Twin Cowboys for Tamara (20 page)

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Authors: Gigi Moore

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Twin Cowboys for Tamara
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At her words, Jess took his hat off and plunked it on her head before sliding down to his knees before her.

She glanced down at him peering up at her from a position that should have been submissive but proved far from it. Submissive didn’t nearly describe the forceful expression in his eyes, nothing meek or mild about the way he licked his lips before easing her shorts down over her hips until he reached her ankles, and she stepped out of them as if enthralled.

Jax unlatched her bra and slid the straps down Tamara’s arms until she stood completely naked between the twins but for the black Stetson perched on her head.

Then her boys really got down to business.

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Twin Cowboys for Tamara


Chapter 15

The thatch of hair covering her cunt glistened with the juices she’d released during her climax and the smell of Tamara’s need almost drove him wild. Her arousal wafted out, affecting him like a drug, and had Jess
slid down to his knees in front of her, his legs probably would have given way beneath the force of his desire.

Jess grasped her hips, tried not to be too rough or dig his fingers in too hard, reveling in the softness of her skin as he drew her closer.

Tamara closed her eyes, arched her neck, and he watched as she cradled her head back against his brother’s shoulder.

Jax slid his hands around her front to cup her bare, voluptuous breasts and Jess swallowed at the sight. His dick throbbed at the downright eroticism of the act, the naturalness and synchronicity of Tamara and Jax’s movements. They looked like erstwhile lovers familiar with each other’s bodies, and now rekindled the old flame.

Jess lost himself in watching them, enjoyed the contrast of Jax’s sun-bronzed skin against Tamara’s slightly darker, caramel complexion. He enjoyed what Jax did to Tamara so much he almost forgot what
wanted to do to her—with her.

The tiny gold ring she had in her navel glinted in the fading light and made him pause.

He couldn’t remember whether he’d noticed it the other times they’d made love, but then he’d been occupied trying to get inside her and not admiring every facet on the outside of her luscious body the way he could have. But he stared at it now, the symbolism of her growth away from the ranch, her wild rebellion and nonconformity not lost on him.

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Gigi Moore

Jess dipped his head, stuck the tip of his tongue into the tiny ring and Tamara shuddered. Whether she reacted from his manipulations, his brother’s or a combination of both, Jess didn’t know. He just went to work tasting her, swirling his tongue around her sexy innie and teasing her navel before trailing his tongue down, down to her sweet moist core.

He glanced up at her face, mesmerized by the expression of rapture on it, her long dark lashes just brushing her pronounced cheekbones. When she bit her bottom lip and moaned, Jess caught himself mimicking her action right before he spread her labial lips with his thumbs and covered her pussy with his mouth.

“Oh yes, Jesse. Please, more…”

His name had never sounded so good to him before. When they’d made love in the motel, she’d thought him Jay. But now she knew his exact identity, knew exactly who made love to her, and it made her happy. Jess licked her soft folds, lovingly stroking her vulva before thrusting his tongue deep inside her and savoring the tangy sweet taste as she slowly pumped her hips against his mouth.

Jess felt her hands burrow in his hair, closed his eyes against the slight tug as she fisted a handful and mewled. Encouraged, he picked up the pace and intensity, replacing his mouth with two fingers as he concentrated on her swollen clit. He taunted the hard numb with his tongue before licking then sucking it into his mouth. Simultaneously, he delved deep with his fingers, scissoring and twisting them until Tamara bucked against his mouth with a gasp.

He felt her thigh muscles tensing beneath him just before she came on a long groan, her cream coating his fingers and dripping down the insides of her legs.

She held his head in place as if he might try to leave before she came down from her high, but Jess had no intentions of going anywhere—not until he sunk his cock into her and felt her silky wet heat surrounding him again.

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Twin Cowboys for Tamara


Jess stayed where he knelt, inhaling the honeyed musk of her juices as her tremors gradually subsided, and she leaned back against Jax for support.

His brother easily accepted her weight, lifting her up into his arms and kneeling down to lay her on the blanket.

Jess stared at his brother over her supine body. He unbuttoned and got off his shirt in record time as Jax peeled off his boxer briefs to set free a mammoth erection.

Jess didn’t let his gaze linger. He had his own erection to worry about and set free.

Tamara rose up and sat on her heels to help Jess get out of his jeans and catch up with Jax. The minute her hands touched him, her warm insistent fingers brushing his waist, Jess thought he would take off and had to grit his teeth to keep from shooting his load prematurely.

She unbuckled his belt then went to work on his button and zipper, peering at him and giving him a gentle pleased smile that he’d thought he’d never see again.

Had she forgiven him?

Before he could dwell on the ramifications of Tamara’s behavior and mood, she reached for his jeans to jerk them and his boxers down over his hips. He sprang free to the mild evening breeze, pre-cum already glistening in his slit.

Tamara bent her head to take him into her mouth and at the first touch of her lips to his dick, Jess tensed and arched his neck.

When Jess caught Jax’s glance, his brother reached out to hand him a condom.

Jess took it, grateful for something to do with his hands and keep his mind off of what Tamara did to him—at least for a few seconds so that he could get his responses under control and not come too soon.

When Jax grasped Tamara’s hips, Jess saw that his brother had already sheathed his cock. He watched as Jax reached between Tamara’s legs to delve into her pussy with his fingers.

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Gigi Moore

Tamara moaned and Jess felt the pulsation of it through his entire body.

Jess couldn’t take his eyes off of Jax as his brother smeared a coating of Tamara’s copious juices over his cock, then guided his erection to Tamara’s back hole.

Jax teased her anus with the head of his dick, slowly pushing against the tight ring of muscles before Tamara’s whimper stopped him. He circled his hips and pushed further, as slowly as he could until a couple more inches of his cock disappeared inside her.

