Twin Cowboys for Tamara (8 page)

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Authors: Gigi Moore

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Twin Cowboys for Tamara
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She bent to reach for her bag, picked it up and carried it over to the bed. She sat down, unzipped her bag and dug into one of the compartments for what she wanted. When she looked up to see what Jay did, she caught the look on his face—not judgmental or disappointed—just a pleased grin.

Tamara grinned too, relieved that she had followed her instincts when she’d thrown the condoms into her luggage at the last minute.

She patted the mattress beside her.

Jay strutted over and took a seat, pressing his thigh against hers. “I like a woman who knows what she wants and goes after it.”

She released the breath she hadn’t known she’d been holding. “I thought you might have a problem with my boldness, especially after that little scene in the lobby.”

“That wasn’t a scene. That was just me being an assertive, take-charge male. And this,” he leaned close and took the string of condoms out of her hands, “is you being an assertive and responsible female.”

“I suppose we all have our roles to play.”

“I don’t play. I’m totally serious about this, about us. Can’t you tell?”

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Twin Cowboys for Tamara


She could tell. And it scared her to death when she looked into his earnest, sky-blue gaze. She had never seen anyone more serious, not even James when he’d proposed. James had been proud and satisfied as if he’d just attained a prized jewel for his collection. He hadn’t been as intense and passionate as Jay. Jay made her feel like his feelings could consume her if given room to breed and grow.

Jay crawled up the bed to deposit the condoms atop the bedside table, and then on his knees, he crooked a finger and beckoned her to join him at the head of the bed.

Tamara toed off her boots and inched her way up the bed. She never once took her eyes off of Jay’s. His focus compelled her and made her pussy shudder with hunger as he swept off his hat and tossed it onto one of the bed post knobs.

She stood on her knees when she reached him. He cupped the back of her neck and pulled her close for a slow lazy kiss that would have knocked her boots off if she hadn’t taken them off already.

His tongue stroked hers, the taste of him heady like an insidious drug, stealing her ability to think, to do anything but accept and enjoy.

Not that she wanted to think. She just wanted to feel, feel him. She’d felt so little in her physical relationships. With James and a few other men in whom she’d allowed herself to indulge, there’d been efficiency and pleasure, but more often than not, frustration and especially a feeling of emptiness, a feeling that she missed something at the end of the day.

Tamara jerked her arms out of the jacket she wore. She couldn’t get it off fast enough. She tossed it somewhere behind her. She kept her lips sealed to Jay’s, meeting his tongue stroke for stroke, loving the sinful, erotic taste of him, the hard-muscled feel of him beneath her fingertips.

He slid a hand between her legs and caressed her slit.

She gasped against his mouth and her vaginal muscles tightened in anticipation.

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Gigi Moore

Jay moved his hands to her hips and guided her back against the bed, easily planting his leg between her thighs. He pinned her beneath his weight as he placed kisses from her chin to her throat and back to her mouth again.

Tamara writhed beneath him, taking pleasure in the sensation of safety and security provided by Jay’s arms caging her in as he braced his weight on his palms at either side of her face. She felt anxious and ready to have him inside her. She’d never been so ready in her life and moaned, her voice rising in wordless supplication that she couldn’t contain.

Jay responded with a groan of his own, reaching beneath the hem of her shirt to caress her belly, doing figure eights around and teasing her navel with his fingertip.

Tamara grasped his biceps tight, just short of digging in her nails, trying to convey her urgency without seeming desperate.

Jay countered by rubbing his knee against her pussy and teasing her clit with his kneecap until she whimpered and wrapped her arms around his wide shoulders to bring him closer.

She pulled back slightly to whisper, “I need you out of these clothes, cowboy.”

Jay looked at her, gritted his teeth before he buried her mouth in another kiss, plundering with his tongue, grinding his hips against hers, devastating her senses with his rough heat.

Had she said something wrong? For a moment, she’d thought he’d been about to object to her teasing pet name. There’d been a flash of something—regret?—in his eyes, and just as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared.

Had she only imagined it?

She took a deep fortifying breath when Jay lifted his head and stared down at her.

“I need you out of these clothes too, ma’am.”

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Twin Cowboys for Tamara


Tamara chuckled and raised her arms as he pulled her T-shirt up and over her head. He tossed it in the vicinity of his hat then ran his hands down her sides until he reached her jeans.

Jay made short work of unbuttoning and unzipping her pants, pulling them and her panties down over her hips and off in one fell swoop.

He slid off the bed and stood before lowering himself to his knees on the carpeted floor.

Tamara watched as he reached for her hips and pulled her forward until her pussy stood poised at his mouth. Her clit throbbed and her inner muscles clenched when he licked his lips.

He hadn’t taken off anything except his hat. Yet she lay beneath him exposed and half-naked, feeling more powerful than she ever had fully clothed in her designer courtroom gear giving a summation in front of twelve malleable jurors.

“I’ve wanted to have you like this, taste you since I first saw you.”

Before Tamara could say anything to this, he lifted and hooked her legs over his shoulders and buried his face between her legs, going at her pussy the same way he had gone at her mouth—voraciously.

She arched her neck at the first touch of his tongue to her clit, groaning, clutching the bed covers to keep from tearing into his hair, or she might have snatched him bald.

Tamara felt Jay spread her labia with his thumbs, running his tongue over her vulva in luxurious strokes before closing his mouth over her and sinking his tongue deep.

She shuddered from head to toe, couldn’t hold back anymore and fisted his hair in both hands, needlessly holding him close. Jay showed no intention of leaving her. He burrowed deeper, upping the speed and power of his thrusts until she writhed uncontrollably and undulating her hips against his mouth. “God…Jay!”

