Ultimate Surrender: The Surrender Series, Book 2 (14 page)

Read Ultimate Surrender: The Surrender Series, Book 2 Online

Authors: Jennifer Kacey

Tags: #Bodyguard;Adoption;Erotic;Soulmates;New York;healing hearts;kink;BDSM;stalker;red-hot

BOOK: Ultimate Surrender: The Surrender Series, Book 2
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Peppering her ass with swats from light to holy shit she tried to get away but couldn’t. She half laughed and cried and finally wrapped her feet over his legs.

“Say it. Say it like you mean it.
I am perfect
.” She’d have bruises on her hips from the porcelain but he just couldn’t stop, couldn’t pull back, because he knew she needed to know how much he wanted her. How sexy he thought she was.

“I will n-not. Say bad stuff. About my-myself.”

He filled her on every few words, making her stumble over them.

Running his thumb around her lips as they stretched around his shaft, he moved her slick wetness to her tight hole several times. He teased the hole as she moaned and then slid it inside. “Oh fuck, yeah. Come for me. Come on my cock.”

Her entire body thrashed beneath him and he smacked her ass again just to see it get redder. Fuck, he was going to come so hard. But he needed to hear something first.

“Tell me you’re perfect. Tell me and I’ll come all over your ass. I want to hear you as you come.”

“I’m… Perfect…” Her strained admission as her body swallowed his cock detonated something inside him.

Energy pulsed through his limbs as he pulled his cock out and yanked off the condom. Pleasure coursed through his veins as cum shot from the tip of his cock. Stripes of white covered her back and ass, and she moaned on each one. Watching her move beneath him, wanting his cum on her jacked his orgasm off the charts.

He got light-headed as he moaned and rubbed his cum into her skin with one hand and fisted his cock on each spurt with the other.

Grabbing her ass cheek, he spread it wide and made sure the last shot landed on her asshole and then slid down the lips of her pussy. “Fuck. You are perfect. And don’t you forget it.”

He helped her up and showered her, washing her hair, her skin.

At first he didn’t like the idea of cleaning his cum from her body, but then he thought about it being an opportunity to cover her again. “Hell yeah,” he said out loud as he got her out and grabbed them each a towel.

She blinked at him as he dried her off. “Hell yeah, what?” she asked after a couple minutes.

“Just thinking about how much I’m going to enjoy coming on you again later.”

Kissing her, he led her into the bedroom, laid her on the bed, and climbed between her legs to lick her pussy.

She stretched out on the bed, completely relaxed. “We have to get to the clinic.”

“I know.”

“Then why are you licking my pussy?”

My pussy
, he thought. He almost made a face at that word but he kept it under wraps. Barely.

“Because I want your taste in my mouth when we leave.”

“Oh.” Her smile made his chest squeeze again and it actually didn’t feel too bad. She struggled up onto her elbows so she could stare at him. “Are you trying to just keep me in bed so your job to keep me safe is super easy?”

“I thought about it.” He watched her face as she feigned outrage and then licked her from her asshole to her clit as she watched him. “We did promise to be completely honest.” He licked her again. Fuck, he loved watching her eyes go wide.

“But I have to work and you can’t keep me tied to the bed so I can’t leave the condo.” Her words had no heat as she stared at him.

He teased her asshole with the tip of his finger and her nipples got hard. “I know.”

“And you can’t sex me up while I’m working. I’ll be a puddle on the floor and I can’t lose focus like this. Not all the time.”

He gathered spit on his finger and spread it on her ass as he slowly worked it inside her. “Agreed. Not all the time.” He licked her again. “But you have to take a lunch break at some point.”

She collapsed back on the bed as if she were admitting defeat and widened her legs so he could do what he wanted to her. That simple action nearly made him come on her comforter. If he’d have been inside her when she willingly gave her body to him to do what he pleased, he wouldn’t have been able to keep the cum in his body.

He hadn’t lost control of an orgasm in more than twenty years.

His cock jerked and thankfully it was still trapped beneath him. He’d come less than fifteen minutes before and he was going to be ready to go in no time. But he knew she had to get to work and he refused to fuck with her schedule. He stole a glance at the clock on her nightstand. “And just to let you know, at some point I’m going to shave your pussy.”

“Why?” she mumbled. “I have it sugared every few weeks.”

