Undeniable Love (4 page)

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Authors: Emeline Piaget

BOOK: Undeniable Love
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I rushed home, jumped in the shower and changed into jeans and a t-shirt.  I threw my hair up in a clip and then went into the kitchen to cook.  I had literally just put dinner in the oven when Wyatt knocked on the door.


“Hey Wyatt, come on in!”  I shouted. I had left the door unlocked for him.

“Good evening beautiful.  No crash sounds, that’s a good sign.” He chuckled and walked toward the sounds coming from the kitchen.

“We aren’t all as talented at dropping things as you are.”

That made him smile. 
Ugh, that smile is dangerous.  I swear it’s going to get me in trouble.


When I first got home, right before jumping into the shower, I'd plugged my iPod into my stereo.  I let it play while I was getting ready and just as Wyatt walked in to the kitchen one of my favorite songs came on.  I didn’t even realize that I was humming along. 


“This is nice, who is this?”

“Oh this is Elliott Yamin’s version of Donny Hathaway’s ‘A Song for You’.”

“Who’s version of who?” I chuckled.

“Wyatt, we need to get you educated in good music.  You need to listen to more than just Creed and Nickelback.”

“I don’t listen to Creed or Nickelback thank you very much.  And I listen to all types of music. John Legend is one of my favorites along with Amos Lee.  I just hadn’t heard of Eli Yamming or whoever you said.”  I busted out in a giggle fit.

“Elliott Yamin, not Eli Yamming,” I continued giggling.  “He was on ‘American Idol’ a few years back.  And Donny Hathaway is one artist that made the song popular.  It was written and performed by Leon Russell originally. Elliott performed it on the show.  I am a music and reality TV junkie.  Just know that now.”

“I won’t hold it against you.  You just can’t laugh at me while I’m all caught up in ‘Ink Master.’  Deal?”

“Deal!”  We chuckled.


“So what’s for dinner?” He asked.

“Pizza and I labored for hours over it," he raised his eyebrow at me.  "I’m just kidding.  It’s a chicken, potato casserole.  My own creation, you’ll love it. If you don’t I’ll buy you dinner.  You get another free date out of me.”

“Sounds like a challenge, game on!”


While dinner was cooking, Wyatt decided it was my turn to tell him about me.  I had been pretty successful in turning his questions around on him, but he was determined to get me to open up that night.

“I wanna know all there is to know about you Stephane.”

“That could take some time.”

“I’ve got all night.”

“Where do you want me to start?”

“Where did you grow up?”

“Upstate New York.”  He laughed at my short answer.

“Ok, can you expand?”

“I grew up in Buffalo, well the suburbs of Buffalo actually.  I lived in the same house until high school then for some reason my parents decided they needed a new house when I was a sophomore.”

“Did you like high school?  Were you popular?”

“I didn’t like high school when I was in it.  I couldn’t wait for it to end but now looking back I really enjoyed it.  I wasn’t head cheerleader popular but I knew most of the people in my class. Reverse that most people knew who I was.”

“Why because you were so hot?”


“Oh you’re definitely still hot.”

“Nice save.”

“I know!” He teased.  “But it’s true.” I blushed. 

“Thank you.  Are we done playing twenty questions yet?”

“Not even close babe.”

“Ha, ok Colombo can the Spanish Inquisition wait until I get dinner on the table?”

“Hmm…it’ll be hard but I guess so.  Need any help?”

“Sure, I’ll give you something that won’t break.  I don’t need you injuring yourself again.  Can you grab some silverware out of the drawer?”

“A man drops one dish and he can never live it down.”


While Wyatt helped me set the table, I took the casserole out of the oven.


“That smells delicious Steph.”

“Thank you, but wait until you taste it.  It’s like heaven hits your taste buds.”


I bet that’s not the only thing that tastes like heaven in here,
he thought.  He smirked at the thought.


“What’s so funny?”


“You were sitting there with a big smile on your face. What’s so funny?”

“Oh it was nothing.  So can we dig in?”

“Mm hmm…try to change the subject,” I grinned. “Be my guest, dig in and tell me what you think.”


He took a bite and moaned.

“This is really, really good Steph.”

