Unexpected Love (Jo's Story) (2 page)

BOOK: Unexpected Love (Jo's Story)
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“I am going to go up to the bar and say hi to Danny,” Michael says and it makes me jerk back into reality.

“So how are you doing?”  Annie grabs my hand.

“I'm ok, it’s harder than I thought it would be.  But I know it is what is best for me and the girls.  I think being in the house just kept holding us into the false feeling that maybe Jarrod will come back to us.”

“He is always going to be with you, Jo.  He is just in your heart now.  You are an amazing mom and you are doing great with everything that has been thrown at you in the last two years.  You said it yourself, time to move forward.”  She looks around the bar.  “I bet there are a handful of guys in this place that are dateable.  Maybe it is time to put yourself back out there again.”

I just about spit my beer that I just took a drink of out into her face.  “Annie, I am NOT ready to date.”

“Why not?  I'm pretty sure you have been alone long enough that no one would look down on you.”

“What if I'm not ready?”  I set my beer back down and just stare at her.

“Oh come on Jo, you are a beautiful woman who is completely worthy of having a great guy in her life again.  You know that.”

“Do you know how long it has been since I have been on an actual date?”

“My guess, probably before Jarrod.”

“That would be a correct guess.  I mean I have talked to guys here and there since he’s been gone, but in all honesty I have never actually been alone with a guy in a date setting in like ten years.  And I was in high school still.  I am sure things have changed since then.”

“Yes, they have, but you will never date again if you keep thinking like that.” She smiles at me.  “Jump right back into it I mean how hard can it be?”  She looks toward Michael at the bar as I just sit there watching her.  Those wheels in her head are spinning and I don’t like when that starts happening.  Something always goes bad for me when she gets an idea in her head.

“Hey babe, Danny says hi,” Michael scoots back in next to Annie.

“Do me a favor,” I look at him, “Tell your wife whatever scheme she is working on to stop right now.”

“What did I do?” Her eyes get big as she looks at me.

“Nothing, yet.  But I know that look Annie.  And I know that those wheels in your brain are turning and you are coming up with something.”  I point my finger at her hair and make it go in a circular motion.

“Annie, be nice.  No schemes tonight,” Michael laughs.  I take a long drink of my beer and just as I set it down there is a bunch of hollering coming from a big group of tables filled with some of the football team.

“Men and their arm wrestling,” Annie snorts.  “Always making a big deal out of one being a little stronger than the other.”

I laugh, “Yeah but look at the muscles,” I check out the muscles on the winner who is now standing with his back to us.

“You do know who that is don’t you?” Michael looks at us and shakes his head as we are both staring now.

“No,” is all Annie can get out.

All of a sudden he turns around and there stands Baltimore’s biggest name football player, “Jackson Adams.” I barely whisper it out.

“Yep, that’s him.”  Michael laughs.  “You two are embarrassing.”

“Holy hell, he is freaking gorgeous,” Annie is just about drooling.

“Do you need a drool bucket?”  Michael waves his hand in front of her face.

“Here you go guys,” Julie starts setting our plates in front of us and it brings Annie and I back to reality.  We sit there eating quietly.  It is so good.  Annie and Michael were right their food is definitely good here.  I look around and see that some of the football guys are headed out.  I look at the time on my phone.  It is only 9:00.  I am a little surprised, I figured they would party harder being they start their season this weekend.

“All done?” Julie is back to take our empty plates about forty minutes later.

“Yes, and it was amazing as usual,” Michael smiles.  “Should we go up to the bar?  I see a couple stools open.”  He asks Annie and me once Julie clears our table.

“Sure,” I smile and follow them to the bar.  I motion for the bartender to get me another beer.  I watch a couple people go out on the dance floor.  For this being sort of a sports bar they have a pretty good DJ here tonight.  Probably for the party.  I’m sure they paid good money to have this place to themselves.  I look at all the guys that are gathered around the arm wrestling table again and can’t help but laugh.  Takes me back to all the stories that Jarrod used to tell me about the fire station and how they used to waste time doing stupid stuff like that.