She gasped and pulled her mouth off of Jess as she reached back to catch Jax’s wrist.

“You’re tight back here. Am I hurting you?”

“I’ll be okay. Just give me a moment.”

Jess watched his brother pull almost all the way out of her, and add more of Tamara’s juices to his dick before he began pushing inside of her again. He murmured in her ear, caressing her shoulders as he thrust.

The interplay fascinated Jess, so much so that he didn’t know whether his balls grew heavy and tight because of what he saw and heard or because of the excruciating torture Tamara still inflicted on his cock with her free hand.

Jax took one final plunge that seated him balls deep in Tamara’s ass and Tamara cried out before pushing back against Jax’s groin.

Jess couldn’t take anymore and closed his eyes against the stirring eroticism because if he looked any longer he wouldn’t have been able to draw out the moment. He wouldn’t have been able to stay in the game for just a little longer—just one more moment before he came.

He knocked the hat off her head and buried his hands in Tamara’s hair, gently fisting the silky shoulder-length waves as she took him in her mouth again. He pumped his hips and she added more torture fondling his balls.

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Twin Cowboys for Tamara


“Tamara…” He couldn’t finish, couldn’t
what he wanted to say when she swallowed him whole to the base and sucked hard.

“Oh…Christ! I’m coming…”

He heard the exclamation as if it had come from far away then realized it hadn’t been him who’d cried out. It had been Jax.

Jess opened his eyes to see his brother tightly gripping Tamara’s hips as he stiffened and shot his seed deep inside her. For the longest moment, his brother stood poised as if in suspended animation—face contorted in the grip of his climax, body shuddering—and watching Jax hurtled Jess into his own release.

He came in Tamara’s mouth on a hoarse shout, fisting his hands against her scalp as he threw back his head and arched his back. Jax collapsed over her ass and back.

They knelt like this, huddled together and panting as Tamara finished milking him until he thought his cock as dry as the Mojave.

For a long time, no one moved—probably unable to if the weakness in Jess’s legs was any indication. Finally, Tamara lifted her head from his lap with a muffled pop. She lazily licked his shaft and kissed his cock head before she separated from him to sit back on her haunches.

Almost simultaneously, Jax slid his cock from inside of her, gently caressing and kissing her back before he peeled off the full condom and stood to take care of it.

Jess remained on his knees in front of Tamara and grasped her arms. He pulled her close for a kiss, dipping his tongue into her mouth and tasting himself on her. He probed deeper, stroking his tongue against hers before pulling back to gently nibble and suck her full lower lip.

“I want you inside me,” she murmured and it was all she had to say to get him hard again.

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Gigi Moore

Not that he thought he could ever really be soft around her. Just the sight of her kept him armed and ready, hornier than a hound dog in spring—that’s what his Tamara did to him.

She’s your and Jax’s Tamara.

Strangely, the thought didn’t leave him as cold as he thought it would, didn’t get him as all-fired riled as he had been when he’d first ridden up and saw them together in that clinch.

He had to admit he’d wanted to pound his brother’s face to mush, had never been so jealous, so angry in his life. But something about watching Jax and Tamara making love, the look of pleasure on her face at what Jax did to her, the provocative, sensuous look of them together, diffused his resentment and replaced it with a sense of sublime satisfaction.

He glanced passed Tamara’s shoulder to watch Jax getting dressed, appreciated his brother giving him and Tamara a little privacy and space. He brought his gaze back to Tamara. “You know I want nothing better than to be inside that hot pussy, darlin’.”

She licked her lips and took the condom that he’d forgotten all about out of his hand.

He watched in awe as she ripped open the packet then skillfully, slowly rolled its content down over his erect and still hardening shaft.

When she got done, Jess brought his legs around to sit on the blanket and let Tamara straddle him.

She took his hard shaft in one hand and positioned her opening just over the head of it, teasing her creamy folds with just the tip until Jess thought he would pass out from the pleasure of watching her. She slowly eased down onto his shaft, gradually taking his eager length into her body and impaling herself beneath Jess’s captivated stare.

He brought his arms up around her back to hold her close as she ground her hips against him first then rocked and undulated. He felt her squeeze her pussy muscles around him, her hot and moist walls holding his cock a willing hostage.

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Twin Cowboys for Tamara


Jess closed his eyes, pulsing deep inside her and finally found the strength to move. He pitched his hips up to meet her downward thrusts until they had a nice rhythm going, building an enticing and overpowering friction that had them both panting and perspiring within moments.

He lowered his head to lave and kiss a breast before taking the hard nipple into his mouth to tease with his teeth and tongue.

With a groan, Tamara sped her plunges, riding him hard and driving them both over the brink straight into the rapturous abyss of ecstasy.

Jess squeezed her to him, her soft breasts flattening against the rough material of his flannel shirt. But Tamara didn’t seem to care, convulsing around him as she returned his fierce hug and lowered her head. She nuzzled her nose against his throat and inhaled deeply before nipping the patch of skin between his neck and shoulder.

Jess shuddered and just held her for a long while, unwilling to end the moment or let her go—ever. But giving in to inevitability, he finally released Tamara and allowed her to stand.

He quickly followed, pulling his jeans back over his hips, buttoning and zipping them before he buckled his belt and while Tamara gathered her still damp underwear.

He watched as she slid on first her boy shorts then the matching bra. His critter already stirred back to life in his jeans, impatient for the next time when he could get her out of her underwear again, and he had just

Jess retrieved his hat and put it on before he found the rest of Tamara’s clothes. He handed her jeans over and watched as she pulled the denim up and over her hips before pulling her orange shirt on over her head. “We need to get you home and into some dry clothes before you catch your death.”

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