Uncovering His SECRET (10 page)

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

BOOK: Uncovering His SECRET
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“You fed our son from
these, didn’t you? That’s where these sweet little lines came


“I love them even
more now,” he tells me as he finally takes a nipple in his mouth
and sucks hard.

He adds his teeth to
the mix, and I lift off the couch. If he keeps this up, I’m
probably going to come before we even get to one of the main events.
I feel him smile across my skin as he gives the other nipple the same
treatment. He knows exactly what he’s doing to me.

My ribs gets a few
nibbles on them, and then the stretch marks on my stomach get the
same reverence that my breasts did. I’m nearly incoherent by the
time he bites my hip. He stops and looks down at my pussy as I widen
my legs to show him how wet it is.

“Do you remember the
first time I went down on you, Tegan?”

“The barn.”

“You screamed so loud
that I thought every ranch hand would come running.”

“They did.”

“And you told them
you’d seen a spider. Like you were ever scared of a spider.”

“Would you rather I
told them that you made me scream like that by eating my pussy?”

“As a fifteen year
old boy? Hell yeah, I would’ve loved it.”

“Are you going to
make me scream again, Cal?”

“Once I’m done with
the rest of you, I sure am.”

“The rest of me?” I
ask on a groan.

I’m more than ready
to have his mouth on me. Or mine on him. I’m not picky. I reach for
his jeans, but he pulls back.

“Not your turn yet,
naughty lady.”

“You don’t want me
to be naughty?” I ask, pouting.

“Trust me, I’m
looking forward to all the naughty things you have planned for me,
but I haven’t finished claiming all of you, yet. You told me to
make you mine, and I intend to.”

He turns me over and
kisses me all over the globes of my ass. He always loved my ass, and
it seems like nothing’s changed. Well, it’s a little bigger, but
he doesn’t seem to mind that at all.

After my legs and feet
have been conquered, he flips me back over and starts working his way
back up to where I know he wants to go. He wants it just as much as I
do. I see it in his eyes when he gets there and looks up at me.

He keeps eye contact
with me as he gives me one long lick up my center. I bite my lip, and
force myself to maintain eye contact. I want to watch. I
to watch as he twirls his tongue around my clit before plunging it
inside of me.

I hold on as long as I
can, but once he plunges his fingers inside of me and uses his tongue
exclusively on my clit, I’m done. I give him the screams he wants,
and he rewards me by taking me over two more times in a matter of

“You’re mine, Tegan

“Always,” I tell
him as I rear up, and push him down onto his back. It’s my turn

“Have at me.”

I smirk as I get his
jeans and boxers off. He still wears boxers, and I love that one
thing I knew about him is still the same. “I plan to.”

I lick my lips as I
lean over, and he sucks in a breath. I ignore his hard cock, though,
and place kisses all over those mouth-watering abs of his. I had a
glimpse of them the other day when he was wrestling with Ethan and
his shirt got pulled up. I nearly orgasmed from the sight. Besides,
he needs a little torture, too.

“So you
checking me out the other night. I knew it.”

“You don’t want me
checking you out?”

“The fuck I don’t.
I want you so crazy for my body that you can’t control yourself.”

“You were controlling
me pretty well a few minutes ago,” I remind him as I bite into his

I’ve always loved his
arms. I’ve loved watching him work the ranch with his muscles
flexing, and then having him wrap them around me. Tonight, I want
them wrapped around me as I sleep. That will be hours from now, so I
get back to my fun.

Licking my way down his
“happy trail,” I reach my destination. Or rather, it reaches me.
That cock—the first cock I’ve ever known, and the only one I
still fantasize about—jerks up as I move over him. I kiss the tip,
earning a groan from Caleb.

I torture him a little
by just kissing up and down every side. He can’t stop himself from
moving under me. When I can’t take it anymore, I plunge my mouth
onto him, taking him as far as I can down my throat.

me, Tegan. Holy. Shit. Fuck.”