“You need to stop thinking so much,” Annie scolds me.

“All good things I promise,” I laugh at her.

“Good, cause I will kick your ass if you start thinking depressing thoughts sitting there, looking like that.”  I blush a little.  I forgot that I had put on this dress.  I know what is coming next.  “Let’s go dance,” she puts down her glass of wine and grabs my hand.  I didn’t even have time to set my beer down and she has me out on the dance floor.  There are a few guys that look like they belong to the football group then there are a few random girls drooling over them.  I can’t help but to laugh a little.  I don’t know how long we have been dancing but I do know that my feet are getting sore in these shoes.  I have not worn shoes like this in a really long time.  I step away from Annie to take them off and next thing I know she is bumping into me and I go flying down to the floor.  I didn’t land on the hard floor though.  I feel someone behind me.  I try to get up but I’m so embarrassed and start apologizing.

“I'm so sorry I didn’t mean…” I look up and see Jackson Adams looking down at me.  My voice catches in my throat and I can’t say anything.  Holy shit he is so handsome.

“Are you ok?” He reaches down for my hand.

I take it, still unable to find my voice, so I nod.  Then I scold myself that is something some stupid teenager would do.  “I'm fine thank you.  I am really sorry I didn’t mean to.”

He shakes his head, “its fine.  Probably those heels,” he nods toward the shoes that I am now holding in my hand.  I manage a smile as I feel may face get flush.  “Are you sure you are ok?” He looks at me.  I feel like he is looking right through me.

“Yeah, I'm ok.”

“Well one thing I do know is that your beer is now empty because it is all over my shirt.  Let me get you a full one,” he gestures toward the bar.

“Oh no, you don’t have to do that, it was my fault it spilled,” I scowl, actually it is Annie’s fault and I look for her but to no surprise she has disappeared.

“Well I want to buy you one.  Can I?”  He looks at me waiting for an answer and again my face flushes.  Damn why can I not control myself.

“Sure,” I manage another dorky teenage smile at him.  I start toward the bar where I was sitting and he follows.

“What are you drinking?” He asks as he steps up next to me at the bar.

“Bud Light,” I say, still trying to find Annie but she seems to have completely disappeared.  I will get even with her for this.  He orders a drink for me and for himself.

“My name is Jackson.  My friends call me Jake,” he puts his hand out for me to shake.

I have to stop myself from laughing.  Like I didn’t know who you were you good-looking hunk of man.  “Jodene, everyone calls me Jo, friend or not,” I smile a little more confidently this time.

“So, Jo, are you always so clumsy?” He gives me a daring smile.  At that moment I know that he knows it was not an accident.  So do I play it cool or rat out the rat that pushed me?

“Well like you said, maybe my heels got in the way.  It has been a long time since I have been dressed up.  Maybe just need some getting used to again,” I smile, happy with my response.  He smiles a great big gorgeous smile back at me. 

“Well, then I am glad that I was there to break your fall so you didn’t hurt yourself.”  He laughs.

Oh crap, “I'm really sorry.”

He laughs again, “Its fine.” He sits on what was Annie’s stool.  “I’ve taken worse hits then that.”  I frown, of course he has.  He is a big name football star.  Why the hell is he sitting here talking to me?  He must really feel sorry for me that he is buying me a beer and talking to me.  “So, are you here alone?”

I hold back a snort, “No, my friend is around here someplace.  Probably hiding because she knows that I will be kicking her ass when I find her.”

He laughs, “I see.  Just come out for some drinks?”

“No, actually her and her husband brought me out for dinner and drinks after packing and moving all day.”

“Oh, well sounds to me like they had your best interest.  Why are you going to kick her ass then?”  He smiles at me.

“Oh, she knows why and that is all that matters.” I smile back.

“Ugh, I hate moving.  It is no fun,” he quickly changes the subject; I think to lighten the mood back up.

