Uncovering His SECRET

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

BOOK: Uncovering His SECRET
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#5 of Corrigan & Co.

Crystal Perkins

Copyright © 2015 by Crystal

Cover Design by Helen Williams


Formatting by Jesse Gordon


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Uncovering His SECRET

books by Crystal Perkins
























the Author

About Uncovering His

She’s heading
back to her past to save her first love…

Eleven years ago,
Tegan Kelly escaped a fate worse than death with the help of a secret
society of women. In order to save the only man she’s ever loved,
she’ll have to face her old demons, and all of the names she never
wants to be called again.

He can’t
forget the girl who betrayed him and then left…

Caleb Hall has
never recovered from the cracks Tegan Kelly left in his heart when
they were both sixteen. He shunned her then, and wants to hate her
now when he finds out just how much she kept from him. But old love
is strong, and he realizes that maybe there’s more to their
original story than he’s let himself believe.

First love is
turning into forever love, but the SECRET Tegan kept from Caleb isn’t
the only one they’re hiding. Can they move on from the past, or
will uncovering it all cause them heartbreak once again?

Other books by
Crystal Perkins

Griffin Brothers series

For Love (The Griffin Brothers #1)

Our Love (The Griffin Brothers #2)

A Love (The Griffin Brothers #3)

To Love (The Griffin Brothers #4)

The Love (The Griffin Brothers #5)

On Love (The Griffin Brothers #6)

Their Love (The Griffin Brothers #7)

& Co. series

Her SECRET (Corrigan & Co. #1)

the SECRET (Corrigan & Co. #2)

Rocking a SECRET (Corrigan & Co. #3)

in SECRET (Corrigan & Co. #4)

Publicly, The
Corrigan & Co. Foundation has been supporting women for years.
Secretly, five powerful women led by Jane Corrigan have recruited ten
agents, sending them to rescue women and children in need, and take
down those who exploit the weak. This secret society of women all
have unique skills they’ve brought to the foundation. Additionally,
they’ve all had training in weapons, etiquette, martial arts,
technology, and languages. Helping out friends and family of their
five mentors from time to time is something they were told to expect.
What they didn’t plan for is falling in love.

About the Corrigan & Co. Foundation and the Society:

• Mitchell Corrigan created the Corrigan & Co. Foundation
for his wife as part of his company ten years ago. He stipulated that
the foundation would continue as long as there is a Corrigan woman to
oversee it.

• Jane Corrigan, Cyndi Evans, Maggie Griffin, Mallory Daniels,
and Helen Wilson are the founders of the secret society within the
foundation. They focus on helping women and children, but take on
other missions from time to time.

• While they assist government and private organizations on a
regular basis, they only take referrals for private missions.

• Each founder has recruited, and mentors, two agents.

• The company was founded in Chicago, but has now moved to Las
Vegas, where Mitchell was born. On his deathbed, he asked his
grandson to move the company headquarters to help revive the economy
in his hometown. There are satellite offices all over the world.

• Jane’s grandson, Matt, who is President and CEO of
Corrigan & Co., knows of the society. His friends Nathan and
Aiden, who he brought in when they all left the military, know as
well. This was a decision by the five women when they needed help on
a mission that went bad. They do not know all mission details, but
help when they are asked.

For The Friends of the Society,

for all of your support,
input, and love of my books!



Reina and Matt’s
wedding was everything we all knew it would be—full of unspoken
love, and fake romance. It wasn’t the wedding Reina dreamed of as a
little girl, and that’s exactly the way she wanted it. She loves
Matt more than life itself, and he loves her just as fiercely. But
since he won’t admit that, she made sure that none of what happened
yesterday was real. They’re really married, but that’s about it.
She wore a dress she could tolerate, yellow diamonds she couldn’t,
and a smile that anyone with half a brain could tell was fake.

They didn’t even take
a real honeymoon, which is why I’m walking to Reina’s office
right now. She called and said that there was someone coming in who
needed our help. I just got done with my suspension from missions, so
she was offering it to me first. All I know is that it’s some kind
of personal protection job.