I don’t let his
continuing stream of curse words stop me, or even slow me down. I
suck him hard and then roll his balls in my fingers. I move to
straddle one of his thighs, and I know he feels the moisture pouring
out of me when he starts moving it under me. I moan as he rubs
against me while I suck him off.

“Damn, it’s hot to
see you getting off on sucking me, Teeg.”

I suck him harder and
ride his thigh for a few more minutes before he’s coming in my
mouth. As the hot liquid shoots down my throat, I feel myself
cresting again. I come while sucking on his tip, and then collapse
onto his chest.

“I think you’re
going to kill me tonight, Cowboy.”

“As long as you’re
riding me hard when it happens, I’ll willingly go right along with

“We should go
upstairs. I don’t know what time Ethan’s going to come home in
the morning.”

“Your bed or mine?”

“What if I meant that
we should go into our separate beds?”

“You didn’t.”

“Tonight, we’ll go
to your room,” I tell him as I stand up.

My room is too personal
to take him into right now. I’m not ready for him to see how I
decorated it, or that there’s so much of the boy he once was in
there. I can’t give him that power over me yet.

“Let me grab you some
food, and I’ll meet you up there.”

“You don’t have to.
I can get it myself.”

“I’m going to take
care of you, Tegan. My son told me tonight that he thinks I can do a
better job than him, and I want to live up to that.”

“For him.”

“For both of you. I’m
going to show both of you that you can count on me.”

“I love you, Cal. I
never stopped.” I probably shouldn’t admit that so soon, but I
can’t help myself. I need him to know.

“I didn’t either. I
love you too, Teeg.”



This last week has been
pretty much a dream come true. I’ve got an amazing son, who’s
finally calling me “dad.” The woman I’ve loved most of my life
is in my bed every night. I’m working in a state of the art lab,
where I’ve been able to do the final tests on my formula. And I’m
acquiring a group of friends who love my woman and son almost as much
as I do. Life is good, but not great.

Tegan still won’t
sleep with me in her room. She hasn’t even shown me her room yet.
It probably shouldn’t be bothering me so much, but it is. I don’t
want just a part of her. I want it all. I think we could have it this
time around. If she’d just let me all the way back in.

“Hey,” the subject
of my thoughts says, walking into the lab.

“Hey yourself.”

“Liv just went into
labor. I’m heading over there soon since I wanted to be at the
hospital when Yasmin’s discharged. Do you want me to get some
flowers or balloons or something, from you?”

“You could just get
something from the three of us.”

“Oh. Yeah, I guess I

“Are you ever going
to let me all the way in, Teeg?”

“I want to. I’m
just scared. I don’t know if I could survive you leaving again. And
I have more than just me to think about this time.”

“You had more than
just yourself last time as well.”

“And I made the
choices I had to in order to protect our son.”

“I’d like to know
about what happened after you left. If you want to tell me.”

“Just after I left?
Not before?”

“I’m not sure I’ll
ever be able to talk about you and Greg. But I’m letting it go
because I want a future with you. The future that should’ve been
our past, too. Could’ve been if you’d just told me you were

“Are you going to
ever be able to let that go? It’s a bigger issue than what happened
at that stupid party.”

“I’m willing to
try. I am trying. So will you please tell me?”

She takes a deep breath
and then walks over to sit cross-legged on the only table in the room
without bottles and test tubes covering it. “Okay, but I have to
tell you first that I was going to tell you that night. The night our
lives went to Hell. Or at least the night mine did.”

“Then why did you
sleep with him?” I know I said I didn’t want to talk about it,
but I have to ask.

“I didn’t.”

“Oh come on, Tegan.
Everyone saw you leave his room with no clothes on.”

“I had on a bra and
panties on when I left that room.”

“So much better,” I
say, rolling my eyes. “You really expect me to believe you didn’t
have sex with Greg. He swears you did.”

“And I swear that I
didn’t. Apparently his word holds more weight than mine, but I
already knew that. You wouldn’t have called me a slut, or a whore,
every day for the weeks I stayed around if it didn’t.”