“Play your cards right and maybe I’ll treat you to another of my amazing dishes.”

“As long as I know the game, I always play my right cards.” He winked at me. 
Damn him and those killer green eyes.


He spent the rest of dinner grilling me about everything under the sun. 

“What are your hobbies?”

“Reading, watching trashy TV and singing.” 

“Are you good?”

“At watching TV? Yep, a real pro! I can sit for hours on end, never leaving the couch.”

He laughed.  "I'm a Netflix preferred customer."

“No jokester I meant at singing.”

“Oh, that.  Well it’s not something that I do in front of anyone but Syd.  She tells me I could really go somewhere but I’m content just singing around the house or in the shower.”

“I’d love to hear you.”

“A little soon to be trying to get me in the shower don’t you think?”

“I meant around the house smart ass, but if it’s an invitation, I'm not turning it down.”


After we finished eating, he helped me clear the table.  We threw the dishes in the dishwasher and went into the living room to sit and watch TV for a bit.


“So what trashy TV viewing do you normally do on Monday?”

“Monday is Bachelor night.”

“Umm…what in the world is that?” he asked.

“Ok so it’s basically a dating game show.  One guy is put into a house with twenty-five women and he has to choose one to be his wife.  Each week there is a rose ceremony and the ones that don’t get the rose have to leave.”

“Nice!  Sounds like a helluva time to be honest.”

“You would think so.  Those women would eat you alive.  You’re so good looking they would definitely fight over you like crazy.  Talk about entertainment.”

“It sounds like every man’s dream but no thank you.  I’ve had my share of crazies.  What else do you like to watch? What about that Doctor whatever show you were telling me about?”

“Doctor Who!  Love it! It’s really sci-fi, are you okay with that?”

“I’ll try almost anything once.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” I said with a wink.


I pulled up the Netflix on my TV, sat back and we watched an old Doctor Who episode.  I didn't want to watch a new one because I knew he'd have a lot of questions and I would spend most of the episode explaining things but I will never turn down a DW night.  After about five minutes, I felt his arm rest on the back of the couch and then slowly he placed around my shoulder. I wanted to laugh because it reminded me of those boys in the fifth grade that yawn to put their arm around you. It was really cute.  Before long I was cuddled up into Wyatt watching the Doctor.
I don’t think my night could get any better,
I thought. 



I left Stephane’s shortly after the second episode of Doctor Who.  It was an okay show I guess.  It was nothing I would watch on my own, but I’d watch it every night if I could watch it with her.  I just wanted to be near her.  On my way home, I dropped a text to Phil.



Wyatt: Yo! Beers tomorrow?

Phil: Sup bro?! I was about the call the cops on you.  You’ve been MIA since your date Friday night.

Wyatt:   I’m cool. Been chillin’ with Stephane.

Phil:  Damn dude!  That’s some serious chillin’ its Monday! LOL

Wyatt:  Yea, she’s real cool. I like her.  I’ll fill you in tomorrow. Gold Rush? 6?

Phil:  Yea dude sounds good.


I hit the door to my place and my phone buzzed. I looked down hoping it was Stephane, it was Phil again.



Phil:  Hey does Stephane have any friends?

Wyatt:  I'm sure

Phil:  Correction cute friends.

Wyatt:  LOL Idk, probably why?

Phil:  Invite them.  I’m bored and need a distraction.

Wyatt: Seriously dude?  Don’t go screwing her friends and fuck shit up for me.

Phil: Chill dude, I got this.

Wyatt: Yea, yea.  See you tomorrow.


Phil is a good guy, he really is.  He’s been my best friend for the last twelve years at least but he sucks with women.  He usually screwed it up with the good ones and chases after the psychos.  As bad as it sounds, I hoped that Steph’s best friend is a good one because then he’ll lose interest in her within five minutes.



Wyatt:  Good night sweet Steph

Stephane:  Good night Wyat
Sleep well.

Wyatt: You too.  Oh quick question…

Stephane: Yes

Wyatt:  Do you and Sydnee want to meet up with me and my buddy Phil tomorrow night? Maybe play a few games of pool?