“Yeah, what sucks even more is going to from a big house to a duplex.”

“Downsizing! That is even worse.”  He takes a drink.

“Yeah, I have a feeling that I am going to have to get rid of some stuff,” I laugh.  I see Annie finally poke her head out and it looks like Michael has chewed her out.  She walks cautiously toward me as he follows a little behind.  She fronts a nice smile as she gets closer, but she never takes her eyes of Jake.  “Hey Jo, Michael was wondering if you are just about ready?  He wants to get going soon.  He has to work in the morning.”  Jake just laughs at her because I’m sure he gets looks like that all the time. 

“Yeah, I just got this beer so give me a few minutes.  My other beer ended up all over his shirt,” I give her a daring smile.  Her cheeks go bright red, but she still doesn’t take her eyes off Jake.

He puts his hand out, “Jake.”  I can sense that he is trying to hold back a laugh.  He must be used to the girls getting all googly over him.  I can’t imagine how they wouldn’t, I mean look at this man.

“Annie,” she giggles.  I hold back a laugh.  Her response was more teenager like then mine was. 

“Nice to meet you Annie.”  He stands up and looks back at me.  “Jo,” he holds out his hand, “it was nice talking to you.  But unfortunately I have to get back to my party and make sure the rookies behave themselves.”

I shake his hand and he pushes a piece of paper into my hand.  I look at him puzzled as he smiles and turns and walks away.  What the hell did he just give me?  I'm not going to look at it here.  Annie is beaming at me trying to read my mind I can tell.  “You’re lucky I don’t kick your scrawny little ass right here!” 

“I'm sorry Jo, I had to.  I didn’t actually think you were going to fall I was just hoping you would bump into him.”

“You didn’t see me taking my shoes off.  I got off balance and couldn’t catch myself.  I could have hurt him.”  I start putting my shoes back on and finish my beer.

“I'm sorry, I just knew you wouldn’t approach anyone, I was hoping you would just bump into him and then start talking to him.”

“Well, thanks for making me looking like a clumsy bimbo.”  I stand up and motion to Michael that I am ready to go.  I follow them back to the truck and crawl in the back seat.  I am trying to talk myself out of opening the piece of paper, but I can’t I am too curious.


It was great “bumping” into you tonight.  Wanna do dinner some night? If your interested text me 954-723-1643.  Jak


My mouth drops open.  Is this a joke?  Why would he want to take me to dinner?  Should I show it to Annie?  And before I can talk myself out of it I am tapping her on the shoulder and handing the paper to her.  “What is this?”  She asks when she grabs it from me.  I watch her expression as she reads it and I see that shitty grin spread across her face.  “I KNEW IT!” She practically screams.  “Text him right now!”

“Annie, seriously?  It is Jackson Adams for crying out loud.  What would he want to take me out for?”  I take it back from her.

“Because you are a beautiful woman who is available.  Why wouldn’t he want to take you out?  Besides, you think he would waste his time and money to buy you a beer if he wasn’t interested?”

“He bought me a beer because I spilled mine all over him when you pushed me into him,” I snap at her.  “What if it is just a booty call?”

“I bet it is good booty,” she laughs not missing a beat.

“Annie,” both Michael and I said at the same time.

“What? I mean come on look at him.  He is like the most eligible bachelor EVER.  And SUPER hot!!”

Annie has a point; he probably wouldn’t waste his time if he wasn’t actually interested.  But what if it was just for a booty call?  I mean if you look at 90% of the famous men they all have commitment issues and think that the world revolves around them.  But what if he isn’t like that?  I look up and see that Michael is pulling into Noni’s driveway.  All the lights are off.  I look at the clock in the truck and it is 10:45pm.  “Holy crap, I didn’t realize it was this late.”

“Well you spent the last forty minutes making googlie eyes with Mr. Hottie,” Michael jokes.

I just shake my head, “Thanks for inviting me out.  I had a lot of fun.  See you tomorrow?”

“You bet,” Annie smiles at me.

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