He smoothly replaced his mouth with his fingers, plunging first one then another into her wetness as he sucked and nibbled her swollen clit and almost sent Tamara through the roof.

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When he lifted his mouth, curved his fingers up inside her just so, touched
spot and said, “That’s right, darlin’. Come for me, long and hard. Come for me now.” Tamara did.

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Twin Cowboys for Tamara


Chapter 6

Jess watched Tamara’s flushed glowing face, and his cock throbbed hard in his jeans.

No doubt he wanted inside her in the worst way, that he wanted her in his life like he had never wanted another woman.

The situation demonstrated insanity! He hadn’t even told her his real name. She didn’t know his real identity.

But he knew her, knew every line and curve of her body because he had been imagining them, seeing them in his dreams for almost two decades. He knew her soul.

Jess regretted not telling her the truth, and hoped that when he did finally spill the beans, she’d understand why he’d prevaricated and hadn’t told her the truth right away. He’d explain. She’d have to understand. Besides, he hadn’t really lied to her. He’d just gone along with her assumption—that she didn’t know him and they met for the first time at the airport. What harm had he done?

Christ, he sounded like his impulsive, skirt-chasing twin, and that he would start resembling his twin in character as well as looks didn’t sit right with Jess at all.

Tamara sat up and reached out to cup his cheek. He turned his face into her palm to kiss the soft warm skin there, nuzzling her hand as if he could gain insight and strength for what he knew he needed to do.

He’d almost told her when she’d called him
with that tantalizing, playful edge to her voice. But the idea that she wouldn’t look at him as she looked at him now—like he made up the center of Ebook piracy is stealing. It is a federal offense.

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her universe—stopped him. He didn’t want to disappoint her but realized that he already had. She just didn’t know it.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Not a thing, darlin’. I’ve just tasted my dream come true, and I’m about to have seconds.” He lowered his face to lick her moist folds, the taste of her exotic and stimulating.

She purred beneath him, wiggling her hips before she grabbed him by the ears to lift his head away from her. “I want you inside me, cowboy. Really inside me, if you know what I mean.”

Jess reached for her rose colored, lacey bra and undid the front latch, slowly sliding the straps down her arms before discarding the scrap of clothing behind him. He guided her back against the mattress as he stood and spread her thighs with his knee before bending over her for a kiss.

He teased her with his tongue, darting it in and out of her mouth and dancing with hers before pulling back to nibble her full, luscious lips. “I thought you wanted it slow and easy.”

“Among other things.” She ran her hands through his hair and lifted her head for another kiss, this one making his dick painfully twitch in his jeans before she ended the kiss and pushed him back.

“Clothes off, pardner.”

She didn’t have to ask him twice.

He snatched off his boots and socks.

Tamara slid off her remaining clothing—a pair of blue and brown western theme socks—and lay back in the middle of the bed like an offering. She patted the space beside her.

Jess couldn’t get out of his jeans and shirt fast enough, leaving a puddle of clothes, underwear and boots at his feet before climbing onto the bed between Tamara’s legs.

She instantly wrapped them around his waist and smiled up at him. “I’m ready to ride’em now, cowboy."

He stared into her eyes, losing himself in their dark depths.

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Twin Cowboys for Tamara


He wanted to ask her so many questions, like did living in New York as a high-powered attorney make her happy. Had leaving her daddy and him and Jax and the rest of the ranch behind all been worth it? Didn’t she miss the wide open spaces and clean air of Colorado?

Did she miss
Did she have any regrets at all about leaving?

He didn’t want to inject a pall into their dealings. He didn’t want to rouse her suspicions, but he had a hard time containing his curiosity about her life, his curiosity about
It served him right for not being honest with her from the get-go.

What would Jax do in a situation like this? Easy—his brother would just go with the flow, and wouldn’t think twice about twisting the truth a little if it suited his purpose.

But that wasn’t Jess’s philosophy.

It is now.

When he got right down to it, he acted no different than his brother, at least not where it concerned Tamara. In fact, where it concerned Tamara his dick led him just like any other guy. He hated that. He didn’t want to be just any other guy to her. He didn’t want to be a faceless stranger. But he had sealed his fate when he hadn’t told her his real name, hadn’t he?

“Hey, you still with me?”

“Always.” He concentrated on the expression in her eyes and saw the sadness. She talked a tough game, but she couldn’t hide
, not from him. He wondered what had put the sadness in her eyes. He wondered

Jess reached for the condoms on the bedside table, tore one off the string and ripped it open. He watched Tamara watching him and took great satisfaction in the hungry look on her face as she stared at his hard shaft jutting between them.

She reached out to wrap her fingers around him and Jess shuddered at the contact, immensely pleased that her fingers barely met around the girth of him.

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His size evidently pleased Tamara too for she smacked her lips like she could eat him in one bite, looked up at him and said, “Oh my, cowboy,” with such a sense of awe that Jess’s ears instantly got hot.

He shrugged. “Are you going to release me so I can give you what you want?”

is what I want.” She unwrapped her legs from around his waist and pushed him to his back, instantly straddling his hips.

“You like the superior position.”

“It has its merits.” She licked her lips, and the fact that she showed no signs of releasing him and obviously had something in mind for him made Jess vibrate with anticipation.

Tamara bent her head, took the head of his penis into her mouth, hollowed out her cheeks and sucked him hard.

Jess released a half gurgle, half strangling noise. Her maneuver sent unexpected waves of pleasure shooting through his center and made his balls draw up tight against his groin.

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