Stephane:  Sounds fun. I’ll ask her.  I’ll get back to you first thing tomorrow.

Wyatt:  Alright. Good night gorgeous.

Stephane:  Good night Mr. Bachelor ;)


Damn she had gotten under my skin.  I couldn’t remember feeling like this about anybody in a long time if ever.  With April I had just gotten comfortable, and I was pissed because she only got close to me because she felt like it would lead her to a ticket to the easy life.  Gold-digging bitch! 


I walked through the house and made sure everything was locked up and turned off before I jumped in to the shower.  I was trying to be a decent guy, but it doesn’t mean I wasn’t extremely turned on by Stephane. She was hot as shit.  Sexy shape, pretty smooth, soft brown skin, long hair.  She was fucking gorgeous, and I wanted to jump her every time I saw her.  So I did the next best thing, I jumped in the shower and thought about her and the things I would do to her when the time was right.  The thought of the contrasts of our skin made me harder.  I wanted to hear her moan in my ear when I was deep inside her.  To feel her bite my shoulder from the pleasure. I wanted to make her scream my name repeatedly.  Feel her wrapped around my hard shaft, all hot and wet.  I had no idea just how good it would be.


I had done it once before, the "first" night we met.  That t-shirt and jeans looked so good on her.  She wasn’t anywhere near as busty as April but she had an ass that wouldn’t quit. I personally am more of an ass man anyway.  I mean you throw boobs in my face I’m not going to turn them away, but I really appreciate a sweet ass.  Stephane had one of the sweetest. 


I jumped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around myself and walked into my bedroom.  I picked up my phone to make sure my alarm was set and saw I had a missed call. It was from April.
What the fuck does she want?
I thought. 
I have no time for her shit. 
I was about to put the phone down when I thought about the pictures from Halloween night.  Now that I knew who she was, I wanted to see if I could spot Stephane in any of the pictures.  I spotted her instantly. 
KISS never looked so bored,
I laughed to myself. She looked like she would rather be anywhere else.  I must have taken pictures of people as they walked through the door because I had a bunch of shots of different people on the phone.  I'm guessing she must have caught my eye from the moment she walked in.  From the very first shot of her all the way through the rest of the pics from that night on the roll, it seemed that a pic of her popped up every few shots. 
I wanted you before I could even remember you,
I laughed to myself. 
Maybe it’s fate.
  I put the phone on the charger, threw my towel in its usual spot on a chair at the foot of the bed and jumped in and fell asleep.



The next morning, I woke up got ready for work and as I was getting my cup of coffee ready to go I remembered my text conversation with Wyatt. 
Oh crap, I need to text Syd.


Stephane: Hey chickie, what do you think about meeting up with Wyatt and one of his buddies tonight?

Sydnee: Is he cute?

Stephane: Who Wyatt? Yep but he’s taken. Lol

Sydnee:  I meant his friend smart ass, you wake up like that don’t you?!

Stephane: Yep.  You of all people should now me by now.

Sydnee:  Lol!  I do. What time are we doing this?

Stephane: Idk, I’ll find out

Sydnee: Ok, let me know.  I’m game.

Stephane: Ok ttyl

Sydnee: ttyl


I grabbed my cup of coffee and left for work. I figured I would text Wyatt when I got to the office.  I really needed to focus today because we had to get this project off the ground.  The best part of my job was that I got to be on my computer and my phone pretty much all day, so I can do a bit of personal stuff without it being too obvious.  This campaign was all about attracting younger business.  The corporate world was finally realizing that people under 40 had disposable income and liked to travel and dine out or at least it was going to be if I could get into it.  I was pulling into the parking garage when my phone chirped.
I need to put that on vibrate.
I parked then pulled it out of my purse to see who it was.  I figured it was Sydnee just eager to make Wyatt’s buddy her next victim.



Wyatt: Good morning beautiful

I blushed.

Stephane: Good morning to you

Wyatt: Hope you have a good day.  Am I going to get to see you later?

Stephane: I was getting ready to text you about that.

Wyatt: Are you ditching me already? Do I need to get stitches in my leg this time?

Stephane: Haha! No silly.  I was going to ask where and what time. Sydnee said she’s up for it.

