but he
wouldn’t admit it. He never felt this way about a girl and it
scared him. He was Dean McCallister for Christ sake. No woman would
ever tie him down. He wasn’t capable of being with just one woman,
it wasn’t him. Sure he had girlfriends in the past, but they never
lasted, partially because he couldn’t be faithful. It wasn’t his
fault though. Girls were always flirting with him and enticing him,
making it hard to resist the temptation.

There was just something about Cameron though.
Something that made him want to change, but it didn’t matter. Being
with her wasn’t an option he had. He was sure Cameron didn’t feel
that way about him. He knew the tall tale signs when a girl was
interested and from what he gathered she was not. Dean was the
heartbreaker not the one who got his heartbroken and he had a
feeling if he pursued her she would turn him down and he didn’t
take rejection well. Not to mention she was also dating one of his
good friends, Austin. Dean was many things, but stealing another
guy’s girl was not in his repertoire. So for the time being, all he
could do was sit back, and admire from a distance.

“Sightseeing sounds like a great idea. What do you
say?” Cameron asked Dean, plopping down on the couch next to him.
He loved the way she looked first thing in the morning. The way her
hair was just slightly tousled, the warm color on her cheeks, and
the casual way she carried herself, as if she could care less what
she looked like. Not to mention the short shorts and tight tank top
she wears to bed make her –

“Thinking impure thoughts again?” Cameron teased,
breaking Dean from his daze. His cheeks flushed slightly. “I was
kidding, relax. Why so tense?”

“Don’t mind him. He always makes that face when he’s
constipated,” Josie laughed, making Dean narrow his eyes at her. “I
got some Miralax or maybe an enema if you prefer?”

“Are you volunteering?” he retorted and Josie
wrinkled her nose at him.

“You know what, it is too early to be talking about
bowel movements so how about we move on to a different subject?”
Cameron suggested, not wanting to go down this road knowing full
well Josie and Dean could go at it for hours.

“Sorry and yes. Sightseeing sounds good, but after I
check on Ella,” Dean said, moving so fast that Josie barely had any
time to react.

She blinked and was able to make it to the front door
before Dean barged in. “Dean, if you insist on seeing Ella then at
least have the common courtesy to knock,” she warned, prepared to
do what she had to keep him from knocking down the door.

Dean took a deep breath and raised his hand to knock,
but before he even had the chance Ella swung the door wide open.
“Thanks for attempting to knock. And yes I’m fine so you don’t have
to worry,” she said, with her arms crossed, showing her annoyance
at the disturbance.

“How’d you?” Dean asked.

“One, you’re my brother, I know better. And two, I
could hear you. Not talking, in your head,” she clarified when Dean
looked at her confused.

“We were just coming to invite you to breakfast,”
Dean offered, quickly closing off his mind.

Ella narrowed her eyes at him not believing him for a
second. It didn’t matter if she could read his mind or not he knew
she could always tell when he was lying. “No you weren’t. Nice try.
But since you brought it up I’ll take eggs, pancakes, waffles,
French toast, and some O.J.”

“All that for you two?” Cameron asked, stepping
behind Dean.

“Oh right, I guess I should ask Tristan what he
wants, oops.”

Josie and Cameron giggled. Dean was still on edge and
not ready to just let this go. “Great, meet us in the Café in
thirty minutes. They have a great breakfast buffet,” Dean said,
vanishing again before Ella had a chance to say no.


Dean hopped in the shower quickly before he had to
meet them downstairs. He’d rather go back to bed. Back to where he
had his arms around Cameron and the dreams he had about her. So
vivid and so dirty that when he woke up he had to quickly turn the
other way. He had hoped she didn’t notice, but if she did she
didn’t seemed to be bothered by it. To ease his mind he flashed
back to the dreams with Cameron, going over every little nasty
detail. Envisioning all the naughty little outfits she was wearing
until this no longer made him at ease. “Crap,” he said looking
down. “Down boy.” That was not something he had time for. So as
most guys do in these situations he thought of the one thing that
is a guarantee mood killer, his grandma and her bunions.

Yep, that did the trick. He finished up in the shower
and got dressed to meet everyone downstairs.




“Is everything okay?” Tristan asked as I joined him
back on the bed.

“Yes,” I sighed. “Just Dean being Dean.” I snuggled
up close to him, laying my head on his chest. “We have to meet
everyone downstairs for breakfast in thirty minutes.”

“I was kind of hoping to have breakfast in bed,”
Tristan said, nibbling on my neck.

We heard Josie clear her throat. I turned around to
scowl at her. “Josie!” I yelled.

“Sorry but Dean’s hogging all the hot water and all
my stuff is in here.”

“You still could have knocked,” I scolded, annoyed at
the interruption.

“What fun would that have been?” she giggled. “Morin’
Tristan,” she winked and skipped over to the bathroom. “I won’t
take long I promise,” she sang, closing the door.

I rolled my eyes and got up out of bed. “Hey, where
are you going?” Tristan asked, pulling me back down.

“We have to get ready,” I said, pulling away.

“What’s the rush?” He smiled, running his hands under
my shirt. Before I could stop him there was a knock at the door. I
groaned and walked over to answer it.

“Hey Billy, what’s up?”

“Is Josie in here?”

“Shower,” I said, pointing over my shoulder.

“Is Tristan…” he paused, unsure how to word it, but I
knew what he was thinking.

“He’s fine. Good as new, well he could use a shave
and a haircut, but besides that he’s pretty much back to his old
self. You can come in and talk to him if you want?”

“I don’t want to intrude,” he said sheepishly.

“Nonsense, join the party.” I waved him in.

Tristan was now up and out of bed and when he saw
Billy he froze. Billy stood there not sure how to react. “Tristan,”
he nodded and Tristan did the same. “How are you?”

“Better now, thanks.” They stood still for a moment,
not saying anything. “Ella told me what you did, how you helped
her. Thank you, for everything.”

Billy took a step closer to Tristan and then another,
slowly, until they were face to face. Billy looked Tristan dead in
the eye and for a second I thought he was going to hit him, but
then Billy smiled. “Welcome back Brother,” he said, picking Tristan
up in a giant bear hug. Tristan hugged him back, grinning. I
couldn’t help but smile myself.

“We have a lot to talk about,” Tristan said after
Billy put him down.

“Yes, we do.”

Josie popped her head out of the bathroom. “Hey Ella
can I borrow your…Billy,” she squealed. “Hey babe, how about you
come in here and help me wash my back,” she smiled.

“Josie, we don’t have time for that,” I argued.

“Actually we will be saving time by us showering
together…unless you want to join me?”

“I think I like that image,” Tristan said, pushing me
toward the bathroom.

I smacked him. “Nice try.”

“Billy,” Josie whined. “I’m waiting.”

He turned to us. “Sorry guys,” and with that he was
gone, making Josie giggle and squeal.

“I so don’t want to be in here for this. Let’s just
get dressed and we can shower later,” I said, grabbing my

“I think I like the sound of that,” Tristan said,
kissing my nose.

Tristan and I arrived at the Café to find Cameron
sitting by herself. “Where’s Dean?” I asked.

“Still getting ready,” she said.

“I should have known better,” I moaned. Cameron’s
eyes darted to Tristan and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
“Oh yeah, Tristan this is Cameron.”

He extended his hand to hers, but she hesitated. “I
promise I won’t bite,” he winked. Her expression clearly said that
did not make her feel any better.

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