Undeniable Love (5 page)

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Authors: Emeline Piaget

BOOK: Undeniable Love
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As soon as I got off from work, I ran to the gym to get a quick workout in. Then ran home and jumped in the shower to relax.  My job wasn’t particularly stressful. It was a much smaller company than the last one I worked for but the environment was much lighter. We had a few major clients and then a bunch of smaller companies.  I loved my job and my co-workers.  Life was really good at the moment. I just needed to relax because I was nervous to be meeting Steph’s best friend Sydnee.  From what Stephane told me, she’s a real firecracker.  Add to the firecracker, the gasoline that is Phil Hartley and there was potential for this whole night to blow up.


I jumped out of the shower, toweled off and ran my fingers through my hair.  Then I threw on my dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt under a gray V-neck sweater.  I splashed on some Acqua di Gio and walked out of the door.  It was about 6:45 when I got to the Gold Rush.  Phil walked in about five minutes after I did, he’d been texting me all day asking about Steph’s friend.  My response every time was, “Dude I have no idea, I don’t remember her.”  It didn’t stop him from asking though.  That’s just Phil.


“What’s up bro?” Phil said, walking in the door.

“What’s up Phil?” I said as we did our typical bro hug.

“Where’s the chicks, dude?” I grinned and shook my head.

“I told Stephane 7, and you know chicks so that probably means they’ll be here in about fifteen, maybe twenty minutes.”  We both laughed.

“I’m gonna grab a beer, want one?” Phil asked.

“Yea, grab me a Heineken.”


As soon as Phil walked toward the bar, I saw Stephane and a full figured red-head that I assumed was Sydnee, walking in. They caught Phil’s attention at the same time. They were quite the pair, both of them exceptionally attractive and extremely different.  As soon as I saw Sydnee, I knew Phil would be all over her.  He shot a glance in my direction, followed by a quick smirk and a wink.  I knew what that meant, “game on!”  I stood up as they walked over to the table.


“Hey Steph!” I said as I pulled her in for a hug and kiss. She giggled.

“Hi Wyatt, this is Sydnee.  Sydnee this is Wyatt.”

“Nice to meet you. Where’s your friend?  Running late?”

“No he walked up to the bar right before you guys walked in, he should be back any second.”


As if on cue, Phil walked back to the table and introduced himself.


“Hello ladies, I’m Wyatt’s more attractive friend Phil.” He stuck out his hand to take Steph’s.  “You must be the beautiful Stephane I’ve been hearing all about.”

“Guilty as charged.”

“Well Wyatt didn’t do you justice, you are quite remarkable.”

“Hey, hey! Watch out there buddy!”  I said jokingly.

“Aww, Wyatt’s just afraid you’ll like me more than him!”  He laughed and playfully punched me in the arm.  I punched him back a little less playfully.

“Ouch!  And who do we have here?” he asked flirtatiously.

“I’m Sydnee, Steph’s best friend,” she said batting her eyelashes.

“Sydnee, you should know that I had a crush on the Little Mermaid when I was younger, has anyone ever told you that you look just like her?”  I rolled my eyes, and I caught Stephane trying to hold back a chuckle.  That was lame, even for Phil.  I was halfway expecting Sydnee to haul off and pop him one.

“I have heard that a few times,” Sydnee said grinning from ear to ear.  Wow, she was buying it.  Stephane and I stepped out of the way as Phil and Sydnee continued to flirt.


“Wanna grab a table?”  I asked Stephane.

“Absolutely, let the blood bath begin!”

“Someone is cocky tonight.”

“No sweetie, not cocky just confident.  Big difference,” she said as she chuckled.

“I like confidence, it’s sexy.” I said with a wink. “You two coming?”

“Yea, we’ll be right there!” Phil answered without even looking in our direction.

“Well I think that’s our cue, babe.”

“I would agree.”


Stephane and I grabbed one of the pool tables along with a couple of beers, well hard cider for her, and proceeded to trash talk and try one up each other for about an hour before we realized that Phil and Sydnee still hadn’t joined us.


“Should we be worried?” she asked me.

“Hey, they are grown-ups.  It’s not my day to watch him anyway.” She grinned.

“Yes but you aren’t the one that will have to hear Syd complain when Phil ultimately breaks her heart or at least scratches it a little.”

“Hey now, why are you turning Phil into the bad guy? I mean, yea, he’s a horn dog but cut him some slack.” Even I couldn't keep a straight face at that one.  “You know what, we may both be surprised and he may end up doing the chasing.”

“Have you seen your buddy Phil? I can’t imagine him doing much chasing.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean he’s definitely good-looking.  Tall, muscular, I don’t see him having any problems getting women.”

“Keep talking about Phil like that and I might get jealous.” I teased.

“Oh, Wyatt don’t be silly.  He’s not even my type.”

“And what is your type?”

“I’m standing in front of him.”

“Good answer.”


I leaned in and kissed her, it was a slow, deep kiss. The kind that typically took a woman’s breathe away. I could tell from her reaction it did not disappoint.  She looked up at me with those big gorgeous brown eyes and bit her lip. I took my cue and kissed her again. This time as we pulled away we heard familiar voices.


“Get a room,” Phil yelled.  Sydnee followed behind, looking a slight bit disheveled.

“Where the hell did you two go?” I asked.

“Sydnee mentioned that she was a fan of Bruno Mars and I told her I had the CD out in my truck.  We went to listen to it.”

“Mm hmm sure.”

“Hey Steph,” Sydnee said interrupting the stare off between me and Phil.  "I just came back in to tell you that Phil is going to take me home. Ok!”

“Um…ok, yea sure Syd.  Just text me when you make it in.”

