Twin Cowboys for Tamara (9 page)

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Authors: Gigi Moore

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Twin Cowboys for Tamara
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She moved her head farther down his shaft, sucking and licking her way to the root where she paused and let her light breathing tickle his balls as she deep-throated him.

Jess arched his back, silently begging for more and then Tamara moved again, gaining a rhythm as she added her hand to the mix.

He squeezed his eyes, pumping his hips just once, so close to coming. He
have come if he didn’t cup her face to stop her flow. “Not yet.” He slapped the condom into her hand, watching as she came to her knees and slowly rolled the latex down the length of his hard, pulsing cock.

Tamara reached under him to lightly squeeze and fondle his balls, and Jess lost it, tumbling her to her back and roughly kneeing her thighs apart before he slid a finger into her wet heat to make sure she was good and ready for him.

The scent of her arousal wafted up, invigorating him with a memory of her tangy flavor and making him salivate like the hungry dog he felt like.

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Twin Cowboys for Tamara


Time to get this show on the road

Jess took his cock in hand and steered it to her dewy canal. He nudged her opening, teasing her soft folds with the head of his penis before he drove forward, sliding into her on one smooth stroke.

Tamara gasped, caught his biceps then slowly slid her hands up his arms until she curved her arms around his neck and bent her knees to better meet his thrusts.

Jess lay still inside her for a long moment, acclimating to the warm tight clutch of her, closed his eyes when she flexed her vaginal muscles around him and purred. “Being inside you like this, I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

“Don’t be so quick to find religion and check out on me.”

“Never.” He slowly rotated his hips, all he could do not to piston them and take Tamara and himself over the edge right then. Instead he ground his pelvis against hers for several long moments before he pulled back, leaving just the head of his penis inside her.

Tamara whimpered at the loss right before he plunged into her again, balls slapping against her anus as he gradually built up a head of steam, pulled back and drove into her again.


Jess easily found his rhythm, alternately pumping and undulating his hips, the friction growing between them until Tamara released this primal cry that fell somewhere between extreme pleasure and pain.

She wrapped her legs around him tight, clutching him from the inside and the outside, her entire body quivering around him.

Jess rode the wave of her orgasm and absorbed it, his own lust culminating on the cusp of hers until his raw growl joined her husky pants.

He gathered her close, taking her with him as he turned onto his back. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and took a long whiff of her spicy scent as if to brace himself.

Then his cell phone started ringing.

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Gigi Moore

Jess leaned over the side of the bed to reach for his jeans and extracted the device from the case clipped to his belt. He looked at the caller ID, his heartbeat skipping when he saw The Double R’s
main house phone number on display.

He’d managed to lock out and forget about the outside world—

Bailey, his father and brother—but now it all rudely barged back in to cut short his idyll.

Only if you let it.

“Do you have to get that?”

Jess put the phone back into the case, shaking his head. “You’re the only thing I plan on getting at the moment.” He gathered her close and tumbled her onto her back, the musical lilt of her giggles echoing through his head with the promise of endless tomorrows.

* * * *

“Where the heck are you?” Jax demanded.

“I’m at the Comfort Inn.”

“What are you doing th—oh, wait a minute…”

Jess listened to his brother’s voice drift off and could clearly picture the sly grin spreading across his twin’s face in realization.

“You old dog. Is Tamara there with you?”

“Not at the moment. I’m in the bathroom. She’s in the other room sleeping.”

Jax chuckled on his end. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”

“I’m not a monk, Jax.”

“Can’t tell sometimes.”

“Look, I’m just calling back to let you know where we are so you and Dad won’t worry or call out the dogs.”

“Too late for both of those. The man’s been climbing the walls for the last couple of hours. He wanted me to go to the police to put in a missing persons report until I convinced him that they don’t do that before twenty-four hours unless there’s extenuating circumstances.

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Twin Cowboys for Tamara


Before that he checked the news for anything about hijacked planes and car accidents on the I-70.”

Jess cursed under his breath. Bad enough he had to hide in the bathroom to make a frigging call. But the ol’ man could be so melodramatic sometimes.

Didn’t there being grown entitle them to certain perks, like freedom to come and go as it pleased them?

“So, how is our girl?”

Why did Jax insist on referring to her that way? But almost as soon as the thought formed, Jess chastised himself for thinking it.

They both had considered Tamara theirs coming up. He guessed he wasn’t the only one who hadn’t grown out of the practice. He just thought of Tamara as
, especially after tonight and all they’d shared.

Shared under false pretenses.
“She’s okay. Tired from her flight.”

“And you thought she’d be more comfortable sleeping off her jet lag in a motel instead of back at the ranch?”

“To tell you the truth, I wasn’t thinking. Things just happened.”

Jess winced at the admission of weakness, steeling himself for his brother’s razzing.

Instead, Jax asked, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Just…” God, how could he tell his brother that he had lied to her? How could he tell Jax that Tamara didn’t even know him?

He’d always been the responsible one who didn’t tolerate dishonesty in anyone, much less from those he loved and cared about. His brother would think him a total hypocrite and rightly so.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing important. I’ll tell you all about it when we get home.”

“And when will that be?”


“You mean today?”

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“Yeah, later today. I’ll call you once we get on the road. That way you can put the finishing touches on whatever welcome home celebration you and Dad have cooked up for Tamara’s arrival.”

Jax laughed. “You know us too well.”