“Because I want to.” Her smile slayed him.

“Then I want the same thing.”

“Maybe I’ve been doing something wrong. I don’t actually have a pussy. Other than right at the moment.” He slid his finger in her ass and rubbed circles around the entrance to her sex.

“Duh. I want to shave your face.”

“Why? Don’t like the stubble?” Rubbing it along the inside of one of her thighs made her gasp.

“Oh no. I like it. A lot. But I like both. And just because I want to.”

He smiled against the lips of her pussy and licked up her juices. “Deal. Now come for me and then we’ll get ready and get out of here.”

“Good thing you fed me a good breakfast. I’m going to be famished by the time lunchtime comes around.”

Her ass contracted around his finger as he slid it in deep and his cock throbbed again. He licked her and sucked her clit into his mouth. “We’ll pick up something to eat for lunch before we get to the clinic. You’re going to have a meeting during your lunch hour.”

“Death by orgasm. Is that a thing?” Her voice went breathy and her whole body shimmied as she reached for her own nipples.

“Maybe.” He fucked her ass slow and steady and breathed against her pussy. “And what a way to go.”

Chapter Eleven


Campbell had been roped into helping Natalie countless times before at the clinic and she knew why. Angela always batted her pretty eyelashes at him and he couldn’t say no to Clay’s wife. Had it irked her that he’d say yes to Angela even when he hadn’t wanted to be there? Yes.

She’d always assumed he’d been less than pleased to have to give up time helping her because it cut into his womanizing time. Prickly toward him in the past when he’d shown up had been an understatement.

But today?

Helping was different. Her attitude was different toward him.

He seemed different too, and she didn’t want to think it was because she’d let him in her pants. Well. Rainbow panties, but that’s just semantics.

And what about the shower?
her subconscious coughed up.

That was just pure debauchery and she would fully admit to wanting more of it.

Of him.

A lot more.

And she also didn’t want to think he was always awesome with her staff and the patients and the kids people brought with them to the clinic. Thinking she’d been a bitch for no real reason, which she’d cop to sorta, made her feel uber bad. Especially after he’d been so amazing between the sheets the night before. And not even just the sex.

That realization about an hour ago had her wandering in circles. Talk about fucking with her I am an island persona.

Talking to him last night during the movie, him giving her compliments when they weren’t even fooling around, and dumb as it may be for her she actually believed he meant them. Especially with the honesty conversation.

He seemed to take it seriously.

Actually, he seemed to take a shit-ton of things seriously, and she wasn’t real certain what to do with all of that info either.

Believing he was a playboy suited her just fine, which kept him at arm’s length and completely out of the realm of possibility of touching more than just her body. His being a nice guy as well as sweet with dogs named Killer and apparently little old ladies like her receptionist and little children in the waiting room he’d been playing with for more than an hour left her somewhere she didn’t know what to do with.

Somewhere between dumbstruck and hornier than she’d ever been in her entire life was a place she never thought she’d find herself. Yet here she stood, trying desperately to remember what she’d been going to do before she caught sight of tall, dark, and handsome sitting on the floor playing blocks with a handful of tiny humans. He was great with kids. Like totally great. On the way over he’d shared a tiny bit of his past with her. Had a younger sister whom he helped raise before he joined the military. Close with his mom and sister still to today. Lost his dad right after he joined the Marines. He’d said it so matter-of-factly she’d wanted nothing more than to kiss him and hold his hand.

She had no clue what to do with those kinds of wants so she’d said what people normally say. So sorry for your loss. Must have been hard. You were so young. Yadda yadda.

Plus she was jealous of him having a sister. Not in a rival-for-his-affection kind of way because that wasn’t the kind of relationship they had. But just the sibling part. She’d wished for years her parents would have a brother or sister for her so she had someone to play with. To talk to.

When Campbell spoke of his mother and his siblings he did it so fondly. He clearly loved them, liked them, cared for their well-being. Not anything like what she had with her parents.

As if they’d earned that title by anything more than giving birth to her, names on her birth certificate. Unfortunately they weren’t anything more than that.

At least she’d gotten her maternal grandmother out of the deal. She was amazing. No clue how such a wonderful woman could give birth to someone so hurtful.

Natalie shook her head and focused on Campbell again.