I walk into the office
and stop dead in my tracks. The woman in the chair sees me at almost
the exact moment I see her and rockets to her feet as she does.


“Hello, Mrs. Hall.”

“You two know each
other?” Reina asks.

“Yes. We do,” I
say, trying not to show any emotion.

“She can’t be the
one. She can’t help. My son would never believe I hired her as my

“Son? This is about

“That’s none of
your business. You made sure of it when you cheated on my son and
broke his heart.”

“I didn’t cheat on
Cal, and believe me, what he did to my heart was much worse.”

“People saw you leave
that bedroom in your bra and panties.”

“That may very well
be, but no one saw what happened in that room.”

“Greg told Caleb what

“Don’t sugarcoat it
for my benefit. He told the whole town what he wanted them to hear.
That doesn’t mean it was the truth.”

“I want to believe
you, Tegan, I do. You were like a daughter to me for so many years.
But you weren’t yourself after that night, and you didn’t try to
defend yourself. The girl I knew wouldn’t have let it all go so

“Yeah, well, when
they boy I loved more than life itself called me a slut without even
giving me that chance to defend myself, it kind of broke me.”

And nothing and no one
have ever been able to put me back together. Not only because of what
Caleb did, how he believed someone else over me. But because of what
happened after. And what would’ve happened if Cyndi Evans hadn’t
saved us. Because as a sixteen year old girl, what my parents had
planned for me was out of my control, but would’ve destroyed me for

I have control now,
though, and years of ignoring that stupid ‘S’ word people like to
throw around like it’s nothing. Like it doesn’t hurt a girl to be
called that. Even if she does enjoy sex. Or if she’s just using sex
to try and get over a boy, or the hurt he’s caused her.

“If Caleb’s in
danger, I’m doing this mission. I may not be able to be the point
person, but I’m going to be there as back-up.”

“Teeg, are you sure?”

“Yeah, Reina. I am.”

It’s time for me to
go home and confront my demons. And maybe even the Devil himself. I
have to do it because despite my scarlet “S” and the hate Caleb
spewed at me all those years ago, I still love him. God help me, but
no one has been able to make me forget him, and what could’ve been.
I gave up hoping that we’d be together years ago, but I can make
him listen to me now when he wouldn’t back then. I’ll hold him at
gunpoint if I have to, but he
listen to me. And maybe I’ll even let him meet our son.

* * *


My mom is so worried
about me and the stupid threats I’ve been receiving that she’s
off in Las Vegas hiring me some private security. I’m not
interested in any of that shit. It’s a coward who writes a note
telling me to scrap my deal or else. Or else, what? Face me like a
fucking man—or woman—if you want to be taken seriously. I’ve
worked too hard on everything to give in either way, but writing me a
note isn’t going to have me shaking in my boots.

The woman in my life is
worried, though, so I’ll play along. Well, I should say the
woman in my
life is worried. Delia’s been in my bed almost every night for the
past year, but she’s just a diversion. The ring on her finger makes
her—and everyone else—think I’m over the girl whose name is
only whispered in our small town. The girl who betrayed me and threw
away the love I thought we felt for each other.

I’ll say her name,
because just like whoever’s threatening me, she’s too chicken to
show her face around here. Which saves me from having to ignore her,
because God knows if she was in front of me, I couldn’t hide the
fact that she’s still “The One.” But that will never happen.
Not after what she did to me. Just thinking about it makes my anger
flare up. Tegan Kelly can suck my dick—and from what I’ve heard,
she probably would, without even knowing it was me.



It’s time to come
clean with my friends. Not about my son, Ethan—they all know and
love him already. No, I need to come clean about where I’m from and
why I’ve hidden it from everyone for so long. All the mentors know,
and so does Bradley Hall. He helped me get out of Hell, otherwise
known as the town I grew up in, and now he’s here in Vegas
overseeing the literacy project Scott Griffin convinced him bring to
town for his wife, Yasmin.

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On Rue Tatin by Susan Herrmann Loomis