Wyatt: Sweet.  Gold Rush on Elliston, 7.

Stephane: Great! See you there.

Wyatt: Can’t wait beautiful



I got to my desk just as we finished up our conversation.  I shot a quick email to Syd.


November 5, 2013 at7:57 am

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: tonite


Hey Syd,

Gold Rush 7 pm. Wanna meet there or my house?



I gathered with Leslie and two of my other co-workers in the conference room.  I was the lead on the project this time.  We spent about two hours working before Leslie and another girl, Sherry needed a smoke break.  I used that time to check my email.


November 5, 2013 8:17 am

From:[email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: RE: tonite


Sounds good chickadee.  We’ll meet up at your place after work.  Hope the friend is cute.   See ya.




November 5, 2013 at11:13 am

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: RE: RE: tonite


Alrighty!  See ya then!




We spent the rest of the morning brainstorming and I think we came up with some really good ideas.  The next step was to put our ideas into a presentation.  I nominated Patrick to present our ideas in the big meeting and the rest of the group agreed. I have always been terrified of public speaking.  Plus he was animated and usually did a really good job with those things.  We broke for lunch and planned to put everything in a power point presentation that afternoon.  I checked my email to make sure I hadn’t received anything from Syd then checked my phone. I intentionally left it in my top desk drawer because if I hadn’t I would have been checking it constantly for messages from Wyatt.  I had three missed messages.



Wyatt:  Hey you, any word from Sydnee



Wyatt: I know you’re busy, just wanted to say I hope I get to see you tonight



Wyatt: Thinking about you ;)


I melted a bit. Things are always fun when it’s new and it was still really new. I wanted to be cautious but at the same time I already knew that I was going to fall for him.



Stephane:  Hi! 

Wyatt: Hey! How’s your day?

Stephane:  Pretty good!  Got some important stuff accomplished.  That’s a plus.  We are all set for tonite.

Wyatt: Sweet!

Stephane: You just want to meet Syd and see who the hotter friend is.

Wyatt:  Baby I already know you’re the hotter friend.

That sent a shiver through my body.


Stephane:  You’re just trying to butter me up so I won’t beat you in pool.

Wyatt:  I have other ways to butter you up

Stephane: Oh really?  You beat me and you might have to show me.  I’m definitely a sore loser.

Wyatt:  lmao, even if I lose I’ll butter you up.

Stephane: I think you are trying to distract me from work.

Wyatt: Is it working?

Stephane: I’ll never tell ;)

Wyatt:  Spoiled sport!

Stephane: Lol, that’s me!  A sore loser and spoiled sport.  One that’s going to kick your ass tonight.

Wyatt: Wtf Steph, you’re cursing now?

Stephane: You should know I mean business then, lmbo

Wyatt: Ok game on baby! Lol!  See ya later. I’m heading back in to the office.

Stephane:  Ok, I need to grab a bite. See ya later.


I grabbed a quick bite and went back into the conference room with Patrick, Leslie, Sherry and Ashley to get to work.  We spent the afternoon as planned putting our ideas into a power point slides and should be finished by tomorrow morning.  The actual presentation for our bosses was Friday morning, so we would finish well ahead of schedule.  We would use the rest of the time fine tuning Patrick’s talking points. 

I would also spend some time researching other chains similar to ours to see what they have done in the past. What has worked and what hasn’t.  The great thing about social media is that everything is right in front of you to find if you know where to look.  The bad thing about social media is that everything is right there in front of you if you know where to look.  When it was time to get off, I thanked everyone for their hard work and walked to my desk to grab my things to leave.  Ashley, the newest girl in the office, was walking behind me talking on her phone.  She must have been talking to her boyfriend or whoever because she was obviously upset but trying to talk in a hushed tone.  As soon as I reached my desk I heard her yell, “You’re such a fucking asshole.  I hate you!” 
I would never bring my personal life to work like that
, I thought.  I would later eat my words.  I walked out of the office feeling bad for Ashley.  


I jumped into the car and plugged up my iPod, I needed to get Ashley out of my head and get ready for a fun night with my best friend, a hot guy and his best friend.  I had a feeling it would be quite a night.

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