He kept surprising her. He’d done it more than a dozen times in just a few hours, which completely terrified her. Not for what she learned but the potential that she’d completely misread him. Terrifying.

“Natalie, dear.” Her secretary caught her off guard and she jumped. “Oh, sweetie. I hate you being so jumpy. No. I hate you having a reason to be so jumpy.”

“It’s fine, Greta. At least I’m still here to be jumpy.”

“I’ll be so glad when that nice young man finds out who’s doing this to you.”

That nice young man.

Meaning Campbell.

Letting her secretary believe she was jittery from the attack the previous day was more than all right with her.

The previous day.

Sheesh. Felt like a lifetime ago. Her eyes drifted to Campbell again, but she shook her head and focused on Greta as she tried to explain something about a computer issue they were having.

Head out of the clouds,
she repeated to herself again. He wasn’t the forever type. He’d already told her as much and they’d agree on honesty one hundred percent of the time. She had work to do. And the taskmaster over there who’d just been dog piled by four-year-olds told her she was leaving at five whether she liked it or not.

Be the ball, Natalie. Be the ball.

One last look as she walked away with Greta was all she’d allow herself.


One more.

But that was it.

But only because she turned the corner.

* * * * *

“How do you do it?” he asked several hours later as he approached her standing in the hall next to the receptionist area.

“Do what?” she asked, massaging her own neck and stretching it right and left.

They’d all been at it almost all day. Thankfully things were winding down but it really had been a busy day. The patients had been coming in steadily for hours. Several high-risk cases that they all took very seriously.

“Keep this pace up every day. All day. I’m freaking exhausted and all I’ve been doing is talking to the staff in between patients and getting the full lay of the land with what services you offer here. You’ve been running circles around me, literally, and you’re not dead on your feet. So, how the hell do you do it?”

“Why I do it is directly equivalent to how I do it. Well, how I keep going with the pace we have here.”


“Do you really want to know and I’ll answer the question fully, or are you just looking for case background?”

“I really care. You’re fascinating.”

“Like a bug under a microscope kind of fascinating or a shooting star kind of fascinating?”

He chuckled, and they both stepped to the side as Cheryl, one of the nurses, scooted past with a purple-colored solution for a mom-to-be’s blood sugar test. “A little bit of both I think, so why don’t you give me the full version and I’ll stop you if I need more or less on anything.”

“Deal.” She thought for a second and returned a wave from the shy mother named Wren who was checking in at the counter. Her heart went out to the woman she didn’t know very much about even though this was the second pregnancy she’d come to the clinic for. Her name was probably even an alias. Wren signed in with a yawn and waddled away with her little girl in tow.

“We’re a full pregnancy clinic here with two full-time obstetricians on staff. Scott and Barbara. One of which is always on call. Plus three full-time nurses.”

“That’s Cheryl, Ashton, and Maria, right?”

“Exactly. And we lucked out with all of them.”

“How so?”

“They’re all bilingual or trilingual, speaking different languages than the other two. NYC is such a melting pot of cultures we could have native New Yorkers, Korean, Mexican, German, French. You name it, I guarantee we’ve seen it here. Then we also have around six relief physicians who work several days a month on a rotation. Those are men and women who want to help but have other positions to maintain as well. We can take any patient who needs our help, even high-risk cases, which is something we were just approved for last year. That was a hell of a lot of paperwork to get through to get the additional funding needed.”

“Why additional funding?

“High-risk pregnancies require more care, more appointments, more sonograms, a lot of the time bed rest, which is hard on the moms-to-be but is what the baby needs. Deliveries of high-risk are much more time consuming as well, involving a lot more C-sections and staff time as well.”

“Sounds complicated.”

“That’s just a tiny bit of it and what our small staff is able to provide to these women with no other alternative is nothing short of amazing.”

“And who’s Dr. Sanchez? I mean I’ve met her but what does she do here?”

“She’s our psychiatrist who works about twenty hours each week. All of the women who come here are required to meet with her every couple months or more frequently if they need it or we see a reason for it.”

“Why do you have a shrink here?” By his closed-off expression and his arms crossing over his wide chest, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out his feelings on that branch of the medical field.