“Don’t put this on

“But it is. Your
behavior is on you, Cal. You blindly believed what someone else told
you about me. Despite all the love I had shown you every single
fucking day. You didn’t even ask me what happened. You just
believed him. That’s not even one percent on me because I
gave you a reason to doubt me.”

Her words hit me like a
punch to the gut. But I’ve felt my righteous anger over that night
for too long to doubt myself now. If I did that, I’d have to admit
what my uncle told me. I might have been the one to destroy what we
had. I don’t want to think about what that says about me, and how
insecure I was back then, so I don’t.

“I just want to talk
about after.”

“Of course you do,”
she says shaking her head. “I found out I was pregnant, and like I
said, I was going to tell you. I knew I should’ve been scared, but
I wasn’t. I was so happy to be having your baby. I knew you’d be
happy, too, even if it did derail your plans a little. You always
talked about us being together forever, and I believed that too.

“The night that shall
not be talked about happened, and things changed for me. I didn’t
want to tell my parents. I knew, without your support, they wouldn’t
let me keep the baby. They could barely manage to feed me. I was
getting sick so much that my mom started to notice. She thought at
first that it was just heartbreak, which she felt I deserved. In
fact, I’m surprised that there wasn’t a red “A” sewn into all
my shirts when she did my laundry. Anyway, she figured it out that
second week, and told me I was going to get rid of it—of him. I
told her no, but I was sixteen. I had no say over my body. She made
an appointment at a women’s clinic in Houston. I wanted to run
away, but my parents never let me out of their sight for those few
days. I missed school even, so they could watch over me.

“What she didn’t
know is that I’d been to that clinic already, and the head doctor
there knew I wanted my baby. She saw my name on the appointment list
and contacted a friend of hers, Cyndi Evans. She knew that Cyndi was
working with friends to help women and children, and she asked her to
help me. When we showed up to the appointment, Cyndi was waiting. She
offered my parents more money than they could ever hope to have, in
exchange for turning over custody of me to her.”

“That’s how they
got the money to fix up the farm and make it profitable again?”

“Yes. They happily
took her money, and gave me—and Ethan—away. Cyndi took me to
Chicago and moved me into her house. She got me the best pre-natal
care available, and brought tutors in to give me lessons since I was
embarrassed about being unwed and pregnant in a new place.

“Brad found out what
had happened when he asked my dad about all the money he suddenly
acquired. I still don’t know how he got him to admit it, but he
did. He came to Chicago and stayed with us. I don’t know what I
would’ve done without him and Cyndi. They believed in me and taught
me to believe in myself again.

“I wanted to join the
Society as soon as it was officially formed, which was pretty soon
after I had our son. Jane refused, though. She said I needed to
finish school and go to college. I hated her for a little while. I
hated Reina, too, since she was allowed to join when she turned
eighteen. Now, I’m thankful, though. I loved my college classes and
the time I got to spend with Ethan growing up. I couldn’t have done
that if I was in training and going on missions all the time.”

“But you did leave
him. Ethan says he’s only been with you here in Vegas for a couple
of months.”

“I feel like there’s
something more that you would like to say, so you should probably go
ahead and say it before I respond.”

She’s right. “I’m
having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that you keep
saying how much you love Ethan, and how everything you’ve done has
been for him. Yet, you left him to come here for your job, and well,
to sleep around.”

She takes some more
deep breaths, and I see her hands clench into fists. She asked,
though. She should know me well enough to know I’m a straight
shooter. I’m waiting for the punch I think is coming, when she
finally speaks again.

“I offered to quit my
job, Caleb. I said I would stay in Chicago because that’s where all
Ethan’s friends were. I love the women I work with, and I owe Cyndi
and the other mentors so much, but I was willing to walk away from
everything to make sure our son was happy.

“He refused to let me
do it. He was only eight at the time, but he’s always known about
what I—we—do. In kindergarten, when he had to draw his family, he
drew a team of female superheroes, capes and all. He told me that I
couldn’t stop helping people just to make things more comfortable
for him. He said other kids needed me more than he did because he
knew he was safe and loved.”

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