“Don’t trust me to get her home safe?” Phil laughed.

“Sure I do, but she’s still my best friend and I will still continue to check in on her.” She turned and hugged Sydnee, “Love you, be safe and have fun. Text me.”

“Love you too and I will mom!” Sydnee replied mischievously.

Phil and Sydnee left, and we both looked at each other shaking our heads.

“Oh I’ll hear all about it later,” she said,

“I will too.”

We both laughed and continued on with our trash-talking, pool-playing drink fest for about another hour.


“I guess I’d better head home.  I have a presentation I have to help finish first thing in the morning.”

“Ok baby, let me walk you out.  Let me go close out the tab, I’ll be right back.”

“Ok, I’ll be right here.”


I went to the bar and paid of the tab and when I came back around the corner, she was standing facing the far wall looking down reading something.  I was able to catch her side view.  She was stunning. I couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. I felt like every time I saw her she got more gorgeous.  She was looking at something on the table and ended up dropping a coaster or something. After saying a quick ‘thank you’ to the universe, I watched as she bent over to pick it up. 
Fuck yes!
I thought myself.  She had on a pair of dark gray leggings and a baggy white sweater. When she bent over it gave me a full view of her ass. It was perfect! I instantly thought of all the things I wanted to do to her. This being a gentleman shit was for the birds.  I shook my head to clear my thoughts, but not soon enough. 
  She caught me watching her and blushed.  I just winked, and I walked to where she was standing.


“Are you ready?”


“Ok, where’d you park?”

“Just down the street.  I’ll be ok, it’s really not far.”

“Really Steph? You think I’m douchebag enough to let you walk to your car by yourself at this time of night?”

“No I wasn’t saying that at all.  I just don’t want to be a bother.”

“Steph I don’t think you could ever bother me.”

She grinned up at me, looking at me with those big brown eyes again.


“Steph, baby, if you keep looking at me like that I’ll be trying to take you home instead of walking you to your car.”

“Like what?” she said looking up at me through her eyelashes. 
. If she didn’t stop I was going to take her in the bathroom of the bar.

“You don’t play fair baby.”

“Sorry,” she giggled.

“I better get you to your car.”


We left the bar, and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close.


“You looked cold,” I lied. I saw her grin.  She leaned in to me as we walked.  I got her safely to her car, made sure she buckled up, kissed her one last time and watched her pull off.  As I walked back to my car and all I could think about was that view of her ass. I knew exactly how I going to put myself to sleep.  Dick in hand with ass on the brain.



I didn’t hear from Syd until the next morning.  She called and woke me up bright and early to fill me in on all of the details. 


“Ok skank, tell me what happened.”

She laughed.

“You’re just jealous that you and Wyatt haven’t screwed yet.”

“I am not! Ok maybe slightly but he’s being a gentleman and taking his time, I can’t knock that.  Anyway…tell me!”

“Ok so of course you know we flirted as soon as we got there.”

“Duh, yea I was there. Can we get to the good stuff please?”

“Ok so first he kept telling me how beautiful I was.  Then he started talking about my hair, my eyes, etc.  Finally he said ‘Look I don’t believe in beating around the bush. I’m pretty straight forward and I want to tell you something without you getting offended.’ So I said okay tell me.  He said ‘In all seriousness you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I’m not saying that just to try to screw you. I mean I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t want that but I felt like you should know that now because everything I say from this point on will be with the intention of getting you into bed.’ Steph all I could do was crack up laughing.”

“OMG I can’t believe he said that.”

“Then he told me some of the things he wanted to do to me.  I looked at him like he was crazy, so he said ‘I think you need some convincing that I’m as good as I say I am.'  Then he and asked if we could go to his truck just so he could show me a sample of what was to come if I took him up on his offer.  So I followed him out.”

“I know you are not trying to leave that story right there.  You called and woke me up! I better get some damn details Sydnee Beauchamp!”

Syd laughed at my mini tirade.


“Okay, okay.  So we walk out to his truck in the back lot and I started having second thoughts until I see that his windows are completely tinted.  We jump in the back seat and I was talking about what a nice truck it was and the next thing I know he has me on my back and my leggings are around my ankles.  Steph he went down on me in the back of his truck and it was AMAZING!!  I just knew you guys would hear me inside because I was screaming so loud.”

“Ok, yea I think I am jealous.” I teased.

“So after that sample, Steph I had to take him up on his offer. I am so glad I did!  It was amazing.  He brought me home and I think we did it on every piece of furniture in the house.”

“Remind me to not eat at your table again.”  Sydnee literally cackled at that.


“Funny Steph! He just left a few minutes, ago and I knew I had to call you before work.”

“I’m glad you two had fun, are you going to see him again?”

“I don’t know.”

“What do you mean? You sound like someone with a school girl crush, why wouldn’t you see him again. Especially if the sex was that and I quote ‘AMAZING’?”

“I don’t know. I mean he’s ridiculously good looking and amazing in bed which probably means he has about ten women chasing him. I don’t want to just be another one.”

"I’ll see what I can find out from Wyatt.”

“No it’s ok.  We had fun and I’m ok.  I’ll just let him take the next step.”

“Are you sure? I don’t mind asking.”

“Yea I’m sure. Alright chick I need to get ready for work.”

“Yea me too.”

“Ok I’ll be over later.”

“Alright love ya Syd.”

“Love you too.”


I knew she would have sex with him and yes I was slightly jealous because Wyatt had barely made a move on me, beside those breathtaking kisses, and his best friend nails my best friend in his truck within an hour of meeting her.  Maybe Wyatt wasn’t as interested as I thought.

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