“Most of the women who use our services use a fake name and a bogus address. Some are completely homeless. Some were raped and dealing with the fallout of the pregnancy is too much to bear alone. Some are first-time mothers and terrified, which everyone normally is. Some have greater hardships to deal with. Getting kicked out because they’re pregnant. Losing relationships because of it.” She nodded toward Wren who had just settled in a chair and her little girl named Hazel picked up a book to read to her mother and was struggling to get in the chair next to her. “Some with other children are already struggling to make ends meet. So having someone else here to talk to can help. Sometimes it’s even a life-and-death decision they need help making because the baby they’re carrying isn’t viable. Stillbirths have a high rate of occurrence with runaways and homeless because they don’t get the proper nutrition or care. Dr. Sanchez and Greta also help coordinate adoptions for the mothers who are unwilling or unable to care for their baby after it’s born.”

“Damn. That’s a lot to try to handle.”

“Tell me about it.”

“But you still didn’t answer the question. You said why you do it is how you keep going.”

She glanced at him and then glanced away again. “I once found myself in a similar situation and didn’t have any options. No place to turn to. My situation was incredibly different than that of most of the women who come here but I know how they feel. I vowed then and there I’d make a difference. That I’d do something so other women in the same situation would have somewhere to go, someone to turn to. Empathy is one of the best things I can offer to these women.”

“Kind of like that hair club for men commercial. Not just the president but also a client?”

Natalie took a deep breath and released it, more than a little thankful he made a joke instead of digging into something incredibly personal and painful for her. She found a smile and nodded. “Exactly something like that.”

“There are so many kids here. Like…a ginormous amount, and not just today because every time I’ve been here to help the waiting room is filled with them. Are you a doctor’s office, too? Though I’ve never really noticed sick kids here.”

“Nope. No pediatrics because of germs.”


She smiled and shook her head. “You remind me of Scooby Doo when you ask a question like that.”

“Ruh roh.”

She laughed as the door to the clinic opened and another woman walked in. One she didn’t recognize.

Cheryl moved past them, called another patient named Sue, and brought her into the back.

Natalie moved into Sue’s arms as she moved past. The young Polynesian woman was about four months along and clean for the first time in her life. Natalie prayed she’d stay that way for the baby’s sake and for her own.

Moving back to Campbell, she picked up the conversation right where they’d dropped off. “Kids are unfortunately germ factories. They catch, pick up, and transmit all sorts of things. A lot of the women who come here don’t have amazing immune systems anyway, so the last thing they need is to be surrounded by sick children. So no sick kiddos are allowed inside the office. We have a cleaning crew that comes in every night to fully sanitize everything, but there are some infections we just can’t take a chance on.”

“Makes sense. You’ve got a pretty good head on your shoulders, Ms. Grant.”

His praise warmed her in ways she couldn’t even begin to comprehend.

“Is this the only clinic like this in the city?” he asked.

“So far. There are other clinics, abortion clinics, free care clinics, but none like this with the level of care we offer. We’re an only right now, but at some point I’d really like to set up a second one, and a third and so on.” She gestured toward the waiting room. “As you can see we’re pretty full up here.”

“And it’s almost quitting time for you. I can absolutely see why you would need another location.”

“And a clone.”

He smiled at that then looked behind them. “What other staff do you have? I think I officially met everyone this morning but would love to have another run-through. Maybe a flow chart. People run around like chickens all day long. No wonder some people have no trouble falling asleep so quickly.”

Her cheeks heated and she tried not to smile. Didn’t work though. “If I remember correctly, you didn’t have any trouble either.”

“Nope, sure didn’t.” He leaned in close and whispered in her ear. “And how’s that bite mark on your shoulder? Tender?”

Before she answered him, she glanced around to see if anyone was watching them. “Very.”

“Good. A little distraction never hurt anybody.” He moved back, eyes twinkled with mischief. “So. The rest of the staff?”

Ashton walked by to grab another patient.

Took a minute to concentrate. Names seemed to be eluding her. “Umm…Greta is the secretary and is amazing.”

“Older lady up front who looks like Mrs. Claus and pats my cheeks?”

“Exactly. The other receptionist is Marsha. She does most of the check-ins and filing of paperwork. Jay is our computer guy, IT guru. Nice kid. Wicked good with computers.”

“Yep, met him a couple times before and talked to him earlier. Seems smart.”

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