Twin Cowboys for Tamara

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Authors: Gigi Moore

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The Double R, Book 1

Gigi Moore


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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


Copyright © 2009 by Gigi Moore

E-book ISBN: 1-60601-604-0

First E-book Publication: August 2009

Cover design by Jinger Heaston

All cover art and logo copyright © 2009 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

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The Double R, Book 1


Copyright © 2009


The Double R – McCoy, Colorado – Eighteen Years Ago
Tamara Carpenter would be the first to admit she wasn’t thinking clearly when she dragged Noah Frost out into the barn. Her hot, throbbing core did all the thinking and talking for her, and boy, did it have some things to say about how much she wanted Noah on top of her, inside her, caressing her as he had the first time they’d been together.

Like a strung-out addict, she had been trying to recapture that first tingling blush of excitement and pleasure ever since they’d started seeing each other at the beginning of the summer. She’d finally given him her virginity a few weeks later.

Once Tamara and Noah got into the cozy, dim confines of the barn and closed the door behind them, her lust kicked into overdrive.

She cleaved her lips to his, darting her tongue in and out of his mouth, and going at the buttons on his denim shirt with the ferocity of a raccoon rooting through last night’s garbage. If it hadn’t been for Noah’s earlier voice of reason, they probably would have been rutting Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Gigi Moore

like a bull and heifer in heat out behind the pond. It had taken all her enthusiasm and feminine wiles, such as they were, to convince him to come out to the barn with her instead.

Her teenage hormones had been flying off the charts ever since she and Noah had first made out in one of the ranch’s vacant guest cabins. She’d asked him to come with her on the pretense of helping her get the place in tip-top condition for the arrival of some newlyweds due the next day. She figured they might as well make good use of the time and pretty much jumped his bones before he could turn from closing the door.

Much like she did now.

“Christ, I want you,” he rasped. He kissed a path from the cleavage he’d bared by undoing two of the buttons on her flannel shirt to her neck and nestled his lightly whiskered cheek against her sensitive throat. She shuddered at the contact, the tangy scent of his after shave a pleasing counterpoint to the simple aromas of feed and grass.

“I want you too.” She pushed back from him for the moment it took her to situate herself as sexily as possible on top of a nearby haystack.

Noah paused in the midst of lowering himself to his knees and tilted his head in the general direction of the hayloft. “Did you hear that?”

“Probably just mice.” At least she hoped that’s all the snickering noises above were, but she half suspected those darn twins up to their usual shenanigans. She had half a mind to teach them a lesson and give them an eyeful if so, but she didn’t want to traumatize the young’uns beyond repair. Her lust had its limits.

So with budding trepidation, she let Noah's knee open her thighs as he settled himself between her legs. Hunger quickly replaced her nervousness when he unbuttoned her shirt down to her bellybutton and unsnapped the front of her bra.

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Twin Cowboys for Tamara


Noah braced a hand against her stomach and caressed his palm over her ribs and farther up to cup one full breast. He paused, licking his lips before he bent his head to take one brown, turgid nipple into his mouth. He sucked voraciously before moving to the next, nibbling and licking as he moved his free hand down to cup the heated crotch of her jeans.

Her center ached for him like it never had before. She didn’t know desire could be so painful, make her so needy. Did she feel this way because of her youth or her lack of experience? Or did the inherent risk factor of any minute being caught in the act excite her?

Tamara closed her eyes and arched her neck, losing herself in the feel of his weight on top of her, and by now, had convinced herself that the darkness would keep the boys from seeing anything except indistinct shapes
they indeed occupied the loft.

But the twins became the least of her worries several seconds later when her father burst into the barn in full fire-and-brimstone, overprotective father mode.

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Gigi Moore

Chapter 1

The Double R – McCoy, Colorado – Current Day

Jess Reynolds left his father’s office, all balled up after the news the old man had just delivered in his usual matter-of-fact way.

Her Highness was coming home.

His heart skipped a beat at the thought of Tamara’s imminent return, that after eighteen years of living in the big city, she had finally deigned to grace the ranch with her presence.

Jess mentally kicked himself for his bitterness. He told himself he would have to put his best foot forward and portray his customer-is-always-right persona with the utmost skill. Treat Her Highness like any other ranch guest deserving the best service and care possible.

Except that she wasn’t a guest. Up until almost two decades ago, she had been
, like a big sister to him and his twin brother, Jax, and like a daughter to their dad, Jeremiah.

Then she’d gotten too big for her britches, as his dad and Bailey would say, and caught the first thing smoking out of McCoy to go to law school in New York. Like they didn’t have perfectly good law schools in Colorado, or at least closer than half-way across the country.

Jess shook his head, castigating himself for his resentment. He acted like a jilted lover, which was ridiculous since he had never had Tamara. She’d deserted him and his brother when they’d been nine and just barely over the death of their mother.

True, their mama had died when they’d been four, and they barely remembered her but for the stories their dad affectionately passed on Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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Twin Cowboys for Tamara


about her. But in the absence of a suitable stepmother, as Dad hadn’t dated since Mama’s death, or aunts, since Dad was an only child, Tamara had been the most constant and stable female influence he and Jax had had in their lives for as far back as either of them could remember.

Jess smiled now at the way Tamara teased them after they’d gotten older, about how she used to help change their diapers when they were little tykes. She didn’t let them forget, too, how, she had to catch their naked, slippery tails to dry them off when they ran from her and through the house fresh from their evening bath.

“Catching you two critters wasn’t the highlight of this gal’s life,
I’ll tell ya.”

He chuckled at the memory of her soft southwestern twang, wondered if she still had traces of it after all this time.

Jess decided to focus on the good memories rather than the gloomy ones of Tamara leaving. He and Jax had tearfully clung to her at the airport before her departure, and Tamara promised them to write and call as often as she could.

As often as she could
had been a couple of times a week, which turned into once a week, which eventually became once a month, until they barely heard from her except on major holidays and their birthday.

Jess understood she had nine years on them. She had a grown-up life to live and important work to do with her studies, but as a kid with his first crush, he really didn’t want to hear anything about logic and studies. Back then, Jess's jealousy of the things that had taken Tamara away ruled him. To this day, he saw New York as this big city of wickedness and sin that had deprived him of someone he loved, drawing Tamara away from him and the family fold.

He realized now that he had never gotten over his first crush, namely because he had been in denial that it even existed up until an hour ago when his world caved in with his Dad’s news.

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Gigi Moore

Jess wished he could be as happy about Tamara’s arrival as his dad seemed to be. The ol’ man had sat behind his big shiny mahogany desk with his hands folded across his slight paunch and a right, full-of-himself smile plastered on his face.

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