“I’ll talk to you later.”

“Later, pardner.”

Jess flipped his phone closed and pressed the device to his forehead.

He had gotten himself in a seriously tangled web here, but he promised himself as soon as he got to the ranch, he would begin to unravel it and tell Tamara his identify. He had to do it before she saw Jax or she would figure it out all on her own. He didn’t know how one way would be worse than the other, but he figured if he’d rather be told than to find out on his own like that. That she had slept with someone who had been nine years old the last time she’d seen him would shock her enough.

But I’m not a nine-year-old anymore. I’m not a kid. I’m a man.

Surely she’ll take that into consideration.

A knock sounded on the door, and Jess leaped from the closed lid of the toilet where he sat to stare at the wooden door.

“Private party, or can anyone join?”

Jess slipped his cell back into its case before he opened the door and gave Tamara a big smile. “I wondered when you would wake up.”

She arched a brow. “You have some sort of plans for me?”

He slid his arms around her waist and leaned in to peck her forehead. If he told her the truth, he for darn sure had to make this charade worth his while before the bottom fell out. “I thought we could take a shower together.”

She returned his hug, pressing her cheek against his chest and making him shudder when her warm breath wafted across his bare skin. “Get clean so we can get all hot and sweaty again and then repeat?”

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Twin Cowboys for Tamara


“Well, when you put it like that, most definitely.”

“I’m in.” She popped up her head to stare at him, stepping back so that he could get a full frontal view of all her naked glory.

She had the most stunning breasts he had ever seen. Round, full and pert, they invited his touch, her erect nipples and areole slightly darker and screaming for attention.

Jess licked his lips and anticipated tasting them as he closed the space between Tamara and him, barely touching her. He just wanted to look at her for a moment, admire her and cherish the moment for its quiet beauty because later on in the day? All hell would break loose.

He re-sat himself on the closed lid of the toilet and caught Tamara around the hips. He pulled her close enough to nuzzle his face against her belly, reveling in the feel of her soft skin and saturating himself with the clean sandalwood aroma of her.

She burrowed her fingers through his hair, fisting a handful before pulling his head back to look at his face. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong, darlin’. You’re here with me.” He wanted to tell her that everything couldn’t be better because she had come back into his life, that he had been
for her all his life.

She cupped his face, frowning, and when she opened her mouth to respond, Jess just pressed his face to her stomach again, holding her tight.

“Make love to me, Tamara. Make love to me all night.”

She grinned. “Sure, Jay. We’ll make love until the sun comes up.”

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Chapter 7

They showered again after making love and taking a short nap before their wake-up call came at eight a.m.

Relaxed in her own skin, but unexpectedly at ease around Jay, Tamara found herself walking around the bedroom naked as she searched her carry-on for something comfortable to wear. Or maybe exhibitionism ran in her blood. She definitely enjoyed Jay’s reaction as she swiveled her hips walking from one end of the room to the other once she’d dropped her towel and left the bathroom after their shower.

She caught him pausing in the middle of pulling his own jeans on, his mouth agape when he visually followed her to the bed where she sat to pull on a blue lace thong.

“You keep walking around like that, and we’re going to wind up back in bed.”

“Have to get downstairs for breakfast and checkout.”

“Yeah, right. Check-out.”

“We do have a home to go to right?”

“Of course.”

She felt his tension as much as he tried to hide it with a grin.

Something went on with him, and she got the feeling that he hid something from her.

For the first time since she met him, Tamara realized that she didn’t really know anything about him despite the fact that she felt she had known him all her life. She realized she made excuses for not being more discriminating with a man she bedded. Sure she’d had one-night-stands before. She didn’t have anything against going to Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Twin Cowboys for Tamara


bed with a man on the first date either. When she appreciated something, she went for it, because she wasn’t into playing coy games of hide and seek. But she’d never been as reckless about sex as she had been with Jay.

She’d just met him.

Now is a fine time to wonder if he’ll respect you in the morning.

“Hey, you’re not nervous about going to the ranch, are you?” He sat down beside her, taking one of her hands in both of his and holding it as he stared at her.

Tamara returned his look, shoulders back, unintentionally pushing one of her best assets in his face. He didn’t move his gaze from her face. She had to respect the effort it took for him not to dip his eyes down to her breasts when she could tell how much he wanted to from the way the bulge in his jeans grew.

She ran her nails across his balls before cupping him and feeling his shaft twitch against her palm. Emboldened and determined to get his attention off of her nervousness, she asked, “Who were you speaking to on your cell earlier?”

For the first time since she’d met him, he averted his gaze and Tamara caught his chin to bring his gaze back up to hers. “Jay?”

“The boss man worried about why we hadn’t shown up as


“I can imagine explaining our delay embarrassed you a little.”

“A little.”

“So, what did you tell the boss man?” Tamara wasn’t sure if he referred to Jeremiah or her dad. The title described both men, officially and unofficially.

Jay shrugged. “I’m entitled to a personal life.”

“I agree.” Should she be concerned that he obviously mixed business with pleasure? Was she just business to him? And if so, what kind could she possibly be to him when they’d just met?

Or had they?

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She considered his blue eyes, falling into them like a deep pool and almost forgetting why she needed to look into them, the mirrors to his soul.

He eased out of her grip and stood up to pull his T-shirt over his head. “We’d better start packing it up. Like you said, breakfast and then check-out.”

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